        public byte[] TxSignature(ImmutableArray<byte> scriptPubKey, Transaction tx, int inputIndex, byte hashType)
            Debug.Assert(inputIndex < tx.Inputs.Length);

            // Blank out other inputs' signatures
            var empty = ImmutableArray.Create<byte>();
            var newInputs = new TxInput[tx.Inputs.Length];
            for (var i = 0; i < tx.Inputs.Length; i++)
                var oldInput = tx.Inputs[i];
                var newInput = oldInput.With(scriptSignature: i == inputIndex ? scriptPubKey : empty);
                newInputs[i] = newInput;

            //// Blank out some of the outputs
            //if ((hashType & 0x1F) == (int)ScriptHashType.SIGHASH_NONE)
            //    //TODO
            //    Debug.Assert(false);

            //    // Wildcard payee

            //    // Let the others update at will
            //else if ((hashType & 0x1F) == (int)ScriptHashType.SIGHASH_SINGLE)
            //    //TODO
            //    Debug.Assert(false);

            //    // Only lock-in the txout payee at same index as txin

            //    // Let the others update at will

            //// Blank out other inputs completely, not recommended for open transactions
            //if ((hashType & 0x80) == (int)ScriptHashType.SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY)
            //    //TODO
            //    Debug.Assert(false);

            // create simplified transaction
            var newTx = tx.With(Inputs: newInputs.ToImmutableArray());

            // return wire-encoded simplified transaction with the 4-byte hashType tacked onto the end
            var stream = new MemoryStream();
            using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream))

                return stream.ToArray();