public DataMatrix ChecklistReport(int taxonID, string criteriaDisplayText, ChecklistReportExtent extent, bool availableNames, bool literatureNames, ChecklistReportRankDepth?depth, bool userDefinedOrder, bool verifiedOnly, List <TaxonRankName> selectedRanks) { var b = new RTFReportBuilder(); var data = GetChecklistData(taxonID, 0, extent == ChecklistReportExtent.FullHierarchy, userDefinedOrder, verifiedOnly, selectedRanks); // Process the list, generating the RTF... // Create the Header inforrmation b.AppendFullHeader(); // Create the title information b.Append(@"\pard\fs36\b Taxon Checklist Report\b0\pard\par\fs22 ").Append(criteriaDisplayText).Append(@"\pard\par\fs16 Generated: "); b.AppendCurrentDate().Par().Par(); int i = 0; foreach (ChecklistData item in data) { ++i; if (!availableNames && item.AvailableName || !literatureNames && item.LiteratureName) { // ignore this one } else { b.Append(@"\par\pard\fs20\li{0} {1}", item.IndentLevel * 300, FormatChecklistRow(item, i, depth)); } } b.Append("}"); return(b.GetAsMatrix()); }
public DataMatrix GetTaxaForSites(bool includeLocations, string itemType, int itemID, int biotaID, string criteriaText) { var taxonService = new TaxaService(User); var rtf = new RTFReportBuilder(); // Create the Header inforrmation rtf.AppendFullHeader(); // Create the title information rtf.Append(@"\pard\fs36\b Taxa for Site/Region Report\b0\pard\par\fs24 ").Append(criteriaText); rtf.Append(@"\pard\par\fs24 Produced: ").AppendCurrentDate(); // extract the parentage string from the database. // Loop through the recordset and build the report output. int lngLastBiotaID = -1; int lngLastRegionID = -1; int lngLastSiteID = -1; string strOrderRank = ""; string strFamilyRank = ""; StoredProcReaderForEach("spReportTaxaForSites", (reader) => { // If there is a change in taxa, print the header. int currentBiotaID = (int) reader["BiotaID"]; if (lngLastBiotaID != currentBiotaID) { lngLastBiotaID = currentBiotaID; lngLastRegionID = -1; lngLastSiteID = -1; rtf.Par().Par().Append(@"\pard\sb20\fs28\b "); rtf.Append(AsString(reader["BiotaFullName"])).Append(@"\b0"); // extract the family and order strOrderRank = taxonService.GetBiotaRankElemType(currentBiotaID, "O"); strFamilyRank = taxonService.GetBiotaRankElemType(currentBiotaID, "F"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strOrderRank) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strFamilyRank)) { rtf.Append(" [").Append(strOrderRank).Append("]"); } else if ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strOrderRank) || (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strFamilyRank)))) { rtf.Append(" [").Append(strOrderRank).Append(": ").Append(strFamilyRank).Append("]"); } } if (includeLocations) { // Add the region group int currentRegionID = (int) reader["RegionID"]; if (lngLastRegionID != currentRegionID) { // Add the region lngLastRegionID = currentRegionID; rtf.Par().Append(@"\pard\sb10\fs20\li600 "); rtf.Append(AsString(reader["FullRegion"])); } int currentSiteID = (int) reader["SiteID"]; if (lngLastSiteID != currentSiteID) { lngLastSiteID = currentSiteID; // Add the Site rtf.Par().Append(@"\pard\sb10\fs20\li1200 "); // Add the locality int localType = (byte) reader["LocalType"]; switch (localType) { case 0: rtf.Append(AsString(reader["Local"])); break; case 1: rtf.Append(AsString(reader["DistanceFromPlace"])).Append(" "); rtf.Append(AsString(reader["DirFromPlace"])).Append(" of ").Append(AsString(reader["Local"])); break; default: rtf.Append(AsString(reader["Local"])); break; } // Add the long and lat. int areaType = (int) reader.Get<byte>("AreaType", (byte) 0); double? lat = reader.Get<double?>("Lat"); double? lon = reader.Get<double?>("Long"); double? lat2 = reader.Get<double?>("Lat2"); double? lon2 = reader.Get<double?