public ActionResult GetInwardDistReport(DateTime? fromDate, DateTime? toDate, string ReportList)
                var TempleID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Cookies["dcsankirtan"].Values["TempleID"]);
                if (fromDate == null || toDate == null)
                    return RedirectToAction("ValidationError", "Error", new { errorMesage = "From date and To date must be a valid date" });
                if (ReportList == "InDist")

                    ReportDataAccess Rpt = new ReportDataAccess();
                    var rptResult = Rpt.GetInventoryReportByDateRange(fromDate.Value, toDate.Value, TempleID);
                    return PartialView("InventoryInwardDistReport", rptResult);

                    throw new Exception("Report type not supported");

            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.PageError = ex.Message;
                  return RedirectToAction("ValidationError", "Error", new { errorMesage =  ex.Message });
            //    return PartialView("JobReportSearchResult", null);