        private bool IsValidInput(Module source, string s)
            Command  cmd;
            Response rsp;

            if ((Response.IsResponse(s) && Response.TryParse(s, source, out rsp)) ||
                Command.IsCommand(s) && Command.TryParse(s, source, out cmd))
        private void Inject()
            Module   source;
            Command  cmd;
            Response rsp;

            string[]     inputs;
            HistoryToken token;

            if ((source = (Module)cbModules.SelectedItem) == null)

            inputs = BulkMode ?
                     txtMessage.Text.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) :
                     new string[] { txtMessage.Text.Trim() };

            foreach (string input in inputs)
                //blackboard.Inject(source.Name + " " + input);
                token = null;
                if (Response.IsResponse(input) && Response.TryParse(input, source, out rsp))
                    token = new HistoryToken(rsp);
                else if (Command.IsCommand(input) && Command.TryParse(input, source, out cmd))
                    token = new HistoryToken(cmd);
                if (token == null)
                    blackboard.Inject(source.Name + " " + input);

 /// <summary>
 /// Generates a Prototypes Response which includes all the prototypes for this module
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="baseCommand">A Command object used to generate the response</param>
 /// <param name="preAppendModuleName">indicates if the name of the module will be pre-appended</param>
 /// <returns>A Response which includes all the prototypes for this module</returns>
 protected Response GetPrototypesResponse(Command baseCommand, bool preAppendModuleName)
     return GetPrototypesResponse(baseCommand, this.name, preAppendModuleName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the string representation of a command to a Command object.
        /// A return value indicates whether the conversion succeded or not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">A string containing the command to convert</param>
        /// <param name="source">The module which sent the command</param>
        /// <param name="destination">The destination module for the command</param>
        /// <param name="cmd">When this method returns, contains the Command equivalent to the command
        /// contained in s, if the conversion succeeded, or null if the conversion failed.
        /// The conversion fails if the s parameter is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// <param name="ex">When this method returns, contains the Exception generated during the parse operation,
        /// if the conversion failed, or null if the conversion succeeded. The conversion fails if the s parameter
        /// is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// <returns>true if conversion was successfull, false otherwise</returns>
        protected static bool TryParse(string s, Module source, Module destination, out Command cmd, out Exception ex)
            Regex rx;
            Match m;
            Prototype proto;
            string sCommand;
            string sParams;
            string sId;
            int id;

            cmd = null;
            ex = null;

            // Module Validation
            if (source.Parent != destination.Parent)
                ex = new Exception("Source and destination modules does not belong to the same blackboard");
                return false;
            // Regular Expresion Generation
            rx = rxCommandFromSrcDest;
            m = rx.Match(s);
            // Check if input string matchs Regular Expression
            if (!m.Success)
                ex = new ArgumentException("Invalid String", "s");
                return false;
            // Extract Data
            sCommand = m.Result("${cmd}").ToLower();
            sParams = m.Result("${params}");
            sId = m.Result("${id}");
            if ((sId == null) || (sId.Length < 1)) id = -1;
            else id = Int32.Parse(sId);
            // Browse for an adequate prototype
            proto = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < destination.Prototypes.Count; ++i)
                if (destination.Prototypes[i].Command == sCommand)
                    proto = destination.Prototypes[i];
            // Check if command matchs a prototype. If no prototype found, asume redirection
            if ((proto != null) && proto.ParamsRequired && ((sParams == null) || (sParams.Length < 1)))
                ex = new Exception("Invalid string. The Command requires parameters");
                return false;
            // Create the Command
            cmd = new Command(source, destination, sCommand, sParams, id);
            cmd.prototype = proto;
            cmd.sentTime = DateTime.Now;
            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the string representation of a command to a Command object.
        /// A return value indicates whether the conversion succeded or not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">A string containing the command to convert</param>
        /// <param name="localEndpoint">The remote endpoint source of the string</param>
        /// <param name="destination">The module which received the command</param>
        /// <param name="cmd">When this method returns, contains the Command equivalent to the command
        /// contained in s, if the conversion succeeded, or null if the conversion failed.
        /// The conversion fails if the s parameter is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// <param name="ex">When this method returns, contains the Exception generated during the parse operation,
        /// if the conversion failed, or null if the conversion succeeded. The conversion fails if the s parameter
        /// is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// <returns>A command object that represents the command contained in s</returns>
        protected static bool TryParse(string s, System.Net.IPEndPoint localEndpoint, ModuleServer destination, out Command cmd, out Exception ex)
            Regex rx;
            Match m;
            Prototype proto;
            //Module source;
            //Module destination;
            IModule src;
            IModule dest;
            string sCommand;
            string sParams;
            string sSrc;
            string sDest;
            string sId;
            int id;

            cmd = null;
            ex = null;

            // Regular Expresion Generation
            rx = rxCommandFromEndpoint;
            m = rx.Match(s);
            // Check if input string matchs Regular Expression
            if (!m.Success)
                ex = new ArgumentException("Invalid String", "s");
                return false;
            // Extract Data
            sCommand = m.Result("${cmd}").ToLower();
            if (!destination.SupportCommand(sCommand))
                ex = new Exception("Unsupported command provided");
                return false;
            sParams = m.Result("${params}");
            sId = m.Result("${id}");
            sSrc = m.Result("${src}");
            sDest = m.Result("${dest}");
            if ((sId == null) || (sId.Length < 1)) id = -1;
            else id = Int32.Parse(sId);
            // When at least one module is specified...
            if ((sSrc != null) && (sSrc.Length > 0))
                // If only one module is specified, there is two options:
                // the specified module is this (and we dont know the source module) or
                // the specified module is the source module
                if ((sDest == null) || (sDest.Length < 1))
                    if (sSrc == destination.Name) dest = destination;
                    else src = new Module(sSrc, localEndpoint.Address, localEndpoint.Port);

                // If both, source and destination module are specified, since there is no
                // way of get the source module, a new one is created.
                // However its necesary to check if this is the apropiate destination module
                    if (sDest != destination.Name) throw new Exception("Invalid destination module");
                    dest = destination;
                    src = new Module(sSrc, localEndpoint.Address, localEndpoint.Port);
            // If no module is specified, then its set to null
            src = null;
            // Browse for an adequate prototype
            proto = destination.Prototypes[sCommand];
            // Check if command matchs a prototype
            if ((proto != null) && proto.ParamsRequired && ((sParams == null) || (sParams.Length < 1)))
                ex = new Exception("Invalid string. The Command requires parameters");
                return false;
            // Create the Command
            cmd = new Command(src, destination, sCommand, sParams, id);
            cmd.prototype = proto;
            cmd.sentTime = DateTime.Now;
            return true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts the string representation of a command to a Command object.
 /// A return value indicates whether the conversion succeded or not.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="s">A string containing the command to convert</param>
 /// <param name="blackboard">A blackboard which contains all information about modules</param>
 /// <param name="command">When this method returns, contains the Command equivalent to the command
 /// contained in s, if the conversion succeeded, or null if the conversion failed.
 /// The conversion fails if the s parameter is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
 /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
 /// <returns>true if conversion was successfull, false otherwise</returns>
 public static bool TryParse(string s, Blackboard blackboard, out Command command)
     Exception ex;
     return TryParse(s, blackboard, out command, out ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the string representation of a command to a Command object.
        /// A return value indicates whether the conversion succeded or not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">A string containing the command to convert</param>
        /// <param name="source">The module which sent the command</param>
        /// <param name="destination">The destination module for the command</param>
        /// <param name="cmd">When this method returns, contains the Command equivalent to the command
        /// contained in s, if the conversion succeeded, or null if the conversion failed.
        /// The conversion fails if the s parameter is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// <param name="ex">When this method returns, contains the Exception generated during the parse operation,
        /// if the conversion failed, or null if the conversion succeeded. The conversion fails if the s parameter
        /// is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// <returns>true if conversion was successfull, false otherwise</returns>
        protected static bool TryParse(string s, ModuleClient source, ModuleClient destination, out Command cmd, out Exception ex)
            IPrototype proto;
            string sCommand;
            string sParams;
            int result;
            int id;

            cmd = null;
            ex = null;

            // Module Validation
            if (source.Parent != destination.Parent)
                ex = new Exception("Source and destination modules does not belong to the same blackboard");
                return false;

            // Extract Data
            CommandBase.XtractCommandElements(s, out sCommand, out sParams, out result, out id);
            if ((sCommand == null) || (result != -1))
                ex = new ArgumentException("Invalid String", "s");
                return false;