>("Long2"); switch (areaType) { case 1: // Point if (!lat.HasValue || !lon.HasValue) { rtf.Append("; No position data"); } else { rtf.Append("; {0}, {1}", GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lat.Value, CoordinateType.Latitude), GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lon.Value, CoordinateType.Longitude)); } break; case 2: // Box if (!lat.HasValue || !lon.HasValue || !lat2.HasValue || !lon2.HasValue) { rtf.Append("; No position data"); } else { rtf.Append("; Box: {0}, {1}; {2}, {3}", GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lat.Value, CoordinateType.Latitude), GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lon.Value, CoordinateType.Longitude), GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lat2.Value, CoordinateType.Latitude), GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lon2.Value, CoordinateType.Longitude)); } break; case 3: // Line if (!lat.HasValue || !lon.HasValue || !lat2.HasValue || !lon2.HasValue) { rtf.Append("; No position data"); } else { rtf.Append("; Line: {0}, {1}; {2}, {3}", GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lat.Value, CoordinateType.Latitude), GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lon.Value, CoordinateType.Longitude), GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lat2.Value, CoordinateType.Latitude), GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lon2.Value, CoordinateType.Longitude)); } break; default: // ignore break; } } } }, _P("vchrItemType", itemType), _P("intItemID", itemID), _P("intBiotaID", biotaID)); rtf.Append(" }"); return rtf.GetAsMatrix(); }
public DataMatrix TaxaForSites(int siteOrRegionID, int taxonID, string itemType, string criteriaDisplayText, bool includeLocations) { var rtf = new RTFReportBuilder(); rtf.AppendFullHeader(); rtf.ReportHeading("Taxa for Site/Region Report"); rtf.Append(criteriaDisplayText); rtf.Append(@"\pard\par\fs24 Produced: ").AppendCurrentDate(); int lngLastBiotaID = -1; int lngLastRegionID = -1; int lngLastSiteID = -1; bool hasResults = false; StoredProcReaderForEach("spReportTaxaForSites", (reader) => { hasResults = true; // If there is a change in taxa, print the header. int biotaID = (Int32)reader["BiotaID"]; if (lngLastBiotaID != biotaID) { lngLastBiotaID = biotaID; lngLastRegionID = -1; lngLastSiteID = -1; rtf.Par().Par().Append(@"\pard\sb20\fs28\b "); rtf.Append(AsString(reader["BiotaFullName"])).Append(@"\b0"); // extract the family and order string orderRank = GetBiotaRankElemType(lngLastBiotaID, "O"); string familyRank = GetBiotaRankElemType(lngLastBiotaID, "F"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderRank) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(familyRank)) { rtf.Append(" [").Append(orderRank).Append("]"); } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderRank) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(familyRank)) { rtf.Append(" [").Append(orderRank).Append(": ").Append(familyRank).Append("]"); } } if (includeLocations) { // Add the region group int regionID = (Int32)reader["RegionID"]; if (lngLastRegionID != regionID) { // Add the region lngLastRegionID = regionID; rtf.Par().Append(@"\pard\sb10\fs20\li600\b ").Append(AsString(reader["FullRegion"])).Append(@"\b0 "); } int siteID = (Int32)reader["SiteID"]; if (lngLastSiteID != siteID) { lngLastSiteID = siteID; // Add the Site rtf.Par().Append(@"\pard\sb10\fs20\li1200 "); // Add the locality byte localType = (byte)reader["LocalType"]; switch (localType) { case 0: rtf.Append(reader["Local"] as string); break; case 1: rtf.Append(reader["DistanceFromPlace"]).Append(" ").Append(reader["DirFromPlace"]).Append(" of ").Append(reader["Local"]); break; default: rtf.Append(reader["Local"] as string); break; } // Add the long and lat. byte areaType = (byte)reader["AreaType"]; double?lat = reader["Lat"] as double?; double?lon = reader["Long"] as double?; double?lat2 = reader["Lat2"] as double?; double?lon2 = reader["Long2"] as double?; if (!lat.HasValue || !lon.HasValue) { rtf.Append("; No position data"); } else { switch (areaType) { case 1: rtf.Append("; "); rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lat.Value, CoordinateType.Latitude)); rtf.Append(", "); rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lon.Value, CoordinateType.Longitude)); break; case 2: rtf.Append("; Box: "); rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lat.Value, CoordinateType.Latitude)); rtf.Append(", "); rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lon.Value, CoordinateType.Longitude)); rtf.Append("; "); if (!lat2.HasValue || !lon2.HasValue) { rtf.Append("; No position data for second coordinate"); } else { rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lat2.Value, CoordinateType.Latitude)); rtf.Append(", "); rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lon2.Value, CoordinateType.Longitude)); } break; case 3: rtf.Append("; Line: "); rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lat.Value, CoordinateType.Latitude)); rtf.Append(", "); rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lon.Value, CoordinateType.Longitude)); rtf.Append("; "); if (!lat2.HasValue || !lon2.HasValue) { rtf.Append("; No position data for second coordinate"); } else { rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lat2.Value, CoordinateType.Latitude)); rtf.Append(", "); rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lon2.Value, CoordinateType.Longitude)); } break; default: break; } } } } }, _P("vchrItemType", itemType), _P("intItemID", siteOrRegionID), _P("intBiotaID", taxonID)); if (!hasResults) { rtf.Par().Par().Append("No results."); } rtf.Append("}"); return(rtf.GetAsMatrix()); }
public DataMatrix TaxaForDistributionRegionReport(int regionId, int taxonId) { var region = new SupportService(User).GetDistributionRegion(regionId); if (region == null) { throw new Exception("Could not retrieve region: " + regionId); } Taxon taxon = null; if (taxonId > 0) { taxon = GetTaxon(taxonId); if (taxon == null) { throw new Exception("Could not retrieve taxon: " + taxonId); } } var rtf = new RTFReportBuilder(); rtf.AppendFullHeader(); rtf.ReportHeading("Taxa for Distribution Region Report"); rtf.Append("Region: {0}", region.DistRegionName); if (taxon != null) { rtf.Append(" Taxon: {0}", taxon.TaxaFullName); } rtf.Append(@"\pard\par\fs24 Produced: ").AppendCurrentDate(); int rowCount = 0; int lastRegionId = -1; int lastTaxonId = -1; StoredProcReaderForEach("spReportTaxaForDistRegion", (reader) => { rowCount++; int currentRegionId = (int)reader["DistRegionID"]; if (lastRegionId != currentRegionId) { lastRegionId = currentRegionId; lastTaxonId = -1; var regionName = reader["DistRegion"] as string; regionName = regionName.Replace('\\', ':'); rtf.Par().Par().Append(@"\pard\sb20\fs24\b ").Append(regionName).Append(@"\b0 "); } var currentTaxonId = (int)reader["BiotaID"]; if (lastTaxonId != currentTaxonId) { lastTaxonId = currentTaxonId; rtf.Par().Append(@"\pard\sb10\fs20\li600 ").Append(reader["Biota"].ToString()); } }, _P("intDistributionRegionID", regionId), _P("intBiotaID", taxonId)); if (rowCount == 0) { rtf.Par().Append("No results..."); } rtf.Append(" }"); return(rtf.GetAsMatrix()); }
public DataMatrix ChecklistReport(int taxonID, string criteriaDisplayText, ChecklistReportExtent extent, bool availableNames, bool literatureNames, ChecklistReportRankDepth? depth, bool userDefinedOrder, bool verifiedOnly, List<TaxonRankName> selectedRanks) { var b = new RTFReportBuilder(); var data = GetChecklistData(taxonID, 0, extent == ChecklistReportExtent.FullHierarchy, userDefinedOrder, verifiedOnly, selectedRanks); // Process the list, generating the RTF... // Create the Header inforrmation b.AppendFullHeader(); // Create the title information b.Append(@"\pard\fs36\b Taxon Checklist Report\b0\pard\par\fs22 ").Append(criteriaDisplayText).Append(@"\pard\par\fs16 Generated: "); b.AppendCurrentDate().Par().Par(); int i = 0; foreach (ChecklistData item in data) { ++i; if (!availableNames && item.AvailableName || !literatureNames && item.LiteratureName) { // ignore this one } else { b.Append(@"\par\pard\fs20\li{0} {1}", item.IndentLevel * 300, FormatChecklistRow(item, i, depth)); } } b.Append("}"); return b.GetAsMatrix(); }
