protected void UpdatePhoto(object o, EventArgs e) { Photo p = new Photo(int.Parse(this.uiPhotoKLabel.Text)); p.SetAsPhotoOfWeek(uiPhotoOfWeek.Checked, uiPhotoOfWeekUserCaption.Text, false, uiResetDateTime.Checked); p.BlockedFromPhotoOfWeekUser = uiPhotoOfWeekUserBlocked.Checked; p.Update(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { PhotoSet ps = getCompetitionPhotos(4); if (ps.Count > 0) { uiPhotoDataList.ItemTemplate = this.LoadTemplate("/Templates/GroupPhotos/CompetitionPhotoIcon.ascx"); uiPhotoDataList.DataSource = ps; uiPhotoDataList.DataBind(); Photo photo = ps[0]; if (!Url["k"].IsNull) { int photoK = Url["k"].ValueInt; Photo p1 = ps.First(p => p.K == photoK); if (p1 != null) { photo = p1; } else { // could still be an old competition photo in which case allow it. Photo p2 = new Photo(photoK); if (p2.ChildGroupPhotos().First(g => g.GroupK == Vars.CompetitionGroupK) != null) { photo = p2; } } } uiPhoto.Src = photo.WebPath; uiPhoto.Width = photo.WebWidth; uiPhoto.Height = photo.WebHeight; uiPhotoUrl.HRef = photo.Url(); uiCommentsDisplay.ParentObject = photo; if (photo.Thread != null) { uiCommentsDisplay.CurrentThread = photo.Thread; this.ThreadK.Value = photo.Thread.K.ToString(); } uiCommentsDisplay.DataBind(); currentPhotoK = photo.K; } duplicateGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); ContainerPage.Title = competitionTitle; if (Usr.Current == null) { uiCaptionText.Enabled = false; uiCaptionText.Text = "Please sign in to post a caption!"; uiPost.Disabled = true; } else uiCaptionText.Focus(); }
public void Disable(object o, System.EventArgs e) { Photo p = new Photo(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["PhotoK"])); if (!p.ContentDisabled) { p.ContentDisabled = true; p.Update(); p.Gallery.UpdatePhotoOrder(null); OutLabel.Text = "Picture " + p.K.ToString() + " has had it's contents disabled"; } }
protected void GetPhoto(object o, EventArgs e) { Photo p = new Photo(int.Parse(this.uiPhotoK.Text)); this.uiPhotoDetails.Visible = true; this.uiPhotoKLabel.Text = p.K.ToString(); this.uiPhotoImg.Src = p.WebPath; this.uiPhotoImg.Width = p.WebWidth; this.uiPhotoImg.Height = p.WebHeight; this.uiPhotoOfWeek.Checked = p.PhotoOfWeekUser; this.uiPhotoOfWeekUserCaption.Text = p.PhotoOfWeekUserCaption; this.uiPhotoOfWeekUserBlocked.Checked = p.BlockedFromPhotoOfWeekUser; }
public void DeleteNow(object o, System.EventArgs e) { if (ObjectTypeDropDown.SelectedValue.Equals("Photo")) { Photo c = new Photo(int.Parse(ObjectKTextBox.Text)); SendEmail(c); Delete.DeleteAll(c); } else if (ObjectTypeDropDown.SelectedValue.Equals("Gallery")) { Gallery c = new Gallery(int.Parse(ObjectKTextBox.Text)); SendEmail(c); Delete.DeleteAll(c); } else if (ObjectTypeDropDown.SelectedValue.Equals("Venue")) { Venue c = new Venue(int.Parse(ObjectKTextBox.Text)); SendEmail(c); Delete.DeleteAll(c); } else if (ObjectTypeDropDown.SelectedValue.Equals("Event")) { Event c = new Event(int.Parse(ObjectKTextBox.Text)); SendEmail(c); Delete.DeleteAll(c); } else if (ObjectTypeDropDown.SelectedValue.Equals("Comment")) { Comment c = new Comment(int.Parse(ObjectKTextBox.Text)); SendEmail(c); Delete.DeleteAll(c); } else if (ObjectTypeDropDown.SelectedValue.Equals("Thread")) { Thread c = new Thread(int.Parse(ObjectKTextBox.Text)); SendEmail(c); Delete.DeleteAll(c); } else if (ObjectTypeDropDown.SelectedValue.Equals("Usr")) { Usr c = new Usr(int.Parse(ObjectKTextBox.Text)); SendEmail(c); Delete.DeleteAll(c); } else if (ObjectTypeDropDown.SelectedValue.Equals("Article")) { Article c = new Article(int.Parse(ObjectKTextBox.Text)); SendEmail(c); Delete.DeleteAll(c); } DoneLabel.Visible = true; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Photo p = null; if (ContainerPage.Url.HasPhotoObjectFilter) { p = ContainerPage.Url.ObjectFilterPhoto; } else if (ContainerPage.Url.HasGalleryObjectFilter) { try { if (ContainerPage.Url["photok"].IsInt) p = new Photo(ContainerPage.Url["photok"]); } catch { } if (p == null) { try { if (ContainerPage.Url.ObjectFilterGallery.MainPhotoK > 0 && ContainerPage.Url.ObjectFilterGallery.MainPhoto != null) p = ContainerPage.Url.ObjectFilterGallery.MainPhoto; } catch { } } if (p == null) { try { if (ContainerPage.Url.ObjectFilterGallery.LivePhotos > 0) p = ContainerPage.Url.ObjectFilterGallery.ChildPhotos( Photo.EnabledQueryCondition, Photo.DefaultOrder )[0]; } catch { } } } string page = (1 + (p.GalleryTimeOrder / Spotted.Pages.Events.Photos.NumberOfPhotosPerPage)).ToString(); if (page == "1") { page = null; } if (p.EventK > 0) { Response.Redirect(p.Event.UrlApp("photos", "gallery", p.GalleryK.ToString(), "photo", p.K.ToString(), "photopage", page)); } else { Response.Redirect(p.Article.UrlApp("photos", "gallery", p.GalleryK.ToString(), "photo", p.K.ToString(), "photopage", page)); } }
public override bool Encode(Photo p, Photo.EncoderStatusDelegate Status, Photo.MeaningfulActivityDelegate Active, int MinutesUntilKill1) { try { StatusString = "[STRT]"; //lets see if upload temporary file exists... if (Storage.ExistsInStore(Storage.Stores.Temporary, p.UploadTemporary, p.UploadTemporaryExtention)) { p.SaveWeb(Photo.SaveWebFileSourceLocations.UploadTemporary, p.Rotate, Status, Active); } else if (Storage.ExistsInStore(Storage.Stores.Master, p.Master, "jpg")) { p.SaveWeb(Photo.SaveWebFileSourceLocations.Master, p.Rotate, Status, Active); } else { //We don't have the upload temporary file OR the master file... so delete the photo? throw new Exception("Can't find image file to encode!"); } Active(); Photo.FinishProcessUploadedFile(p, p.Gallery, p.Usr); p.IsProcessing = false; p.Update(); Active(); Status(p.K + " Updating gallery etc..."); Status(p.K + " Done! ************************************"); } catch (Exception ex) { Status(p.K + " Caught exception XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"); Status(p.K + " Caught exception: " + ex.ToString()); throw ex; } finally { Status(p.K + " Finalising..."); StatusString = "[----]"; Status(p.K + " Finalising done."); } return true; }
public void TestInsertsFireInvalidationTriggers() { Tag tag = new Tag(); tag.Update(); Photo photo = new Photo(); photo.Update(); Caching.Instances.Main.FlushAll(); string version = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); Caching.Instances.Main.Set(Caching.CacheKeys.Tag.TagPhotos(tag.K), version); TagPhoto tagPhoto = new TagPhoto() { TagK = tag.K, PhotoK = photo.K}; Assert.AreEqual(version, Caching.Instances.Main.Get(Caching.CacheKeys.Tag.TagPhotos(tag.K))); tagPhoto.Update(); Assert.AreNotEqual(version, Caching.Instances.Main.Get(Caching.CacheKeys.Tag.TagPhotos(tag.K))); }
public void TestDeletesFireInvalidationTriggers() { Tag tag = new Tag(); tag.Update(); Photo photo2 = new Photo(); photo2.Update(); Photo photo = new Photo(); photo.Update(); Caching.Instances.Main.FlushAll(); TagPhoto tagPhoto = new TagPhoto() { TagK = tag.K, PhotoK = photo.K}; tagPhoto.Update(); string version = Caching.Instances.Main.Get(Caching.CacheKeys.Tag.TagPhotos(tag.K)) as string; tagPhoto.Delete(); Assert.AreNotEqual(version, Caching.Instances.Main.Get(Caching.CacheKeys.Tag.TagPhotos(tag.K))); }
void LoadPhotoIntoView(Photo photo) { if (photo != null) { //this.view.TaggingControl.Taggable = photo; this.view.UsrsInPhotoHtml = service.GetUsrsInPhotoHtml(view.Photo.K); this.view.UsrSpotted = view.CurrentUsrK != null && service.UsrHasBeenSpotted(photo.K, view.CurrentUsrK.Value); this.view.IsFavouritePhoto = Usr.Current != null && service.PhotoIsFavouritedByCurrentUser(photo.K, view.CurrentUsrK.Value); this.view.DisplayMakeFrontPageOptions = photo.EventK > 0 && photo.Event != null && photo.Event.Venue.Place.Country.IsCurrentUsrAdmin; if (Usr.Current != null && Usr.Current.IsAdmin) { view.DisplayAdminOptions(); } } else { this.view.DisplayMakeFrontPageOptions = false; } }
public void Command(object o, CommandEventArgs e) { if (CurrentPhoto.K == int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString())) { if (e.CommandName.Equals("Delete")) { CurrentPhoto = new Photo(CurrentPhoto.K); if (Usr.Current.K == CurrentPhoto.UsrK || Usr.Current.IsSenior) { Delete.DeleteAll(CurrentPhoto); } } else if (e.CommandName.Equals("MakeMain")) { if (Usr.Current.K == CurrentGallery.OwnerUsrK || Usr.Current.IsSenior) { CurrentGallery.MainPhotoK = CurrentPhoto.K; CurrentGallery.Update(); ((Spotted.Master.DsiPage)Page).AnchorSkip("Photo" + CurrentPhoto.K.ToString()); } } PhotoAdminPage.Refresh(); } }
public void Command(object o, CommandEventArgs e) { if (CurrentPhoto.K == int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString())) { if (e.CommandName.Equals("Delete")) { CurrentPhoto = new Photo(CurrentPhoto.K); if (Usr.Current.K == CurrentPhoto.UsrK || Usr.Current.IsSenior) { Delete.DeleteAll(CurrentPhoto); } } else if (e.CommandName.Equals("Retry")) { CurrentPhoto = new Photo(CurrentPhoto.K); if (Usr.Current.K == CurrentPhoto.UsrK || Usr.Current.IsSenior) { CurrentPhoto.ProcessingAttempts = 0; CurrentPhoto.Update(); } } PhotoAdminPage.Refresh(); } }
public void EnableSelected(object o, System.EventArgs e) { int enabled = 0; bool sentChatAlert = false; // bool galleryEmptyBefore = false; // if (CurrentGallery.LivePhotos==0) // galleryEmptyBefore = true; SelectedOutputP.InnerHtml = ""; foreach (string str in Request.Form.Keys) { if (str.StartsWith("ucEditGalleryPhotoSelectK") && Request.Form[str].Equals("1")) { enabled++; string str1 = str.Substring(25); SelectedOutputP.InnerHtml += "Enabling photo " + str1 + "..."; try { int photoK = int.Parse(str1); Photo p = new Photo(photoK); if (p.GalleryK != CurrentGallery.K) { SelectedOutputP.InnerHtml += " <b>FAILED</b> - photo is not in current gallery. Please contact admin with details."; } else if (!p.Status.Equals(Photo.StatusEnum.Moderate)) { SelectedOutputP.InnerHtml += " <b>FAILED</b> - photo is not new. Maybe someone already enabled it?"; } else { p.Status = Photo.StatusEnum.Enabled; p.EnabledByUsrK = Usr.Current.K; p.EnabledDateTime = DateTime.Now; p.Update(); if (!sentChatAlert) { p.SendPhotoChatAlerts(); sentChatAlert = true; } SelectedOutputP.InnerHtml += " Done."; } } catch { SelectedOutputP.InnerHtml += " <b>FAILED</b> - exception while deleting photo. Maybe someone already deleted it?"; } SelectedOutputP.InnerHtml += "<br>"; } } if (enabled == 0) SelectedOutputP.InnerHtml += "<b>NO PHOTOS ENABLED</b> - You didn't select any photos."; SelectedOutputP.Visible = true; if (enabled > 0) { CurrentGallery.LastLiveDateTime = DateTime.Now; CurrentGallery.UpdateStats(null, true); CurrentGallery.UpdatePhotoOrder(null); CurrentGallery.Owner.UpdateTotalPhotos(null); if (CurrentGallery.Event != null) { CurrentGallery.Event.UpdateTotalPhotos(null); CurrentGallery.Event.UpdateTotalComments(null); } if (CurrentGallery.Article != null) CurrentGallery.Article.UpdateTotalComments(null); // if (galleryEmptyBefore && CurrentGallery.LivePhotos>0) // { // //Send emails... // new System.Threading.Thread(new ThreadStart(CurrentGallery.SendNewGalleryEmails)).Start(); // } } Bind(); ContainerPage.AnchorSkip("ActionsPanel"); }
public static Photo GetLatestTopPhoto(bool useCache, bool setCacheIfEmpty) { if (useCache) { try { int k = Caching.Instances.Main.Get(new CacheKey(CacheKeyPrefix.LatestTopPhoto), () => 0); if (k > 0) { Photo p = new Photo(k); if (p.PhotoOfWeekUser) return p; } } catch { } } Query q = new Query(); q.TopRecords = 1; q.QueryCondition = new Q(Photo.Columns.PhotoOfWeekUser, true); q.OrderBy = new OrderBy(Photo.Columns.PhotoOfWeekUserDateTime, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending); PhotoSet ps = new PhotoSet(q); if (setCacheIfEmpty && ps.Count > 0) { Caching.Instances.Main.Set(new CacheKey(CacheKeyPrefix.LatestTopPhoto), ps[0].K.ToString()); } return ps.Count > 0 ? ps[0] : null; }
public CachedSqlSelect<Photo> ChildPhotos(Q where, params KeyValuePair<object, OrderBy.OrderDirection>[] orderBy) { PhotoTableDef def = new PhotoTableDef(); TagPhotoTableDef def2 = new TagPhotoTableDef(); return new CachedSqlSelect<Photo>( new LinkedChildren<Photo> ( TablesEnum.Tag, this.K, TablesEnum.Photo, def.TableCacheKey, dr => { Photo newPhoto = new Photo(); newPhoto.Initialise(dr); return newPhoto; }, where, orderBy, TablesEnum.TagPhoto, def2.TableCacheKey ) ); }
public void SaveWeb(SaveWebFileSourceLocations fileSource, int rotate, Photo.EncoderStatusDelegate Status, Photo.MeaningfulActivityDelegate Active, bool allowEnlargedWeb) { SaveWeb(fileSource, rotate, Status, Active, Status != null, allowEnlargedWeb); }
private void SaveWeb(SaveWebFileSourceLocations fileSource, int rotate, Photo.EncoderStatusDelegate Status, Photo.MeaningfulActivityDelegate Active, bool updateStatus, bool allowEnlargedWeb) { int webMaxSide = 600; int thumbMaxSide = 180; System.Drawing.Image image = null; #region Get input image if (updateStatus) { Active(); Status(this.K + " Getting image..."); this.ProcessingProgress = 10; this.ProcessingLastChange = DateTime.Now; this.Update(); } if (fileSource == SaveWebFileSourceLocations.UploadTemporary) { image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(Storage.GetFromStore(Storage.Stores.Temporary, this.UploadTemporary, this.UploadTemporaryExtention))); } else { image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(Storage.GetFromStore(Storage.Stores.Master, this.Master, "jpg"))); } #endregion try { #region Convert any image with an indexed pixel format to JPG if (image.PixelFormat.Equals(PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed) || image.PixelFormat.Equals(PixelFormat.Format4bppIndexed) || image.PixelFormat.Equals(PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed) || image.PixelFormat.Equals(PixelFormat.Undefined) || image.PixelFormat.Equals(PixelFormat.DontCare) || image.PixelFormat.Equals(PixelFormat.Format16bppArgb1555) || image.PixelFormat.Equals(PixelFormat.Format16bppGrayScale)) { if (updateStatus) { Active(); Status(this.K + " Converting to indexed pixel format..."); this.ProcessingProgress = 11; this.ProcessingLastChange = DateTime.Now; this.Update(); } MemoryStream converterStream = new MemoryStream(); ImageCodecInfo jpgEncoder = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders()[1]; EncoderParameters encoderParams = new System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters(2); encoderParams.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality, 100L); encoderParams.Param[1] = new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.ColorDepth, 24L); image.Save(converterStream, jpgEncoder, encoderParams); image.Dispose(); image = null; image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(converterStream); } #endregion #region Rotate image if (rotate > 0 && updateStatus) { Active(); Status(this.K + " Rotating..."); this.ProcessingProgress = 12; this.ProcessingLastChange = DateTime.Now; this.Update(); } if (rotate == 90) { image.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone); } else if (rotate == 180) { image.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipNone); } else if (rotate == 270) { image.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate270FlipNone); } #endregion #region Save Master if (fileSource != SaveWebFileSourceLocations.Master) { if (updateStatus) { Active(); Status(this.K + " Saving master..."); this.ProcessingProgress = 20; this.ProcessingLastChange = DateTime.Now; this.Update(); } byte[] masterBytes = SaveJPGWithCompressionSetting(image, (long)85.0); Storage.AddToStore(masterBytes, Storage.Stores.Master, this.Master, "jpg", this, "Master"); this.MasterFileSize = masterBytes.Length; } #endregion #region Extract metadata if (fileSource == SaveWebFileSourceLocations.UploadTemporary) { try { if (updateStatus) { Active(); Status(this.K + " Extracting exif meta data..."); this.ProcessingProgress = 30; this.ProcessingLastChange = DateTime.Now; this.Update(); } Cambro.Misc.ExifMetadata MyExifMetadata = new Cambro.Misc.ExifMetadata(); Cambro.Misc.ExifMetadata.Metadata MyMetaData; MyMetaData = MyExifMetadata.GetExifMetadata(image); string date = MyMetaData.DatePictureTaken.DisplayValue; try { this.CameraModel = MyMetaData.CameraModel.DisplayValue.Truncate(100); } catch { } try { this.EquipmentMake = MyMetaData.EquipmentMake.DisplayValue.Truncate(100); } catch { } if (this.EquipmentMake.StartsWith("Sony Ericsson") && this.CameraModel.StartsWith("K800i")) this.IsSonyK800i = true; if (this.EquipmentMake.StartsWith("Sony Ericsson") && this.CameraModel.StartsWith("C902")) this.IsSonyC902 = true; int year = int.Parse(date.Substring(0, 4)); int month = int.Parse(date.Substring(5, 2)); int day = int.Parse(date.Substring(8, 2)); int hour = int.Parse(date.Substring(11, 2)); int min = int.Parse(date.Substring(14, 2)); int sec = int.Parse(date.Substring(17, 2)); DateTime newDateTime = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec); DateTime parentDateTime = DateTime.Now; if (this.Event != null) { parentDateTime = this.Event.DateTime; TimeSpan difference = this.DateTime - newDateTime; if (Math.Abs(difference.TotalDays) < 10) { this.DateTime = newDateTime; } } else if (this.Article != null) { parentDateTime = this.Article.AddedDateTime; TimeSpan difference = this.DateTime - newDateTime; if (Math.Abs(difference.TotalDays) < 60) { this.DateTime = newDateTime; } } } catch { if (updateStatus) { Active(); Status(this.K + " Assigning default meta data..."); this.ProcessingProgress = 35; this.ProcessingLastChange = DateTime.Now; this.Update(); } if (this.Event != null) { this.DateTime = this.Event.DateTime; } else if (this.Article != null) { this.DateTime = this.Article.AddedDateTime; } else { this.DateTime = DateTime.Now; } } } #endregion #region Calculate the dimensions and landscape/portrait if (updateStatus) { Active(); Status(this.K + " Calculating sizes of new images..."); this.ProcessingProgress = 40; this.ProcessingLastChange = DateTime.Now; this.Update(); } this.OriginalHeight = image.Height; this.OriginalWidth = image.Width; this.IsLandscape = !(image.Height > image.Width); #endregion #region Save Web, Thumb and Icon #region Overlays... Overlays webOverlay = Overlays.DsiLogoBottomRight; if (this.IsSonyK800i) webOverlay = Overlays.DsiLogoBottomRightSonyBottomLeft; else if (this.IsSonyC902) webOverlay = Overlays.DsiLogoBottomRightSonyC902BottomLeft; this.Overlay = webOverlay; Overlays thumbOverlay = Overlays.None; Overlays iconOverlay = Overlays.None; if (this.MediaType.Equals(MediaTypes.Video)) { webOverlay = Overlays.PlayButtonLarge; thumbOverlay = Overlays.PlayButtonSmall; iconOverlay = Overlays.PlayButtonSmall; } #endregion #region Web if (updateStatus) { Active(); Status(this.K + " Creating web image..."); this.ProcessingProgress = 50; this.ProcessingLastChange = DateTime.Now; this.Update(); } OperationReturn web = Operation(image, OperationType.MaxSide, new OperationParams() { MaxSide = webMaxSide, Overlay = webOverlay, ReturnBytes = true, AllowMaxSideToEnlarge = allowEnlargedWeb }); this.WebWidth = web.ImageSize.Width; this.WebHeight = web.ImageSize.Height; Storage.AddToStore(web.Bytes, Storage.Stores.Pix, this.Web, "jpg", this, "Web"); #endregion #region Thumb if (updateStatus) { Active(); Status(this.K + " Creating thumb image..."); this.ProcessingProgress = 60; this.ProcessingLastChange = DateTime.Now; this.Update(); } OperationReturn thumb = Operation(image, OperationType.MaxSide, new OperationParams() { MaxSide = thumbMaxSide, Overlay = thumbOverlay, ReturnBytes = true, AllowMaxSideToEnlarge = true }); this.ThumbWidth = thumb.ImageSize.Width; this.ThumbHeight = thumb.ImageSize.Height; Storage.AddToStore(thumb.Bytes, Storage.Stores.Pix, this.Thumb, "jpg", this, "Thumb"); #endregion #region Icon if (updateStatus) { Active(); Status(this.K + " Creating icon image..."); this.ProcessingProgress = 70; this.ProcessingLastChange = DateTime.Now; this.Update(); } OperationReturn icon = Operation(image, OperationType.FixedSize, new OperationParams() { FixedSize = new Size(100, 100), Overlay = iconOverlay, ReturnBytes = true }); Storage.AddToStore(icon.Bytes, Storage.Stores.Pix, this.Icon, "jpg", this, "Icon"); #endregion #endregion #region Delete temporary upload file if (fileSource == SaveWebFileSourceLocations.UploadTemporary) { if (updateStatus) { Active(); Status(this.K + " Deleting temporary upload file..."); this.ProcessingProgress = 80; this.ProcessingLastChange = DateTime.Now; this.Update(); } //Delete will fail unless we dispose here as well as in the finally block!!! image.Dispose(); Storage.RemoveFromStore(Storage.Stores.Temporary, this.UploadTemporary, this.UploadTemporaryExtention); } #endregion } finally { if (image != null) image.Dispose(); } this.Update(); #region Done! if (updateStatus) { Active(); Status(this.K + " Done!"); this.ProcessingProgress = 100; this.ProcessingLastChange = DateTime.Now; this.Update(); } #endregion }
public static void FinishProcessUploadedFile(Photo p, Gallery g, Usr u) { bool reEncoded = false; if (p.EnabledByUsrK > 0) reEncoded = true; #region Update status if ((u.TotalPhotoUploads > 50 && u.AbuseAccusationsPending == 0 && !u.ModeratePhotos) || reEncoded || u.IsAdmin) { p.Status = Photo.StatusEnum.Enabled; if (!reEncoded) { p.EnabledDateTime = DateTime.Now; p.EnabledByUsrK = u.K; } } else { p.Status = Photo.StatusEnum.Moderate; } #endregion #region Set tags string[] tagsFromClient = p.UploadTemporaryTags.Split(',', ';', '"', '\n'); foreach (string tagText in tagsFromClient) { string s = tagText.Trim(); if (s.Length > 0) { try { Tag.AddTag(s, p, u); } catch { } } } #endregion p.Update(); #region Update gallery other photos in the gallery if (g.TotalPhotos == 0) g.MainPhotoK = p.K; g.UpdateStats(null, false); if (p.Status.Equals(Photo.StatusEnum.Enabled)) { g.UpdatePhotoOrder(null); if (!reEncoded) g.LastLiveDateTime = DateTime.Now; if (g.Event != null) g.Event.UpdateTotalPhotos(null); } g.Update(); #endregion if (!reEncoded) u.LastPhotoUpload = DateTime.Now; u.UpdateTotalPhotos(null); if (p.Status == Photo.StatusEnum.Enabled) { p.SendPhotoChatAlerts(); } }
public void SaveWeb(SaveWebFileSourceLocations fileSource, int rotate, Photo.EncoderStatusDelegate Status, Photo.MeaningfulActivityDelegate Active) { SaveWeb(fileSource, rotate, Status, Active, Status != null, true); }
public void DeleteSelected(object o, System.EventArgs e) { SelectedOutputP.InnerHtml = ""; int deleted = 0; foreach (string str in Request.Form.Keys) { if (str.StartsWith("ucEditGalleryPhotoSelectK") && Request.Form[str].Equals("1")) { deleted++; string str1 = str.Substring(25); SelectedOutputP.InnerHtml += "Deleting photo " + str1 + "..."; try { int photoK = int.Parse(str1); Photo p = new Photo(photoK); if (p.GalleryK == CurrentGallery.K) { try { Bobs.Delete.DeleteAll(p); SelectedOutputP.InnerHtml += " Done."; } catch { SelectedOutputP.InnerHtml += " <b>FAILED</b> - Exception while deleting photo: " + p.K; } } else { SelectedOutputP.InnerHtml += " <b>FAILED</b> - photo is not in current gallery. Please contact admin with details."; } } catch { SelectedOutputP.InnerHtml += " <b>FAILED</b> - exception while deleting photo. Maybe a photo moderator already deleted it."; } SelectedOutputP.InnerHtml += "<br>"; } } if (deleted == 0) SelectedOutputP.InnerHtml += "<b>NO PHOTOS DELETED</b> - You didn't select any photos."; SelectedOutputP.Visible = true; if (deleted > 0) { CurrentGallery.UpdateStats(null, true); CurrentGallery.UpdatePhotoOrder(null); CurrentGallery.Owner.UpdateTotalPhotos(null); if (CurrentGallery.Event != null) { CurrentGallery.Event.UpdateTotalPhotos(null); CurrentGallery.Event.UpdateTotalComments(null); } if (CurrentGallery.Article != null) CurrentGallery.Article.UpdateTotalComments(null); Mailer sm = new Mailer(); sm.UsrRecipient = CurrentGallery.Owner; sm.Body = @"<p> Our photo moderators have deleted some of your photos. " + deleted.ToString() + " " + (deleted == 1 ? "photo was" : "photos were") + @" deleted from the <a href=""[LOGIN(" + CurrentGallery.UrlApp("edit") + @")]"">" + CurrentGallery.NameSafe + @"</a>.
