        public IEnumerator Explosion(float delay = 0.5f)
            //create explosion at origin
            CreateExplosion(new Point(( int )transform.position.x, ( int )transform.position.z));

            var currentGrid = new Point(Mathf.Abs(( int )transform.position.x), Mathf.Abs(( int )transform.position.z));

            //check for grid extrems or if the next block is indestructible
            var canMoveUp    = (currentGrid.y - 1) >= 0 && mapData.GetValue(currentGrid.x, currentGrid.y - 1) != Constants.INDESTRUCTABLE_WALL_ID;
            var canMoveDown  = (currentGrid.y + 1) < mapData.height && mapData.GetValue(currentGrid.x, currentGrid.y + 1) != Constants.INDESTRUCTABLE_WALL_ID;
            var canMoveRight = (currentGrid.x + 1) < mapData.width && mapData.GetValue(currentGrid.x + 1, currentGrid.y) != Constants.INDESTRUCTABLE_WALL_ID;
            var canMoveLeft  = (currentGrid.x - 1) >= 0 && mapData.GetValue(currentGrid.x - 1, currentGrid.y) != Constants.INDESTRUCTABLE_WALL_ID;

            //add grids to be used for explosin and update for next block
            for (var i = 1; i <= range; i++)
                if (canMoveUp)
                    var point = new Point(( int )transform.position.x, ( int )transform.position.z + i);

                    var isCurrentBlockDestructibleWall = mapData.GetValue(point.x, point.AbsY) == Constants.DESTRUCTABLE_WALL_ID;
                    DestroyCurrentBlockAndUpdateMapData(isCurrentBlockDestructibleWall, point);

                    //check if next point is valid
                    canMoveUp = point.y + 1 <= 0 &&
                                !isCurrentBlockDestructibleWall &&
                                mapData.GetValue(point.x, point.AbsY - 1) != Constants.INDESTRUCTABLE_WALL_ID;
                if (canMoveDown)
                    var point = new Point(( int )transform.position.x, ( int )transform.position.z - i);

                    var isCurrentBlockDestructibleWall = mapData.GetValue(point.x, point.AbsY) == Constants.DESTRUCTABLE_WALL_ID;
                    DestroyCurrentBlockAndUpdateMapData(isCurrentBlockDestructibleWall, point);

                    //check if next point is valid
                    canMoveDown = point.AbsY + 1 < mapData.height &&
                                  !isCurrentBlockDestructibleWall &&
                                  mapData.GetValue(point.x, point.AbsY + 1) != Constants.INDESTRUCTABLE_WALL_ID;
                if (canMoveRight)
                    var point = new Point(( int )transform.position.x + i, ( int )transform.position.z);

                    var isCurrentBlockDestructibleWall = mapData.GetValue(point.x, point.AbsY) == Constants.DESTRUCTABLE_WALL_ID;
                    DestroyCurrentBlockAndUpdateMapData(isCurrentBlockDestructibleWall, point);

                    //check if next point is valid
                    canMoveRight = point.x + 1 < mapData.width &&
                                   !isCurrentBlockDestructibleWall &&
                                   mapData.GetValue(point.x + 1, point.AbsY) != Constants.INDESTRUCTABLE_WALL_ID;
                if (canMoveLeft)
                    var point = new Point(( int )transform.position.x - i, ( int )transform.position.z);

                    var isCurrentBlockDestructibleWall = mapData.GetValue(point.x, point.AbsY) == Constants.DESTRUCTABLE_WALL_ID;
                    DestroyCurrentBlockAndUpdateMapData(isCurrentBlockDestructibleWall, point);

                    //check if next point is valid
                    canMoveLeft = point.x - 1 >= 0 &&
                                  !isCurrentBlockDestructibleWall &&
                                  mapData.GetValue(point.x - 1, point.AbsY) != Constants.INDESTRUCTABLE_WALL_ID;

                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay));

            //post explosion cleanup
            //explosion over, clear the grid

 /// <summary>
 /// check if the controller can move to next available point
 /// </summary>
 protected bool IsValidMove(Point point)
     return((point.x >= 0 && point.x < mapData.width && point.y <= 0 && point.AbsY < mapData.height) &&
            (mapData.GetValue(point.AbsX, point.AbsY) == 0 || (mapData.GetValue(point.AbsX, point.AbsY)) > Constants.INDESTRUCTABLE_WALL_ID));