Handles chores related to Front and Back Matter packs. These allow users to have a set which fits there country/organizational situation, and have it applied to all books they create, whether original or from shells created in other country/organization contexts.
        /// <summary>
        /// we update these so that the file continues to look the same when you just open it in firefox
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateSupportFiles()
            if (IsPathReadonly(_folderPath))
                Logger.WriteEvent("Not updating files in folder {0} because the directory is read-only.", _folderPath);

                foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles(_folderPath, "*.css"))
                    var file = Path.GetFileName(path);
                    //if (file.ToLower().Contains("portrait") || file.ToLower().Contains("landscape"))

            //by default, this comes from the collection, but the book can select one, inlucing "null" to select the factory-supplied empty xmatter
            var nameOfXMatterPack = _dom.GetMetaValue("xMatter", _collectionSettings.XMatterPackName);
            var helper            = new XMatterHelper(_dom, nameOfXMatterPack, _fileLocator);

            UpdateIfNewer(Path.GetFileName(helper.PathToStyleSheetForPaperAndOrientation), helper.PathToStyleSheetForPaperAndOrientation);
        // NB: this knows nothing of book-specific css's... even "basic book.css"
        private void EnsureHasLinksToStylesheets(HtmlDom dom)
            var nameOfXMatterPack = _dom.GetMetaValue("xMatter", _collectionSettings.XMatterPackName);
            var helper            = new XMatterHelper(_dom, nameOfXMatterPack, _fileLocator);

            EnsureHasLinkToStyleSheet(dom, Path.GetFileName(helper.PathToStyleSheetForPaperAndOrientation));

            string autocssFilePath = ".." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "settingsCollectionStyles.css";

            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(_folderPath, autocssFilePath)))
                EnsureHasLinkToStyleSheet(dom, autocssFilePath);

            var customCssFilePath = ".." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "customCollectionStyles.css";

            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(_folderPath, customCssFilePath)))
                EnsureHasLinkToStyleSheet(dom, customCssFilePath);

            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(_folderPath, "customBookStyles.css")))
                EnsureHasLinkToStyleSheet(dom, "customBookStyles.css");
                EnsureDoesntHaveLinkToStyleSheet(dom, "customBookStyles.css");
        private string SetupNewDocumentContents(string sourceFolderPath, string initialPath)
            var storage  = _bookStorageFactory(initialPath);
            var bookData = new BookData(storage.Dom, _collectionSettings, null);

            UpdateEditabilityMetadata(storage);            //Path.GetFileName(initialPath).ToLower().Contains("template"));

            //NB: for a new book based on a page template, I think this should remove *everything*, because the rest is in the xmatter
            //	for shells, we'll still have pages.
            //Remove from the new book any div-pages labelled as "extraPage"
            foreach (XmlElement initialPageDiv in storage.Dom.SafeSelectNodes("/html/body/div[contains(@data-page,'extra')]"))


            bookData.RemoveAllForms("ISBN");            //ISBN number of the original doesn't apply to derivatives

            var sizeAndOrientation = Layout.FromDom(storage.Dom, Layout.A5Portrait);

            //Note that we do this *before* injecting frontmatter, which is more likely to have a good reason for having English
            //Useful for things like Primers. Note that Lorem Ipsum and prefixing all text with "_" also work.
//			if ("true"==GetMetaValue(storage.Dom.RawDom, "removeTranslationsWhenMakingNewBook", "false"))
//			{
//				ClearAwayAllTranslations(storage.Dom.RawDom);
//			}

            InjectXMatter(initialPath, storage, sizeAndOrientation);


            SetBookTitle(storage, bookData);

            //Few sources will have this set at all. A template picture dictionary is one place where we might expect it to call for, say, bilingual
            int multilingualLevel = int.Parse(GetMetaValue(storage.Dom.RawDom, "defaultMultilingualLevel", "1"));

            TranslationGroupManager.SetInitialMultilingualSetting(bookData, multilingualLevel, _collectionSettings);

            var sourceDom = XmlHtmlConverter.GetXmlDomFromHtmlFile(sourceFolderPath.CombineForPath(Path.GetFileName(GetPathToHtmlFile(sourceFolderPath))), false);