public static void ProcessUploadedFile(HttpPostedFile httpPostedFile, Gallery gallery, Random random, Usr usr, int rotate, string tags) { if (usr.CanUploadTo(gallery)) { Photo photo = new Photo(); try { #region Set general stuff photo.UsrK = usr.K; photo.RandomNumber = random.NextDouble(); photo.WeightedCoolRating = 5.0; photo.WeightedSexyRating = 5.0; photo.Order = 5.0; if (tags.Length > 512) tags = tags.Substring(0, 512); photo.UploadTemporaryTags = tags; photo.Status = Photo.StatusEnum.Processing; #endregion #region Set gallery / event / article / url fragment stuff photo.GalleryK = gallery.K; if (gallery.Event != null) { photo.EventK = gallery.EventK; photo.DateTime = gallery.Event.DateTime; photo.ParentDateTime = gallery.Event.DateTime; } else if (gallery.Article != null) { photo.ArticleK = gallery.ArticleK; photo.DateTime = gallery.Article.AddedDateTime; photo.ParentDateTime = gallery.Article.AddedDateTime; } else { photo.DateTime = DateTime.Now; photo.ParentDateTime = gallery.CreateDateTime; } photo.UpdateUrlFragmentNoUpdate(); #endregion photo.MediaType = Photo.GetMediaType(httpPostedFile.FileName); if (photo.MediaType.Equals(Photo.MediaTypes.Image)) { #region Initialise Guids photo.UploadTemporary = Guid.NewGuid(); photo.Master = Guid.NewGuid(); photo.Web = Guid.NewGuid(); photo.Thumb = Guid.NewGuid(); photo.Icon = Guid.NewGuid(); #endregion photo.Rotate = rotate; #region Extention try { string s = httpPostedFile.FileName.Substring(httpPostedFile.FileName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1).ToLower(); if (s.Length < 10) { if (s == "jpeg" || s == "jpe") photo.UploadTemporaryExtention = "jpg"; else photo.UploadTemporaryExtention = s; } else photo.UploadTemporaryExtention = "jpg"; } catch { photo.UploadTemporaryExtention = "jpg"; } #endregion } else if (photo.MediaType.Equals(Photo.MediaTypes.Video)) { #region Initialise Guids photo.UploadTemporary = Guid.NewGuid(); photo.VideoMaster = Guid.NewGuid(); photo.VideoMed = Guid.NewGuid(); photo.Master = Guid.NewGuid(); photo.Web = Guid.NewGuid(); photo.Thumb = Guid.NewGuid(); photo.Icon = Guid.NewGuid(); #endregion #region Extention photo.VideoFileExtention = httpPostedFile.FileName.Substring(httpPostedFile.FileName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1).ToLower(); photo.UploadTemporaryExtention = photo.VideoFileExtention; #endregion } httpPostedFile.SaveAs(Storage.TemporaryFilesystemPath(photo.UploadTemporary, photo.UploadTemporaryExtention)); photo.Status = Photo.StatusEnum.Processing; photo.Update(); if (!gallery.WatchUploads.HasValue || gallery.WatchUploads.Value) { CommentAlert.Enable(usr, photo.K, Model.Entities.ObjectType.Photo); } } catch (Exception exc) { #region Send an email to admin try { Mailer m = new Mailer(); m.Subject = "Exception uploading photo from " + System.Environment.MachineName + "..."; m.Body = "<p>" + exc.ToString() + "</p>"; try { m.Body += "<p>The content length was " + httpPostedFile.ContentLength.ToString("#,##0") + " bytes</p>"; } catch { } m.UsrRecipient = new Usr(4); m.To = "*****@*****.**"; m.Send(); } catch { } #endregion #region Delete file try { Storage.RemoveFromStore(Storage.Stores.Temporary, photo.UploadTemporary, photo.UploadTemporaryExtention); } catch { } #endregion photo.Delete(); //try //{ // if (httpPostedFile.FileName.LastIndexOf(".") > -1) // httpPostedFile.SaveAs(@"C:\FailedPix\" + Guid.NewGuid() + httpPostedFile.FileName.Substring(httpPostedFile.FileName.LastIndexOf("."))); // else // httpPostedFile.SaveAs(@"C:\FailedPix\" + Guid.NewGuid()); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // Utilities.AdminEmailAlert("Error writing failed photo file to disk", "Error writing failed photo file to disk", ex); //} } //finally //{ // CurrentGallery.UpdateStats(null, true); // CurrentGallery.UpdatePhotoOrder(null); // if (CurrentGallery.Event != null) CurrentGallery.Event.UpdateTotalPhotos(null); //} } }
private string[] SerUsrSpottedInPhoto(Usr spottedUsr, int photoK, bool isInPhoto) { Photo p = new Photo(photoK); spottedUsr.SetSpottedInPhoto(p, Usr.Current, isInPhoto); return new string[] { p.UsrsInPhotoHtml, p.RolloverMouseOverText }; }
public void Process() { string[] arr = this.Message.ToLower().Split(' '); if (arr[0].StartsWith("hello")) { Photo p = new Photo(int.Parse(arr[1])); if (p.BlockedFromPhotoOfWeekUser) return; if (p.Status != Photo.StatusEnum.Enabled) return; //send the outgoing premium sms and await the response... this.ServiceType = ServiceTypes.FrontPagePhoto; this.Update(); if (Common.Settings.EnablePremiumRate == Common.Settings.EnablePremiumRateOption.On) { OutgoingSms sms = new OutgoingSms(); sms.DateTime = DateTime.Now; sms.Type = OutgoingSms.Types.FrontPagePhoto; sms.IncomingSmsK = this.K; sms.Message = "Your photo / video will now appear on the front page!"; sms.ChargeType = Vars.DevEnv ? OutgoingSms.ChargeTypes.Premium012p : OutgoingSms.ChargeTypes.Premium150p; sms.MobileK = this.MobileK; sms.ServiceType = ServiceTypes.FrontPagePhoto; sms.Update(); sms.Send(); } else { //enable photo immediatly string caption = ""; if (arr.Length > 2) { for (int i = 2; i < arr.Length; i++) caption += (i > 2 ? " " : "") + arr[i]; caption = Cambro.Web.Helpers.Strip(caption, true, true, true, true); if (caption.Length > 200) caption = caption.Substring(0, 195) + "..."; } p.SetAsPhotoOfWeek(true, caption, false, true); } } #region removed //if (arr[0].StartsWith("tonight")) //{ // #region process TONIGHT texts // Mobile m = new Mobile(number, network, ServiceTypes.Tonight); // this.MobileK = m.K; // this.ServiceType = ServiceTypes.Tonight; // this.Mobile.TotalIncoming++; // this.Mobile.Update(); // this.Update(); // for (int i = 1; i < arr.Length; i++) // { // if (arr[i].Equals("event") || arr[i].Equals("venue")) // { // for (int j = 1; j < arr.Length; j++) // { // int eventK = 0; // Event ev = null; // Venue v = null; // try // { // eventK = int.Parse(arr[j]); // ev = new Event(eventK); // v = ev.Venue; // } // catch { } // if (arr[i].Equals("event") && ev != null) // { // ProcessTonightEventDetail(ev); // return; // } // else if (arr[i].Equals("venue") && ev != null && v != null) // { // ProcessTonightVenueDetail(v, ev); // return; // } // } // } // else if (arr[i].Equals("help")) // { // ProcessTonightInfo(); // return; // } // else if (arr[i].Equals("end")) // { // ProcessTonightEnd(); // return; // } // } // try // { // ArrayList placeQueryCondition = new ArrayList(); // ArrayList musicQueryCondition = new ArrayList(); // for (int i = 1; i < arr.Length; i++) // { // placeQueryCondition.Add(new Q(Place.Columns.Name, arr[i])); // musicQueryCondition.Add(new Q(MusicType.Columns.SmsCode, arr[i])); // } // Q placeOr = new Or((Q[])placeQueryCondition.ToArray(typeof(Q))); // Q musicOr = new Or((Q[])musicQueryCondition.ToArray(typeof(Q))); // Query placeQ = new Query(); // placeQ.QueryCondition = new And( // placeOr, // new Q(Place.Columns.Enabled, true), // new Q(Place.Columns.CountryK, 224) // ); // PlaceSet ps = new PlaceSet(placeQ); // Query musicQ = new Query(); // musicQ.QueryCondition = musicOr; // MusicTypeSet mts = new MusicTypeSet(musicQ); // if (mts.Count > 0 || ps.Count > 0) // { // ProcessTonightListings(mts, ps); // return; // } // } // catch // { // } // ProcessTonightError(); // return; // #endregion //} // else if (arr[0].StartsWith("pllay")) // { // #region process PLLAY texts // Mobile m = new Mobile(number, network, ServiceTypes.TextGuest, 1); // this.MobileK = m.K; // this.ServiceType=ServiceTypes.TextGuest; // this.Mobile.TotalIncoming++; // this.Mobile.Update(); // this.Update(); // // if (arr.Length>1 && arr[1].Equals("end")) // { // ProcessGuestEnd(); // return; // } // else // { // GuestPromotionSet gps = new GuestPromotionSet(new Q(GuestPromotion.Columns.Shortcut,"pllay")); // GuestPromotion gp = gps[0]; // ProcessGuest(gp); // return; // } // #endregion // } // else if (arr[0].StartsWith("guest")) // { // #region process GUEST texts // int GuestPromotionK = 0; // if (arr.Length>1) // { // bool numeric = true; // if (arr[1].Equals("end")) // { // try // { // GuestClient c = new GuestClient(int.Parse(arr[2])); // Mobile m = new Mobile(number, network, ServiceTypes.TextGuest, c.K); // this.MobileK = m.K; // this.ServiceType=ServiceTypes.TextGuest; // this.Mobile.TotalIncoming++; // this.Mobile.Update(); // this.Update(); // ProcessGuestEnd(); // return; // } // catch // { // return; // } // } // else // { // Regex r = new Regex("[^0123456789]"); // try // { // string numbers = r.Replace(arr[1],""); // GuestPromotionK = int.Parse(numbers); // } // catch // { // numeric = false; // } // } // if (!numeric) // { // GuestPromotionSet gps = new GuestPromotionSet(new Q(GuestPromotion.Columns.Shortcut,arr[1].ToLower())); // if (gps.Count>0) // GuestPromotionK = gps[0].K; // } // } // if (GuestPromotionK==0) // { // Mobile m = new Mobile(number, network, ServiceTypes.TextGuest, 0); // this.MobileK = m.K; // this.ServiceType=ServiceTypes.TextGuest; // this.Mobile.TotalIncoming++; // this.Mobile.Update(); // this.Update(); // // OutgoingSms.CreateOutgoingSmsSet( // "Sorry, you have not entered an event code. This should be a number - it tells us which guestlist to put you on. Send GUEST followed by the code to 83248.", // OutgoingSms.Types.GuestError, // this.Mobile, // this, // ServiceTypes.TextGuest); // return; // } // GuestPromotion gp = null; // try // { // gp = new GuestPromotion(GuestPromotionK); // } // catch // { // Mobile m = new Mobile(number, network, ServiceTypes.TextGuest, 0); // this.MobileK = m.K; // this.ServiceType=ServiceTypes.TextGuest; // this.Mobile.TotalIncoming++; // this.Mobile.Update(); // this.Update(); // // OutgoingSms.CreateOutgoingSmsSet( // "Sorry, you have entered an invalid event code. This should be a number - it tells us which guestlist to put you on. Send GUEST followed by the code to 83248.", // OutgoingSms.Types.GuestError, // this.Mobile, // this, // ServiceTypes.TextGuest); // return; // } // // Mobile m1 = new Mobile(number, network, ServiceTypes.TextGuest, gp.Event.GuestClientK); // this.MobileK = m1.K; // this.ServiceType=ServiceTypes.TextGuest; // this.Mobile.TotalIncoming++; // this.Mobile.Update(); // this.Update(); // // ProcessGuest(gp); // #endregion // } #endregion }