            // Browse for an adequate prototype
            proto = null;
            if (destination.Prototypes.Contains(sCommand))
                proto = destination.Prototypes[sCommand];
            // Check if command matchs a prototype. If no prototype found, asume redirection
            if ((proto != null) && proto.ParamsRequired && ((sParams == null) || (sParams.Length < 1)))
                ex = new Exception("Invalid string. The Command requires parameters");
                return false;
            // Create the Command
            cmd = new Command(source, destination, sCommand, sParams, id);
            cmd.prototype = proto;
            cmd.sentTime = DateTime.Now;
            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the first suitable response in a response array. If not found returns null
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="responses">A Response array to search in</param>
        /// <param name="command">The command for which response to search</param>
        /// <param name="heuristic">Indicates if use a heuristic to find the most adequate response. Set value to false to find only perfect matches</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the first suitable Response if found. If not, returns null</returns>
        public Response FindResponse(Command command, Response[] responses, bool heuristic)
            if (responses.Length == 0) return null;
            // Candidates to be a response for provided command
            List<ResponseCandidate> candidates;
            Response r;
            int affinity = 0;

            candidates = new List<ResponseCandidate>(responses.Length);
            // Search for all suitable candidates
            for (int i = 0; i < responses.Length; ++i)
                // Check if suitable...
                if ((responses[i].Source == command.Destination) && (responses[i].Command == command.Command))
                    // If is the most suitable, then return it
                    if (command.IsMatch(responses[i]))
                        return responses[i];
                    if (heuristic && Command.IsMatch(command, responses[i], out affinity))
                        candidates.Add(new ResponseCandidate(command, responses[i], affinity));

            // Heuristic: Sort by affinity
            if (!heuristic || (candidates.Count == 0))
                return null;
            //r = candidates[0].Response;
            r = candidates[0].Response;

            // The selected one is modified. The condition is always true, but its added by security
            if (r.Destination == null) r.Destination = command.Source;
                command.Response = r;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.WriteLine(6, "Error while searching for adequate response");
                Log.WriteLine(6, "\tCommand: " + command.ToString());
                Log.WriteLine(6, "\tResponse: " + r.ToString());
                Log.WriteLine(6, "Error: " + ex.ToString());
            if (r.Source is ModuleClient)
            return r;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a response from a command data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command to use as base for the response</param>
        /// <param name="failReason">the reason for which command has failed</param>
        /// <returns>A generic response for the command with same parameters</returns>
        public static Response CreateFromCommand(Command command, ResponseFailReason failReason)
            Response response = new Response();
            response.commandResponded = command;
            response.source = command.Destination;
            response.destination = command.Source;
            response.command = command.Command;
            response.parameters = command.Parameters;
            response.id = command.Id;
            response.failReason = failReason;
            response.success = (failReason == ResponseFailReason.None);

            response.prototype = command.Prototype;
            if (command.SentTime >= DateTime.Now)
                response.arrivalTime = command.SentTime.AddMilliseconds(5);
            response.arrivalTime = DateTime.Now;
            return response;
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a read_var command.
        /// Requests the blackboard to send the content of a stored a variable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">Command to execute</param>
        protected virtual void ReadVarCommand(Command command)
            string varName;
            string varType;
            SharedVariable variable;
            SharedVariableCollection sharedVariables = this.Parent.VirtualModule.SharedVariables;
            Match match = SharedVariable.RxReadSharedVariableValidator.Match(command.Parameters);
            if (!match.Success)
                SendResponse(command, false);
                this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(7, this.Name + ": attempt to read variable failed. Command is not well formed");
            varName = match.Result("${name}");
            varType = match.Result("${type}");

            if (!sharedVariables.Contains(varName))
                SendResponse(command, false);
                this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(7, this.Name + ": attempt to read variable " + varName + " failed (variable does not exist)");
            variable = sharedVariables[varName];
            if ((variable.Type != "var") && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(varType) && (varType != variable.Type))
                SendResponse(command, false);
                this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(7, this.Name + ": attempt to read variable " + varName + " failed (type mismatch)");
                command.Parameters = variable.StringToSend;
                SendResponse(command, true);

                if (this.Parent.Log.VerbosityTreshold < 3)
                    this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(2, this.Name + ": readed variable " + varName);
                    this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(3, this.Name + ": readed variable " + varName + " with " + Clamper.Clamp(command.StringToSend, 256));
 /// <summary>
 /// Executes a Prototypes command.
 /// Requests the blackboard to update the protype list of this module or requests the prototype list of another
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="command">Command to execute</param>
 protected void PrototypesCommand(Command command)
     if (!command.HasParams)
     Response rsp;
     if (this.parent.Modules.Contains(command.Parameters))
         rsp = GetPrototypesResponse(command, command.Parameters, true);
         rsp = GetPrototypesResponse(command, false);
     if (rsp != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a received command
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">Command to parse</param>
        protected virtual void ParseCommand(Command command)
            switch (command.Command)
                case "create_var":

                case "list_vars":

                case "prototypes":

                case "read_var":

                case "read_vars":

                case "stat_var":