            //If this is a shell book, make elements to hold the vernacular
            foreach (XmlElement div in storage.Dom.RawDom.SafeSelectNodes("//div[contains(@class,'bloom-page')]"))
                XmlElement sourceDiv = sourceDom.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='" + div.GetAttribute("id") + "']") as XmlElement;
                SetupIdAndLineage(sourceDiv, div);
                SetupPage(div, _collectionSettings, null, null);



            //REVIEW this actually undoes the setting of the intial files name:
            //      storage.UpdateBookFileAndFolderName(_librarySettings);
        private void InjectXMatter(string initialPath, BookStorage storage, Layout sizeAndOrientation)
            //now add in the xmatter from the currently selected xmatter pack
            if (!TestingSoSkipAddingXMatter)
                var data = new DataSet();
                data.WritingSystemAliases.Add("V", _collectionSettings.Language1Iso639Code);
                data.WritingSystemAliases.Add("N1", _collectionSettings.Language2Iso639Code);
                data.WritingSystemAliases.Add("N2", _collectionSettings.Language3Iso639Code);

                var helper = new XMatterHelper(storage.Dom, _collectionSettings.XMatterPackName, _fileLocator);
                helper.FolderPathForCopyingXMatterFiles = storage.FolderPath;
                helper.InjectXMatter(data.WritingSystemAliases, sizeAndOrientation, _collectionSettings.BrandingProjectKey, storage.FolderPath);
        private void InjectXMatter(string initialPath, BookStorage storage, Layout sizeAndOrientation)
//now add in the xmatter from the currently selected xmatter pack
            if (!TestingSoSkipAddingXMatter)
                var data = new DataSet();
                data.WritingSystemAliases.Add("V", _collectionSettings.Language1Iso639Code);
                data.WritingSystemAliases.Add("N1", _collectionSettings.Language2Iso639Code);
                data.WritingSystemAliases.Add("N2", _collectionSettings.Language3Iso639Code);

                //by default, this comes from the collection, but the book can select one, inlucing "null" to select the factory-supplied empty xmatter
                var xmatterName = storage.Dom.GetMetaValue("xmatter", _collectionSettings.XMatterPackName);

                var helper = new XMatterHelper(storage.Dom, xmatterName, _fileLocator);
                helper.FolderPathForCopyingXMatterFiles = storage.FolderPath;
                helper.InjectXMatter(data.WritingSystemAliases, sizeAndOrientation);
        private void InjectXMatter(string initialPath, BookStorage storage, Layout sizeAndOrientation)
            //now add in the xmatter from the currently selected xmatter pack
            if (!TestingSoSkipAddingXMatter)
                var data = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                // Review: this sort of duplicates the knowledge in BookData.WritingSystemAliases
                // Is it worth creating a BookData here? Since we're just starting the new book, it can't
                // yet have any language settings different from the collection.
                data.Add("V", _collectionSettings.Language1.Iso639Code);
                data.Add("N1", _collectionSettings.Language2.Iso639Code);
                data.Add("N2", _collectionSettings.Language3.Iso639Code);

                var helper = new XMatterHelper(storage.Dom, _collectionSettings.XMatterPackName, _fileLocator);
                helper.FolderPathForCopyingXMatterFiles = storage.FolderPath;
                helper.InjectXMatter(data, sizeAndOrientation, false, _collectionSettings.Language2.Iso639Code);
        private static void AddLocalizedHintContentsToDictionary(HtmlDom singlePageHtmlDom, Dictionary <string, string> dictionary, CollectionSettings collectionSettings)
            var nameOfXMatterPack = singlePageHtmlDom.GetMetaValue("xMatter", collectionSettings.XMatterPackName);

            string idPrefix    = "";
            var    pageElement = singlePageHtmlDom.RawDom.SelectSingleNode("//div") as XmlElement;

