protected void treeProductGroup_TreeNodePopulate(object sender, TreeNodeEventArgs e) { // TreeNode parent = e.Node; if (ShowLevels > 0) { string[] valPath = parent.ValuePath.Split('/'); if (valPath.Length >= ShowLevels) { return; } } ProductGroupId = Convert.ToInt32(parent.Value.Substring(1)); String CurrentLanguage = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name; List <ProductGroupInfo> products = Controller.GetProductSubGroupsByNode(PortalId, CurrentLanguage, ProductGroupId, ShowProductCount, IncludeChilds, IncludeDisabled); foreach (ProductGroupInfo p in products) { string nodeName = p.ProductGroupName + (ShowProductCount && p.ProductCount > 0 ? " (" + p.ProductCount + ")" : ""); TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(nodeName, "_" + p.ProductGroupId.ToString()); newNode.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.SelectExpand; newNode.PopulateOnDemand = true; if (ShowIcons) { newNode.ImageUrl = BBStoreHelper.FileNameToImgSrc(p.Icon, PortalSettings); } parent.ChildNodes.Add(newNode); } }
protected void treeProductGroup_TreeNodePopulate(object sender, TreeNodeEventArgs e) { // TreeNode parent = e.Node; int productGroupId; productGroupId = Convert.ToInt32(parent.Value.Substring(1)); Controller = new BBStoreController(); List <ProductGroupInfo> products = Controller.GetProductSubGroupsByNode(PortalId, CurrentLanguage, productGroupId, false, false, true); foreach (ProductGroupInfo p in products) { TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(p.ProductGroupName, "_" + p.ProductGroupId.ToString()); newNode.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Select; newNode.PopulateOnDemand = true; newNode.ImageUrl = BBStoreHelper.FileNameToImgSrc(p.Icon, PortalSettings); parent.ChildNodes.Add(newNode); } }
protected void imgRefreshImg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { imgImage.ImageUrl = BBStoreHelper.FileNameToImgSrc(ImageSelector.Url, PortalSettings); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { Controller = new BBStoreController(); taxUnitCost.PercentControl = txtTaxPercent; taxOriginalUnitCost.PercentControl = txtTaxPercent; taxPriceUnitCost.PercentControl = txtPriceTaxPercent; taxPriceOriginalUnitCost.PercentControl = txtPriceTaxPercent; LocaleController lc = new LocaleController(); Dictionary <string, Locale> loc = lc.GetLocales(PortalId); //TODO: Panels ausblenden wenn kein Modul verwendet ModuleController objModules = new ModuleController(); if (objModules.GetModuleByDefinition(PortalId, "BBStore Product Groups") == null) { HasProductGroupModule = false; } if (objModules.GetModuleByDefinition(PortalId, "BBStore Product Features") == null) { HasProductFeatureModule = false; } Hashtable storeSettings = Controller.GetStoreSettings(PortalId); if (storeSettings != null) { _imageDir = (string)(storeSettings["ProductImageDir"] ?? ""); } // If this is the first visit to the page if (Page.IsPostBack == false) { // Show Supplier ? if (storeSettings != null && storeSettings["SupplierRole"] != null && (string)storeSettings["SupplierRole"] != "-1") { pnlSupplier.Visible = true; RoleController roleController = new RoleController(); //RoleInfo role = roleController.GetRole(Convert.ToInt32(storeSettings["SupplierRole"]), PortalId); ArrayList aUsers = roleController.GetUsersByRoleName(PortalId, (string)storeSettings["SupplierRole"]); ListItemCollection users = new ListItemCollection(); foreach (UserInfo user in aUsers) { users.Add(new