public Boolean RefreshIEProxySettings() { System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser oBrowser = new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser(); oBrowser.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true; CountedWait oCWTimer = new CountedWait(ref oBrowser, 4000); while (true) { try { const int INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY_SETTINGS_CHANGED = 95; const int INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY = 38; const int INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY = 3; Struct_INTERNET_PROXY_INFO struct_IPI; if (iProxyPos >= BlackSEOps.Properties.Settings.Default.Proxies.Count) iProxyPos = 0; String sProxy = BlackSEOps.Properties.Settings.Default.Proxies[iProxyPos]; iProxyPos++; // Filling in structure struct_IPI.dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY; struct_IPI.proxy = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(sProxy); struct_IPI.proxyBypass = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("local"); // Allocating memory IntPtr intptrStruct = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(struct_IPI)); // Converting structure to IntPtr Marshal.StructureToPtr(struct_IPI, intptrStruct, true); InternetSetOption(IntPtr.Zero, INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY, intptrStruct, Marshal.SizeOf(struct_IPI)); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(struct_IPI.proxy); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(struct_IPI.proxyBypass); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(intptrStruct); InternetSetOption(IntPtr.Zero, INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY_SETTINGS_CHANGED, IntPtr.Zero, 0); oBrowser.Navigate(""); if (oCWTimer.Wait(15)) { return true; } else { //System.Console.WriteLine("Proxy \"" + sProxy + "\" appears to be dead trying next one."); } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException uex) { throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("RefreshIEProxySettings thrown an exception", uex); } catch (AccessViolationException ex) { throw new AccessViolationException("RefreshIEProxySettings has thrown an exception", ex); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("RefreshIEProxySettings thrown an exception", ex); } } }
public HtmlDocument loadDocument(ref System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser oBrowser, String sURL) { CountedWait oCWTimer = new CountedWait(ref oBrowser, 3000); while (true) { try { oBrowser.Navigate(sURL); if (oCWTimer.Wait(10)) { return oBrowser.Document; } else { //System.Console.WriteLine("Proxy timeout, switching to next one."); oWININET.RefreshIEProxySettings(); } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException uex) { throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("..::" + this.GetType().Name + "::..loadDocument has thrown an exception.", uex); } catch (AccessViolationException ex) { throw new AccessViolationException("..::" + this.GetType().Name + "::..loadDocument has thrown an exception.", ex); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Console.WriteLine("..::" + this.GetType().Name + "::..loadDocument thrown an exception, reason: " + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace + ", switching proxy"); oWININET.RefreshIEProxySettings(); } } }
protected void NavigateToSite(HtmlElement oLink, ref WebBrowser oBrowser) { CountedWait oCWTimer = new CountedWait(ref oBrowser, 3000); while (true) { try { sSiteToNavigate = oLink.GetAttribute("href"); oLink.InvokeMember("click"); if (oCWTimer.Wait(10)) { bSiteFound = true; TimedWait oTimedWait = new TimedWait(oRandomizer.Next(10000, 30000)); oTimedWait.Wait(); return; } else { //System.Console.WriteLine("Proxy timeout, switching to next one."); wininet.RefreshIEProxySettings(); } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("..::" + this.GetType().Name + "::..NavigateToSite thrown an exception", ex); } catch (AccessViolationException ex) { throw new AccessViolationException("..::" + this.GetType().Name + "::..NavigateToSite thrown an exception", ex); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Console.WriteLine("..::" + this.GetType().Name + "::..NavigateToSite thrown an exception, reason: " + ex.Message + ", switching proxy"); wininet.RefreshIEProxySettings(); } } }
protected void __Go2FormNSubmitQuery(ref System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser oBrowser, String sQuery, String sUrl, String sInputId, String sBtnId) { CountedWait oCWTimer = new CountedWait(ref oBrowser, 3000); Int32 iErrorCount = 0; while (true) { try { HtmlDocument oDocument = oDocLoader.loadDocument(ref oBrowser, sUrl); HtmlElement oQueryInput = oDocument.GetElementById(sInputId); HtmlElement oQuerySubmit = oDocument.GetElementById(sBtnId); if (oQueryInput == null || oQuerySubmit == null) { throw new Exception("Submition form elements not found, retrying"); } oQueryInput.InvokeMember("click"); oQueryInput.InvokeMember("focus"); oQueryInput.SetAttribute("value", sQuery); oQuerySubmit.InvokeMember("click"); if (oCWTimer.Wait(10)) { TimedWait oTimedWait = new TimedWait(oRandomizer.Next(10000, 30000)); oTimedWait.Wait(); return; } else { //System.Console.WriteLine("Proxy timeout, switching to next one."); wininet.RefreshIEProxySettings(); } iErrorCount = 0; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("Unauthorized access to HTML properties, aborting operation", ex); } catch (AccessViolationException ex) { throw new AccessViolationException("Access Violation, aborting operation", ex); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Console.WriteLine("..::" + this.GetType().Name + "::..__Go2FormNSubmitQuery thrown an exception, reason: " + ex.Message + ", switching proxy"); wininet.RefreshIEProxySettings(); } finally { iErrorCount++; if (iErrorCount > 10) { throw new Exception("Too much errors in __Go2FormNSubmitQuery, aborting..."); } } } }
protected void GoToNextPage(HtmlElement oLink, ref WebBrowser oBrowser) { CountedWait oCWTimer = new CountedWait(ref oBrowser, 3000); while (true) { try { // Below line added to rise UnauthorizedAccessException in case something went wrong String sHREF = oLink.GetAttribute("href"); oLink.InvokeMember("click"); if (oCWTimer.Wait(10)) { TimedWait oTimedWait = new TimedWait(oRandomizer.Next(8000, 14000)); oTimedWait.Wait(); return; } else { //System.Console.WriteLine("Proxy timeout, switching to next one."); wininet.RefreshIEProxySettings(); } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("Unauthorized access to HTML properties, aborting operation", ex); } catch (AccessViolationException ex) { throw new AccessViolationException("Access Violation, aborting operation", ex); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Console.WriteLine("..::" + this.GetType().Name + "::..GoToNextPage thrown an exception, reason: " + ex.Message + ", switching proxy"); wininet.RefreshIEProxySettings(); } } }