            if (XMatterHelper.IsFrontMatterPage(pageElement))
                idPrefix = "FrontMatter." + nameOfXMatterPack + ".";
            else if (XMatterHelper.IsBackMatterPage(pageElement))
                idPrefix = "BackMatter." + nameOfXMatterPack + ".";
            foreach (XmlElement element in singlePageHtmlDom.RawDom.SelectNodes("//*[@data-hint]"))
                //why aren't we just doing: element.SetAttribute("data-hint", translation);  instead of bothering to write out a dictionary?
                //because (especially since we're currently just assuming it is in english), we would later save it with the translation, and then next time try to translate that, and poplute the
                //list of strings that we tell people to translate
                var key = element.GetAttribute("data-hint");
                if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(key))
                    string translation;
                    var    id = idPrefix + key;
                    if (key.Contains("{lang}"))
                        translation = LocalizationManager.GetDynamicString("Bloom", id, key, "Put {lang} in your translation, so it can be replaced by the language name.");
                        translation = LocalizationManager.GetDynamicString("Bloom", id, key);
                    dictionary.Add(key, translation);
        private void InjectXMatter(string initialPath, BookStorage storage, Layout sizeAndOrientation)
            //now add in the xmatter from the currently selected xmatter pack
            if (!TestingSoSkipAddingXMatter)
                var data = new DataSet();
                data.WritingSystemCodes.Add("V", _collectionSettings.Language1Iso639Code);
                data.WritingSystemCodes.Add("N1", _collectionSettings.Language2Iso639Code);
                data.WritingSystemCodes.Add("N2", _collectionSettings.Language3Iso639Code);

                //by default, this comes from the collection, but the book can select one, inlucing "null" to select the factory-supplied empty xmatter
                var xmatterName = storage.Dom.GetMetaValue("xmatter", _collectionSettings.XMatterPackName);

                var helper = new XMatterHelper(storage.Dom, xmatterName, _fileLocator);
                helper.FolderPathForCopyingXMatterFiles = storage.FolderPath;
                helper.InjectXMatter(data.WritingSystemCodes, sizeAndOrientation);
        private string SetupNewDocumentContents(string sourceFolderPath, string initialPath)
            var  storage        = _bookStorageFactory(initialPath);
            bool usingTemplate  = storage.MetaData.IsSuitableForMakingShells;
            bool makingTemplate = storage.MetaData.IsSuitableForMakingTemplates;

            var bookData = new BookData(storage.Dom, _collectionSettings, null);

            UpdateEditabilityMetadata(storage);            //Path.GetFileName(initialPath).ToLower().Contains("template"));

            // NB: For a new book based on a page template, I think this should remove *everything*,
            // because the rest is in the xmatter.
            // For shells, we'll still have pages.

            //Remove from the new book any div-pages labeled as "extraPage"
            for (var initialPageDivs = storage.Dom.SafeSelectNodes("/html/body/div[contains(@data-page,'extra')]");
                 initialPageDivs.Count > 0;
                 initialPageDivs = storage.Dom.SafeSelectNodes("/html/body/div[contains(@data-page,'extra')]"))


            bookData.RemoveAllForms("ISBN");            //ISBN number of the original doesn't apply to derivatives

            var sizeAndOrientation = Layout.FromDomAndChoices(storage.Dom, Layout.A5Portrait, _fileLocator);

            //Note that we do this *before* injecting frontmatter, which is more likely to have a good reason for having English
            //Useful for things like Primers. Note that Lorem Ipsum and prefixing all text with "_" also work.
            //			if ("true"==GetMetaValue(storage.Dom.RawDom, "removeTranslationsWhenMakingNewBook", "false"))
            //			{
            //				ClearAwayAllTranslations(storage.Dom.RawDom);
            //			}

            // If we are making a shell (from a template, as opposed to making a translation of a shell),
            // it should not have a pre-determined license. A default will be filled in later.
            // (But, if we're MAKING a template, we want to keep the CC0 from Template Starter.)
            if (usingTemplate && !makingTemplate)

            InjectXMatter(initialPath, storage, sizeAndOrientation);

            SetLineageAndId(storage, sourceFolderPath);