public static IBob Get(Model.Entities.ObjectType type, int k) { IBob b = null; bool wrongType = false; try { switch (type) { case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Photo: b = new Photo(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Event: b = new Event(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Venue: b = new Venue(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Place: b = new Place(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Thread: b = new Thread(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Country: b = new Country(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Article: b = new Article(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Para: b = new Para(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Brand: b = new Brand(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Promoter: b = new Promoter(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Usr: b = new Usr(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Region: b = new Region(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Gallery: b = new Gallery(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Group: b = new Group(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Banner: b = new Banner(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.GuestlistCredit: b = new GuestlistCredit(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Ticket: b = new Ticket(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.Invoice: b = new Invoice(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.InsertionOrder: b = new InsertionOrder(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.CampaignCredit: b = new CampaignCredit(k); break; case Model.Entities.ObjectType.UsrDonationIcon: b = new UsrDonationIcon(k); break; default: wrongType = true; b = null; break; } } catch { } if (wrongType) throw new Exception("Bob.Get attempted to get " + type.ToString() + " - can't do it!!! DUH!"); return b; }
public string dsiTagReplacement(Match m) { string tagName = "dsi"; try { //string[] arrParts = m.Groups[1].Value.Split[" "]; //Dictionary<string, string> parts = new Dictionary<string, string>(); SgmlReader sgml = new SgmlReader(); string inStr = m.Groups[0].Value; if (inStr.StartsWith("<dsi:link")) inStr += "</dsi:link>"; sgml.InputStream = new StringReader(inStr); sgml.DocType = "HTML"; sgml.Read(); tagName = sgml.Name; string uniqueId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); #region Parse attributes Dictionary<string, string> attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); while (sgml.MoveToNextAttribute()) { attributes.Add(sgml.Name.ToLower(), sgml.Value); } #endregion string typeAtt = attributes.ContainsKey("type") ? attributes["type"] : null; string refAtt = attributes.ContainsKey("ref") ? attributes["ref"] : null; #region Parse styles Dictionary<string, string> style = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (attributes.ContainsKey("style")) { foreach (string s in attributes["style"].Split(';')) { try { if (s.Contains(":")) style[s.Split(':')[0].Trim()] = s.Split(':')[1].Trim(); } catch { } } } #endregion #region Parse class List<string> classes = new List<string>(); if (attributes.ContainsKey("class")) { foreach (string s in attributes["class"].Split(' ')) { try { classes.Add(s); } catch { } } } #endregion if (tagName == "dsi:video") { #region dsi:video /* <dsi:video type = [dsi | flv | youtube | google | metacafe | myspace | break | collegehumor | redtube | ebaumsworld | dailymotion] ref = [dsi-photo-k | site-ref] src = [flv-url] width = [width] (optional) height = [height] (optional) nsfw = [true | false] (optional) /> */ bool nsfw = attributes.ContainsKey("nsfw") ? bool.Parse(attributes["nsfw"].ToLower()) : false; string draw = attributes.ContainsKey("draw") ? attributes["draw"].ToLower() : "auto"; if (typeAtt == "youtube") { #region youtube int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 425; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 355; //<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "" + refAtt + "&rel=1"); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "metacafe") { #region metacafe int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 400; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 345; //<embed src="" width="400" height="345" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </embed><br><font size = 1><a href="">How To Make Fire Balls</a> - <a href="">The funniest videos clips are here</a></font> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "" + refAtt + ".swf"); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "google") { #region google int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 400; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 326; //<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" flashvars=""> </embed> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "" + refAtt + "&hl=en-GB"); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "flv") { #region flv string flvUrl = attributes.ContainsKey("src") ? attributes["src"] : null; int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 450; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? (int.Parse(attributes["height"]) + 20) : 357; return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "/misc/flvplayer.swf", "file", flvUrl, "autoStart", "0"); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "dsi") { #region dsi try { Photo p = new Photo(int.Parse(refAtt)); if (p.MediaType != Photo.MediaTypes.Video) { return "[Invalid ref " + refAtt + " - this is not a video]"; } else { if (p.ContentDisabled) { return "[Invalid ref " + refAtt + " - video disabled]"; } else { if (p.Status == Photo.StatusEnum.Enabled) { //int width = p.VideoMedWidth; //int height = p.VideoMedHeight + 20; int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : p.VideoMedWidth; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? (int.Parse(attributes["height"]) + 20) : (p.VideoMedHeight + 20); return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "/misc/flvplayer.swf", "file", p.VideoMedPath, "autoStart", "0", "jpg", p.WebPath); } else if (p.Status == Photo.StatusEnum.Moderate) { return "[Invalid ref " + refAtt + " - video waiting for moderation]"; } else if (p.Status == Photo.StatusEnum.Processing) { return "[Invalid ref " + refAtt + " - video still processing]"; } } } } catch { return "[Invalid ref " + refAtt + " - video not found]"; } return "[Invalid ref " + refAtt + " - error]"; #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "collegehumor") { #region collegehumor int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 450; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 337; //<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="480" height="360" ><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="movie" quality="best" value="" /></object> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "" + refAtt + "&fullscreen=1"); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "myspace") { #region myspace int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 430; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 346; //<embed src="" flashvars="m=25330587&v=2&type=video" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="430" height="346"></embed> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "", "m", refAtt, "v", "2", "type", "video"); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "break") { #region break int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 464; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 392; //<object width="464" height="392"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="464" height="392"></embed></object> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "" + refAtt); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "redtube") { #region redtube int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 434; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 344; //<object height="344" width="434"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="FlashVars" value="id=2394&style=redtube"><embed src="" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="344" width="434"></object> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, true, draw, "" + refAtt + "&style=redtube", "id", refAtt, "style", "redtube"); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "ebaumsworld") { #region ebaumsworld int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 425; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 345; //<embed src="" flashvars="file=" loop="false" menu="false" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="425" height="345" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" /> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "", "file", "" + refAtt + ".flv", "displayheight", (height - 24).ToString(), "image", "" + refAtt + ".jpg"); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "dailymotion") { #region dailymotion int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 420; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 331; //<div><object width="420" height="331"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="331" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object><br /><b><a href="">TIME ATTACK EVO CRASH KNOCKHILL 2007</a></b><br /><i>Uploaded by <a href="">TIMEATTACKTV</a></i></div> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "" + refAtt); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "veoh") { return "[Veoh videos disabled]"; #region veoh int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 450; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 365; //<embed src="" allowFullScreen="true" width="540" height="438" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></embed><br/><a href="">Online Videos by</a> return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "" + refAtt + "&id=anonymous"); #endregion } else { return "[Invalid type attribute]"; } #endregion } else if (tagName == "dsi:audio") { #region dsi:audio /* <dsi:audio type = [mp3] src = [mp3-url] nsfw = [true | false] (optional) /> */ if (typeAtt == "mp3") { #region mp3 string mp3Url = attributes.ContainsKey("src") ? attributes["src"] : null; int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 290; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 24; string audioPlayerSwfPath = Storage.Path(new Guid("7abb3119-f8ad-43ff-be01-764b2ae111fc"), "swf", Storage.Stores.Pix); return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, false, "load", audioPlayerSwfPath, "soundFile", mp3Url, "autoStart", "no") + @"<a href=""" + mp3Url + @"""><img src=""/gfx/download-button2.png"" width=""73"" height=""16"" border=""0"" /></a>"; #endregion } else { return "[Invalid type attribute]"; } #endregion } else if (tagName == "dsi:flash") { #region dsi:flash /* <dsi:flash src = [swf-url] width = [width] height = [height] nsfw = [true | false] (optional) play = [true | false] (optional) loop = [true | false] (optional) menu = [true | false] (optional) quality = [low | autolow | autohigh | medium | high | best] (optional) scale = [default | noorder | exactfit] (optional) align = [l | t | r | b] (optional) salign = [l | t | r | b | tl | tr | bl | br] (optional) wmode = [window | opaque | transparent] (optional) bgcolor = [colour] (optional) base = [base-url] (optional) flashvars = [flashvars] (optional) /> */ string swfUrl = attributes.ContainsKey("src") ? attributes["src"] : null; return getFlashAttributesFromSgml(uniqueId, swfUrl, attributes); #endregion } else if (tagName == "dsi:quote") { #region dsi:quote Usr u = null; try { u = new Usr(int.Parse(refAtt)); } catch { } if (u != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<div class=\"QuoteName\">"); sb.Append(u.Link()); sb.Append(" said:"); sb.Append("</div>"); sb.Append("<div class=\"QuoteBody\">"); return sb.ToString(); } else { return "<div class=\"QuoteBody\">"; } #endregion } else if (tagName == "dsi:object" || tagName == "dsi:link") { #region dsi:object, dsi:link /* <dsi:object type = [usr | event | venue | place | group | brand | photo | misc] ref = [object-k] style = [ content: {text* | icon | text-under-icon}; // for type=usr, event, venue, place, group, brand details: {none* | venue | place | country}; // for type=event, venue, place date: {false* | true}; // for type=event snip: {number}; // for type=event rollover: {true* | false} // for type=usr, photo photo: {icon* | thumb | web} // for type=photo link: {true* | false} ] /> */ string app = attributes.ContainsKey("app") ? (attributes["app"] == "home" ? null : attributes["app"]) : null; string date = attributes.ContainsKey("date") ? attributes["date"].Replace('-', '/') : null; string jump = attributes.ContainsKey("jump") ? "#" + attributes["jump"] : ""; string parStr = attributes.ContainsKey("par") ? attributes["par"] : null; #region Decode par array string[] par = null; if (parStr != null) { List<string> parList = new List<string>(); foreach (string s in parStr.Split('&')) { if (s.Contains("=")) { parList.Add(System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(s.Split('=')[0])); parList.Add(System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(s.Split('=')[1])); } else { parList.Add(System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(s)); parList.Add(""); } } par = parList.ToArray(); } #endregion string styleContent = style.ContainsKey("content") ? style["content"] : "text"; string styleDetails = style.ContainsKey("details") ? style["details"] : "none"; bool styleDate = style.ContainsKey("date") ? bool.Parse(style["date"]) : false; int styleSnip = style.ContainsKey("snip") ? int.Parse(style["snip"]) : 0; bool styleRollover = style.ContainsKey("rollover") ? bool.Parse(style["rollover"]) : true; string stylePhoto = style.ContainsKey("photo") ? style["photo"] : "icon"; bool styleLink = style.ContainsKey("link") ? bool.Parse(style["link"]) : true; string extraHtmlAttributes = ""; string extraStyleAttribute = ""; string extraStyleElements = ""; string extraClassAttribute = ""; string extraClassElements = ""; foreach (string k in attributes.Keys) { if (k != "href" && k != "src" && k != "type" && k != "ref" && k != "style" && k != "app" && k != "date" && k != "par" && k != "class") { extraHtmlAttributes += " " + k + "=\"" + attributes[k] + "\""; } } foreach (string s in style.Keys) { if (s != "content" && s != "details" && s != "date" && s != "snip" && s != "rollover" && s != "photo" && s != "link") { extraStyleElements += s + ":" + style[s] + ";"; } } if (extraStyleElements.Length > 0) { extraStyleAttribute = " style=\"" + extraStyleElements + "\""; } foreach (string s in classes) { extraClassElements += " " + s; } if (extraClassElements.Length > 0) { extraClassAttribute = " class=\"" + extraClassElements + "\""; } if (typeAtt == "usr") { #region Usr Usr u = new Usr(int.Parse(refAtt)); string url = getObectPageUrl(u, app, date, par) + jump; if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string rolloverHtml = styleRollover ? ((styleContent == "icon" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") ? u.RolloverNoPic : u.Rollover) : ""; if (styleContent == "icon" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") { #region Pic if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(rolloverHtml); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append("<img src=\""); sb.Append(u.AnyPicPath); sb.Append("\""); if (styleContent == "icon" && !styleLink) { //Just image with no link around the image... lets apply any extra html to the image tag. if (!attributes.ContainsKey("width")) sb.Append(" width=\"100\""); if (!attributes.ContainsKey("height")) sb.Append(" height=\"100\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(" class=\"BorderBlack All" + extraClassElements + "\""); sb.Append(" />"); } else sb.Append(" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" class=\"BorderBlack All\" />"); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); if (styleContent == "text-under-icon") sb.Append("<br />"); #endregion } if (styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") { #region Nickname if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(rolloverHtml); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append(getObjectName(u.NickNameDisplay, app, styleSnip)); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); #endregion } return sb.ToString(); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "event") { #region Event Event e = new Event(int.Parse(refAtt)); string url = getObectPageUrl(e, app, date, par) + jump; if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); #region Container span if ((styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") && !styleLink && (extraHtmlAttributes.Length > 0 || extraStyleAttribute.Length > 0 || extraClassAttribute.Length > 0) && (styleDate || styleDetails == "venue" || styleDetails == "place" || styleDetails == "country")) { sb.Append("<span"); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } #endregion if (styleContent == "icon" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") { #region Pic if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append("<img src=\""); sb.Append(e.AnyPicPath); sb.Append("\""); if (styleContent == "icon" && !styleLink) { //Just image with no link around the image... lets apply any extra html to the image tag. if (!attributes.ContainsKey("width")) sb.Append(" width=\"100\""); if (!attributes.ContainsKey("height")) sb.Append(" height=\"100\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(" class=\"BorderBlack All" + extraClassElements + "\""); sb.Append(" />"); } else sb.Append(" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" class=\"BorderBlack All\" />"); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); if (styleContent == "text-under-icon") sb.Append("<br />"); #endregion } if (styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") { #region Event link if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append(getObjectName(e.Name, app, styleSnip)); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); #endregion #region Venue link if (styleDetails == "venue" || styleDetails == "place" || styleDetails == "country") { sb.Append(" @ "); if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(e.Venue.Url()); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append(Cambro.Misc.Utility.Snip(e.Venue.Name, styleSnip)); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); } #endregion #region Place link if (styleDetails == "place" || styleDetails == "country") { sb.Append(" in "); if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(e.Venue.Place.Url()); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } if (styleDetails == "country") { sb.Append(Cambro.Misc.Utility.Snip(e.Venue.Place.Name, styleSnip)); } else { sb.Append(Cambro.Misc.Utility.Snip(e.Venue.Place.NamePlain, styleSnip)); } if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); } #endregion #region Date if (styleDate) { sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(e.FriendlyDate(false)); } #endregion } #region End container span if ((styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") && !styleLink && (extraHtmlAttributes.Length > 0 || extraStyleAttribute.Length > 0 || extraClassAttribute.Length > 0) && (styleDetails == "venue" || styleDetails == "place" || styleDetails == "country")) { sb.Append("</span>"); } #endregion return sb.ToString(); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "venue") { #region Venue Venue v = new Venue(int.Parse(refAtt)); string url = getObectPageUrl(v, app, date, par) + jump; if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); #region Container span if ((styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") && !styleLink && (extraHtmlAttributes.Length > 0 || extraStyleAttribute.Length > 0 || extraClassAttribute.Length > 0) && (styleDetails == "place" || styleDetails == "country")) { sb.Append("<span"); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } #endregion if (styleContent == "icon" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") { #region Pic if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append("<img src=\""); sb.Append(v.AnyPicPath); sb.Append("\""); if (styleContent == "icon" && !styleLink) { //Just image with no link around the image... lets apply any extra html to the image tag. if (!attributes.ContainsKey("width")) sb.Append(" width=\"100\""); if (!attributes.ContainsKey("height")) sb.Append(" height=\"100\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(" class=\"BorderBlack All" + extraClassElements + "\""); sb.Append(" />"); } else sb.Append(" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" class=\"BorderBlack All\" />"); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); if (styleContent == "text-under-icon") sb.Append("<br />"); #endregion } if (styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") { #region Venue link if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append(getObjectName(v.Name, app, styleSnip)); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); #endregion #region Place link if (styleDetails == "place" || styleDetails == "country") { sb.Append(" in "); if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(v.Place.Url()); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } if (styleDetails == "country") { sb.Append(Cambro.Misc.Utility.Snip(v.Place.Name, styleSnip)); } else { sb.Append(Cambro.Misc.Utility.Snip(v.Place.NamePlain, styleSnip)); } if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); } #endregion } #region End container span if ((styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") && !styleLink && (extraHtmlAttributes.Length > 0 || extraStyleAttribute.Length > 0 || extraClassAttribute.Length > 0) && (styleDetails == "place" || styleDetails == "country")) { sb.Append("</span>"); } #endregion return sb.ToString(); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "place") { #region Place Place p = new Place(int.Parse(refAtt)); string url = getObectPageUrl(p, app, date, par) + jump; if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); #region Container span if ((styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") && !styleLink && (extraHtmlAttributes.Length > 0 || extraStyleAttribute.Length > 0 || extraClassAttribute.Length > 0)) { sb.Append("<span"); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } #endregion if (styleContent == "icon" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") { #region Pic if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append("<img src=\""); sb.Append(p.AnyPicPath); sb.Append("\""); if (styleContent == "icon" && !styleLink) { //Just image with no link around the image... lets apply any extra html to the image tag. if (!attributes.ContainsKey("width")) sb.Append(" width=\"100\""); if (!attributes.ContainsKey("height")) sb.Append(" height=\"100\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); if (style.ContainsKey("border")) { sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); } else { sb.Append(" class=\"BorderBlack All" + extraClassElements + "\""); } sb.Append(" />"); } else sb.Append(" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" class=\"BorderBlack All\" />"); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); if (styleContent == "text-under-icon") sb.Append("<br />"); #endregion } if (styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") { #region Place link if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } if (styleDetails == "country") { sb.Append(getObjectName(p.Name, app, styleSnip)); } else { sb.Append(getObjectName(p.NamePlain, app, styleSnip)); } if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); #endregion } #region End container span if ((styleContent == "text" || styleContent == "text-under-icon") && !styleLink && (extraHtmlAttributes.Length > 0 || extraStyleAttribute.Length > 0 || extraClassAttribute.Length > 0)) { sb.Append("</span>"); } #endregion return sb.ToString(); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "group") { #region Group Group g = new Group(int.Parse(refAtt)); string url = getObectPageUrl(g, app, date, par) + jump; if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); #region Group link if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append(getObjectName(g.FriendlyName, app, styleSnip)); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); #endregion return sb.ToString(); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "brand") { #region Brand Brand b = new Brand(int.Parse(refAtt)); string url = getObectPageUrl(b, app, date, par) + jump; if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); #region Brand link if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append(getObjectName(b.FriendlyName, app, styleSnip)); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); #endregion return sb.ToString(); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "photo") { #region Photo Photo p = new Photo(int.Parse(refAtt)); string url = getObectPageUrl(p, app, date, par) + jump; if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); #region Link if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } #endregion if (app != null && app == "chat") { #region For chat app, just show the name of the parent... sb.Append(Cambro.Misc.Utility.Snip(((IName)p.ParentObject).Name, styleSnip) + " (chat)"); #endregion } else { #region Image tag sb.Append("<img"); #region Src attribute sb.Append(" src=\""); if (stylePhoto == "thumb") sb.Append(p.ThumbPath); else if (stylePhoto == "icon") sb.Append(p.IconPath); else if (stylePhoto == "web") sb.Append(p.WebPath); sb.Append("\""); #endregion #region Width attribute if (styleLink || !attributes.ContainsKey("width")) { sb.Append(" width=\""); if (stylePhoto == "thumb") sb.Append(p.ThumbWidth); else if (stylePhoto == "icon") sb.Append("100"); else if (stylePhoto == "web") sb.Append(p.WebWidth); sb.Append("\""); } #endregion #region Height attribute if (styleLink || !attributes.ContainsKey("height")) { sb.Append(" height=\""); if (stylePhoto == "thumb") sb.Append(p.ThumbHeight); else if (stylePhoto == "icon") sb.Append("100"); else if (stylePhoto == "web") sb.Append(p.WebHeight); sb.Append("\""); } #endregion #region Extra html attributes if (!styleLink) { sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); } #endregion #region Style attribute if (styleLink) { sb.Append(" class=\"BorderBlack All\""); } else if (style.ContainsKey("border")) { sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); } else { sb.Append(" class=\"BorderBlack All" + extraClassElements + "\""); } #endregion #region Rollover if (styleRollover && stylePhoto != "web") { sb.Append(" onmouseover=\"stm('<img src=" + p.WebPath + " width=" + p.WebWidth + " height=" + p.WebHeight + " class=Block />');\" onmouseout=\"htm();\""); } #endregion sb.Append(" />"); #endregion } #region End link if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); #endregion return sb.ToString(); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "misc") { #region Misc Misc mi = new Misc(int.Parse(refAtt)); if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + mi.Url() + "\"" + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; if (mi.Extention.ToLower() == "jpg" || mi.Extention.ToLower() == "jpeg" || mi.Extention.ToLower() == "gif" || mi.Extention.ToLower() == "png") { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); #region Width and height int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : mi.Width; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : mi.Height; #endregion #region Image tag sb.Append("<img src=\""); sb.Append(mi.Url()); sb.Append("\" width=\""); sb.Append(width); sb.Append("\" height=\""); sb.Append(height); sb.Append("\" border=\"0\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(" />"); #endregion return sb.ToString(); } else if (mi.Extention.ToLower() == "swf") { #region Swf return getFlashAttributesFromSgml(uniqueId, mi.Url(), attributes); #endregion } #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "article") { #region Article Article a = new Article(int.Parse(refAtt)); string url = getObectPageUrl(a, app, date, par) + jump; if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); #region Article link if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append(getObjectName(a.FriendlyName, app, styleSnip)); if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); #endregion return sb.ToString(); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "url") //if (attributes.ContainsKey("href")) { #region Url string url = attributes.ContainsKey("href") ? attributes["href"] : ""; #region Get name string name = url; string path = url; string domain = url; string targetAttribute = ""; try { if (UrlRegex.IsMatch(url)) { Match urlMatch = UrlRegex.Match(url); if (urlMatch.Groups[3].Value.StartsWith("www.")) name = urlMatch.Groups[3].Value.Substring(4); else name = urlMatch.Groups[3].Value; domain = urlMatch.Groups[3].Value; path = urlMatch.Groups[4].Value; if (!domain.ToLower().EndsWith("") && !attributes.ContainsKey("target")) targetAttribute = " target=\"_blank\""; } } catch { } #endregion if (tagName == "dsi:link") return "<a href=\"" + url + "\"" + targetAttribute + extraHtmlAttributes + extraStyleAttribute + extraClassAttribute + ">"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (path.ToLower().EndsWith(".jpg") || path.ToLower().EndsWith(".jpeg") || path.ToLower().EndsWith(".gif") || path.ToLower().EndsWith(".png")) { #region Image tag sb.Append("<img"); #region Src attribute sb.Append(" src=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); #endregion sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); #region Style attribute if (domain.EndsWith("") && !style.ContainsKey("border")) { sb.Append(" class=\"BorderBlack All" + extraClassElements + "\""); } else { sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); } #endregion sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(" />"); #endregion } else if (path.ToLower().EndsWith(".mp3") || path.ToLower().EndsWith(".wav")) { #region Audio int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 290; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributes["height"]) : 24; string audioPlayerSwfPath = Storage.Path(new Guid("7abb3119-f8ad-43ff-be01-764b2ae111fc"), "swf", Storage.Stores.Pix); return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, false, "load", audioPlayerSwfPath, "soundFile", url, "autoStart", "no") + @"<a href=""" + url + @"""><img src=""/gfx/download-button2.png"" width=""73"" height=""16"" border=""0"" /></a>"; #endregion } else if (path.ToLower().EndsWith(".swf")) { #region Swf return getFlashAttributesFromSgml(uniqueId, path, attributes); #endregion } else if (path.ToLower().EndsWith(".flv")) { #region Flv int width = attributes.ContainsKey("width") ? int.Parse(attributes["width"]) : 450; int height = attributes.ContainsKey("height") ? (int.Parse(attributes["height"]) + 20) : 357; bool nsfw = attributes.ContainsKey("nsfw") ? bool.Parse(attributes["nsfw"].ToLower()) : false; string draw = attributes.ContainsKey("draw") ? attributes["draw"].ToLower() : "auto"; return GetFlash(uniqueId, height, width, nsfw, draw, "/misc/flvplayer.swf", "file", url, "autoStart", "0"); #endregion } else { #region Link if (styleLink) { sb.Append("<a href=\""); sb.Append(url); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(targetAttribute); sb.Append(extraHtmlAttributes); sb.Append(extraStyleAttribute); sb.Append(extraClassAttribute); sb.Append(">"); } #endregion #region Name sb.Append(name); #endregion #region End link if (styleLink) sb.Append("</a>"); #endregion } return sb.ToString(); #endregion } else if (typeAtt == "room") { #region Chat room Guid guid = refAtt.UnPackGuid(); Chat.RoomSpec room = Chat.RoomSpec.FromGuid(guid); if (room == null) return "[Room not found]"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (tagName == "dsi:link") room.LinkHtmlAppendJustStartOfAnchorTag(sb, "selected-onyellow", extraHtmlAttributes, extraStyleAttribute, extraClassAttribute); else room.LinkHtmlAppend(sb, "selected-onyellow", extraHtmlAttributes, extraStyleAttribute, extraClassAttribute); return sb.ToString(); #endregion } #endregion } return "[Invalid tag " + tagName + "]"; } catch (Exception ex) { if (Vars.DevEnv) throw ex; return "[Error in " + tagName + " tag]"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpContext.Current.Items["VisitPhotos"] = 1; Response.ContentType="text/xml"; string photoKString = "0"; bool currentUsrInPhoto = false; bool currentUsrFavourite = false; string message = null; string exceptionMessage = null; try { XmlDocument requestXml = new XmlDocument(); requestXml.Load(Request.InputStream); photoKString = requestXml.DocumentElement.Attributes["k"].Value; Photo currentPhoto = new Photo(int.Parse(photoKString)); currentPhoto.IncrementViews(); try { if (currentPhoto.Overlay.Equals(Photo.Overlays.DsiLogoBottomRightThinkBottomLeft) || currentPhoto.Overlay.Equals(Photo.Overlays.DsiLogoBottomRightThinkTextBottomLeft)) { //int bannerK, Banner.Positions position, DateTime date, int hits, int uniqueHits, int clicks Bobs.BannerStat.Log(currentPhoto.Overlay.Equals(Photo.Overlays.DsiLogoBottomRightThinkBottomLeft) ? 9295 : 9296, Banner.Positions.Hotbox, DateTime.Now, 1, 0, 0); } } catch { } if (Usr.Current != null) { try { UsrPhotoMe upm = new UsrPhotoMe(Usr.Current.K, currentPhoto.K); currentUsrInPhoto = true; } catch { } try { UsrPhotoFavourite upf = new UsrPhotoFavourite(Usr.Current.K, currentPhoto.K); currentUsrFavourite = true; } catch { } } message = currentPhoto.UsrHtml; } catch(Exception ex) { currentUsrInPhoto = false; currentUsrFavourite = false; exceptionMessage = ex.Message; message = "Error!"; } XmlTextWriter x = new XmlTextWriter(Response.OutputStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); try { x.WriteStartElement("doc"); x.WriteAttributeString("k", photoKString); x.WriteAttributeString("me", currentUsrInPhoto ? "1" : "0"); x.WriteAttributeString("fav", currentUsrFavourite ? "1" : "0"); if (exceptionMessage != null) { x.WriteAttributeString("ex", exceptionMessage); } x.WriteString(message); } finally { x.WriteEndElement();//doc x.Close(); } }
