public static void DrawPoints(PaintEventArgs e, Bezier b, Brush p, Brush c, int size = 4) { int n = b.points.Count - 1; for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) e.Graphics.FillEllipse(p, ComplexToRect(b.points[i], size)); e.Graphics.FillEllipse(c, ComplexToRect(b.points[0], size + 1)); e.Graphics.FillEllipse(c, ComplexToRect(b.points[n], size + 1)); }
public static void DrawBezier(PaintEventArgs e, Bezier b, float stepSize = 0.005f) { PointF prev = b.castelijou(0.0).ToPointF(); PointF curr; Pen p = new Pen(Brushes.Black, 5); for (double t = stepSize; t <= 1.0f; t += stepSize) { curr = b.castelijou(t).ToPointF(); e.Graphics.DrawLine(p, prev, curr); prev = curr; } e.Graphics.DrawLine(p, prev, b.castelijou(1.0).ToPointF()); }
public static void DrawConvexHull(PaintEventArgs e, Bezier b, Pen p) { List<Complex> hull = GrahamHull.GetGrahamHull(b.points); if (hull.Count < 2) return; // no need to draw.. PointF prev = hull[0].ToPointF(); PointF curr; foreach (var ch in hull) { curr = ch.ToPointF(); e.Graphics.DrawLine(p, prev, curr); prev = curr; } e.Graphics.DrawLine(p, prev, hull[0].ToPointF()); }
public static void DrawConnections(PaintEventArgs e, Bezier b, Pen p) { var pt = b.points.Select(x => {return x.ToPointF(); } ).ToArray(); e.Graphics.DrawLines(p, pt); }
private void drawingPanel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MouseEventArgs mos = e as MouseEventArgs; switch (mode) { case Mode.ConstructCurve: case Mode.PathCreate: if (mos.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { construct.Add(mos.Location); (sender as Panel).Invalidate(); construct.exit = false; } else if (mos.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { if (mode == Mode.PathCreate) { if (construct.exit) { WorkingMode = Mode.Normal; Cursor = