private void onePlayerButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Hide(); onePlayerGame game1 = new onePlayerGame(); game1.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; game1.Show(); bettingWindow betWindow = new bettingWindow(); betWindow.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; betWindow.Show(); }
//Starts game after the player's bets have been placed //Deals initial cards, then adds their value to the player's hand total //-------------------------------------------->Chip total is not being updated, need to fix <--------------------------------------------------- private void dealButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bettingWindow betWindow = new bettingWindow(); var playerFirstCard = deck[12]; utilities.displayCard(playerFirstCard, 405, 375, playerCard1, this); deck.Remove(playerFirstCard); var playerSecondCard = deck[11]; utilities.displayCard(playerSecondCard, 455, 375, playerCard2, this); deck.Remove(playerSecondCard); player1.handTotal = player1.handTotal + playerFirstCard.cardValue + playerSecondCard.cardValue; playerHandTotalTextBox.Text = "Hand Total: " + player1.handTotal; var dealerFirstCard = deck[random.Next(deck.Count - 1)]; utilities.displayCard(dealerFirstCard, 405, 5, dealerCard1, this); deck.Remove(dealerFirstCard); var dealerSecondCard = deck[random.Next(deck.Count - 1)]; utilities.displayCard(dealerSecondCard, 455, 5, dealerCard2, this); deck.Remove(dealerSecondCard); dealer.handTotal = dealer.handTotal + dealerFirstCard.cardValue + dealerSecondCard.cardValue; dealerHandTotalTextBox.Text = "Hand Total: " + dealer.handTotal; dealButton.Enabled = false; playerHandTotalTextBox.Enabled = false; dealerHandTotalTextBox.Enabled = false; //Condition if both the player and dealer are dealt 21 if (player1.handTotal == 21 && dealer.handTotal == 21) { MessageBox.Show("Push! Waged chips have been returned"); player1.chipTotal = player1.chipTotal +; utilities.reset(this); utilities.resetHandTotals(this); deck.Clear(); utilities.createDeck(this); betWindow.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; betWindow.Show(); } //Condition if player is dealt 21 and the dealer is not if (player1.handTotal == 21 && dealer.handTotal != 21) { MessageBox.Show("Blackjack, you win!"); player1.chipTotal = player1.chipTotal + ( * 2); utilities.reset(this); utilities.resetHandTotals(this); deck.Clear(); utilities.createDeck(this); betWindow.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; betWindow.Show(); } //Condition if dealer is dealt 21 and player is not if (dealer.handTotal == 21 && player1.handTotal != 21) { MessageBox.Show("Dealer has blackjack, you lose!"); utilities.reset(this); utilities.resetHandTotals(this); deck.Clear(); utilities.createDeck(this); betWindow.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; betWindow.Show(); } }