public DataMatrix TaxaForSites(int siteOrRegionID, int taxonID, string itemType, string criteriaDisplayText, bool includeLocations) { var rtf = new RTFReportBuilder(); rtf.AppendFullHeader(); rtf.ReportHeading("Taxa for Site/Region Report"); rtf.Append(criteriaDisplayText); rtf.Append(@"\pard\par\fs24 Produced: ").AppendCurrentDate(); int lngLastBiotaID = -1; int lngLastRegionID = -1; int lngLastSiteID = -1; bool hasResults = false; StoredProcReaderForEach("spReportTaxaForSites", (reader) => { hasResults = true; // If there is a change in taxa, print the header. int biotaID = (Int32) reader["BiotaID"]; if (lngLastBiotaID != biotaID) { lngLastBiotaID = biotaID; lngLastRegionID = -1; lngLastSiteID = -1; rtf.Par().Par().Append(@"\pard\sb20\fs28\b "); rtf.Append(AsString(reader["BiotaFullName"])).Append(@"\b0"); // extract the family and order string orderRank = GetBiotaRankElemType(lngLastBiotaID, "O"); string familyRank = GetBiotaRankElemType(lngLastBiotaID, "F"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderRank) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(familyRank)) { rtf.Append(" [").Append(orderRank).Append("]"); } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderRank) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(familyRank)) { rtf.Append(" [").Append(orderRank).Append(": ").Append(familyRank).Append("]"); } } if (includeLocations) { // Add the region group int regionID = (Int32)reader["RegionID"]; if (lngLastRegionID != regionID) { // Add the region lngLastRegionID = regionID; rtf.Par().Append(@"\pard\sb10\fs20\li600\b ").Append(AsString(reader["FullRegion"])).Append(@"\b0 "); } int siteID = (Int32)reader["SiteID"]; if (lngLastSiteID != siteID) { lngLastSiteID = siteID; // Add the Site rtf.Par().Append(@"\pard\sb10\fs20\li1200 "); // Add the locality byte localType = (byte) reader["LocalType"]; switch (localType) { case 0: rtf.Append(reader["Local"] as string); break; case 1: rtf.Append(reader["DistanceFromPlace"]).Append(" ").Append(reader["DirFromPlace"]).Append(" of ").Append(reader["Local"]); break; default: rtf.Append(reader["Local"] as string); break; } // Add the long and lat. byte areaType = (byte) reader["AreaType"]; double? lat = reader["Lat"] as double?; double? lon = reader["Long"] as double?; double? lat2 = reader["Lat2"] as double?; double? lon2 = reader["Long2"] as double?; if (!lat.HasValue || !lon.HasValue) { rtf.Append("; No position data"); } else { switch (areaType) { case 1: rtf.Append("; "); rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lat.Value, CoordinateType.Latitude)); rtf.Append(", "); rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lon.Value, CoordinateType.Longitude)); break; case 2: rtf.Append("; Box: "); rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lat.Value, CoordinateType.Latitude)); rtf.Append(", "); rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lon.Value, CoordinateType.Longitude)); rtf.Append("; "); if (!lat2.HasValue || !lon2.HasValue) { rtf.Append("; No position data for second coordinate"); } else { rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lat2.Value, CoordinateType.Latitude)); rtf.Append(", "); rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lon2.Value, CoordinateType.Longitude)); } break; case 3: rtf.Append("; Line: "); rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lat.Value, CoordinateType.Latitude)); rtf.Append(", "); rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lon.Value, CoordinateType.Longitude)); rtf.Append("; "); if (!lat2.HasValue || !lon2.HasValue) { rtf.Append("; No position data for second coordinate"); } else { rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lat2.Value, CoordinateType.Latitude)); rtf.Append(", "); rtf.Append(GeoUtils.DecDegToDMS(lon2.Value, CoordinateType.Longitude)); } break; default: break; } } } } }, _P("vchrItemType", itemType), _P("intItemID", siteOrRegionID), _P("intBiotaID", taxonID)); if (!hasResults) { rtf.Par().Par().Append("No results."); } rtf.Append("}"); return rtf.GetAsMatrix(); }
