         *  Professor Friedman's code that creates the GUI of the card
         *  Speaks for itself, no?
        private void CreateCard()
            int numOfPossibleNumbers = BINGOCARDSIZE * RNGRange;

            // Total width and height of a card cell
            int cardCellWidth  = numOfPossibleNumbers;
            int cardCellHeight = numOfPossibleNumbers;
            int barWidth       = 6; // Width or thickness of horizontal and vertical bars
            int xcardUpperLeft = numOfPossibleNumbers;
            int ycardUpperLeft = numOfPossibleNumbers;
            int padding        = 10;

            //rng object for this method
            CalledNumbersList ButtonRNGused = new CalledNumbersList(RNGRange * BINGOCARDSIZE);

            int topMargin = 175;

            // An array of button references must be declared and created as a global
            //    (class) attribute elsewhere in the main form code.
            // Among other things, in this code we will create each Bingo card button as
            //    we need it and assign the reference to this button to the appropriate
            //    button reference variable in the array
            Size  size = new Size(numOfPossibleNumbers, numOfPossibleNumbers);
            Point loc  = new Point(0, 0);

            int x, y;

            newButton = new Button[BINGOCARDSIZE + 1, BINGOCARDSIZE + 1];

            // Draw Column indexes
            y = 0;

            x = xcardUpperLeft;
            y = ycardUpperLeft;

            RNGType RNGObj = new RNGType();

            char[] bingoLetters = new char[BINGOCARDSIZE + 1];

            bingoLetters[1] = 'B'; //bingo letters
            bingoLetters[2] = 'I';
            bingoLetters[3] = 'N';
            bingoLetters[4] = 'G';
            bingoLetters[5] = 'O';

            for (int xx = 1; xx <= BINGOCARDSIZE; xx++)
                loc.Y = topMargin + xx * (size.Height + padding);
                int extraLeftPadding = 50;
                for (int yy = 1; yy <= BINGOCARDSIZE; yy++)
                    newButton[xx, yy]          = new Button();
                    newButton[xx, yy].Location = new Point(extraLeftPadding + (yy - 1) * (size.Width + padding) + barWidth, loc.Y);
                    newButton[xx, yy].Size     = size;
                    newButton[xx, yy].Font     = new Font("Arial", 24, FontStyle.Bold);

                    if (xx == BINGOCARDSIZE / 2 + 1 && yy == BINGOCARDSIZE / 2 + 1)
                        newButton[xx, yy].Font      = new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
                        newButton[xx, yy].Text      = "Free \n Space";
                        newButton[xx, yy].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Orange;
                        newButton[xx, yy].Enabled   = false;
                        newButton[xx, yy].Font    = new Font("Arial", 24, FontStyle.Bold);
                        newButton[xx, yy].Text    = RNGObj.getRandomValue(bingoLetters[yy], ButtonRNGused).ToString();
                        newButton[xx, yy].Enabled = true;

                    newButton[xx, yy].Name = "btn" + xx.ToString() + yy.ToString();

                    // Associates the same event handler with each of the buttons generated
                    newButton[xx, yy].Click += new EventHandler(Button_Click);

                    // Add button to the form
                    this.Controls.Add(newButton[xx, yy]);

                    // Draw vertical delimiter
                    x += cardCellWidth + padding;
                } // end for col
                  // One row now complete

                // Draw bottom square delimiter if square complete
                x = xcardUpperLeft - 20;
                y = y + cardCellHeight + padding;

                Label blabel = new Label();
                blabel.Location = new Point(extraLeftPadding + padding, 200);
                blabel.Font     = new Font("Arial", 26);
                //blabel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                blabel.Text = "B        I       N      G      O";
                blabel.Size = new Size(1000, 35);

            } // end for row
        }     // end createBoard
        }     // end createBoard

         * An event for clicking the bingo numbers
        private void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Button btn = (Button)sender;

            //checks if called number matches the bingo card's numbers
            //Change "!=" to "==" for easy debugging
            if (int.Parse(textBox_number_called.Text) != int.Parse(btn.Text)) //not the right number
                MessageBox.Show("This isn't the number called!", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
            { //there's a match
              /* grab the bingo button's coordinates from its name.
               * in the create card method we made it so the card's internal name
               * contains how we store information about it internally for being marked.

                int xcoord = Convert.ToInt16(btn.Name.Substring(3, 1));
                int ycoord = Convert.ToInt16(btn.Name.Substring(4, 1));

                //record the bingo buttons coordinate as called in the record variable
                record.RecordCalledNumber(xcoord, ycoord);

                btn.Enabled = false;    //disable the number you marked that matches the called number

                //this method returns how many bingos the player has
                //and stores how many in the int "win"
                int win = record.IsWinner();
                if (win > 0)
                { //at least one bingo?
                    //You win!
                    button_dont_have.Enabled = false;

                    if (win == 1) //use singular if only 1 bingo
                        MessageBox.Show("Won with one bingo\nStarting a new" +
                                        " game", "You Win!", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                    else //plural if multiple bingos
                        MessageBox.Show("Won with " + win + " bingos\nStarting a new" +
                                        " game", "You Win!", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                    //set up things for a new game

                    for (int row = 1; row <= BINGOCARDSIZE; row++)
                    { //remove all buttons
                        for (int col = 1; col <= BINGOCARDSIZE; col++)
                            this.Controls.Remove(newButton[row, col]);

                    used   = new CalledNumbersList(RNGRange * BINGOCARDSIZE);
                    record = new InternalCardClass2DimArray(BINGOCARDSIZE);

                    CreateCard();                           //creates new bingo card
                    button_dont_have.Enabled = true;

                getNextNumber();            //call another number
                button_dont_have.Focus();   //focus on the don't have button