private void Subscription_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int row = 0; //load the customer list method with the data from mysql MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(connec); connection.Open(); string query3 = "SELECT * FROM subscriptions as s1 JOIN customers as c1 ON s1.Customer_ID = c1.Customer_ID "; MySqlCommand comm = connection.CreateCommand(); comm.CommandText = query3; DataTable table = new DataTable(); MySqlDataAdapter adapt = new MySqlDataAdapter(query3, connection); adapt.Fill(table); while (row < table.Rows.Count) { SubscriptionsDA sub = new SubscriptionsDA(); sub.Customer_id = Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[row]["Customer_ID"]); sub.Subscription_id = Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[row]["Subscription_ID"]); sub.Customer_name = table.Rows[row]["Company"].ToString(); subLB.Items.Add(sub.show_sub2()); row += 1; } row = 0; connection.Close(); //load the invoice list method with the data from mysql connection.Open(); string query4 = "Select * FROM invoices WHERE invoice_completed_1y_2n = 1"; MySqlCommand comm2 = connection.CreateCommand(); comm2.CommandText = query3; DataTable table2 = new DataTable(); MySqlDataAdapter adapt2 = new MySqlDataAdapter(query4, connection); adapt2.Fill(table2); while (row < table2.Rows.Count) { InvoicesDA sub = new InvoicesDA(); sub.Invoice_id = Convert.ToInt32(table2.Rows[row]["Invoice_ID"]); sub.Sub_total = Convert.ToInt32(table2.Rows[row]["Sub_Total"]); sub.Date = table2.Rows[row]["invoice_date"].ToString(); invoice_lstbx.Items.Add(sub.Show_inv()); row += 1; } row = 0; connection.Close(); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ( radBCredit.Checked == false && radCreditCard.Checked == false && radWireTrans.Checked == false ) { MessageBox.Show("please select a payment type"); } else { //insert int he databse the filled fields SubscriptionsDA sub = new SubscriptionsDA(); sub.Start_date = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); sub.End_date = dateTimePicker2.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); sub.Customer_id = Convert.ToInt32(id_lbl.Text); if (radBCredit.Checked) { sub.Payment_method = "Bombardier Credit"; } else if (radCreditCard.Checked) { sub.Payment_method = "Credit card"; } else if (radWireTrans.Checked) { sub.Payment_method = "Wire Transfer"; } sub.Active = 1; MySqlConnection connection3 = new MySqlConnection(connec); connection3.Open(); string query3 = "INSERT INTO btm495.subscriptions(Start_Date, End_Date, Payment_Method, Customer_ID, Active) VALUES( @Start_Date, @End_Date, @Payment_Method , (SELECT Customer_ID FROM btm495.customers WHERE (Customer_ID = " + sub.Customer_id + ")) , @Active )"; MySqlCommand comme = connection3.CreateCommand(); comme.CommandText = query3; comme.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Start_Date", sub.Start_date); comme.Parameters.AddWithValue("@End_Date", sub.End_date); comme.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Payment_Method", sub.Payment_method); comme.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Active", sub.Active); comme.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection3.Close(); // select the last created subscription MySqlConnection connection4 = new MySqlConnection(connec); connection4.Open(); string query4 = "SELECT max(Subscription_ID) AS sub FROM btm495.subscriptions as s1 "; MySqlDataAdapter adapt = new MySqlDataAdapter(query4, connection4); adapt.Fill(table3); while (row < table3.Rows.Count) { varSubscription_id = Convert.ToInt32(table3.Rows[row]["sub"]); row += 1; } row = 0; connection4.Close(); //select the last created invoice MySqlConnection connection5 = new MySqlConnection(connec); connection5.Open(); string query6 = "SELECT max(Invoice_ID) AS inv FROM btm495.invoices as i1 "; MySqlDataAdapter adapt2 = new MySqlDataAdapter(query6, connection5); adapt2.Fill(table4); while (row < table4.Rows.Count) { varorderinv = Convert.ToInt32(table4.Rows[row]["inv"]); row += 1; } row = 0; connection5.Close(); //add to the sales order table //select the right product selectedItems = new ListBox.SelectedObjectCollection(product_list); selectedItems = product_list.SelectedItems; int selectedIndex = product_list.SelectedIndex; if (selectedIndex != -1) { for (int i = selectedItems.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { prodIDii = selectedItems[i].ToString(); } prodIDiii = prodIDii.Split(','); prodID = Convert.ToInt32(prodIDiii[0]); } Sales_OrdersDA sales = new Sales_OrdersDA(); sales.Subscription_id = varSubscription_id; sales.Order_date = DateTime.Now.ToString(); sales.Product_id = prodID; sales.Invoice_id = varorderinv; MySqlConnection connection6 = new MySqlConnection(connec); connection6.Open(); string query5 = "INSERT INTO btm495.sales_orders(Order_Date, Subscription_ID, products_Product_ID, invoices_Invoice_ID) VALUES( @Order_Date, (SELECT Subscription_ID FROM btm495.subscriptions WHERE (Subscription_ID = " + sales.Subscription_id + ")),(SELECT Product_ID FROM btm495.products WHERE (Product_ID = " + sales.Product_id + ")), (SELECT Invoice_ID FROM btm495.invoices WHERE (Invoice_ID = " + sales.Invoice_id + ")) )"; MySqlCommand comme2 = connection6.CreateCommand(); comme2.CommandText = query5; comme2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Order_Date", sales.Order_date); comme2.ExecuteNonQuery(); // - fill the subscription ID label txtSubID.Text = sales.Subscription_id.ToString(); // display confimation - MessageBox.Show("subscription number " + sales.Subscription_id + " succesfully added ! " + Environment.NewLine + " If you wish to continue your purchase order please select a new product and date, the rest will be taken care of."); connection6.Close(); } }