private void CompileWhile(WhileBlock data) { string name = ".repeat" + repeats.ToString(); repeats++; Write(name); IfBlock ifBlock = new IfBlock(data.leftExpr, data.op, data.rightExpr); ifBlock.statements.AddRange(data.statements); ifBlock.statements.Add(new Goto(name)); ifBlock.statements.Add(new EndIf()); CompileStmtList(new List <Stmt>() { ifBlock }); }
public Parser(TokenList tokenList) { Tree = new List <Stmt>(); _tokens = tokenList; _currentBlock = null; _blockstack = new Stack <Block>(); _isRunning = true; Token token = null; while (_isRunning) { try { token = _tokens.Next(); } catch { } if (token.Name == Lexer.TokenType.Import) { Program.Imports.Add(ParseImport()); } else if (token.Name == Lexer.TokenType.Global) { if (_tokens.Peek().Name == Lexer.TokenType.Ident) { string ident = _tokens.Next().Value.ToString(); // Standard assign, could be string, int, or array if (_tokens.Peek().Name == Lexer.TokenType.Equal) { _tokens.Move(); // Assign an array if (_tokens.Peek().Name == Lexer.TokenType.LeftBracket) { // Go back two tokens to get ident _tokens.Move(-2); foreach (GlobalAssign assign in ParseGlobalAssignArray()) { Tree.Add(assign); } } // Assign an expr else { Tree.Add(new GlobalAssign(ident, ParseExpr())); } } } } else if (token.Name == Lexer.TokenType.Function) { Func func = ParseFunc(); if (_currentBlock == null) { _currentBlock = func; } else { _currentBlock.AddStmt(new Return(null)); Tree.Add(_currentBlock); _currentBlock = func; } } else if (token.Name == Lexer.TokenType.Event) { Evnt evnt = ParseEvnt(); if (_currentBlock == null) { _currentBlock = evnt; } else { _currentBlock.AddStmt(new Return(null)); Tree.Add(_currentBlock); _currentBlock = evnt; } } else if (token.Name == Lexer.TokenType.If) { IfBlock ifblock = ParseIf(); if (_currentBlock != null) { _blockstack.Push(_currentBlock); _currentBlock = ifblock; } } else if (token.Name == Lexer.TokenType.ElseIf) { ElseIfBlock elseifblock = ParseElseIf(); if (_currentBlock != null) { _blockstack.Push(_currentBlock); _currentBlock = elseifblock; } } else if (token.Name == Lexer.TokenType.Else) { if (_currentBlock != null) { _blockstack.Push(_currentBlock); _currentBlock = new ElseBlock(); } } else if (token.Name == Lexer.TokenType.Repeat) { if (_currentBlock != null) { _blockstack.Push(_currentBlock); _currentBlock = new RepeatBlock(); } } else if (token.Name == Lexer.TokenType.While) { WhileBlock whileblock = ParseWhile(); if (_currentBlock != null) { _blockstack.Push(_currentBlock); _currentBlock = whileblock; } } else if (token.Name == Lexer.TokenType.Ident) { // Standard assign, could be string, int, or array if (_tokens.Peek().Name == Lexer.TokenType.Equal) { _tokens.Move(); // Assign an array if (_tokens.Peek().Name == Lexer.TokenType.LeftBracket) { // Go back two tokens to get ident _tokens.Move(-2); foreach (Assign assign in ParseAssignArray()) { _currentBlock.AddStmt(assign); } } // Assign an expr else { // Go back two tokens to ident _tokens.Move(-2); _currentBlock.AddStmt(ParseAssign()); } } // Reference to a function call else if (_tokens.Peek().Name == Lexer.TokenType.LeftParan) { _tokens.pos--; Call c = ParseCall(); _currentBlock.AddStmt(c); } } else if (token.Name == Lexer.TokenType.Return) { Return r = ParseReturn(); _currentBlock.AddStmt(r); } else if (token.Name == Lexer.TokenType.RightBrace) { if (_currentBlock is Func) { _currentBlock.AddStmt(new Return(null)); Tree.Add(_currentBlock); _currentBlock = null; } else if (_currentBlock is IfBlock || _currentBlock is ElseIfBlock || _currentBlock is ElseBlock) { _currentBlock.AddStmt(new EndIf()); Block block = _currentBlock; if (_blockstack.Count > 0) { _currentBlock = _blockstack.Pop(); _currentBlock.AddStmt(block); } } else if (_currentBlock is RepeatBlock || _currentBlock is WhileBlock) { Block block = _currentBlock; if (_blockstack.Count > 0) { _currentBlock = _blockstack.Pop(); _currentBlock.AddStmt(block); } } } else if (token.Name == Lexer.TokenType.EOF) { Tree.Add(_currentBlock); _isRunning = false; } } }