        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine ("Bitcoin Genesis Block Solver");
            Console.WriteLine ();

            if (args.Length < 3)
                DisplayUsage ();

            // Required params
            string pubKey = args [0];
            string timestamp = args [1];
            string nBitsString = args [2];
            string timestampBitsString = args [3];

            // Optional params
            string nTimeString = args.Length >= 5 ? args [4] : null;
            string nNonceString = args.Length >= 6 ? args [5] : null;
            string threadString = args.Length >= 7 ? args [6] : null;

            // Validate params

            // Check public key
            if (pubKey.Length != 130) {
                Console.Error.WriteLine ("Invalid public key. Must be an ECDSA public key, 65 characters in length. {0}" +
                    "E.g. 04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f", Environment.NewLine);

            // Check timestamp
            if (timestamp.Length <= 0 || timestamp.Length >= 255) {
                Console.Error.WriteLine (@"Invalid timestamp. Must be a string with length between 1 and 254. {0}" +
                    @"E.g. ""The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks""", Environment.NewLine);

            // Check timestamp bits
            uint timestampBits;
            if (!uint.TryParse(timestampBitsString, out timestampBits)) {
                Console.Error.WriteLine ("Invalid timestamp bits. Must be a numeric value, in uint form. {0}" +
                    "E.g. 486604799", Environment.NewLine);

            // Check nBits
            uint nBits;
            if (!uint.TryParse(nBitsString, out nBits)) {
                Console.Error.WriteLine ("Invalid nBits. Must be a numeric value, in uint form. {0}" +
                    "E.g. 486604799", Environment.NewLine);

            // Check nTime
            uint nTimeStart = Utilities.GetCurrentTimestamp(); // Default to now
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nTimeString) && (!uint.TryParse(nTimeString, out nTimeStart) || nTimeStart == 0)) {
                Console.Error.WriteLine ("Invalid start nTime. Must be a unix timestamp, greater-than zero. {0}" +
                    "E.g. 1231006505", Environment.NewLine);

            // Check nNonce
            uint nNonceStart = 0; // Default to now
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nNonceString) && !uint.TryParse(nNonceString, out nNonceStart)) {
                Console.Error.WriteLine ("Invalid start nNonce. Must be a uint value, greather-than or equal to zero. {0}" +
                    "E.g. 2083236893", Environment.NewLine);

            // Check thread count
            uint threadCount = 2; // Default to 2
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(threadString) && (!uint.TryParse(threadString, out threadCount) || threadCount < 1)) {
                Console.Error.WriteLine ("Invalid thread count. Must be a uint value, greather-than zero. Should not exceed your processor count. {0}" +
                    "E.g. 2", Environment.NewLine);

            // We got everything we need, let the solving commence!

            // Initialize the block solver
            Solver s = new Solver (pubKey, timestamp, timestampBits, nBits, nTimeStart, nNonceStart, threadCount);

            // Option to override block parameters here e.g.
            // KNOWN BLOCK #282903
            //			s.genesis.hashPrevBlock = Utilities.StringToBigInteger("00000000000000006901323a51977f2d324a896a482b81b1a53822c9ed465317", true);
            //			s.genesis.hashMerkleRoot = Utilities.StringToBigInteger("0a4c3baad2c2b43bb8ae35fda46db1d849990df3f13beee0d77ac2d84dcc74d0", true);
            //			s.genesis.nVersion = 2;
            //			s.genesis.nTime = 1390923544;
            //			s.genesis.nBits = 419558700;
            //			s.genesis.nNonce = 3670972514;

            // Solve it!
            s.Solve ();

            // The winning genesis block is stored here :
            //			s.genesis

            // Exit, but some systems are dumb and close the console without asking first
            Console.Write ("Press <enter> to exit... ");
            Console.ReadLine ();
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //			Console.WriteLine ("Hello World!");
            //			byte[] array = Utilities.StringToByteArrayFastest("3BA3EDFD7A7B12B27AC72C3E67768F617FC81BC3888A51323A9FB8AA4B1E5E4A");
            //			foreach(byte b in array)
            //			{
            //				Console.Write("{0} ", Convert.ToString(b, 16));
            //			}
            //			Console.WriteLine ("");
            //			byte[] intByes = BitConverter.GetBytes (1);
            //			foreach(byte b in intByes)
            //			{
            //				Console.Write("{0} ", Convert.ToString(b, 16).PadLeft(2, '0'));
            //			}

            //			uint test = 0;
            //			byte[] bytes = Utilities.GetVarIntBytes (test);
            //			Console.WriteLine ("var int test: {0} => {1}", test, Utilities.GetBytesString (bytes));
            //			test = 0xfc;
            //			bytes = Utilities.GetVarIntBytes (test);
            //			Console.WriteLine ("var int test: {0} => {1}", test, Utilities.GetBytesString (bytes));
            //			test = 0xfd;
            //			bytes = Utilities.GetVarIntBytes (test);
            //			Console.WriteLine ("var int test: {0} => {1}", test, Utilities.GetBytesString (bytes));
            //			test = 0xffff;
            //			bytes = Utilities.GetVarIntBytes (test);
            //			Console.WriteLine ("var int test: {0} => {1}", test, Utilities.GetBytesString (bytes));
            //			test = 0xffff + 1;
            //			bytes = Utilities.GetVarIntBytes (test);
            //			Console.WriteLine ("var int test: {0} => {1}", test, Utilities.GetBytesString (bytes));
            //			test = 0xffffffff;
            //			bytes = Utilities.GetVarIntBytes (test);
            //			Console.WriteLine ("var int test: {0} => {1}", test, Utilities.GetBytesString (bytes));
            //			ulong test2 = 0xffffffff;
            //			test2 += 0x01;
            //			bytes = Utilities.GetVarIntBytes (test2);
            //			Console.WriteLine ("var int test: {0} => {1}", test2, Utilities.GetBytesString (bytes));
            //			test2 = ulong.MaxValue;
            //			bytes = Utilities.GetVarIntBytes (test2);
            //			Console.WriteLine ("var int test: {0} => {1}", test2, Utilities.GetBytesString (bytes));

            //			Console.WriteLine ("BigInteger 4 to bytes: {0}", Utilities.GetBytesString ((new BigInteger (4)).ToByteArray()));
            //			//
            //			// Genisis Block Validation
            //			//
            //			{
            //				Block genesis = new Block ();
            //				Transaction txNew = new Transaction ();
            //				txNew.vin.Add (new TxIn ());
            //				txNew.vout.Add (new TxOut ());
            //				txNew.vin [0].scriptSig = new Script ();
            //				txNew.vin [0].scriptSig += 486604799;
            //				txNew.vin [0].scriptSig += new BigInteger (4);
            //				txNew.vin [0].scriptSig += "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks";
            //				txNew.vout [0].nValue = 50 * Utilities.COIN;
            //				txNew.vout [0].scriptPubKey = new Script ();
            //				txNew.vout [0].scriptPubKey += Utilities.StringToByteArrayFastest ("04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f");
            //				txNew.vout [0].scriptPubKey += OpCodeType.OP_CHECKSIG;
            //				genesis.vtx.Add (txNew);
            //				genesis.hashPrevBlock = 0;
            //				Console.WriteLine ("Computed merkle root is {0}", Utilities.GetBytesString (genesis.BuildMerkleTree ().ToByteArray ()));
            //				genesis.hashMerkleRoot = genesis.BuildMerkleTree (); // Utilities.StringToBigInteger("4A5E1E4BAAB89F3A32518A88C31BC87F618F76673E2CC77AB2127B7AFDEDA33B", true);
            //				genesis.nVersion = 1;
            //				genesis.nTime = 1231006505;
            //				genesis.nBits = 0x1d00ffff;
            //				genesis.nNonce = 2083236893;
            //				byte[] blockBytes = genesis.Serialize ();
            //				Utilities.PrintBytes (blockBytes);
            //				Console.WriteLine ();
            //				Console.WriteLine ("Block hash  : {0}", Utilities.GetBytesString (genesis.GetHash (), false));
            //				Console.WriteLine ("Block pretty: {0}", Utilities.GetBytesString (Utilities.ByteSwap(genesis.GetHash()), false));
            //			}
            //			Console.WriteLine ();
            //			Console.WriteLine ();

