protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //kick out if validation failed if (!(Page.IsValid)) { //Do over; Reset anything here that needs a reset ResetImgMgr(); return; } //tally up ShaperCodeValue if (hdnIsShaper.Value == "1") { TallyShaperCode(); } string strSQL = string.Empty; string txtPhoneNumber; string emailNotify; string blogNotify; string profPic; int showPhoneNum; int iAcctType; IDBManager dbManager = new DBManager(DataProvider.SqlServer); dbManager.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myConn"].ConnectionString;; //Verify unique e-mail id. if (Session["EmailId"].ToString() != txtEmail.Text) { if (verify_User(dbManager.ConnectionString, txtEmail.Text)) { lblStatus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; lblStatus.Text = "That e-mail is already registered. Please try again."; return; } } //show phone flag showPhoneNum = (int)0; //Free acct=1; Commercial = 2 iAcctType = Convert.ToInt16(radioAcctType.SelectedValue); emailNotify = rdoEmailNotify.SelectedValue; blogNotify = rdoBlogNotify.SelectedValue; txtPhoneNumber = txtAreaCode.Text + "-" + txtPhoneNum.Text; //if no phone num is entered then showPhonenum flag must be set to zero if (txtAreaCode.Text != "" && txtPhoneNum.Text != "") { if (chkShowPhone.Checked == true) { showPhoneNum = (int)1; } } //Get user's id string uId = Session["userId"].ToString(); strSQL = "UPDATE tblUser SET txtFullName = '" + txtFullName.Text; strSQL += "' ,txtEmail = '" + txtEmail.Text; strSQL += "',txtPhoneNum = '" + txtPhoneNumber; strSQL += "',iShowPhoneNum = '" + showPhoneNum; strSQL += "',iAcctType = '" + iAcctType; strSQL += "',notify_comment_flg = '" + emailNotify; strSQL += "',notify_blog_flg = '" + blogNotify; strSQL += "',txtUserName = '******',txtHomeTown = '" + Global.CheckString(txtHomeTown.Text); strSQL += "',txtWebSite = '" + Global.CheckString(txtWebsite.Text); strSQL += "',txtUserDetails = '" + Global.CheckString(txtDetails.Text); strSQL += "',iWisdom = '" + Global.CheckString(txtShapingYrs.Text); strSQL += "',txtBrandName = '" + Global.CheckString(txtBrandName.Text); strSQL += "',iRegion = '" + cboRegion.SelectedValue; if (hdnShaperCode.Value.Length > 0) { strSQL += "',iShaperCode = '" + Global.CheckString(hdnShaperCode.Value); } } //skip pwd processing if the change pwd panel is not visible if (pnlChangePwd.Visible && txtPassword1.Text.Length > 1) { BoardHunt.classes.hasher pHash = new BoardHunt.classes.hasher(); //Get SALT and encode to string byte[] saltBytes = pHash.GenerateSALT(); string saltString = Convert.ToBase64String(saltBytes); //get hash and encode to string with SALT byte[] hBytes = pHash.getHash(saltString, txtPassword1.Text); string hPass = Convert.ToBase64String(hBytes); //hashed textual password //build SQL strSQL += "' ,txtPassword = '******',salt = '" + saltString + "',sashimi = '" + (int)1; } //get profile pic if loaded and control set if (rdoImgMgr1.SelectedValue == "Change" || rdoImgMgr1.SelectedValue == "Add") { if (!CheckFileType()) { ResetImgMgr(); return; } //TODO: check for file before attempting to upload profPic = UpLoadAllImages(); strSQL += "' ,profilePic = '" + profPic; //delete old profile pic if (!(hdnProfilePic.Value.IndexOf("nopic64.jpg") > 0)) { //ErrorLog.ErrorRoutine(false, "Deleting old pic: " + Server.MapPath(hdnProfilePic.Value)); DeleteFile(); } } else { if (rdoImgMgr1.SelectedValue == "Delete") { DeleteFile(); //set to empty string strSQL += "' ,profilePic = '"; } //else KEEP: do nothing } strSQL += "' WHERE id = '" + uId + "'"; ErrorLog.ErrorRoutine(false, "strSQL-> " + strSQL); try { dbManager.Open(); dbManager.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, strSQL); //Set new EmailId Session["EmailId"] = txtEmail.Text; //classes.Email.SendEmail("BH Profile Change", "*****@*****.**", "For User: "******"EmailId"].ToString() + " iD: " + uId); Response.Redirect("UserMenu.aspx", false); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.ErrorRoutine(false, "edit_profile:error" + ex.Message); lblStatus.Text = "Error: Connection Bad.<br>"; classes.Email.SendErrorEmail("edit_profile:error" + ex.Message); } finally { dbManager.Close(); dbManager.Dispose(); } }
