private void UpdatePredator(Predator predator, Velocity velocity, Settings settings) { predator.Velocity = BoidHelper.AdjustVelocity(velocity, settings.MaxVelocityBoid); predator.Position.X += velocity.X; predator.Position.Y += velocity.Y; //Out of bounce predator.Position.X = (predator.Position.X > 100) ? predator.Position.X - 100 : (predator.Position.X < 0) ? predator.Position.X + 100 : predator.Position.X; predator.Position.Y = (predator.Position.Y > 100) ? predator.Position.Y - 100 : (predator.Position.Y < 0) ? predator.Position.Y + 100 : predator.Position.Y; //Angle predator.Velocity.Deg = Math.Atan2(predator.Position.Y, predator.Position.X) * 180.0 / Math.PI; }
private void Reproduce(Predator other) { float aux = _globalFlock.EnvironmentSize - 2; Vector3 pos = Random.insideUnitSphere * aux; GameObject whale = Instantiate(_globalFlock.PredatorPrefab, pos, Quaternion.identity); Flock.Predators.Add(whale); whale.GetComponent <Predator>().Inherit( Random.value >= 0.5f ? _vision : other._vision, Random.value >= 0.5f ? _expectedLife : other._expectedLife, Random.value >= 0.5f ? _capacity : other._capacity, Random.value >= 0.5f ? _metabolism : other._metabolism, _energy + other._energy ); _nextReproduction = Time.time + RestReproduction * Random.value >= FertilityChance ? 0.5f : 1f; }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.CompareTag("Tree")) { _energy = Mathf.Min(_energy + other.GetComponent <FishFood>().Eat(_bite), _capacity); _lastTree = other.gameObject.GetComponent <FishFood>(); } else if (other.CompareTag("Predator")) { Predator predator = other.GetComponent <Predator>(); if (predator.Energy >= predator.Capacity) { return; } predator.Eat(); Die(); } else if (!_isMale && other.CompareTag("Fish")) { Fish fish = other.gameObject.GetComponent <Fish>(); if (fish._isMale == _isMale || Time.time < _nextReproduction || Time.time < fish._nextReproduction || fish._energy <= fish._capacity / 2.0f || _energy <= _capacity / 2.0f) { return; } if (Random.value > NoDiscriminationChance) { float alpha1 = transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <InhibitorActivator>().GetAlpha(); float alpha2 = other.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <InhibitorActivator>().GetAlpha(); float skinFactor = Mathf.Abs(alpha1 - alpha2); float dist = Vector3.Distance(transform.localScale, other.transform.localScale); if (skinFactor > MaxSDifference || dist > MaxTDifference) { return; } } fish.UpdateNexReproduction(); UpdateNexReproduction(); Reproduce(fish); if (Random.value <= DoubleChildProb) { Reproduce(fish); } } }
public Predator CreateNewPredator() { var predator = new Predator { Position = new Position { X = BoidHelper.GetRandomNumber(0, 800), Y = BoidHelper.GetRandomNumber(0, 600) }, Velocity = new Velocity { X = BoidHelper.GetRandomNumber(-10, 10), Y = BoidHelper.GetRandomNumber(-10, 10) } }; predator.Velocity = BoidHelper.AdjustVelocity(predator.Velocity, 5); //Out of bounce predator.Position.X = (predator.Position.X > 800) ? predator.Position.X - 800 : (predator.Position.X < 0) ? predator.Position.X + 800 : predator.Position.X; predator.Position.Y = (predator.Position.Y > 600) ? predator.Position.Y - 600 : (predator.Position.Y < 0) ? predator.Position.Y + 600 : predator.Position.Y; //Angle predator.Velocity.Deg = Math.Atan2(predator.Position.Y, predator.Position.X) * 180.0 / Math.PI; return(predator); }
private void Update() { if (Time.time >= _nextSeason) { _nextSeason = Time.time + SeasonRate; int a = Mathf.RoundToInt(Random.Range(0, _soureces.Count - 0.51f)); int i = 0; foreach (List <GameObject> l in _soureces) { bool active = Random.value <= SourceChance || a == i; foreach (GameObject plant in l) { plant.SetActive(active); } i++; } } if (!_predators && Predator.MalesAlive + Predator.FemalesAlive < 2) { Predators.Add(Instantiate(PredatorPrefab,, Quaternion.identity)); } if (_predators && Time.time >= AppearanceTime) { _predators = false; float aux1 = EnvironmentSize - 2f; for (int i = 0; i < PredatorsNum; i++) { Vector3 tmp = new Vector3( Random.Range(-aux1, aux1), Random.Range(-aux1, aux1), Random.Range(-aux1, aux1)); Predators.Add(Instantiate(PredatorPrefab, tmp, Quaternion.identity)); } } if (Time.time >= _nextMating) { if (_matingSeason) { _matingSeason = false; _nextMating += MatingSeason; foreach (GameObject whale in Predators) { Predator predator = whale.GetComponent <Predator>(); if (!predator.IsMale) { predator.Mating = false; } } if (_bestWhale != null) { _bestWhale.SetAlpha(false); } } else { float maxEnergy = 0; foreach (GameObject whale in Predators) { Predator predator = whale.GetComponent <Predator>(); if (predator.IsMale && predator.Energy > maxEnergy) { maxEnergy = predator.Energy; _bestWhale = predator; } } if (_bestWhale != null) { foreach (GameObject whale in Predators) { Predator predator = whale.GetComponent <Predator>(); if (!predator.IsMale) { predator.Mate(_bestWhale.gameObject); } } _bestWhale.SetAlpha(true); _bestWhale.Energy /= 2; _matingSeason = true; _nextMating += MatingDuration; } else { _nextMating += MatingSeason; } } } }