            // TATCOIN BLOCK
            //			{
            //				Block genesis = new Block ();
            //				Transaction txNew = new Transaction ();
            //				txNew.vin.Add (new TxIn ());
            //				txNew.vout.Add (new TxOut ());
            //				txNew.vin [0].scriptSig = new Script ();
            //				txNew.vin [0].scriptSig += 315532800;
            //				txNew.vin [0].scriptSig += new BigInteger (4);
            //				txNew.vin [0].scriptSig += "Anatol Rapoport - 1980 Being 'nice' can be beneficial, but it can also lead to being suckered.";
            //				txNew.vout [0].nValue = 50 * Utilities.COIN;
            //				txNew.vout [0].scriptPubKey = new Script ();
            //				txNew.vout [0].scriptPubKey += Utilities.StringToByteArrayFastest ("04855B332D7AB6FCABCE6B7282C6D447DB25E77B3FB705F497BD673F3C47FCBF6F2968623BB4047F0D8B59AA1E5CC0A9FFF8315F7D46C75C4D1671EBB6CB27BF46");
            //				txNew.vout [0].scriptPubKey += OpCodeType.OP_CHECKSIG;
            //				genesis.vtx.Add (txNew);
            //				genesis.hashPrevBlock = 0;
            //				Console.WriteLine ("Computed merkle root is {0}", Utilities.GetBytesString (genesis.BuildMerkleTree ().ToByteArray ()));
            //				genesis.hashMerkleRoot = genesis.BuildMerkleTree (); // Utilities.StringToBigInteger("4A5E1E4BAAB89F3A32518A88C31BC87F618F76673E2CC77AB2127B7AFDEDA33B", true);
            //				genesis.nVersion = 1;
            //				genesis.nTime = 1390585017;
            //				genesis.nBits = 0x12cea600;
            //				genesis.nNonce = 1539371062;
            //				byte[] blockBytes = genesis.Serialize ();
            //				Utilities.PrintBytes (blockBytes);Console.WriteLine ();
            //				Console.WriteLine ("Block hash  : {0}", Utilities.GetBytesString (genesis.GetHash (), false));
            //				Console.WriteLine ("Block pretty: {0}", Utilities.GetBytesString (Utilities.ByteSwap(genesis.GetHash()), false));
            //			}
            //			Console.WriteLine ();
            //			Console.WriteLine ();

            // KNOWN BLOCK #282903
            //			{
            //				Block genesis = new Block ();
            //				genesis.hashPrevBlock = Utilities.StringToBigInteger("00000000000000006901323a51977f2d324a896a482b81b1a53822c9ed465317", true);
            //				genesis.hashMerkleRoot = Utilities.StringToBigInteger("0a4c3baad2c2b43bb8ae35fda46db1d849990df3f13beee0d77ac2d84dcc74d0", true);
            //				genesis.nVersion = 2;
            //				genesis.nTime = 1390923544;
            //				genesis.nBits = 419558700;
            //				genesis.nNonce = 3670972514;
            //				byte[] blockBytes = genesis.Serialize ();
            //				Utilities.PrintBytes (blockBytes);Console.WriteLine ();
            //				Console.WriteLine ("Block hash  : {0}", Utilities.GetBytesString (genesis.GetHash (), false));
            //				Console.WriteLine ("Block pretty: {0}", Utilities.GetBytesString (Utilities.ByteSwap(genesis.GetHash()), false));
            //			}
            //			Console.WriteLine ();
            //			Console.WriteLine ();

            // BITCOIN SOLVER
            //			Solver s = new Solver ("04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f",  // pubkey
            //			                       "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks", // timestamp
            //			                       486604799, // nBits
            //			                       1231006505, // nTime
            //			                       2083236893); // nNonce

            // TATCOIN

            // TATCOIN SOLVER
                Console.WriteLine ("################################ TATCOIN MAIN CHAIN ##################################");
                Solver s = new Solver (
                    "04855B332D7AB6FCABCE6B7282C6D447DB25E77B3FB705F497BD673F3C47FCBF6F2968623BB4047F0D8B59AA1E5CC0A9FFF8315F7D46C75C4D1671EBB6CB27BF46", // pubkey
                    "Anatol Rapoport-1980 Being 'nice' can be beneficial, but it can also lead to being suckered", // timestamp
                    486604799, // timestamp bits
                    486604799, // nBits
                    315532800, // nTime
                    2214851013, // nNonce
                    2); // threads