//private void imgAddFav_Click(object sender, System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs e) //{ // if (Session["LoggedIn"].ToString() == "No") // { // Global.CreateMessageAlert(this.Page, "You must be logged in to do that.", "alertKey"); // return; // } // //add this entry into the favorites table // string strSQL; // string myConnectString; // //form connect string // myConnectString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myConn"].ConnectionString;; // //Build SQL // strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblFavs (userId, entryId)"; // strSQL += "VALUES ('" + Session["userId"].ToString() + "','" + Request.QueryString["iD"].ToString() + "')"; // SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(myConnectString); // //TODO: need to check for duplicate entries // try // { // myConnection.Open(); // SqlCommand objCommand = new SqlCommand(strSQL, myConnection); // objCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); // myConnection.Close(); // BindComments(); // Global.CreateMessageAlert(this.Page,"Entry has been added to your favorites.", "alertKey"); // } // catch // { // lblStatus.Text = "SQL Error: Connection Bad.<br>"; // lblStatus.Text = "SQL: " + strSQL; // } //} protected void btnPostComment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //add this entry into the favorites table string strSQL; string myConnectString; //check login status if (Session["LoggedIn"].ToString() == "No") { //TODO: display please log in? return; } //check for an empty comment if (txtComment.Text.Length <= 0) { txtComment.BorderColor = Color.Red; return; } //form connect string myConnectString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myConn"].ConnectionString;; //Build SQL strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblComments (entryId, userId, txtComment, dPosted)"; strSQL += "VALUES ('" + Convert.ToInt32(hdnEId.Value) + "','" + Convert.ToInt32(Session["userId"].ToString()) + "','" + Global.CheckString(txtComment.Text) + "','" + DateTime.Now + "')"; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(myConnectString); //TODO: need to check for duplicate entries - ? try { myConnection.Open(); SqlCommand objCommand = new SqlCommand(strSQL, myConnection); objCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); string[] eLinkArr = new string[1]; eLinkArr[0] = Request.Url.ToString(); //Send E-mail if (hdnNotifyEmail.Value == "Y") { classes.Email.SendEmail("A new comment was posted on your board", lnkEmailData.CommandArgument, classes.Email.MSG_POSTED_COMMENT, eLinkArr); } Response.Redirect(Request.Url.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.ErrorRoutine(false, "ItemDetails:Error posting comment:" + ex.Message); lblStatus.Text = "Error posting comment.<br>"; } finally { myConnection.Close(); } }
/* */ private void SubmitItem(bool publishVal) { classes.BoardItem tmpBoardItem2 = (classes.BoardItem)Session["Item"]; // - Tasks: // - Move pics from temp dir to surf dir then delete *.* temp dir // - Write entry to db from object if (tmpBoardItem2 == null) { ErrorLog.ErrorRoutine(false, "Error:Preview_Post:imgContinue_Click: BoardItem obj NULL: Session: " + Session.SessionID); //ErrorLog.ErrorRoutine(false, "Error:Preview_Post:imgContinue_Click: SessionID: " + Session.SessionID); pnlError.Visible = true; return; } else { ErrorLog.ErrorRoutine(false, "Preview_Post:imgContinue_Click:ENTRYITEM OK: " + Session.SessionID); } tmpBoardItem2.Created = DateTime.Now; tmpBoardItem2.Details = Global.CheckString(tmpBoardItem2.Details); tmpBoardItem2.Brand = Global.CheckString(tmpBoardItem2.Brand); tmpBoardItem2.Shaper = Global.CheckString(tmpBoardItem2.Shaper); //Shaperhouse if (tmpBoardItem2.AdType == 4) { if (publishVal) { tmpBoardItem2.Status = 5; } else { tmpBoardItem2.Status = 4; } } //check for pics if (hdnProcPics.Value == "True" && tmpBoardItem2.AdType != (int)2) { if (MoveFiles(tmpBoardItem2.Category, tmpBoardItem2.AdType)) { DeletePicsInTempDir(); } } //Save entry try { //write entry to db if (tmpBoardItem2.SaveItem()) { //update user's entry count if (UpdateEntryCount(tmpBoardItem2.IUser.ToString())) { if (!publishVal) { Response.Redirect("post_manager.aspx?q=4", false); } Response.Redirect("post_finish.aspx", false); } } else { lblStatus.Text = "Error posting"; } } catch { lblStatus.Text = "ERROR"; } finally { } //TODO: Remove. Do we needed it? //Session["Item"] = tmpBoardItem; }