partial void DeleteTrackerTableListItem(TrackerTableListItem instance);
 partial void UpdateTrackerTableListItem(TrackerTableListItem instance);
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle a failure of the OP Summary update.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">TrackerTableListItem</param>
        private static void HandleFailure(TrackerTableListItem item)
            if (_failures.Where(x => x.EntryType == 0 && x.ItemId == item.BlogOrTopicId).Count() == 0)
                _failures.Add(new FailureCount() { Count = 1, ItemId = item.BlogOrTopicId, EntryType = item.EntryType });
                int j = _failures.IndexOf(_failures.Where(x => x.EntryType == 0 && x.ItemId == item.BlogOrTopicId).Single());

                if (_failures[j].Count != 10)
                    //Failed too many times in this session, so we will simply give up trying to update this record.
                    item.FirstPostSummary = item.Title + "<!-- BPF -->"; //Giving it some meaningful value, suffixing with a mark of failure.
                    item.IsPstSummaryUpdateRequired = false;
 partial void InsertTrackerTableListItem(TrackerTableListItem instance);
        public TrackerDo GetTwitterConversations(int page, string gameAbbrev)
            if (gameAbbrev == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("gameAbbrev");

            gameAbbrev = gameAbbrev.ToUpper();

            TrackerDo tracker = new TrackerDo();
            var db = new TwitterDataContext(DbConnectionString.Value);

            List<TwitterConversation> conversations = new List<TwitterConversation>();
            int itemCount = 0;

            if (gameAbbrev == "ALL")
                var query = (from c in db.TwitterConversations
                             orderby c.LastDevResponseDate descending
                             select c);
                itemCount = query.Count();
                conversations = query.Skip((page - 1) * 50).Take(50).ToList();
                var query = (from c in db.TwitterConversations
                             where c.BlizzArea.Game.GameAbbreviation == gameAbbrev
                             orderby c.LastDevResponseDate descending
                             select c);
                itemCount = query.Count();
                conversations = query.Skip((page - 1) * 50).Take(50).ToList();
            List<TrackerTableListItem> trackerListItems = new List<TrackerTableListItem>();
            foreach (var conversation in conversations)
                TrackerTableListItem item = new TrackerTableListItem
                    BlogOrTopicId = conversation.Id,
                    BoardNumber = 0,
                    EntryNumber = 0,
                    EntryType = 2,
                    Game = conversation.BlizzArea.Game.GameAbbreviation,
                    Id = 0,
                    Lang = conversation.BlizzArea.Language.LanguageAbbreviation,
                    LastBlue = conversation.LastBlueResponder,
                    //LastPoster = "",
                    NoReplies = conversation.Tweets.Count,
                    //OpSummary = conversation.Tweets[0].TweetContentNonHtml,
                    Region = conversation.BlizzArea.Region.RegionAbbreviation,
                    SubForum = "Twitter",
                    ThreadAuthor = conversation.Tweets[0].TwitterUserName,
                    TimeOfLatestPost = conversation.LastDevResponseDate,
                    Title = conversation.TwitterConvTitle


            tracker.TrackerItems = GetItemsDomainObjects(trackerListItems);
            tracker.PageTitle = "Twitter";
            tracker.TotalItems = itemCount;

            return tracker;