                s.Solve ();
            //			// TATCOIN TESTNET SOLVER
                Console.WriteLine ("########################### TATCOIN TESTNET CHAIN ############################");
                Solver s = new Solver (
                    "04855B332D7AB6FCABCE6B7282C6D447DB25E77B3FB705F497BD673F3C47FCBF6F2968623BB4047F0D8B59AA1E5CC0A9FFF8315F7D46C75C4D1671EBB6CB27BF46", // pubkey
                    "Anatol Rapoport-1980 Being 'nice' can be beneficial, but it can also lead to being suckered", // timestamp
                    486604799, // timestamp bits
                    486604799, // nBits
                    315532807, // nTime
                    20431863, // nNonce
                    2); // threads

                s.Solve ();
                Console.WriteLine ("########################### TATCOIN REGNET CHAIN #############################");
                Solver s = new Solver (
                    "04855B332D7AB6FCABCE6B7282C6D447DB25E77B3FB705F497BD673F3C47FCBF6F2968623BB4047F0D8B59AA1E5CC0A9FFF8315F7D46C75C4D1671EBB6CB27BF46", // pubkey
                    "Anatol Rapoport-1980 Being 'nice' can be beneficial, but it can also lead to being suckered", // timestamp
                    486604799, // timestamp bits
                    0x207fffff, // nBits
                    1391388473, // nTime
                    0, // nNonce
                    2); // threads

                s.Solve ();

            // TITCOIN

            // TITCOIN SOLVER
                Console.WriteLine ("################################ TITCOIN MAIN CHAIN ##################################");
            //				Solver s = new Solver (
            //					"04724E30D26668117A39D62E5C96EA9462437F6A198D206329297A5AA61E363A6EA47F2467C3E64DCF1DE8C1FA689DED52D8B90371CA9FDCCFE28521CB48D60754", // pubkey
            //					"Horizon - Richard Dawkins 13/Apr/1986 Nice Guys Finish First", // timestamp
            //					486604799, // timestamp bits
            //					486604799, // nBits
            //					315532800, // nTime
            //					2214851013, // nNonce
            //					2); // threads
            //				s.Solve ();
            //			// TITCOIN TESTNET SOLVER
                Console.WriteLine ("########################### TITCOIN TESTNET CHAIN ############################");
                Solver s = new Solver (
                    "04724E30D26668117A39D62E5C96EA9462437F6A198D206329297A5AA61E363A6EA47F2467C3E64DCF1DE8C1FA689DED52D8B90371CA9FDCCFE28521CB48D60754", // pubkey
                    "Horizon - Richard Dawkins 13/Apr/1986 Nice Guys Finish First", // timestamp
                    486604799, // timestamp bits
                    486604799, // nBits
                    513820825, // nTime
                    1846343381, // nNonce
                    2); // threads

                s.Solve ();
                Console.WriteLine ("########################### TITCOIN REGNET CHAIN #############################");
                Solver s = new Solver (
                    "04724E30D26668117A39D62E5C96EA9462437F6A198D206329297A5AA61E363A6EA47F2467C3E64DCF1DE8C1FA689DED52D8B90371CA9FDCCFE28521CB48D60754", // pubkey
                    "Horizon - Richard Dawkins 13/Apr/1986 Nice Guys Finish First", // timestamp
                    486604799, // timestamp bits
                    0x207fffff, // nBits
                    1391565998, // nTime
                    0, // nNonce
                    2); // threads

                s.Solve ();

            // Lets check if the nBits parser target thingie works
            //			BigInteger target = Utilities.GetBigIntegerFromCompact (0x1d00ffff);
            //			BigInteger hash = Utilities.StringToBigInteger ("000000007ac0245a5ec56b6d11698d350b6e28d9ab16bbdbf32f0529d4cb4729", true, true);
            //			bool isSolution = hash < target;
            //			Console.WriteLine ("hash: {0} {1}", hash, Utilities.GetBytesString (hash.ToByteArray (), false));
            //			Console.WriteLine ("hash meets difficulty target: {0}", isSolution.ToString ());
            //			BigInteger target2 = Utilities.GetBigIntegerFromCompact (0x207fffff);
            //			BigInteger target3 = Utilities.GetBigIntegerFromCompact (0x20800001);

            Console.ReadLine ();