                //case "suscribe_var":
                //case "subscribe_var":
                //	SubscribeVarCommand(command);
                //	break;

                case "write_var":

 /// <summary>
 /// Rises the CommandReceived event
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="c">Command received</param>
 protected void OnCommandReceived(Command c)
         if (this.CommandReceived != null)
             this.CommandReceived(this, c);
     catch { }
 /// <summary>
 /// Executes a list_vars command.
 /// Requests the blackboard to send the list of shared variables
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="command">Command to execute</param>
 protected virtual void ListVarsCommand(Command command)
     command.Parameters = this.Parent.VirtualModule.SharedVariables.NameList;
     SendResponse(command, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a Prototypes Response which includes all the prototypes for this module
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseCommand">A Command object used to generate the response</param>
        /// <param name="moduleName">The name of the module from which prototypes will be fetched</param>
        /// <param name="preAppendModuleName">indicates if the name of the module will be pre-appended</param>
        /// <returns>A Response which includes all the prototypes for this module</returns>
        protected Response GetPrototypesResponse(Command baseCommand, string moduleName, bool preAppendModuleName)
            if ((baseCommand == null) || !this.parent.Modules.Contains(moduleName))
                return null;

            ushort flags = 0;
            Response rsp= Response.CreateFromCommand(baseCommand, true);
            System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            IModuleClient module = this.parent.Modules[moduleName];
            IPrototype[] aProto;
            if (module.Prototypes is PrototypeCollection)
                aProto = ((PrototypeCollection)(module.Prototypes)).ToArray(false);
                aProto = module.Prototypes.ToArray();

            if (preAppendModuleName)
                sb.Append(' ');

            foreach (IPrototype proto in aProto)
                sb.Append(' ');
                flags = (ushort)(proto.Priority & 0xFF);
                if (proto.ResponseRequired) flags |= 0x0100;
                if (proto.ParamsRequired) flags |= 0x0200;
                sb.Append(' ');
                sb.Append(' ');
            if (sb.Length > 0)
            rsp.Parameters = sb.ToString();
            return rsp;
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a read_var command.
        /// Requests the blackboard to send the content of a stored a variable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">Command to execute</param>
        protected virtual void ReadVarsCommand(Command command)
            int count;
            System.Text.StringBuilder sb;
            char[] separator ={ ' ', '\t', ',' };
            string[] varNames;
            SharedVariableCollection sharedVariables = this.Parent.VirtualModule.SharedVariables;
            Match match = SharedVariable.RxReadMultipleSharedVariableValidator.Match(command.Parameters);

            if (!match.Success)
                SendResponse(command, false);
                this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(7, this.Name + ": attempt to read multiple variables failed. Command is not well formed");

            count = 0;
            sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(4096);
            varNames = match.Result("${names}").Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            foreach (string varName in varNames)
                if (!sharedVariables.Contains(varName))
                    this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(7, this.Name + ": attempt to read variable " + varName + " failed (the specified variable does not exist)");

            if(count ==0)
                SendResponse(command, false);
                this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(7, this.Name + ": attempt to read multiple variables failed (none of the specified variables exist)");
                command.Parameters = sb.ToString();
                SendResponse(command, true);

                if (this.Parent.Log.VerbosityTreshold < 3)
                    this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(2, this.Name + ": read of multiple variables succeeded");
                    this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(3, this.Name + ": readed multiple variables with " + Clamper.Clamp(command.StringToSend, 256));