ListItem(user.DisplayName, user.UserID.ToString())); } string selText = Localization.GetString("SelectSupplier.Text", this.LocalResourceFile); users.Insert(0, new ListItem(selText, "-1")); cboSupplier.DataSource = users; cboSupplier.DataValueField = "Value"; cboSupplier.DataTextField = "Text"; cboSupplier.DataBind(); } // Shipping Models List <ShippingModelInfo> shippingModels = Controller.GetShippingModels(PortalId); cboShippingModel.DataSource = shippingModels; cboShippingModel.DataValueField = "ShippingModelId"; cboShippingModel.DataTextField = "Name"; cboShippingModel.DataBind(); string selUnitText = Localization.GetString("SelectUnit.Text", this.LocalResourceFile); ddlUnit.Items.Add(new ListItem(selUnitText, "-1")); foreach (UnitInfo unit in Controller.GetUnits(PortalId, CurrentLanguage, "Unit")) { ddlUnit.Items.Add(new ListItem(unit.Unit, unit.UnitId.ToString())); } ddlUnit.DataValueField = "Value"; ddlUnit.DataTextField = "Text"; ddlUnit.DataBind(); // Set ProductGroups Visible / not Visible //pnlProductGroup.Visible = HasProductGroupModule; SimpleProductInfo SimpleProduct = null; if (Request["productid"] != null) { ProductId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["productid"]); } // if product exists if (ProductId > 0) { SimpleProduct = Controller.GetSimpleProductByProductId(PortalId, ProductId); } List <ILanguageEditorInfo> dbLangs = new List <ILanguageEditorInfo>(); if (SimpleProduct == null) { taxUnitCost.Value = 0.00m; taxUnitCost.Mode = "gross"; txtTaxPercent.Text = 0.0m.ToString(); taxOriginalUnitCost.Value = 0.00m; taxOriginalUnitCost.Mode = "gross"; ImageSelector.Url = _imageDir + "This_fileName-Should_not_3xist"; cboSupplier.SelectedValue = "-1"; dbLangs.Add(new SimpleProductLangInfo() { Language = CurrentLanguage }); lngSimpleProducts.Langs = dbLangs; txtWeight.Text = 0.000m.ToString(); } else { // Fill in the Language information foreach (SimpleProductLangInfo simpleProductLang in Controller.GetSimpleProductLangs(SimpleProduct.SimpleProductId)) { dbLangs.Add(simpleProductLang); } lngSimpleProducts.Langs = dbLangs; // Set Image Info int fileId = -1; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SimpleProduct.Image)) { try { IFileInfo file = FileManager.Instance.GetFile(PortalId, SimpleProduct.Image); if (file != null) { fileId = file.FileId; } } catch (Exception) { fileId = -1; } } string imageUrl = ""; if (fileId > -1) { imageUrl = "FileID=" + fileId.ToString(); } else { imageUrl = _imageDir + "This_fileName-Should_not_3xist"; } // Set other fields txtItemNo.Text = SimpleProduct.ItemNo; txtTaxPercent.Text = SimpleProduct.TaxPercent.ToString(); taxUnitCost.Mode = "gross"; taxUnitCost.Value = SimpleProduct.UnitCost; taxOriginalUnitCost.Mode = "gross"; taxOriginalUnitCost.Value = SimpleProduct.OriginalUnitCost; chkDisabled.Checked = SimpleProduct.Disabled; chkHideCost.Checked = SimpleProduct.HideCost; chkNoCart.Checked = SimpleProduct.NoCart; cboSupplier.SelectedValue = SimpleProduct.SupplierId.ToString(); ddlUnit.SelectedValue = SimpleProduct.UnitId.ToString(); ImageSelector.Url = imageUrl; imgImage.ImageUrl = BBStoreHelper.FileNameToImgSrc(imageUrl, PortalSettings); txtWeight.Text = SimpleProduct.Weight.ToString(); // Set ShippingModel List <ProductShippingModelInfo> productshippingModels = Controller.GetProductShippingModelsByProduct(SimpleProduct.SimpleProductId); if (productshippingModels.Count > 0) { cboShippingModel.SelectedValue = productshippingModels[0].ShippingModelId.ToString(); } } // Treeview Basenode TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(Localization.GetString("treeProductGroups.Text", this.LocalResourceFile), "_-1"); newNode.