public DataMatrix TaxaForDistributionRegionReport(int regionId, int taxonId) { var region = new SupportService(User).GetDistributionRegion(regionId); if (region == null) { throw new Exception("Could not retrieve region: " + regionId); } Taxon taxon = null; if (taxonId > 0) { taxon = GetTaxon(taxonId); if (taxon == null) { throw new Exception("Could not retrieve taxon: " + taxonId); } } var rtf = new RTFReportBuilder(); rtf.AppendFullHeader(); rtf.ReportHeading("Taxa for Distribution Region Report"); rtf.Append("Region: {0}", region.DistRegionName); if (taxon != null) { rtf.Append(" Taxon: {0}", taxon.TaxaFullName); } rtf.Append(@"\pard\par\fs24 Produced: ").AppendCurrentDate(); int rowCount = 0; int lastRegionId = -1; int lastTaxonId = -1; StoredProcReaderForEach("spReportTaxaForDistRegion", (reader) => { rowCount++; int currentRegionId = (int) reader["DistRegionID"]; if (lastRegionId != currentRegionId) { lastRegionId = currentRegionId; lastTaxonId = -1; var regionName = reader["DistRegion"] as string; regionName = regionName.Replace('\\', ':'); rtf.Par().Par().Append(@"\pard\sb20\fs24\b ").Append(regionName).Append(@"\b0 "); } var currentTaxonId = (int)reader["BiotaID"]; if (lastTaxonId != currentTaxonId) { lastTaxonId = currentTaxonId; rtf.Par().Append(@"\pard\sb10\fs20\li600 ").Append(reader["Biota"].ToString()); } }, _P("intDistributionRegionID", regionId), _P("intBiotaID", taxonId)); if (rowCount == 0) { rtf.Par().Append("No results..."); } rtf.Append(" }"); return rtf.GetAsMatrix(); }
public System.Windows.FrameworkElement ConstructView(IBioLinkReport report, DataMatrix reportData, IProgressObserver progress) { var options = (report as ReferenceLinksReport).Options; var viewer = new RTFReportViewer {ReportName = report.Name}; var rtf = new RTFReportBuilder(); rtf.AppendFullHeader(); rtf.ReportHeading(options.BibliographyTitle); var idx = 1; var colIndex = reportData.IndexOf("RefID"); var refIds = new List<Int32>(); for (var i = 0; i < reportData.Rows.Count; ++i ) { refIds.Add(i); } int sortColumnIdx = reportData.IndexOf(options.SortColumn); int refTypeIndex = reportData.IndexOf("RefType"); refIds.Sort((idx1, idx2) => { // If grouping, first check the ref type if (options.GroupByReferenceType) { var refType1 = reportData.Rows[idx1][refTypeIndex] as String; var refType2 = reportData.Rows[idx2][refTypeIndex] as String; if (!refType1.Equals(refType2)) { return String.Compare(refType1, refType2, true); } } // then by the nominated sort column var objVal1 = reportData.Rows[idx1][sortColumnIdx]; var objVal2 = reportData.Rows[idx2][sortColumnIdx]; var val1 = RTFUtils.StripMarkup(objVal1 == null ? "" : objVal1.ToString()); var val2 = RTFUtils.StripMarkup(objVal2 == null ? "" : objVal2.ToString()); if (options.SortAscending) { return String.Compare((String)val1, (String)val2, true); } else { return String.Compare((String)val2, (String)val1, true); } }); var lastRefType = ""; String[] allowedKeywords = { "b", "i", "sub", "super", "strike", "ul", "ulnone", "nosupersub" }; foreach (var rowIdx in refIds) { var row = reportData.Rows[rowIdx]; if (options.GroupByReferenceType) { var refType = row["RefType"] as String; if (!String.Equals(refType, lastRefType, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { rtf.Par(); rtf.Append(@" \pard\fs24\b\f1 "); rtf.Append(refType); rtf.Append(@" \b0"); rtf.Par(); lastRefType = refType; } } rtf.Par(); rtf.Append(@" \pard\fs20\f1 "); if (options.BibliographyIndexStyle != BibliographyIndexStyle.None) { rtf.Append("["); switch (options.BibliographyIndexStyle) { case BibliographyIndexStyle.Number: rtf.Append(idx); break; case BibliographyIndexStyle.RefCode: rtf.Append(row["RefCode"]); break; } rtf.Append("] "); } idx++; var fullRTF = RTFUtils.filter(row["FullRTF"] as string, true, false, allowedKeywords); rtf.Append(fullRTF); var bits = new List<String>(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row["LinkPage"] as String)) { bits.Add(String.Format("page {0}", row["LinkPage"] as String)); } if (options.IncludeQualification) { var qual = row["LinkQualificationRTF"] as string; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qual) ) { bits.Add(RTFUtils.filter(qual, true, true, allowedKeywords).Trim()); } } if (bits.Count > 0) { rtf.Append(" (").Append(bits.Join("; ").Trim()).Append(")"); } rtf.Par(); } Console.WriteLine(rtf.RTF); viewer.rtf.Rtf = rtf.RTF; return viewer; }