private void UploadBookInternal(IProgress progress, ApplicationContainer container, BookUploadParameters uploadParams, ref ProjectContext context) { progress.WriteMessageWithColor("Cyan", "Starting to upload " + uploadParams.Folder); // Make sure the files we want to upload are up to date. // Unfortunately this requires making a book object, which requires making a ProjectContext, which must be created with the // proper parent book collection if possible. var parent = Path.GetDirectoryName(uploadParams.Folder); var collectionPath = Directory.GetFiles(parent, "*.bloomCollection").FirstOrDefault(); if (collectionPath == null || !RobustFile.Exists(collectionPath)) { progress.WriteError("Skipping book because no collection file was found in its parent directory."); return; } _collectionFoldersUploaded.Add(collectionPath); // Compute the book hash file and compare it to the existing one for bulk upload. var currentHashes = BookUpload.HashBookFolder(uploadParams.Folder); progress.WriteMessage(currentHashes); var pathToLocalHashInfoFromLastUpload = Path.Combine(uploadParams.Folder, HashInfoFromLastUpload); if (!uploadParams.ForceUpload) { var canSkip = false; if (Program.RunningUnitTests) { canSkip = _singleBookUploader.CheckAgainstLocalHashfile(currentHashes, pathToLocalHashInfoFromLastUpload); } else { canSkip = _singleBookUploader.CheckAgainstHashFileOnS3(currentHashes, uploadParams.Folder, progress); RobustFile.WriteAllText(pathToLocalHashInfoFromLastUpload, currentHashes); // ensure local copy is saved } if (canSkip) { // local copy of hashes file is identical or has been saved progress.WriteMessageWithColor("green", $"Skipping '{Path.GetFileName(uploadParams.Folder)}' because it has not changed since being uploaded."); ++_booksSkipped; return; // skip this one; we already uploaded it earlier. } } // save local copy of hashes file: it will be uploaded with the other book files RobustFile.WriteAllText(pathToLocalHashInfoFromLastUpload, currentHashes); if (context == null || context.SettingsPath != collectionPath) { context?.Dispose(); // optimise: creating a context seems to be quite expensive. Probably the only thing we need to change is // the collection. If we could update that in place...despite autofac being told it has lifetime scope...we would save some time. // Note however that it's not good enough to just store it in the project context. The one that is actually in // the autofac object (_scope in the ProjectContext) is used by autofac to create various objects, in particular, books. context = container.CreateProjectContext(collectionPath); Program.SetProjectContext(context); } var server = context.BookServer; var bookInfo = new BookInfo(uploadParams.Folder, true); var book = server.GetBookFromBookInfo(bookInfo); book.BringBookUpToDate(new NullProgress()); bookInfo.Bookshelf = book.CollectionSettings.DefaultBookshelf; var bookshelfName = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(book.CollectionSettings.DefaultBookshelf) ? "(none)" : book.CollectionSettings.DefaultBookshelf; progress.WriteMessage($"Bookshelf is '{bookshelfName}'"); // Assemble the various arguments needed to make the objects normally involved in an upload. // We leave some constructor arguments not actually needed for this purpose null. var bookSelection = new BookSelection(); bookSelection.SelectBook(book); var currentEditableCollectionSelection = new CurrentEditableCollectionSelection(); var collection = new BookCollection(collectionPath, BookCollection.CollectionType.SourceCollection, bookSelection); currentEditableCollectionSelection.SelectCollection(collection); var publishModel = new PublishModel(bookSelection, new PdfMaker(), currentEditableCollectionSelection, context.Settings, server, _thumbnailer); publishModel.PageLayout = book.GetLayout(); var view = new PublishView(publishModel, new SelectedTabChangedEvent(), new LocalizationChangedEvent(), _singleBookUploader, null, null, null, null); var blPublishModel = new BloomLibraryPublishModel(_singleBookUploader, book, publishModel); string dummy; // Normally we let the user choose which languages to upload. Here, just the ones that have complete information. var langDict = book.AllPublishableLanguages(); var languagesToUpload = langDict.Keys.Where(l => langDict[l]).ToList(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(book.CollectionSettings.SignLanguageIso639Code) && BookUpload.GetVideoFilesToInclude(book).Any()) { languagesToUpload.Insert(0, book.CollectionSettings.SignLanguageIso639Code); } if (blPublishModel.MetadataIsReadyToPublish && (languagesToUpload.Any() || blPublishModel.OkToUploadWithNoLanguages)) { if (blPublishModel.BookIsAlreadyOnServer) { var msg = $"Overwriting the copy of {uploadParams.Folder} on the server..."; progress.WriteWarning(msg); } using (var tempFolder = new TemporaryFolder(Path.Combine("BloomUpload", Path.GetFileName(book.FolderPath)))) { BookUpload.PrepareBookForUpload(ref book, server, tempFolder.FolderPath, progress); uploadParams.LanguagesToUpload = languagesToUpload.ToArray(); _singleBookUploader.FullUpload(book, progress, view, uploadParams, out dummy); } progress.WriteMessageWithColor("Green", "{0} has been uploaded", uploadParams.Folder); if (blPublishModel.BookIsAlreadyOnServer) { ++_booksUpdated; } else { ++_newBooksUploaded; } } else { // report to the user why we are not uploading their book var reason = blPublishModel.GetReasonForNotUploadingBook(); progress.WriteError("{0} was not uploaded. {1}", uploadParams.Folder, reason); ++_booksWithErrors; } }
public BulkUploader(BookUpload singleBookUploader) { _singleBookUploader = singleBookUploader; }
public BulkUploader(BookUpload singleBookUploader) { _singleBookUploader = singleBookUploader; _thumbnailer = singleBookUploader._thumbnailer; }