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand; newNode.PopulateOnDemand = true; newNode.ImageUrl = @"~\images\category.gif"; newNode.ShowCheckBox = false; treeProductGroup.Nodes.Add(newNode); //newNode.Expanded = false; // Product Price Localization.LocalizeGridView(ref grdPriceList, LocalResourceFile); grdPriceList.DataSource = ProductPrices; grdPriceList.DataBind(); RoleController roleController1 = new RoleController(); //RoleInfo role = roleController.GetRole(Convert.ToInt32(storeSettings["SupplierRole"]), PortalId); ArrayList aRoles = roleController1.GetPortalRoles(PortalId); ListItemCollection roles = new ListItemCollection(); foreach (RoleInfo role in aRoles) { roles.Add(new ListItem(role.RoleName, role.RoleID.ToString())); } string selText1 = Localization.GetString("SelectRole.Text", this.LocalResourceFile); roles.Insert(0, new ListItem(selText1, "-1")); ddlPriceRoleId.DataSource = roles; ddlPriceRoleId.DataValueField = "Value"; ddlPriceRoleId.DataTextField = "Text"; ddlPriceRoleId.DataBind(); } if (HasProductFeatureModule) { FeatureGrid.ProductId = ProductId; } } catch (Exception exc) { //Module failed to load Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } }
protected void treeProductGroup_SelectedNodeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Determine new ProductId string productGroupId = treeProductGroup.SelectedNode.Value; if (productGroupId.StartsWith("_")) { ProductGroupId = Convert.ToInt32(productGroupId.Substring(1)); } // Enabling / Disabling Edit Controls pnlProductGroupTree.Visible = false; pnlProductGroupDetails.Visible = true; cmdCancel.Visible = true; if (ProductGroupId > -1 || EditState == "new") { pnlProductGroupEditDetails.Visible = true; cmdUpdate.Visible = true; BindFeatureListsData(); } else { pnlProductGroupEditDetails.Visible = false; cmdUpdate.Visible = false; } cmdAdd.Visible = (EditState != "new"); // if product exists if (ProductGroupId > 0) { ProductGroup = Controller.GetProductGroup(PortalId, CurrentLanguage, ProductGroupId); } if (ProductGroup != null) { // Fill in the Language information List <ILanguageEditorInfo> dbLangs = new List <ILanguageEditorInfo>(); foreach (ProductGroupLangInfo productGroupLang in Controller.GetProductGroupLangs(ProductGroup.ProductGroupId)) { dbLangs.Add(productGroupLang); } lngProductGroups.Langs = dbLangs; // Set Image Info int imageFileId = -1; string imageUrl = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProductGroup.Image)) { IFileInfo imageFile = FileManager.Instance.GetFile(PortalId, ProductGroup.Image); if (imageFile != null) { imageFileId = imageFile.FileId; } } if (imageFileId > -1) { imageUrl = "FileID=" + imageFileId.ToString(); } else { imageUrl = _imageDir + "This_fileName-Should_not_3xist"; } // Set Icon Info int iconFileId = -1; string iconUrl = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProductGroup.Icon)) { IFileInfo iconFile = FileManager.Instance.GetFile(PortalId, ProductGroup.Icon); if (iconFile != null) { iconFileId = iconFile.FileId; } } if (iconFileId > -1) { iconUrl = "FileID=" + iconFileId.ToString(); } else { iconUrl = _iconDir + "This_fileName-Should_not_3xist"; } ImageSelector.Url = imageUrl; IconSelector.Url = iconUrl; imgImage.ImageUrl = BBStoreHelper.FileNameToImgSrc(imageUrl, PortalSettings); imgIcon.ImageUrl = BBStoreHelper.FileNameToImgSrc(iconUrl, PortalSettings); urlTarget.Url = ProductGroup.ProductListTabId.ToString(); chkDisabled.Checked = ProductGroup.Disabled; txtViewOrder.Text = ProductGroup.ViewOrder.ToString(); } else { ImageSelector.Url = ""; IconSelector.Url = ""; imgImage.ImageUrl = ""; imgIcon.ImageUrl = ""; urlTarget.Url = ""; chkDisabled.Checked = false; txtViewOrder.Text = "0"; } // If collapsed we have to expand first to see if there are childs if (treeProductGroup.SelectedNode.Expanded == false) { treeProductGroup.SelectedNode.Expand(); treeProductGroup.SelectedNode.Collapse(); } int childCount = treeProductGroup.SelectedNode.ChildNodes.Count; // We are only allowed to delete if no childs cmdDelete.Visible = (childCount == 0); lblPGDetails.Text = treeProductGroup.SelectedNode.Text + (ProductGroup == null ? "" : " (ID:" + ProductGroup.ProductGroupId.ToString() + ")"); lblPGDetails.Visible = true; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { if (IsConfigured) { switch (MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex) { case 0: //if (!Page.IsPostBack) { List <ProductGroupInfo> productGroups = new List <ProductGroupInfo>(); ProductGroupInfo thisgroup = Controller.GetProductGroup(PortalId, CurrentLanguage, ProductGroupId); if (Settings["ShowUpNavigation"] != null && Convert.ToBoolean(Settings["ShowUpNavigation"])) { if (thisgroup != null) { if (thisgroup.ParentId != -1) { ProductGroupInfo parentGroup = Controller.GetProductGroup(PortalId, CurrentLanguage, thisgroup.ParentId); if (parentGroup != null) { //parentGroup.Image = (string) Settings["Image"] ?? ""; productGroups.Add(parentGroup); } } else { ProductGroupInfo dummyParent = new ProductGroupInfo(); dummyParent.ParentId = -1; dummyParent.PortalId = PortalId; dummyParent.Image = (string)Settings["AllGroupsImage"] ?? ""; dummyParent.ProductCount = 0; dummyParent.ProductGroupId = -1; dummyParent.ProductGroupName = Localization.GetString("AllGroups.Text", this.LocalResourceFile); dummyParent.ViewOrder = 0; productGroups.Add(dummyParent); } } } if (thisgroup != null && Settings["ShowThisNode"] != null && Convert.ToBoolean(Settings["ShowThisNode"])) { productGroups.Add(thisgroup); } if (Settings["ShowSubNodes"] == null || (Settings["ShowSubNodes"] != null && Convert.ToBoolean(Settings["ShowSubNodes"]))) { productGroups.AddRange(Controller.GetProductSubGroupsByNode(PortalId, CurrentLanguage, ProductGroupId, ShowProductCount, IncludeChilds, IncludeDisabled)); } ProductGroups = productGroups; if (ProductGroups.Count > 0) { lstProductGroups.DataSource = ProductGroups; lstProductGroups.DataBind(); } else { IsVisible = false; } } break; case 1: if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (Settings["ShowExpandCollapse"] != null) { treeProductGroup.ShowExpandCollapse = Convert.ToBoolean(Settings["ShowExpandCollapse"]); } // Treeview Basenodes List <ProductGroupInfo> lpg = Controller.GetProductSubGroupsByNode(PortalId, CurrentLanguage, -1, ShowProductCount, IncludeChilds, IncludeDisabled); foreach (ProductGroupInfo pg in lpg) { string nodeName = pg.ProductGroupName + (ShowProductCount && pg.ProductCount > 0 ? " (" + pg.ProductCount + ")" : ""); TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(nodeName, "_" + pg.ProductGroupId.ToString()); newNode.