 /// <summary>
 /// Send a response using a command as base
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="command">Base command</param>
 /// <param name="success">true if command succeded, false otherwise</param>
 protected virtual void SendResponse(Command command, bool success)
     if (ResponseReceived == null) return;
     Response response = Response.CreateFromCommand(command, success);
     response.FailReason = ResponseFailReason.None;
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the perfect match response in a response array. If not found returns null
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="responses">A Response array to search in</param>
 /// <param name="command">The command for which response to search</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the perfect match Response if found. If not, returns null</returns>
 public Response FindResponse(Command command, Response[] responses)
     return FindResponse(command, responses, false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all the information related to a shared variable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">Command to execute</param>
        protected virtual void StatVarCommand(Command command)
            Robotics.API.SharedVariableInfo svInfo;
            string serialized;
            string varName = command.Parameters;
            if (!parent.VirtualModule.SharedVariables.Contains(varName))
                SendResponse(command, false);
                this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(7, this.Name + ": attempt to get status of variable " + varName + " failed (variable does not exist)");

            svInfo = parent.VirtualModule.SharedVariables[varName].GetInfo();
            if (!Robotics.API.SharedVariableInfo.Serialize(svInfo, out serialized))
                SendResponse(command, false);
                this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(7, this.Name + ": attempt to get status of variable " + varName + " failed (serialization error)");
            command.Parameters = serialized;
            SendResponse(command, true);
            this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(7, this.Name + ": status of variable " + varName + " obtained successfully");
 /// <summary>
 /// Raises the ResponseRedirected event
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="command">Command tried to be executed</param>
 /// <param name="response">Response to command redirected</param>
 /// <param name="sendResponseSuccess">Indicates if the response was sent successfully</param>
 protected virtual void OnResponseRedirected(Command command, Response response, bool sendResponseSuccess)
     if ((ResponseRedirected != null) && (command != null) && (command.Source != VirtualModule) && (command.Destination != VirtualModule))
         ResponseRedirected(command, response, sendResponseSuccess);
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a write_var command.
        /// Requests the blackboard to write to a stored a variable the content provided
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">Command to execute</param>
        protected virtual void WriteVarCommand(Command command)
            SharedVariableCollection sharedVariables = this.Parent.VirtualModule.SharedVariables;
            Match match;
            string varType;
            string varName;
            string varData;
            string sArraySize;
            int arraySize;
            bool result;
            bool isArray = false;
            string parameters;

            parameters = command.Parameters;
            if ((parameters[0] == '{') && (parameters[parameters.Length - 1] == '}'))
                parameters = parameters.Substring(1, parameters.Length - 2);
            match = SharedVariable.RxWriteSharedVariableValidator.Match(parameters);
            if (!match.Success)
                SendResponse(command, false);
                this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(7, this.Name + ": attempt to write variable failed");
            varName = match.Result("${name}");
            varType = match.Result("${type}");
            varData = match.Result("${data}");
            arraySize = -1;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(varType))
                varType = "var";
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Result("${array}")))
                isArray = true;
                sArraySize = match.Result("${size}");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sArraySize))
                    arraySize = Int32.Parse(sArraySize);
                parameters = "{ " + varType + "[" + (arraySize != -1 ? arraySize.ToString() : String.Empty) + "]" + " " + varName + " }";
                parameters = "{ " + varType + " " + varName + " }";
            command.Parameters = parameters;
            if (!sharedVariables.Contains(varName))
                SendResponse(command, false);
                this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(7, this.Name + ": attempt to write variable " + varName + " failed (variable does not exist)");
            result = sharedVariables[varName].WriteStringData(command.Source, varType, arraySize, varData);
            SendResponse(command, result);

