        void IMapNeighbourMethod.Invoke(IMap map, ref MapCell source, ref MapCell neighbour, Directions direction)
            if ((source.Walkability & (byte)direction) != (byte)direction)
            // If neighbor is diagonal to current, graph.Cost(current,neighbor)
            // will return Sqrt(2). Otherwise it will return only the cost of
            // the neighbor, which depends on its type, as set in the TileType enum.
            // So if this is a normal floor tile (1) and it's neighbor is an
            // adjacent (not diagonal) floor tile (1), newCost will be 2,
            // or if the neighbor is diagonal, 1+Sqrt(2). And that will be the
            // value assigned to costSoFar[neighbor] below.
            int newCost = _costSoFar[_currentIndex] + map.Cost(_locomotion, _currentIndex, neighbour.Index);

            // If there's no cost assigned to the neighbor yet, or if the new
            // cost is lower than the assigned one, add newCost for this neighbor
            if (!_costSoFar.ContainsKey(neighbour.Index) || newCost < _costSoFar[neighbour.Index])
                // If we're replacing the previous cost, remove it
                if (_costSoFar.ContainsKey(neighbour.Index))

                _costSoFar.Add(neighbour.Index, newCost);
                _cameFrom.Add(neighbour.Index, _currentIndex);
                ref MapCell goal     = ref map.GetCell(_goalIndex);
                int         priority = newCost + Heuristic(map, ref neighbour, ref goal);
                if (!_pool.TryDequeue(out AStarPriorityQueueNode? neighbourNode))
                    neighbourNode = new AStarPriorityQueueNode {
                        CellIndex = neighbour.Index
                    neighbourNode !.CellIndex = neighbour.Index;
                _frontier.Enqueue(neighbourNode, priority);
        // Conduct the A* search
        public Route GetPath(IMap map, ref MapCell start, ref MapCell goal, Locomotion locomotion)
            _locomotion = locomotion;
            if (!_pool.TryDequeue(out AStarPriorityQueueNode? startNode))
                startNode = new AStarPriorityQueueNode {
                    CellIndex = start.Index
                startNode !.CellIndex = start.Index;

            // Add the starting location to the frontier with a priority of 0
            _frontier.Enqueue(startNode, 0);

            _cameFrom.Add(start.Index, start.Index);               // is set to start, None in example
            _costSoFar.Add(start.Index, 0);

            while (_frontier.Count > 0)
                // Get the Location from the frontier that has the lowest
                // priority, then remove that Location from the frontier
                AStarPriorityQueueNode current = _frontier.Dequeue();

                // If we're at the goal Location, stop looking.
                if (current.CellIndex == goal.Index)

                // Neighbors will return a List of valid tile Locations
                // that are next to, diagonal to, above or below current
                _currentIndex = current.CellIndex;
                _goalIndex    = goal.Index;
                map.ForEachNeighbour(current.CellIndex, this);


            var path = new Route();
            int step = goal.Index;

            while (step != start.Index)
                if (!_cameFrom.ContainsKey(step))
                step = _cameFrom[step];
            // path.Add(start);