            SetBookTitle(storage, bookData, usingTemplate);

            if (!usingTemplate &&
                // when people add a book to a source collection, they are assumed *editing* the book, not making a derivative (BL-4497)
                BookCopyrightAndLicense.SetOriginalCopyrightAndLicense(storage.Dom, bookData, _collectionSettings);

            //Few sources will have this set at all. A template picture dictionary is one place where we might expect it to call for, say, bilingual
            int multilingualLevel = int.Parse(GetMetaValue(storage.Dom.RawDom, "defaultMultilingualLevel", "1"));

            TranslationGroupManager.SetInitialMultilingualSetting(bookData, multilingualLevel, _collectionSettings);

            var sourceDom = XmlHtmlConverter.GetXmlDomFromHtmlFile(sourceFolderPath.CombineForPath(Path.GetFileName(GetPathToHtmlFile(sourceFolderPath))), false);

            //If this is a shell book, make elements to hold the vernacular
            foreach (XmlElement div in storage.Dom.RawDom.SafeSelectNodes("//div[contains(@class,'bloom-page')]"))
                XmlElement sourceDiv = sourceDom.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='" + div.GetAttribute("id") + "']") as XmlElement;
                SetupIdAndLineage(sourceDiv, div);
                SetupPage(div, _collectionSettings, null, null);



            //REVIEW this actually undoes the setting of the initial files name:
            //      storage.UpdateBookFileAndFolderName(_librarySettings);
        /// <summary>
        /// we update these so that the file continues to look the same when you just open it in firefox
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateSupportFiles()

            foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles(_folderPath, "*.css"))
                var file = Path.GetFileName(path);
                //if (file.ToLower().Contains("portrait") || file.ToLower().Contains("landscape"))

            //by default, this comes from the collection, but the book can select one, inlucing "null" to select the factory-supplied empty xmatter
            var nameOfXMatterPack = _dom.GetMetaValue("xMatter", _collectionSettings.XMatterPackName);
            var helper = new XMatterHelper(_dom, nameOfXMatterPack, _fileLocator);
            UpdateIfNewer(Path.GetFileName(helper.PathToStyleSheetForPaperAndOrientation), helper.PathToStyleSheetForPaperAndOrientation);
        // NB: this knows nothing of book-specific css's... even "basic book.css"
        private void EnsureHasLinksToStylesheets(HtmlDom dom)
            var nameOfXMatterPack = _dom.GetMetaValue("xMatter", _collectionSettings.XMatterPackName);
            var helper = new XMatterHelper(_dom, nameOfXMatterPack, _fileLocator);

            EnsureHasLinkToStyleSheet(dom, Path.GetFileName(helper.PathToStyleSheetForPaperAndOrientation));

            string autocssFilePath = ".."+Path.DirectorySeparatorChar+"settingsCollectionStyles.css";
            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(_folderPath,autocssFilePath)))
                EnsureHasLinkToStyleSheet(dom, autocssFilePath);

            var customCssFilePath = ".." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "customCollectionStyles.css";
            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(_folderPath, customCssFilePath)))
                EnsureHasLinkToStyleSheet(dom, customCssFilePath);

            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(_folderPath, "customBookStyles.css")))
        private void BringBookUpToDate(HtmlDom bookDOM /* may be a 'preview' version*/, IProgress progress)
            progress.WriteStatus("Gathering Data...");

            //by default, this comes from the collection, but the book can select one, including "null" to select the factory-supplied empty xmatter
            var nameOfXMatterPack = OurHtmlDom.GetMetaValue("xMatter", _collectionSettings.XMatterPackName);

            var helper = new XMatterHelper(bookDOM, nameOfXMatterPack, _storage.GetFileLocator());
            Layout layout = Layout.FromDom(bookDOM, Layout.A5Portrait);			//enhance... this is currently just for the whole book. would be better page-by-page, somehow...
            progress.WriteStatus("Injecting XMatter...");

            helper.InjectXMatter(_bookData.GetWritingSystemCodes(), layout);
            TranslationGroupManager.PrepareElementsInPageOrDocument(bookDOM.RawDom, _collectionSettings);
            progress.WriteStatus("Updating Data...");