            if (this.Parent.Log.VerbosityTreshold < 3)
                this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(2, this.Name + ": written variable " + varName);
                this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(3, this.Name + ": written variable " + varName + " with " + Clamper.Clamp(command.StringToSend, 256));
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a value indicating if provided Response is a response for provided command and calculates the afinity between them
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="command">Command to check with</param>
 /// <param name="response">Response to check</param>
 /// <param name="afinity">An integer that represents how much compatible are the command and response provided.
 /// A Zero value indicates the most high afinity between them. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
 /// <returns>true if provided Response is a response for command, false otherwise</returns>
 public static bool IsMatch(Command command, Response response, out int afinity)
     // This one is if the response destination is known
     afinity = 0;
     bool result = false;
     if (response.Destination != null)
         result = (command.Source == response.Destination)
             && (command.Destination == response.Source)
             && (command.Command == response.Command)
             && (command.SentTime <= response.ArrivalTime);
         //if((command.Id != -1) && (response.Id != -1) && (command.Id != response.Id)) ++afinity;
         if (command.Id != response.Id) ++afinity;
         if (command.parameters != response.Parameters) ++afinity;
         result = (command.Destination == response.Source)
             && (command.Command == response.Command)
             && (command.SentTime <= response.ArrivalTime);
         //if((command.Id != -1) && (response.Id != -1) && (command.Id != response.Id)) ++afinity;
         if (command.Id != response.Id) ++afinity;
         if (command.parameters != response.Parameters) ++afinity;
     // This one is for search for an adequate command-response match
     return result;
 /// <summary>
 /// Marks the module as Busy and adds the command to list of blocking commands
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="command"></param>
 private void Lock(Command command)
     Busy = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts the string representation of a command to a Command object.
 /// A return value indicates whether the conversion succeded or not.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="s">A string containing the command to convert</param>
 /// <param name="source">The module which sent the command</param>
 /// <param name="destination">The destination module for the command</param>
 /// <param name="command">When this method returns, contains the Command equivalent to the command
 /// contained in s, if the conversion succeeded, or null if the conversion failed.
 /// The conversion fails if the s parameter is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
 /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
 /// <returns>true if conversion was successfull, false otherwise</returns>
 public static bool TryParse(string s, ModuleClient source, ModuleClient destination, out Command command)
     Exception ex;
     return TryParse(s, source, destination, out command, out ex);
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if given Command object matches a control command/response
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cmd">Command object to check</param>
 /// <returns>true if given CommandBase object is control command/, false otherwise</returns>
 public static bool IsControlCommand(Command cmd)
     //return Regex.IsMatch(cmd.StringToSend, @"^(" + RxControlCommandNames + @")(\s+@\d+)?$") && !cmd.HasParams;
     return rxControlCommandParser.IsMatch(cmd.StringToSend) && !cmd.HasParams;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the string representation of a command to a Command object.
        /// A return value indicates whether the conversion succeded or not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">A string containing the command to convert</param>
        /// <param name="source">The module which sent the command</param>
        /// <param name="cmd">When this method returns, contains the Command equivalent to the command
        /// contained in s, if the conversion succeeded, or null if the conversion failed.
        /// The conversion fails if the s parameter is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// <param name="ex">When this method returns, contains the Exception generated during the parse operation,
        /// if the conversion failed, or null if the conversion succeeded. The conversion fails if the s parameter
        /// is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// <returns>true if conversion was successfull, false otherwise</returns>
        protected static bool TryParse(string s, Module source, out Command cmd, out Exception ex)
            Regex rx;
            Match m;
            Prototype proto;
            //Module destination;
            IModule destination;
            string sCommand;
            string sParams;
            string sDest;
            string sId;
            int id;

            cmd = null;
            ex = null;

            // Regular Expresion Generation
            //rx = new Regex(@"((?<src>[\w\-]+)(\s+(?<dest>[\w\-]+))?\s+)?(?<cmd>[A-Za-z_]+)\s+(""(?<params>[^""]*)"")?\s+(@(?<id>\d+))?");
            rx = rxCommandFromSource;
            m = rx.Match(s);
            // Check if input string matchs Regular Expression
            if (!m.Success)
                ex = new ArgumentException("Invalid String", "s");
                return false;
            // Extract Data
            sCommand = m.Result("${cmd}").ToLower();
            sParams = m.Result("${params}");
            sId = m.Result("${id}");
            sDest = m.Result("${dest}");
            if ((sId == null) || (sId.Length < 1)) id = -1;
            else id = Int32.Parse(sId);
            // Browse for destination module and prototype
            if (!source.Parent.FindDestinationModule(sCommand, out destination, out proto))
                // No destination module found. Must check if destination is availiable
                if ((sDest == null) || (sDest.Length < 1) || !source.Parent.Modules.Contains(sDest))
                    ex = new Exception("No destination module found for command provided");
                    return false;
                destination = source.Parent.Modules[sDest];
                proto = null;
            // Check if command matchs a prototype
            if ((proto != null) && proto.ParamsRequired && ((sParams == null) || (sParams.Length < 1)))
                ex = new Exception("Invalid string. The Command requires parameters");
                return false;
            // Create the Command
            cmd = new Command(source, destination, sCommand, sParams, id);
            cmd.prototype = proto;
            cmd.sentTime = DateTime.Now;
            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a command to the module
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">Response to send</param>
        /// <returns>true if the command has been sent, false otherwise</returns>
        public virtual bool Send(Command command)
            // Check if this module is the destination module for the command
            if (this != command.Destination)
                throw new Exception("Command marked to be sent through other module");
            if (!this.enabled)
                return false;

