public override int GetItemViewType(int position) { ModifiableChoice item = GetItem(position); if (item.Choice.Separator) { return(TYPE_SEPARATOR); } else if (_choicePromptType == GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice.ChoiceTypeMenu) { return(item.ModifiableSelected ? TYPE_MENU_CHECK : TYPE_MENU_ITEM); } else if (item.Choice.Items != null) { return(TYPE_GROUP); } else if (_choicePromptType == GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice.ChoiceTypeSingle) { return(TYPE_SINGLE); } else if (_choicePromptType == GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice.ChoiceTypeMultiple) { return(TYPE_MULTIPLE); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }
public override bool IsEnabled(int position) { ModifiableChoice item = GetItem(position); return(!item.Choice.Separator && !item.Choice.Disabled && ((_choicePromptType != GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice.ChoiceTypeSingle && _choicePromptType != GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice.ChoiceTypeMultiple) || item.Choice.Items == null)); }
private void AddChoiceItems(int type, ModifiableChoiceArrayAdapter <ModifiableChoice> list, GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice[] items, string indent) { if (type == GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice.ChoiceTypeMenu) { foreach (GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice item in items) { list.Add(new ModifiableChoice(item)); } return; } foreach (GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice item in items) { ModifiableChoice modItem = new ModifiableChoice(item); GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice[] children = item.Items?.ToArray(); if (indent != null && children == null) { modItem.ModifiableLabel = indent + modItem.ModifiableLabel; } list.Add(modItem); if (children != null) { string newIndent; if (type == GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice.ChoiceTypeSingle || type == GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice.ChoiceTypeMultiple) { newIndent = (indent != null) ? indent + '\t' : "\t"; } else { newIndent = null; } AddChoiceItems(type, list, children, newIndent); } } }
public virtual void OnChoicePrompt(GeckoSession session, string title, string msg, int type, GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice[] choices, GeckoSession.PromptDelegateClassChoiceCallback prompt) { //This code is highly inspired of var currentActivity = BlazorWebViewService.GetCurrentActivity(); if (currentActivity == null) { prompt.Dismiss(); return; } var builder = new Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder(currentActivity); AddStandardLayout(builder, title, msg); Android.Widget.ListView list = new Android.Widget.ListView(builder.Context); if (type == GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice.ChoiceTypeMultiple) { list.ChoiceMode = ChoiceMode.Multiple; } ModifiableChoiceArrayAdapter <ModifiableChoice> adapter = new ModifiableChoiceArrayAdapter <ModifiableChoice>(builder.Context, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, type, builder, list); AddChoiceItems(type, adapter, choices, /* indent */ null); list.SetAdapter(adapter); builder.SetView(list); AlertDialog dialog; if (type == GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice.ChoiceTypeSingle || type == GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice.ChoiceTypeMenu) { dialog = CreateStandardDialog(builder, prompt); list.ItemClick += (sender, e) => { ModifiableChoice item = adapter.GetItem(e.Position); if (type == GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice.ChoiceTypeMenu) { GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice[] children = item.Choice.Items?.ToArray(); if (children != null) { // Show sub-menu. dialog.SetOnDismissListener(null); dialog.Dismiss(); OnChoicePrompt(session, item.ModifiableLabel, /* msg */ null, type, children, prompt); return; } } prompt.Confirm(item.Choice); dialog.Dismiss(); }; } else if (type == GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice.ChoiceTypeMultiple) { list.ItemClick += (sender, e) => { ModifiableChoice item = adapter.GetItem(e.Position); item.ModifiableSelected = ((CheckedTextView)e.View).Checked; }; builder .SetNegativeButton(Android.Resource.String.Cancel, /* listener */ (IDialogInterfaceOnClickListener)null) .SetPositiveButton(Android.Resource.String.Ok, (sender, e) => { int len = adapter.Count; List <string> items = new List <string>(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { ModifiableChoice item = adapter.GetItem(i); if (item.ModifiableSelected) { items.Add(item.Choice.Id); } } prompt.Confirm(items.ToArray()); }); dialog = CreateStandardDialog(builder, prompt); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } dialog.Show(); //TODO: Don't forget to Dispose dialogbuilder }
public override Android.Views.View GetView(int position, Android.Views.View view, ViewGroup parent) { var context = BlazorWebViewService.GetCurrentActivity(); int itemType = GetItemViewType(position); int layoutId; if (itemType == TYPE_SEPARATOR) { if (mSeparator == null) { mSeparator = new Android.Views.View(context); mSeparator.LayoutParameters = new Android.Widget.ListView.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, 2, itemType); TypedArray attr = context.ObtainStyledAttributes( new int[] { Android.Resource.Attribute.ListDivider }); mSeparator.SetBackgroundResource(attr.GetResourceId(0, 0)); attr.Recycle(); } return(mSeparator); } else if (itemType == TYPE_MENU_ITEM) { layoutId = Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1; } else if (itemType == TYPE_MENU_CHECK) { layoutId = Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItemChecked; } else if (itemType == TYPE_GROUP) { layoutId = Android.Resource.Layout.PreferenceCategory; } else if (itemType == TYPE_SINGLE) { layoutId = Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItemSingleChoice; } else if (itemType == TYPE_MULTIPLE) { layoutId = Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItemMultipleChoice; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } if (view == null) { if (mInflater == null) { mInflater = LayoutInflater.From(_builder.Context); } view = mInflater.Inflate(layoutId, parent, false); } ModifiableChoice item = GetItem(position); TextView text = (TextView)view; text.Enabled = !item.Choice.Disabled; text.Text = item.ModifiableLabel; if (view is CheckedTextView) { bool selected = item.ModifiableSelected; if (itemType == TYPE_MULTIPLE) { _list.SetItemChecked(position, selected); } else { ((CheckedTextView)view).Checked = selected; } } return(view); }