            if(bookDOM == OurHtmlDom)//we already have a data for this

                // I think we should only mess with tags if we are updating the book for real.
                var oldTagsPath = Path.Combine(_storage.FolderPath, "tags.txt");
                if (File.Exists(oldTagsPath))
                    ConvertTagsToMetaData(oldTagsPath, BookInfo);
            else //used for making a preview dom
                var bd = new BookData(bookDOM, _collectionSettings, UpdateImageMetadataAttributes);

            bookDOM.RemoveMetaElement("bloomBookLineage", () => BookInfo.BookLineage, val => BookInfo.BookLineage = val);
            bookDOM.RemoveMetaElement("bookLineage", () => BookInfo.BookLineage, val => BookInfo.BookLineage = val);
            // BookInfo will always have an ID, the constructor makes one even if there is no json file.
            // To allow migration, pretend it has no ID if there is not yet a meta.json.
            bookDOM.RemoveMetaElement("bloomBookId", () => (File.Exists(BookInfo.MetaDataPath) ? BookInfo.Id : null), val => BookInfo.Id = val);

            // Title should be replicated in json
            //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Title)) // check just in case we somehow have more useful info in json.
            //    bookDOM.Title = Title;
            // Bit of a kludge, but there's no way to tell whether a boolean is already set in the JSON, so we fake that it is not,
            // thus ensuring that if something is in the metadata we use it.
            bookDOM.RemoveMetaElement("SuitableForMakingShells", () => null, val => BookInfo.IsSuitableForMakingShells = val == "yes" || val == "definitely");
            // If there is nothing there the default of true will survive.
            bookDOM.RemoveMetaElement("SuitableForMakingVernacularBooks", () => null, val => BookInfo.IsSuitableForVernacularLibrary = val == "yes" || val == "definitely");
        /// <summary>
        /// we update these so that the file continues to look the same when you just open it in firefox
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateSupportFiles()
            if (IsPathReadonly(_folderPath))
                Logger.WriteEvent("Not updating files in folder {0} because the directory is read-only.", _folderPath);

                foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles(_folderPath, "*.css"))
                    var file = Path.GetFileName(path);
                    //if (file.ToLower().Contains("portrait") || file.ToLower().Contains("landscape"))

            //by default, this comes from the collection, but the book can select one, including "null" to select the factory-supplied empty xmatter
            var nameOfXMatterPack = _dom.GetMetaValue("xMatter", _collectionSettings.XMatterPackName);
            nameOfXMatterPack = HandleRetiredXMatterPacks(_dom, nameOfXMatterPack);

                var helper = new XMatterHelper(_dom, nameOfXMatterPack, _fileLocator);
                Update(Path.GetFileName(helper.PathToStyleSheetForPaperAndOrientation), helper.PathToStyleSheetForPaperAndOrientation);
            catch (Exception error)
                ErrorMessagesHtml = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(error.Message);
        private void BringXmatterHtmlUpToDate(HtmlDom bookDOM)
            //by default, this comes from the collection, but the book can select one, including "null" to select the factory-supplied empty xmatter
            var nameOfXMatterPack = OurHtmlDom.GetMetaValue("xMatter", _collectionSettings.XMatterPackName);
            nameOfXMatterPack = Storage.HandleRetiredXMatterPacks(OurHtmlDom, nameOfXMatterPack);
            var helper = new XMatterHelper(bookDOM, nameOfXMatterPack, _storage.GetFileLocator());
            //note, we determine this before removing xmatter to fix the situation where there is *only* xmatter, no content, so if
            //we wait until we've removed the xmatter, we no how no way of knowing what size/orientation they had before the update.
            Layout layout = Layout.FromDom(bookDOM, Layout.A5Portrait);
            layout = Layout.FromDom(bookDOM, layout);
                //this says, if you can't figure out the page size, use the one we got before we removed the xmatter
            helper.InjectXMatter(_bookData.GetWritingSystemCodes(), layout);

