public void CreateAlertsDetail(int idAlerta, int idEmpresa, string userName) { List<Centros> listCentros = new CentrosRepository().GetListCentrosByEmpresa(idEmpresa).ToList(); foreach (var item in listCentros) { Alertas_detalle _Alertas_detalle = new Alertas_detalle(); _Alertas_detalle.Id_alerta = idAlerta; _Alertas_detalle.Id_centro = item.Id_centro; new Alertas_detalleRepository().Create(_Alertas_detalle); } }
public ActionResult CargaParametrosReporte(int id) { try { //Entities entites = new Entities(); CSN_BPGlobal _CSN_BPGlobal = new CSN_BPGlobal(); appreportes _appreportes = new appreportesRepository().GetappreportesById(id); _appreportes.NombreOpcionReporte = _appreportes.NombreOpcionReporte; SqlDataReader _reader = null; foreach (appReport_where item in _appreportes.appReport_where) { List<ReportsWhere> listWhereFields = new List<ReportsWhere>(); if (item.TipoParametro == "L") { if (_appreportes.tieneCentro) { //Carga centros por role de usuario List<Centros> listcentros = new CentrosRepository().GetCentrosByUser(this.User.Identity.Name).ToList(); string[] arrIdCentros = new string[listcentros.Count()]; foreach (Centros itemCentros in listcentros) { srCentros += itemCentros.Id_centro; arrIdCentros[iCoutnPos] = itemCentros.Id_centro.ToString(); iCoutnPos++; } joined = String.Join(", ", arrIdCentros); _reader = _CSN_BPGlobal.GetCommandReader("SELECT DISTINCT " + item.Campo + " FROM " + _appreportes.Nombre_vista, System.Data.CommandType.Text); } else _reader = _CSN_BPGlobal.GetCommandReader("SELECT DISTINCT " + item.Campo + " FROM " + _appreportes.Nombre_vista, System.Data.CommandType.Text); if (item.Condicion.Trim() != "IN") { listWhereFields.Add( new ReportsWhere { Text = "Solo vacios o nulos", Value = "Nulos" } ); listWhereFields.Add( new ReportsWhere { Text = "Todos excepto vacios o nulos", Value = "Todos" } ); } while (_reader.Read()) { ReportsWhere itemValueSelect = new ReportsWhere(); itemValueSelect.Text = _reader[item.Campo].ToString(); itemValueSelect.Value = _reader[item.Campo].ToString(); listWhereFields.Add(itemValueSelect); } ViewData[item.Campo] = listWhereFields; } } return View("ReportView", _appreportes); } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["ErrorMessage"] = ex.Message; return View(); } }
public JsonResult GetCetrosByEmpresa(int id, appreportes model) { try { List<Centros> listCentros = new CentrosRepository().GetAllCentrosByEmpresa(this.User.Identity.Name, id).ToList(); var modelData = listCentros.Select(m => new SelectListItem() { Text = m.Nombre, Value = m.Id_centro.ToString() }); return Json(modelData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["ErrorMessage"] = ex.Message; return Json(JsonResponseFactory.ErrorResponse(ex.Message), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }
public ActionResult EjecutaReporteSinParametros(int id) { appreportes _appreportes = new appreportesRepository().GetappreportesById(id); _appreportes.NombreOpcionReporte = _appreportes.NombreOpcionReporte; try { string select = string.Empty; string where = string.Empty; string order = string.Empty; string gropuBy = string.Empty; bool isGrouBy = false; int iCountFields = 1; if (_appreportes.appReport_Fields.Count == 0) select = "*"; foreach (appReport_Fields item in _appreportes.appReport_Fields) { if (iCountFields < _appreportes.appReport_Fields.Count) { if ((item.Funcion != null ? item.Funcion.Trim() : item.Funcion) == "Agrupar por") { select += item.Campo.Trim() + ","; } else { select += (item.Funcion == null ? item.Campo.Trim() + "," : item.Funcion.Trim() + "(" + item.Campo.Trim() + ") as " + item.Funcion + "De" + item.Campo + ","); } } else { if ((item.Funcion != null ? item.Funcion.Trim() : item.Funcion) == "Agrupar por") { select += item.Campo.Trim(); } else { select += (item.Funcion == null ? item.Campo.Trim() : item.Funcion.Trim() + "(" + item.Campo.Trim() + ")as " + item.Funcion + "De@" + item.Campo); } } if (isGrouBy == false) isGrouBy = (item.Funcion != null ? true : false); iCountFields++; } iCountFields = 1; List<appReport_Fields> listFieldWhitoutFunction = _appreportes.appReport_Fields.Where(e => e.Funcion == null || e.Funcion.Trim() == "Agrupar por").ToList(); iCountFields = 1; foreach (appReport_Order item in _appreportes.appReport_Order) { if (iCountFields < _appreportes.appReport_Order.Count) order = order + item.Campo.Trim() + " " + item.Tipo_orden.Trim() + ","; else order = order + item.Campo.Trim() + " " + item.Tipo_orden.Trim(); if (select != "*") { appReport_Fields _appReport_Fields = _appreportes.appReport_Fields.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Campo == item.Campo); if (_appReport_Fields == null) { select = select + " ," + item.Campo; } } iCountFields++; } CSN_BPGlobal _CSN_BPGlobal = new CSN_BPGlobal(); iCountFields = 0; //Valida si la vista tiene campo id_centro string srCentros = string.Empty; int iCoutnPos = 0; if (_appreportes.Id_centro == null) { appReport_Fields _appReport_where = _appreportes.appReport_Fields.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Campo == "Id_centro"); string joined = string.Empty; //Carga centros por role de usuario List<Centros> listcentros = new CentrosRepository().GetCentrosByUser(this.User.Identity.Name).ToList(); string[] arrIdCentros = new string[listcentros.Count()]; foreach (Centros item in listcentros) { srCentros += item.Id_centro; arrIdCentros[iCoutnPos] = item.Id_centro.ToString(); iCoutnPos++; } joined = String.Join(", ", arrIdCentros); where = "Id_centro in(" + joined + ")"; } else where = "Id_centro= " + _appreportes.Id_centro; //Construye group by List<appReport_Fields> listFieldsGroupBy = null; if (isGrouBy) { listFieldsGroupBy = _appreportes.appReport_Fields.Where(e => e.Funcion == null || e.Funcion == "Agrupar por").ToList(); string[] arrFieldsGroupBy = new string[listFieldsGroupBy.Count()]; iCoutnPos = 0; foreach (appReport_Fields item in listFieldsGroupBy) { arrFieldsGroupBy[iCoutnPos] = item.Campo.ToString(); iCoutnPos++; } joined = String.Join(", ", arrFieldsGroupBy); gropuBy = joined; } string sqlQuery = string.Empty; if (isGrouBy == false) { if (select != string.Empty && where != string.Empty && order != string.Empty) sqlQuery = string.Format("select {0} from {1} where {2} order by {3}", select, _appreportes.Nombre_vista, where, order); if (select != string.Empty && where == string.Empty && order == string.Empty) sqlQuery = string.Format("select {0} from {1} ", select, _appreportes.Nombre_vista); if (select != string.Empty && where != string.Empty && order == string.Empty) sqlQuery = string.Format("select {0} from {1} where {2}", select, _appreportes.Nombre_vista, where); if (select != string.Empty && where == string.Empty && order != string.Empty) sqlQuery = string.Format("select {0} from {1} order by {2}", select, _appreportes.Nombre_vista, order); } else { if (select != string.Empty && where != string.Empty && order != string.Empty) sqlQuery = string.Format("select {0} from {1} where {2} group by {4} order by {3}", select, _appreportes.Nombre_vista, where, order, gropuBy); if (select != string.Empty && where == string.Empty && order == string.Empty) sqlQuery = string.Format("select {0} from {1} group by {2} ", select, _appreportes.Nombre_vista, gropuBy); if (select != string.Empty && where != string.Empty && order == string.Empty) sqlQuery = string.Format("select {0} from {1} where {2} group by {3}", select, _appreportes.Nombre_vista, where, gropuBy); if (select != string.Empty && where == string.Empty && order != string.Empty) sqlQuery = string.Format("select {0} from {1} group by {3} order by {2}", select, _appreportes.Nombre_vista, order, gropuBy); } SqlDataReader _reader = _CSN_BPGlobal.GetCommandReader(sqlQuery, System.Data.CommandType.Text); DataTable table = new DataTable(); //convierto un datareader aun datatable table.Load(_reader); _appreportes.QueryString = sqlQuery; List<string> valuesQuery = new List<string>(); MyViewModel modelQuery = new MyViewModel(); modelQuery.Rows = new List<RowViewModel>(); modelQuery.Columns = new List<ColumnViewModel>(); for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++) { ColumnViewModel col = new ColumnViewModel(); col.Name = table.Columns[i].ColumnName; col.ColIndex = i; string[] campoFuncion = table.Columns[i].ColumnName.Split(new char[] { '@' }); appReport_Fields _appReport_Fields = null; if (campoFuncion.Length == 1) _appReport_Fields = new appreportesRepository().GetappreportesById(_appreportes.Id_app_reporte). appReport_Fields.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Campo == table.Columns[i].ColumnName); else _appReport_Fields = new appreportesRepository().GetappreportesById(_appreportes.Id_app_reporte). appReport_Fields.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Campo == campoFuncion[1]); if (_appReport_Fields != null) if (_appReport_Fields.VerTotal != null) col.VerTotal = (int)_appReport_Fields.VerTotal; else col.VerTotal = 0; else col.VerTotal = 0; modelQuery.Columns.Add(col); } for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow row = table.Rows[i]; List<CellValueViewModel> listValues = new List<CellValueViewModel>(); for (int j = 0; j < table.Columns.Count; j++) { CellValueViewModel cel = new CellValueViewModel(); cel.Value = row[j].ToString(); cel.ColumnIndex = j; listValues.Add(cel); } RowViewModel _RowViewModel = new RowViewModel(); _RowViewModel.Values = listValues; modelQuery.Rows.Add(_RowViewModel); } _appreportes.QueryDataRows = modelQuery; return View("_ReportView", _appreportes); } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["ErrorMessage"] = ex.Message; return RedirectToAction("Edit", "appreportes", new { id = _appreportes.Id_app_reporte }); } }
public ActionResult EjecutaReporte(appreportes model, FormCollection parameters) { appreportes _appreportes = new appreportesRepository().GetappreportesById(model.Id_app_reporte); string sqlQuery = string.Empty; try { string select = string.Empty; string where = string.Empty; string order = string.Empty; string gropuBy = string.Empty; bool isGrouBy = false; int iCountFields = 1; if (_appreportes.appReport_Fields.Count == 0) select = "*"; foreach (appReport_Fields item in _appreportes.appReport_Fields) { if (iCountFields < _appreportes.appReport_Fields.Count) { if ((item.Funcion != null ? item.Funcion.Trim() : item.Funcion) == "Agrupar por") { select += item.Campo.Trim() + ","; } else { select += (item.Funcion == null ? item.Campo.Trim() + "," : item.Funcion.Trim() + "(" + item.Campo.Trim() + ") as '" + item.Funcion + "De" + item.Campo + "',"); } } else { if ((item.Funcion != null ? item.Funcion.Trim() : item.Funcion) == "Agrupar por") { select += item.Campo.Trim(); } else { select += (item.Funcion == null ? item.Campo.Trim() : item.Funcion.Trim() + "(" + item.Campo.Trim() + ")as '" + item.Funcion + "De@" + item.Campo + "'"); } } if (isGrouBy == false) isGrouBy = (item.Funcion != null ? true : false); iCountFields++; } iCountFields = 1; List<appReport_Fields> listFieldWhitoutFunction = _appreportes.appReport_Fields.Where(e => e.Funcion == null || e.Funcion.Trim() == "Agrupar por").ToList(); iCountFields = 1; foreach (appReport_Order item in _appreportes.appReport_Order) { if (iCountFields < _appreportes.appReport_Order.Count) order = order + item.Campo.Trim() + " " + item.Tipo_orden.Trim() + ","; else order = order + item.Campo.Trim() + " " + item.Tipo_orden.Trim(); if (select != "*") { appReport_Fields _appReport_Fields = _appreportes.appReport_Fields.