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.SelectExpand; newNode.PopulateOnDemand = true; if (ShowIcons) { newNode.ImageUrl = BBStoreHelper.FileNameToImgSrc(pg.Icon, PortalSettings); } treeProductGroup.Nodes.Add(newNode); } // And now we need to expand all nodes to the selected node string treePath = Controller.GetProductGroupPath(PortalId, ProductGroupId); string[] bread = treePath.Split('/'); string valuePath = ""; for (int i = 0; i < bread.Length; i++) { if (i > 0) { valuePath += "/"; } valuePath += bread[i]; TreeNode node = treeProductGroup.FindNode(valuePath); if (node != null) { node.Expand(); //if (ProductGroupId != -1 && node.Value == "_" + ProductGroupId.ToString()) // node.Select(); } } } break; case 2: string pgPath = Controller.GetProductGroupPath(PortalId, ProductGroupId); if (pgPath == string.Empty) { pgPath = "_-1"; } else { pgPath = "_-1/" + pgPath; } string[] pgArr = pgPath.Split('/'); for (int Level = 0; Level < pgArr.Length; Level++) { int Value = -1; if (Level < pgArr.Length - 1) { Value = Convert.ToInt32(pgArr[Level + 1].Substring(1)); } int productGroup = Convert.ToInt32(pgArr[Level].Substring(1)); DropDownList ddl = ProductGroupCombo(productGroup, Value, Level); if (ddl != null) { phDropDown.Controls.Add(ddl); phDropDown.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />")); } } break; default: break; } } else { MultiView1.Visible = false; } } catch (Exception exc) { //Module failed to load Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } }
protected void lstFeatureListItems_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { lstFeatureListItems.Attributes.Add("onClick", "javascript:alert('" + Localization.GetString("LstDisabled.Text", this.LocalResourceFile) + "');"); // Determine new ProductId FeatureListItemId = Convert.ToInt32(lstFeatureListItems.SelectedValue); if (FeatureListItemId == -1) { EditState = "new"; lngFeatureListItems.Langs = new List <ILanguageEditorInfo>(); pnlFeatureListItemDetails.Visible = true; lblFLIDetails.Text = Localization.GetString("NewFeatureListItem.Text", this.LocalResourceFile); } // Enabling / Disabling Edit Controls pnlFeatureListsItems.Visible = false; bool pnlVisible = (FeatureListItemId > -1 || EditState == "new"); pnlFeatureListItemDetails.Visible = pnlVisible; cmdUpdate.Visible = pnlVisible; cmdCancel.Visible = true; cmdDelete.Visible = (EditState != "new"); if (FeatureListItemId > 0) { FeatureListItem = Controller.GetFeatureListItemById(FeatureListItemId, CurrentLanguage); } if (FeatureListItem != null) { // Set Image Info int imageFileId = -1; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FeatureListItem.Image)) { IFileInfo file = FileManager.Instance.GetFile(PortalId, FeatureListItem.Image); if (file != null) { imageFileId = file.FileId; } } string imageUrl = ""; if (imageFileId > -1) { imageUrl = "FileID=" + imageFileId.ToString(); } else { imageUrl = _imageDir + "This_fileName-Should_not_3xist"; } ImageSelector.Url = imageUrl; imgImage.ImageUrl = BBStoreHelper.FileNameToImgSrc(imageUrl, PortalSettings); txtViewOrder.Text = FeatureListItem.ViewOrder.ToString(); // Fill in the Language information List <ILanguageEditorInfo> dbLangs = new List <ILanguageEditorInfo>(); foreach (FeatureListItemLangInfo featureListItemLang in Controller.GetFeatureListItemLangs(FeatureListItem.FeatureListItemId)) { dbLangs.Add(featureListItemLang); } lngFeatureListItems.Langs = dbLangs; } lblFLIDetails.Text = String.Format("{0} (ID:{1})", lstFeatureListItems.SelectedItem.Text, FeatureListItemId); lblFLIDetails.Visible = true; lblFLIDetailsCaption.Visible = true; }