            var dataBookLangs = bookDOM.GatherDataBookLanguages();
            TranslationGroupManager.PrepareDataBookTranslationGroups(RawDom, dataBookLangs);
        private string SetupNewDocumentContents(string sourceFolderPath, string initialPath)
            var  storage        = _bookStorageFactory(initialPath);
            bool usingTemplate  = storage.BookInfo.IsSuitableForMakingShells;
            bool makingTemplate = storage.BookInfo.IsSuitableForMakingTemplates;
            // If we're not making it from a template or making a template, we're deriving a translation from an existing book
            var makingTranslation = !usingTemplate && !makingTemplate;

            var bookData = new BookData(storage.Dom, _collectionSettings, null);

            UpdateEditabilityMetadata(storage);            //Path.GetFileName(initialPath).ToLower().Contains("template"));
            // BL-7614 We don't want a derivative of a book downloaded from a "bookshelf" to have the same bookshelf

            // NB: For a new book based on a page template, I think this should remove *everything*,
            // because the rest is in the xmatter.
            // For shells, we'll still have pages.

            // BL-6108: But if this is a template and we remove all the pages and xmatter,
            // there won't be anything left to tell us what the template's preferred layout was,
            // so we'll save that first.
            Layout templateLayout = null;

            if (usingTemplate)
                templateLayout = Layout.FromDom(storage.Dom, Layout.A5Portrait);

            // Remove from the new book any pages labeled as "extra".
            // Typically pages in a template are marked "extra" to indicate that they are options to insert with "Add Page"
            // but not pages (which a few templates have) that should be automatically inserted into every book
            // made from the template.
            // Originally we removed 'extra' pages in all cases, but we haven't actually used the capability
            // of deleting 'extra' pages from translations of shell books, and on the other hand, we did briefly release
            // a version of Bloom that incorrectly left shell book pages so marked. Something like 73 books in our library
            // may have this problem (BL-6392). Since we don't actually need the capability for making translations
            // of shell books, we decided to simply disable it: all pages in a shell book, even those marked
            // 'extra', will be kept in the translation.
            if (!makingTranslation)
                for (var initialPageDivs = storage.Dom.SafeSelectNodes("/html/body/div[contains(@data-page,'extra')]");
                     initialPageDivs.Count > 0;
                     initialPageDivs = storage.Dom.SafeSelectNodes("/html/body/div[contains(@data-page,'extra')]"))
                // When making a translation of an original move the 'publisher' (if there is one) to 'originalPublisher'.


            // BL-4586 Some old books ended up with background-image urls containing XML img tags
            // in the HTML-encoded string. This happened because the coverImage data-book element
            // contained an img tag instead of a bare filename.
            // Normally such a thing would get fixed on loading the book, but if the "old book" in question
            // is a shell downloaded from BloomLibrary.org, Bloom is not allowed to modify the book,
            // so if such a thing exists in this copied book here we will strip it out and replace it with the
            // filename in the img src attribute.

            bookData.RemoveAllForms("ISBN");            //ISBN number of the original doesn't apply to derivatives

            var sizeAndOrientation = Layout.FromDomAndChoices(storage.Dom, templateLayout ?? Layout.A5Portrait, _fileLocator);

            //Note that we do this *before* injecting frontmatter, which is more likely to have a good reason for having English
            //Useful for things like Primers. Note that Lorem Ipsum and prefixing all text with "_" also work.
            //			if ("true"==GetMetaValue(storage.Dom.RawDom, "removeTranslationsWhenMakingNewBook", "false"))
            //			{
            //				ClearAwayAllTranslations(storage.Dom.RawDom);
            //			}

            // If we are making a shell (from a template, as opposed to making a translation of a shell),
            // it should not have a pre-determined license. A default will be filled in later.
            // (But, if we're MAKING a template, we want to keep the CC0 from Template Starter.)
            if (usingTemplate && !makingTemplate)

            InjectXMatter(initialPath, storage, sizeAndOrientation);

            SetLineageAndId(storage, sourceFolderPath);

            if (makingTranslation)
                storage.EnsureOriginalTitle();                 // Before SetBookTitle, so we definitely won't use this book's new empty title