public void DeleteSelected(object o, System.EventArgs e) { // DeleteSelectedOutput.InnerHtml = ""; int deleted = 0; foreach (string str in Request.Form.Keys) { if (str.StartsWith("ucEditGalleryPhotoSelectK") && Request.Form[str].Equals("1")) { deleted++; string str1 = str.Substring(25); // DeleteSelectedOutput.InnerHtml += "Deleting photo " + str1 + "..."; try { int photoK = int.Parse(str1); Photo p = new Photo(photoK); if (p.GalleryK == CurrentGallery.K) { Delete.DeleteAll(p); // DeleteSelectedOutput.InnerHtml += " Done."; } else { // DeleteSelectedOutput.InnerHtml += " <b>FAILED</b> - photo is not in current gallery. Please contact admin with details."; } } catch { // DeleteSelectedOutput.InnerHtml += " <b>FAILED</b> - exception while deleting photo. Maybe a photo moderator already deleted it."; } // DeleteSelectedOutput.InnerHtml += "<br>"; } } // if (deleted == 0) // DeleteSelectedOutput.InnerHtml += "<b>NO PHOTOS DELETED</b> - You didn't select any photos."; // DeleteSelectedOutput.Visible = true; bindNow(); }
public void Action_Click(object o, System.EventArgs e) { if (Mode.Equals(Modes.Abuse)) { if (Page.IsValid) { if (CurrentAbuse.Status.Equals(Abuse.StatusEnum.Done)) throw new DsiUserFriendlyException("Oops - this abuse report has already been resolved - maybe someone beat you to it..."); if (!(OverturnRadio.Checked || NoAbuseRadio.Checked || NoAbuseDeleteRadio.Checked || AbuseDeleteRadio.Checked || AbuseDeleteWatchRadio.Checked || AbuseDeleteBanRadio.Checked || AbuseDeleteBanModerateRadio.Checked)) { throw new DsiUserFriendlyException("You must choose an option!"); } if (OverturnRadio.Checked) { CurrentAbuse.ResolveDateTime = DateTime.Now; CurrentAbuse.Status = Abuse.StatusEnum.Done; CurrentAbuse.ResolveStatus = Abuse.ResolveStatusEnum.Overturned; CurrentAbuse.ResolveDescription = ResolveDescriptionTextBox.Text; CurrentAbuse.ResolveUsrK = Usr.Current.K; CurrentAbuse.Update(); Photo p = null; try { p = new Photo(CurrentAbuse.ObjectK); } catch { } Mailer m = new Mailer(); m.Subject = "Your abuse report has been resolved"; m.Body = "<p>You recently filed an abuse report about a photo</p>"; m.Body += "<p>Our moderators have reviewed the photo, and found no abuse. Please only report photos when there is a clear abuse of the photo rules. If you mis-use this abuse report service, you will not be able to make further reports.</p>"; m.Body += "<p>Our moderator included the following note:</p>"; m.Body += "<p><i>" + CurrentAbuse.ResolveDescription + "</i></p>"; if (p != null) m.RedirectUrl = p.Url(); m.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AnotherSiteUser; m.UsrRecipient = CurrentAbuse.ReportUsr; m.Send(); CurrentAbuse.ReportUsr.UpdateAbuseTrackers(); CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.UpdateAbuseTrackers(); Bobs.Global.UpdatePhotoAbuseReports(); } else if (NoAbuseRadio.Checked || NoAbuseDeleteRadio.Checked) { CurrentAbuse.ResolveDateTime = DateTime.Now; CurrentAbuse.Status = Abuse.StatusEnum.Done; CurrentAbuse.ResolveStatus = Abuse.ResolveStatusEnum.NoAbuse; CurrentAbuse.ResolveDescription = ResolveDescriptionTextBox.Text; CurrentAbuse.ResolveUsrK = Usr.Current.K; CurrentAbuse.Update(); Photo p = null; try { p = new Photo(CurrentAbuse.ObjectK); if (NoAbuseDeleteRadio.Checked) p.DeleteAll(null); } catch { } Mailer m = new Mailer(); m.Subject = "Your abuse report has been resolved"; m.Body = "<p>You recently filed an abuse report about a photo</p>"; m.Body += "<p>Our moderators have reviewed the photo, and found no abuse. Your report was helpful however.</p>"; m.Body += "<p>Our moderator included the following note:</p>"; m.Body += "<p><i>" + CurrentAbuse.ResolveDescription + "</i></p>"; if (p != null) m.RedirectUrl = p.Url(); m.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AnotherSiteUser; m.UsrRecipient = CurrentAbuse.ReportUsr; m.Send(); CurrentAbuse.ReportUsr.UpdateAbuseTrackers(); CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.UpdateAbuseTrackers(); Bobs.Global.UpdatePhotoAbuseReports(); } else if (AbuseDeleteRadio.Checked || AbuseDeleteWatchRadio.Checked || AbuseDeleteBanRadio.Checked || AbuseDeleteBanModerateRadio.Checked) { try { Photo ph = new Photo(CurrentAbuse.ObjectK); ph.DeleteAll(null); } catch { } if (AbuseDeleteWatchRadio.Checked) { try { CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.ModeratePhotos = true; CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.Update(); } catch { } } if (AbuseDeleteBanRadio.Checked) { try { CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.Banned = true; CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.BannedByUsrK = Usr.Current.K; CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.BannedDateTime = DateTime.Now; CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.BannedReason = ResolveDescriptionTextBox.Text; CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.Update(); Mailer sm = new Mailer(); sm.Body = "<p>Banned user: <a href=\"[LOGIN(" + CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.Url() + ")]\">" + CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.NickName + "</a> (" + CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.K + " - " + CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.Email + ")</p>"; sm.Body += "<p>They were banned by: <a href=\"[LOGIN(" + Usr.Current.Url() + ")]\">" + Usr.Current.NickName + "</a> (" + Usr.Current.K + " - " + Usr.Current.Email + ")</p>"; sm.Body += "<p>DateTime: " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "</p>"; sm.Body += "<p>Reason: " + ResolveDescriptionTextBox.Text + "</p>"; sm.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AdminNote; sm.Subject = "New banned user - " + CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.NickName + " was banned by " + Usr.Current.NickName; sm.To = "*****@*****.**"; sm.Send(); } catch { } } if (AbuseDeleteBanModerateRadio.Checked) { Query q = new Query(); q.QueryCondition = new Q(Gallery.Columns.OwnerUsrK, CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsrK); GallerySet gs = new GallerySet(q); foreach (Gallery g in gs) { Query qP = new Query(); qP.QueryCondition = new Q(Photo.Columns.GalleryK, g.K); PhotoSet ps = new PhotoSet(qP); foreach (Photo ph in ps) { ph.Status = Photo.StatusEnum.Moderate; ph.Update(); } g.UpdateStats(null, true); g.UpdatePhotoOrder(null); if (g.Event != null) g.Event.UpdateTotalPhotos(null); } } CurrentAbuse.ResolveDateTime = DateTime.Now; CurrentAbuse.Status = Abuse.StatusEnum.Done; CurrentAbuse.ResolveStatus = Abuse.ResolveStatusEnum.Abuse; CurrentAbuse.ResolveDescription = ResolveDescriptionTextBox.Text; CurrentAbuse.ResolveUsrK = Usr.Current.K; CurrentAbuse.Update(); Mailer m = new Mailer(); m.Subject = "Your abuse report has been resolved"; m.Body = "<p>You recently filed an abuse report about a photo</p>"; m.Body += "<p>Our moderators have reviewed the photo, and found it breaks our rules. It has been deleted.</p>"; m.Body += "<p>Our moderator included the following note:</p>"; m.Body += "<p><i>" + CurrentAbuse.ResolveDescription + "</i></p>"; m.TemplateType = Mailer.TemplateTypes.AnotherSiteUser; m.UsrRecipient = CurrentAbuse.ReportUsr; m.Send(); CurrentAbuse.ReportUsr.UpdateAbuseTrackers(); CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.UpdateAbuseTrackers(); Bobs.Global.UpdatePhotoAbuseReports(); } PanelAbuse_Load(null, null); } } }
void BuildUsrPhotoMeList(Photo currentPhoto) { if (currentPhoto.UsrCount == 0) { PanelThreadSubjectPhotoMePanel.Visible = false; } else { PanelThreadSubjectPhotoMePanel.Visible = true; PanelThreadSubjectPhotoMePh.Controls.Clear(); PanelThreadSubjectPhotoMePh.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(currentPhoto.UsrHtml)); } }
private void PanelAbuse_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (Mode.Equals(Modes.Abuse)) { ChangePanel(PanelAbuse); PhotoKLabel.Text = CurrentAbuse.ObjectK.ToString(); PhotoStringLabel.Text = CurrentAbuse.ObjectString; Photo p = null; try { p = new Photo(CurrentAbuse.ObjectK); } catch { } if (p != null) { ThisGalleryP.InnerHtml = "<a href=\"" + p.Gallery.PagedUrl() + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + p.Gallery.UrlNoSkip() + "</a> - <a href=\"" + p.Gallery.UrlApp("edit") + "\" target=\"_blank\">[edit]</a> - (" + p.Gallery.TotalPhotos + " photos, " + p.Gallery.LivePhotos + " live)<br>"; PhotoAnchor.HRef = p.Url(); PhotoImg.Src = p.WebPath; PhotoImg.Height = p.WebHeight; PhotoImg.Width = p.WebWidth; PhotoPanel.Visible = true; NoPhotoPanel.Visible = false; } else { ThisGalleryPanel.Visible = false; PhotoPanel.Visible = false; NoPhotoPanel.Visible = true; } AbuseByP.InnerHtml = CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.LinkNewWindow() + "<br>"; AbuseByP.InnerHtml += "Pending abuse accusations: " + CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.AbuseAccusationsPending + "<br>"; AbuseByP.InnerHtml += "Abuse in the past: " + CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.AbuseAccusationsAbuse + "<br>"; AbuseByP.InnerHtml += "Accusations with no abuse: " + CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsr.AbuseAccusationsNoAbuse; ReportByP.InnerHtml = CurrentAbuse.ReportUsr.LinkNewWindow() + "<br>"; ReportByP.InnerHtml += "Pending abuse reports: " + CurrentAbuse.ReportUsr.AbuseReportsPending + "<br>"; ReportByP.InnerHtml += "Successful abuse reports: " + CurrentAbuse.ReportUsr.AbuseReportsUseful + "<br>"; ReportByP.InnerHtml += "Overturned abuse reports: " + CurrentAbuse.ReportUsr.AbuseReportsOverturned; ReportDescriptionP.InnerText = CurrentAbuse.ReportDescription; Query q = new Query(); q.QueryCondition = new Q(Gallery.Columns.OwnerUsrK, CurrentAbuse.AbuseUsrK); q.TopRecords = 20; q.OrderBy = new OrderBy(Gallery.Columns.LastLiveDateTime, OrderBy.OrderDirection.Descending); GallerySet gs = new GallerySet(q); GalleriesP.InnerHtml = ""; foreach (Gallery g in gs) { GalleriesP.InnerHtml += "<a href=\"" + g.PagedUrl() + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + g.UrlNoSkip() + "</a> - <a href=\"" + g.UrlApp("edit") + "\" target=\"_blank\">[edit]</a> - (" + g.TotalPhotos + " photos, " + g.LivePhotos + " live)<br>"; } if (CurrentAbuse.Status.Equals(Abuse.StatusEnum.Done)) { ActionsPanel.Visible = false; ResolvedPanel.Visible = true; if (CurrentAbuse.ResolveStatus.Equals(Abuse.ResolveStatusEnum.Abuse)) ResolvedLabel.Text = "There was abuse."; else if (CurrentAbuse.ResolveStatus.Equals(Abuse.ResolveStatusEnum.NoAbuse)) ResolvedLabel.Text = "There was no abuse, but the report was helpful."; else if (CurrentAbuse.ResolveStatus.Equals(Abuse.ResolveStatusEnum.Overturned)) ResolvedLabel.Text = "There was no abuse, the report was overturned."; ResolvedLabel.Text += " Resolved by " + CurrentAbuse.ResolveUsr.Link() + ", " + Cambro.Misc.Utility.FriendlyTime(CurrentAbuse.ResolveDateTime); ResolveDescriptionP.InnerText = CurrentAbuse.ResolveDescription; } else { ActionsPanel.Visible = true; ResolvedPanel.Visible = false; } } }