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Campo == item.Campo); if (_appReport_Fields == null) { select = select + " ," + item.Campo; } } iCountFields++; } CSN_BPGlobal _CSN_BPGlobal = new CSN_BPGlobal(); iCountFields = 0; foreach (appReport_where item in _appreportes.appReport_where) { item.Ultimo_valor = parameters[item.Campo].Trim().Replace(",", ""); string lastChar = parameters[item.Campo].Trim().Substring(parameters[item.Campo].Trim().Length - 1, 1); if (lastChar == ",") parameters[item.Campo] = parameters[item.Campo].Trim().Substring(0, parameters[item.Campo].Trim().Length - 1); new appReport_whereRepository().EditWhere(item); if (item.TipoParametro != "D") { if (item.Condicion.Trim() != "IN") { if (parameters[item.Campo].Trim().Replace(",", "") == "Nulos") { if (iCountFields == 0) where += "ISNULL(" + item.Campo.Trim() + ",'')=''"; else where += item.Operacion.Trim() + " " + "ISNULL(" + item.Campo.Trim() + ",'')=''"; } else if (parameters[item.Campo].Trim().Replace(",", "") == "Todos") { if (iCountFields == 0) where += "ISNULL(" + item.Campo.Trim() + ",'')<>''"; else where += item.Operacion.Trim() + " " + "ISNULL(" + item.Campo.Trim() + ",'')<>''"; } else if (iCountFields == 0) where += item.Campo.Trim() + " " + item.Condicion.Trim() + " '" + parameters[item.Campo].Trim() + "'"; else where += item.Operacion.Trim() + " " + item.Campo.Trim() + " " + item.Condicion.Trim() + " '" + parameters[item.Campo].Trim() + "'"; } else { if (iCountFields == 0) where += item.Campo.Trim() + " " + item.Condicion.Trim() + " (" + parameters["campos_" + item.Campo].Trim() + ")"; else where += item.Operacion.Trim() + " " + item.Campo.Trim() + " " + item.Condicion.Trim() + " (" + parameters["campos_" + item.Campo].Trim() + ")"; } } else { string formatoFecha = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FormatoFecha"]; StringBuilder strbuilder = new StringBuilder(); strbuilder.AppendFormat(formatoFecha, Convert.ToDateTime(parameters[item.Campo])); string nameString = strbuilder.ToString(); StringBuilder strbuilderFecha2 = new StringBuilder(); strbuilderFecha2.AppendFormat(formatoFecha, Convert.ToDateTime(parameters[item.Campo + "2"])); string nameStringFecha2 = strbuilderFecha2.ToString(); if (iCountFields == 0) { if (item.Condicion.Trim() == "Between") { where += item.Campo.Trim() + " " + item.Condicion.Trim() + "'" + nameString.Trim() + "'" + " and " + "'" + nameStringFecha2.Trim() + "'"; } else where += item.Campo.Trim() + " " + item.Condicion.Trim() + " " + " '" + nameString.Trim() + "'"; } else if (item.Condicion.Trim() == "Between") { where += item.Operacion.Trim() + " " + item.Campo.Trim() + " " + item.Condicion.Trim() + "'" + nameString.Trim() + "'" + " and " + "'" + nameStringFecha2.Trim() + "'"; } else where += item.Operacion.Trim() + " " + item.Campo.Trim() + " " + item.Condicion.Trim() + " '" + nameString.Trim() + "'"; } iCountFields++; } //Valida si la vista tiene campo id_centro string srCentros = string.Empty; int iCoutnPos = 0; appReport_Fields _appReport_where = _appreportes.appReport_Fields.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Campo == "Id_centro"); string joined = string.Empty; if (_appreportes.Id_centro == null) { if (_appReport_where != null) { if (_appreportes.appReport_where.Count > 0) { //Carga centros por role de usuario List<Centros> listcentros = new CentrosRepository().GetCentrosByUser(this.User.Identity.Name).ToList(); string[] arrIdCentros = new string[listcentros.Count()]; foreach (Centros item in listcentros) { srCentros += item.Id_centro; arrIdCentros[iCoutnPos] = item.Id_centro.ToString(); iCoutnPos++; } joined = String.Join(", ", arrIdCentros); where += "AND Id_centro in(" + joined + ")"; } else where = "Id_centro in(" + joined + ")"; } } else { if (where != "") where += " AND Id_centro = " + _appreportes.Id_centro; else where += "Id_centro = " + _appreportes.Id_centro; } //Construye group by List<appReport_Fields> listFieldsGroupBy = null; if (isGrouBy) { listFieldsGroupBy = _appreportes.appReport_Fields.Where(e => e.Funcion == null || e.Funcion == "Agrupar por" || e.Funcion == "dbo.date_format").ToList(); string[] arrFieldsGroupBy = new string[listFieldsGroupBy.Count()]; iCoutnPos = 0; foreach (appReport_Fields item in listFieldsGroupBy) { arrFieldsGroupBy[iCoutnPos] = item.Campo.ToString(); iCoutnPos++; } joined = String.Join(", ", arrFieldsGroupBy); gropuBy = joined; } if (isGrouBy == false) { if (select != string.Empty && where != string.Empty && order != string.Empty) sqlQuery = string.Format("select {0} from {1} where {2} order by {3}", select, _appreportes.Nombre_vista, where, order); if (select != string.Empty && where == string.Empty && order == string.Empty) sqlQuery = string.Format("select {0} from {1} ", select, _appreportes.Nombre_vista); if (select != string.Empty && where != string.Empty && order == string.Empty) sqlQuery = string.Format("select {0} from {1} where {2}", select, _appreportes.Nombre_vista, where); if (select != string.Empty && where == string.Empty && order != string.Empty) sqlQuery = string.Format("select {0} from {1} order by {2}", select, _appreportes.Nombre_vista, order); } else { if (select != string.Empty && where != string.Empty && order != string.Empty) sqlQuery = string.Format("select {0} from {1} where {2} group by {4} order by {3}", select, _appreportes.Nombre_vista, where, order, gropuBy); if (select != string.Empty && where == string.Empty && order == string.Empty) sqlQuery = string.Format("select {0} from {1} group by {2} ", select, _appreportes.Nombre_vista, gropuBy); if (select != string.Empty && where != string.Empty && order == string.Empty) sqlQuery = string.Format("select {0} from {1} where {2} group by {3}", select, _appreportes.Nombre_vista, where, gropuBy); if (select != string.Empty && where == string.Empty && order != string.Empty) sqlQuery = string.Format("select {0} from {1} group by {3} order by {2}", select, _appreportes.Nombre_vista, order, gropuBy); } SqlDataReader _reader = _CSN_BPGlobal.GetCommandReader(sqlQuery, System.Data.CommandType.Text); DataTable table = new DataTable(); //convierto un datareader aun datatable table.Load(_reader); _appreportes.QueryString = sqlQuery; List<string> valuesQuery = new List<string>(); MyViewModel modelQuery = new MyViewModel(); modelQuery.Rows = new List<RowViewModel>(); modelQuery.ArrayString = new List<string[]>(); modelQuery.Columns = new List<ColumnViewModel>(); for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++) { ColumnViewModel col = new ColumnViewModel(); col.Name = table.Columns[i].ColumnName; col.ColIndex = i; string[] campoFuncion = table.Columns[i].ColumnName.Split(new char[] { '@' }); appReport_Fields _appReport_Fields = null; if (campoFuncion.Length == 1) _appReport_Fields = new appreportesRepository().GetappreportesById(model.Id_app_reporte). appReport_Fields.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Campo == table.Columns[i].ColumnName); else _appReport_Fields = new appreportesRepository().GetappreportesById(model.Id_app_reporte). appReport_Fields.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Campo == campoFuncion[1]); if (_appReport_Fields != null) if (_appReport_Fields.VerTotal != null) col.VerTotal = (int)_appReport_Fields.VerTotal; else col.VerTotal = 0; else col.VerTotal = 0; modelQuery.Columns.Add(col); } for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow row = table.Rows[i]; List<CellValueViewModel> listValues = new List<CellValueViewModel>(); string[] stringArray = new string[table.Columns.Count]; for (int j = 0; j < table.Columns.Count; j++) { CellValueViewModel cel = new CellValueViewModel(); cel.Value = row[j].ToString(); cel.ColumnIndex = j; listValues.Add(cel); stringArray[j] = row[j].ToString(); } RowViewModel _RowViewModel = new RowViewModel(); _RowViewModel.Values = listValues; modelQuery.Rows.Add(_RowViewModel); modelQuery.ArrayString.Add(stringArray); } _appreportes.QueryDataRows = modelQuery; return PartialView("_ReportView", _appreportes); } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["ErrorMessage"] = ex.Message + sqlQuery; return PartialView("_ReportView", _appreportes); } }