public void Delete(Ranking model)
     using (var context = new BolfTrackerContext())
 public void Add(Ranking model)
     using (var context = new BolfTrackerContext())
         context.Entry(model).State = EntityState.Added;
        public void CalculateRankings(int month, int year)
            // The easiest thing to do now is to just delete all of the rankings and insert the updated stats
            DeleteRankings(month, year);

            var games = _gameRepository.GetFinalizedByMonthAndYear(month, year);
            var playerGameStatistics = _playerGameStatisticsRepository.GetByMonthAndYear(month, year);
            var shots = _shotRepository.GetByMonthAndYear(month, year);
            var players = _playerRepository.GetActiveByMonthAndYear(month, year);

            // The eligibility line will only sample the top half of players sorted by number of games played
            int eligibilityLine = DetermineEligibilityLine(games, players, playerGameStatistics);

            // The second thing we want to do is find the top ranked player because we will need their stats
            // to be able to calculate the "games back" for all other players
            decimal topPlayerWinningPercentage = 0.00M;
            int topPlayerWins = 0, topPlayerLosses = 0, topPlayerTotalPoints = 0, topPlayerPointsPerGame = 0;

            Action<decimal, int, int, int, int> setTopPlayerStats =
                (winningPercentage, wins, losses, totalPoints, pointsPerGame) =>
                    topPlayerWinningPercentage = winningPercentage;
                    topPlayerWins = wins;
                    topPlayerLosses = losses;
                    topPlayerTotalPoints = totalPoints;
                    topPlayerPointsPerGame = pointsPerGame;

            foreach (var player in players)
                int wins = playerGameStatistics.Count(gs => gs.Player.Id == player.Id && gs.Winner);
                int losses = playerGameStatistics.Count(gs => gs.Player.Id == player.Id && !gs.Winner);
                int totalPoints = playerGameStatistics.Where(gs => gs.Player.Id == player.Id).Sum(gs => gs.Points);
                int pointsPerGame = totalPoints / (wins + losses);

                decimal winningPercentage = (losses > 0) ? Decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(wins) / Convert.ToDecimal(wins + losses), 3, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) : 1.00M;

                // Player must first be eligible to be determined as the top player
                if ((wins + losses) >= eligibilityLine)
                    // From here on down, use our top player algorithm to determine result (winning percentage --> ppg --> total points)
                    if (winningPercentage > topPlayerWinningPercentage)
                        setTopPlayerStats(winningPercentage, wins, losses, totalPoints, pointsPerGame);
                    else if (winningPercentage == topPlayerWinningPercentage)
                        if (pointsPerGame > topPlayerPointsPerGame)
                            setTopPlayerStats(winningPercentage, wins, losses, totalPoints, pointsPerGame);
                        else if (pointsPerGame == topPlayerPointsPerGame)
                            if (totalPoints > topPlayerTotalPoints)
                                setTopPlayerStats(winningPercentage, wins, losses, totalPoints, pointsPerGame);

            // Next go through each player and calculate ranking stats to be put in the database
            foreach (var player in players)
                var ranking = new Ranking() { Player = player, Month = month, Year = year };

                ranking.Wins = playerGameStatistics.Count(gs => gs.Player.Id == player.Id && gs.Winner);
                ranking.Losses = playerGameStatistics.Count(gs => gs.Player.Id == player.Id && !gs.Winner);
                ranking.WinningPercentage = Decimal.Round((decimal)ranking.Wins / (decimal)ranking.TotalGames, 3, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                ranking.TotalPoints = playerGameStatistics.Where(gs => gs.Player.Id == player.Id).Sum(gs => gs.Points);
                ranking.PointsPerGame = Convert.ToInt32(Decimal.Round((decimal)ranking.TotalPoints / (decimal)ranking.TotalGames, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)); //ranking.TotalPoints / ranking.TotalGames;
                ranking.Eligible = ranking.TotalGames >= eligibilityLine;

                var lastTenGames = playerGameStatistics.Where(gs => gs.Player.Id == player.Id).OrderByDescending(gs => gs.Game.Date).Take(10);

                ranking.LastTenWins = lastTenGames.Count(gs => gs.Player.Id == player.Id && gs.Winner);
                ranking.LastTenLosses = lastTenGames.Count(gs => gs.Player.Id == player.Id && !gs.Winner);
                ranking.LastTenWinningPercentage = Decimal.Round((decimal)ranking.LastTenWins / (decimal)ranking.LastTenTotalGames, 3, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

                if (ranking.WinningPercentage != topPlayerWinningPercentage)
                    ranking.GamesBack = Decimal.Round((Convert.ToDecimal((topPlayerWins - topPlayerLosses) - (ranking.Wins - ranking.Losses))) / 2M, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

