public void SendEmailToClerk(int empid, string body, string subject)
            EmployeeBLL empbll = new EmployeeBLL();
            Employee currentuser = new Employee();
            //Employee storeclerk = new Employee();
            currentuser = empbll.GetEmployeeById(empid);
            string toemail = bll.getstoreClerk();

            string bodymsg = "New collection point is :"+ "<br/>" + body + "<br/>With Regards,<br/>" + currentuser.EmployeeName;

            bll.SendEmailToStore(toemail, currentuser.Email, bodymsg, subject);
        protected void btnRevoke_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            EmployeeBLL empBll = new EmployeeBLL();

            string empName = txtEmpName.Text;
            //DateTime endDate = Convert.ToDateTime(empBll.GetDelegateEndDate(empName));
            //lblDatetest.Text = empBll.GetDelegateEndDate(empName);
            //DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Today;
            //lblCurretDate.Text = currentDate.ToString();

            string revoke_info = empBll.RevokeEmployeeDelegation(empName);
            lblmsg.Text = revoke_info;
        public void SendEmailToSupplier(int empid, string body, string subject)
            PurchaseOrderBLL pobll = new PurchaseOrderBLL();

            EmployeeBLL empbll = new EmployeeBLL();
            Employee currentuser = new Employee();
            currentuser = empbll.GetEmployeeById(empid);

            Supplier toSupplier = new Supplier();
            toSupplier = supbll.GetSupplierByName(ddlSupplierList.SelectedValue);

            string bodymsg = "Purchase Order Number: " + poNum + "<br/>" + body + "<br/>With Regards,<br/>" + currentuser.EmployeeName;

            pobll.SendEmailToSupplier(toSupplier.Email, currentuser.Email, bodymsg, subject);
        private string SendEmailNotification(int assignedEmpId, string body, string subject)
            EmployeeBLL emp_Bll = new EmployeeBLL();

            Employee emp_info = new Employee();
            emp_info = emp_Bll.GetEmp_Info(assignedEmpId);  //get emp_info to assign

            int currentUser_Id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["loginUser"]);
            Employee currentUser_info = new Employee();
            currentUser_info = emp_Bll.GetEmp_Info(currentUser_Id); ////get emp_info(current logined user)

            string body_msg = "To" + emp_info.EmployeeName + body + "From" + currentUser_info.EmployeeName;
            string ToEmail = emp_Bll.getToEmailid(emp_Nmae);

            //public void sendEmailNotification(string toEmail, string fromEmail, string body, string subject)
            string msg = emp_Bll.sendEmailNotification(ToEmail, currentUser_info.Email, body_msg, subject);
            return msg;
        protected void btnAssign_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            EmployeeBLL empBll = new EmployeeBLL();
            //Employee emp = new Employee();
            //emp.EmployeeName = txtEmpName.Text;
            emp_Nmae = txtEmpName.Text;
            // emp.TempType = Convert.ToString(ddlEmpType.SelectedItem.Text);
            string Temp_role = "DeptHead";
            // emp.FromDate = DateTime.ParseExact(Convert.ToString(txtFromDate.Text), "M/d/yyyy", null);
            DateTime fromDate = DateTime.ParseExact(Convert.ToString(txtFromDate.Text), "M/d/yyyy", null);
            //emp.ToDate = DateTime.ParseExact(Convert.ToString(txtToDate.Text), "M/d/yyyy", null);
            DateTime toDate = DateTime.ParseExact(Convert.ToString(txtToDate.Text), "M/d/yyyy", null);
            string s = empBll.DelegateEmployeeInfo(emp_Nmae, Temp_role, fromDate, toDate);

            string assigned_emp_Name = txtEmpName.Text; // (need to change ddl for Employee Namel and ID for related Dept)
            int assigned_emp_Id = empBll.GetEmployeeIDByName(assigned_emp_Name);
            string body_info = assigned_emp_Name + "is assigned temporarily as Department Head";
            string subject_info = "Empoloyee Delegation";
            string email_msg = SendEmailNotification(assigned_emp_Id, body_info, subject_info);

            lblmsg.Text = email_msg + s;
        protected void ddlPONumber_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ddlPONumber.SelectedIndex != 0)

                string ponum = ddlPONumber.SelectedValue;
                pendingPO = pobll.GetPurchaseOrderByPONum(ponum);

                EmployeeBLL emp = new EmployeeBLL();
                int orderById =(Int32)pendingPO.Ordered_By;
                //string supcode = ;

                SupplierBLL supbll = new SupplierBLL();
                Supplier sup = supbll.GetSupplierByCode(pendingPO.Supplier_Code);

                txtSupplierName.Text = sup.Supplier_Name;

                txtOrderBy.Text = emp.GetEmployeeNameById(orderById);
                txtOrderDate.Text = pendingPO.Order_Date.ToShortDateString();

                txtSupplierName.ReadOnly = true;
                txtOrderBy.ReadOnly = true;
                txtOrderDate.ReadOnly = true;

                List<PurchaseOrderDetail> pendingPOD = new List<PurchaseOrderDetail>();

                pendingPOD = podetailbll.GetPendingPODetails(ponum);

                gvPODetailList.Visible = true;

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                txtDeliveredDate.Text = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();

                IList pending_ponums = pobll.GetPendingPONums();
                ddlPONumber.DataSource = pending_ponums;
                ddlPONumber.DataTextField = "PONumber";
                ddlPONumber.DataValueField = "PONumber";

                ddlPONumber.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("<Select PO Number>", ""));

                EmployeeBLL emp = new EmployeeBLL();
                recievedById = Convert.ToInt32(Session["loginUser"]); //Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoginUser"].ToString());  // to change later
                txtRecievedBy.Text = emp.GetEmployeeNameById(recievedById);

        private string SendEmailNotification(int loginUserId, string body, string subject, string authorizedPerson)
            EmployeeBLL emp_Bll = new EmployeeBLL();

            Employee login_EmpInfo = new Employee();
            login_EmpInfo = emp_Bll.GetEmp_Info(loginUserId);  //to get loginEmp_info

            int authorized_ID = 0;
            if (authorizedPerson == "Supervisor")
                authorized_ID = 1007;

            else if (authorizedPerson == "Manager")
                authorized_ID = 1009;

            Employee authorizedPerson_info = new Employee();
            authorizedPerson_info = emp_Bll.GetAuthorizedPersonInfo(authorized_ID);  ////get authorized emp_info

            string body_msg = "To " + authorizedPerson_info.EmployeeName + "<br/>" + body + "<br/>From" + login_EmpInfo.EmployeeName;

            //public void sendEmailNotification(string toEmail, string fromEmail, string body, string subject)
            string msg = emp_Bll.sendEmailNotification(authorizedPerson_info.Email, login_EmpInfo.Email, body_msg, subject);
            return msg;
        void SendNotification()
            EmployeeBLL empbll = new EmployeeBLL();
            Employee employeeinfo = new Employee();
            Employee headinfo = new Employee();

            int empid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["loginUser"]);
               // int empid = 1004; //to update empid
            employeeinfo = empbll.getEmployeebyempid(empid);

            headinfo = empbll.getEmailAddressbyempType(employeeinfo.DepartmentCode, "head"); //to update employee type

            String body = "Please help to approve my stationery request! Thanks.\n" + "Best Regards,\n" + employeeinfo.EmployeeName;
            String subject = "Stationery Request from " + employeeinfo.EmployeeName;

            emreqbll.sendNotificationToDeptHead(headinfo.Email, employeeinfo.Email, body, subject);
        void gvRequestHeader_DataBind()
            DepartmentBLL deptbll = new DepartmentBLL();
            int empid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["loginUser"]);
               // int empid = 1004; //to update empid
            EmployeeBLL empbll = new EmployeeBLL();
            Employee empinfo = empbll.getEmployeebyempid(empid);
            //Department depart = deptbll.getDeptCodebyEmpID(empid);
            if (empinfo.EmployeeType.ToLower().Trim() == "head")

                gvRequestHeader.DataSource = emreqbll.GetHeaderRecordsforHead(empinfo.DepartmentCode); //to show all requisition if loginuser is department head

                gvRequestHeader.DataSource = emreqbll.GetHeaderRecords(empinfo.DepartmentCode, empid); //to show only individual records if loginuser is employee
        void SendNotification(int empid, string body, string subject)
            DepartmentRequBLL deptreqBll = new DepartmentRequBLL();
            int currentuserid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["loginUser"]);
            //int currentuserid = Convert.ToInt32(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.ToString());
            //int currentuserid = 1004; //to update empid
            EmployeeBLL empbll = new EmployeeBLL();
            Employee employeeinfo = new Employee();
            Employee currentuserinfo = new Employee();

            employeeinfo = empbll.getEmployeebyempid(empid);

            currentuserinfo = empbll.getEmployeebyempid(currentuserid); //to update employee type
            string body1 = body + currentuserinfo.EmployeeName;

            deptreqBll.sendNotificationToEmployee(employeeinfo.Email, currentuserinfo.Email, body1, subject);