internal static void Postfix(CraftingRecipe __instance, Item __result) { // Intercept machine crafts with a Propagator subclass, // rather than a generic nonfunctional craftable. if ( { __result = new Propagator(Game1.player.getTileLocation()); } }
internal static void CraftingRecipe_CreateItem_Postfix(CraftingRecipe __instance, Item __result) { // Intercept machine crafts with a Propagator subclass, // rather than a generic nonfunctional craftable if ( == ModValues.PropagatorInternalName) { __result = new Propagator(Game1.player.getTileLocation()); } }
internal static bool Prefix( List <Dictionary <ClickableTextureComponent, CraftingRecipe> > ___pagesOfCraftingRecipes, int ___currentCraftingPage, Item ___heldItem, ClickableTextureComponent c, bool playSound = true) { try { // Fetch an instance of any clicked-on craftable in the crafting menu. Item tempItem = ___pagesOfCraftingRecipes[___currentCraftingPage][c] .createItem(); // Fall through the prefix for any craftables other than the Propagator. if (!tempItem.Name.Equals(Data.PropagatorName)) { return(true); } // Behaviours as from base method. if (___heldItem == null) { ___pagesOfCraftingRecipes[___currentCraftingPage][c] .consumeIngredients(null); ___heldItem = tempItem; if (playSound) { Game1.playSound("coin"); } } if (Game1.player.craftingRecipes.ContainsKey(___pagesOfCraftingRecipes[___currentCraftingPage][c].name)) { Game1.player.craftingRecipes[___pagesOfCraftingRecipes[___currentCraftingPage][c].name] += ___pagesOfCraftingRecipes[___currentCraftingPage][c].numberProducedPerCraft; } if (___heldItem == null || !Game1.player.couldInventoryAcceptThisItem(___heldItem)) { return(false); } // Add the machine to the user's inventory. Propagator prop = new Propagator(Game1.player.getTileLocation()); Game1.player.addItemToInventoryBool(prop, false); ___heldItem = null; return(false); } catch (Exception e) { Log.E($"BlueberryMushroomMachine failed in" + $"{nameof(CraftingPagePatch)}.{nameof(Prefix)}" + $"\n{e}"); return(true); } }
private void OnButtonPressed(object sender, ButtonPressedEventArgs e) { e.Button.TryGetKeyboard(out Keys keyPressed); // Debug functionalities. if (Game1.activeClickableMenu == null) { if (keyPressed.ToSButton().Equals(Config.GivePropagatorKey)) { Monitor.Log(Game1.player.Name + " cheated in a Propagator.", LogLevel.Trace); Propagator prop = new Propagator(Game1.player.getTileLocation()); Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary(prop); } } }
private void OnButtonPressed(object sender, ButtonPressedEventArgs e) { e.Button.TryGetKeyboard(out var keyPressed); if (Game1.activeClickableMenu != null) { return; } // Debug functionalities. if (keyPressed.ToSButton().Equals(Config.GivePropagatorKey)) { var prop = new Propagator(Game1.player.getTileLocation()); Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary(prop); Log.D($"{Game1.player.Name} spawned in a {Const.PropagatorInternalName} ({prop.DisplayName}).", Config.DebugMode); } }
private void OnButtonPressed(object sender, ButtonPressedEventArgs e) { if (Game1.eventUp && !Game1.currentLocation.currentEvent.playerControlSequence || Game1.currentBillboard != 0 || Game1.activeClickableMenu != null || Game1.menuUp || Game1.nameSelectUp || Game1.IsChatting || Game1.dialogueTyping || Game1.dialogueUp || Game1.fadeToBlack || !Game1.player.CanMove || Game1.eventUp || Game1.isFestival()) { return; } // Debug spawning for Propagator: Can't be spawned in with CJB Item Spawner as it subclasses Object if (e.Button == Config.DebugGivePropagatorKey) { var prop = new Propagator(Game1.player.getTileLocation()); Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary(prop); Log.D($"{Game1.player.Name} spawned in a" + $" [{ModValues.PropagatorIndex}] {ModValues.PropagatorInternalName} ({prop.DisplayName})."); } }
/// <summary> /// Rebuilds any broken or missing Propagator objects in the player's inventory and throughout game location object lists. /// </summary> private void RebuildPropagtors() { if (Data != null && Data.PyTKMigration) { // Manually rebuild each Propagator in the player's inventory var rebuiltItemsCount = 0; var items = Game1.player.Items; for (var i = items.Count - 1; i > 0; --i) { if (items[i] == null || !items[i].Name.StartsWith($"PyTK|Item|{ModValues.PackageName}") || !items[i].Name.Contains($"{ModValues.PropagatorInternalName}")) { continue; } ++rebuiltItemsCount; Log.D($"Found a broken Propagator in {Game1.player.Name}'s inventory slot {i}, rebuilding manually.", Config.DebugMode); var stack = items[i].Stack; Game1.player.removeItemFromInventory(items[i]); Game1.player.addItemToInventory(new Propagator { Stack = stack }, i); } // Manually rebuild each Propagator in the world var rebuiltObjectsCount = 0; foreach (var location in Game1.locations) { foreach (var key in location.Objects.Keys.ToList()) { if (!location.Objects[key].Name.StartsWith($"PyTK|Item|{ModValues.PackageName}")) { continue; } int index = 0, quantity = 0, quality = 0; var days = 0f; var replacement = new Propagator(); var tileLocation = Vector2.Zero; var isHoldingMushroom = false; var itemSplit = location.Objects[key].Name.Substring(location.Objects[key].Name.IndexOf(", ")).Split('|'); foreach (var field in itemSplit) { var fieldSplit = field.Split(new[] { '=' }, 2); switch (fieldSplit[0]) { case "tileLocationX": tileLocation.X = float.Parse(fieldSplit[1]); break; case "tileLocationY": tileLocation.Y = float.Parse(fieldSplit[1]); break; case "heldObjectIndex": index = int.Parse(fieldSplit[1]); break; case "heldObjectQuality": quality = int.Parse(fieldSplit[1]); break; case "heldObjectQuantity": quantity = int.Parse(fieldSplit[1]); break; case "days": days = float.Parse(fieldSplit[1]); break; case "produceExtra": isHoldingMushroom = true; break; } } replacement.TileLocation = tileLocation; replacement.PutSourceMushroom(new Object(index, quantity) { Quality = quality }); if (isHoldingMushroom) { replacement.PutExtraHeldMushroom(daysToMature: days); } ++rebuiltObjectsCount; Log.D($"Found a broken Propagator in {location.Name}'s objects at {key.ToString()}, rebuilding manually.", Config.DebugMode); location.Objects[key] = replacement; } } Log.D($"Rebuilt {rebuiltItemsCount} inventory items and {rebuiltObjectsCount} world objects."); Data.PyTKMigration = false; } }