            SetBookTitle(storage, bookData, usingTemplate);

            TransformCreditPageData(storage.Dom, bookData, _collectionSettings, storage, makingTranslation);

            //Few sources will have this set at all. A template picture dictionary is one place where we might expect it to call for, say, bilingual
            int multilingualLevel = int.Parse(GetMetaValue(storage.Dom.RawDom, "defaultMultilingualLevel", "1"));

            TranslationGroupManager.SetInitialMultilingualSetting(bookData, multilingualLevel, _collectionSettings);

            var sourceDom = XmlHtmlConverter.GetXmlDomFromHtmlFile(sourceFolderPath.CombineForPath(Path.GetFileName(GetPathToHtmlFile(sourceFolderPath))), false);

            //If this is a shell book, make elements to hold the vernacular
            foreach (XmlElement div in storage.Dom.RawDom.SafeSelectNodes("//div[contains(@class,'bloom-page')]"))
                XmlElement sourceDiv = sourceDom.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='" + div.GetAttribute("id") + "']") as XmlElement;
                SetupIdAndLineage(sourceDiv, div);
                SetupPage(div, _collectionSettings, null, null);


            storage.UpdateSupportFiles();               // Copy branding files etc.

            //REVIEW this actually undoes the setting of the initial files name:
            //      storage.UpdateBookFileAndFolderName(_librarySettings);
        // NB: this knows nothing of book-specific css's... even "basic book.css"
        private void EnsureHasLinksToStylesheets(HtmlDom dom)
            //clear out any old ones

            var nameOfXMatterPack = _dom.GetMetaValue("xMatter", _collectionSettings.XMatterPackName);
            nameOfXMatterPack = HandleRetiredXMatterPacks(dom, nameOfXMatterPack);
            var helper = new XMatterHelper(_dom, nameOfXMatterPack, _fileLocator);

            EnsureHasLinkToStyleSheet(dom, Path.GetFileName(helper.PathToStyleSheetForPaperAndOrientation));

            string autocssFilePath = ".."+Path.DirectorySeparatorChar+"settingsCollectionStyles.css";
            if (RobustFile.Exists(Path.Combine(_folderPath,autocssFilePath)))
                EnsureHasLinkToStyleSheet(dom, autocssFilePath);

            var customCssFilePath = ".." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "customCollectionStyles.css";
            if (RobustFile.Exists(Path.Combine(_folderPath, customCssFilePath)))
                EnsureHasLinkToStyleSheet(dom, customCssFilePath);

            if (RobustFile.Exists(Path.Combine(_folderPath, "customBookStyles.css")))
                EnsureHasLinkToStyleSheet(dom, "customBookStyles.css");
                EnsureDoesntHaveLinkToStyleSheet(dom, "customBookStyles.css");
        private void BringBookUpToDate(HtmlDom bookDOM /* may be a 'preview' version*/, IProgress progress)
            progress.WriteStatus("Gathering Data...");

            //by default, this comes from the collection, but the book can select one, inlucing "null" to select the factory-supplied empty xmatter
            var nameOfXMatterPack = OurHtmlDom.GetMetaValue("xMatter", _collectionSettings.XMatterPackName);

            var helper = new XMatterHelper(bookDOM, nameOfXMatterPack, _storage.GetFileLocator());
            Layout layout = Layout.FromDom(bookDOM, Layout.A5Portrait);			//enhance... this is currently just for the whole book. would be better page-by-page, somehow...
            progress.WriteStatus("Injecting XMatter...");

            helper.InjectXMatter(_bookData.GetWritingSystemCodes(), layout);
            TranslationGroupManager.PrepareElementsInPageOrDocument(bookDOM.RawDom, _collectionSettings);
            progress.WriteStatus("Updating Data...");

            if(bookDOM == OurHtmlDom)//we already have a data for this
            else //used for making a preview dom
                var bd = new BookData(bookDOM, _collectionSettings, UpdateImageMetadataAttributes);

            bookDOM.RenameMetaElement("bookLineage", "bloomBookLineage");