            // Simulation mode
            #region Simulation Mode
            if (simOptions.SimulationEnabled)
                Response r = Response.CreateFromCommand(command, rnd.NextDouble() <= simOptions.SuccessRatio);
                command.SentStatus = SentStatus.SentSuccessfull;
                return true;

            // Check if module is not busy and command is not a priority command
            if (Busy && !command.Prototype.HasPriority && !IsControlCommand(command))
                command.SentStatus = SentStatus.SentFailed;
                return false;
            // Send the command
            if (Send(command.StringToSend + ""))
                command.SentStatus = SentStatus.SentSuccessfull;
                if (command.Prototype.ResponseRequired) Lock(command);
                command.SentStatus = SentStatus.SentFailed;
                return false;
            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the string representation of a command to a Command object.
        /// A return value indicates whether the conversion succeded or not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">A string containing the command to convert</param>
        /// <param name="source">The module which sent the command</param>
        /// <param name="cmd">When this method returns, contains the Command equivalent to the command
        /// contained in s, if the conversion succeeded, or null if the conversion failed.
        /// The conversion fails if the s parameter is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// <param name="ex">When this method returns, contains the Exception generated during the parse operation,
        /// if the conversion failed, or null if the conversion succeeded. The conversion fails if the s parameter
        /// is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or is not of the correct format.
        /// This parameter is passed uninitialized</param>
        /// <returns>true if conversion was successfull, false otherwise</returns>
        protected static bool TryParse(string s, ModuleClient source, out Command cmd, out Exception ex)
            IPrototype proto;
            //Module destination;
            IModuleClient destination;
            string sCommand;
            string sParams;
            string sDest;
            int result;
            int id;

            cmd = null;
            ex = null;

            // Extract Data
            CommandBase.XtractCommandElements(s, out sDest, out sCommand, out sParams, out result, out id);
            if ((sCommand == null) || (result != -1))
                ex = new ArgumentException("Invalid String", "s");
                return false;

            // Browse for destination module and prototype
            if (source.SupportCommand(sCommand, out proto))
                destination = source;
            else if(!source.Parent.FindDestinationModule(sCommand, out destination, out proto))
                // No destination module found. Must check if destination is availiable
                if ((sDest == null) || (sDest.Length < 1) || !source.Parent.Modules.Contains(sDest))
                    ex = new Exception("No destination module found for command provided");
                    return false;
                destination = source.Parent.Modules[sDest];
                proto = null;
            // Check if command matchs a prototype
            if (proto == null)
                ex = new Exception("No prototype for provided command was found");
                return false;
            if ((proto != null) && proto.ParamsRequired && ((sParams == null) || (sParams.Length < 1)))
                ex = new Exception("Invalid string. The Command requires parameters");
                return false;
            // Create the Command
            cmd = new Command(source, destination, sCommand, sParams, id);
            cmd.prototype = proto;
            cmd.sentTime = DateTime.Now;
            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a create_var command.
        /// Requests the blackboard to create a variable with the specified name and size
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">Command to execute</param>
        protected virtual void CreateVarCommand(Command command)
            SharedVariable variable;
            bool result;
            SharedVariableCollection sharedVariables = this.Parent.VirtualModule.SharedVariables;
            Match match = SharedVariable.RxCreateSharedVariableValidator.Match(command.Parameters);
            if (!match.Success)
                SendResponse(command, false);
                this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(7, this.Name + ": attempt to create variable failed");
            string varName = match.Result("${name}");
            string varType = match.Result("${type}");
            bool isArray = false;
            string sArraySize;
            int arraySize = -1;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(varType))
                varType = "var";
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Result("${array}")))
                isArray = true;
                sArraySize = match.Result("${size}");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sArraySize))
                    arraySize = Int32.Parse(sArraySize);

            if (sharedVariables.Contains(varName))
                variable = sharedVariables[varName];
                result = variable.Type == varType;
                result &= variable.IsArray == isArray;
                result &= arraySize == variable.Size;
                SendResponse(command, result);
                this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(7, this.Name + ": attempt to create variable failed (already exists)");

            SharedVariable sv = new SharedVariable(this, varType, varName, isArray, arraySize);
            SendResponse(command, true);
            if (this.Parent.Log.VerbosityTreshold < 3)
                this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(2, this.Name + ": created variable " + varName);
                this.Parent.Log.WriteLine(3, this.Name + ": created variable " + varName + " with " + Clamper.Clamp(command.StringToSend, 256));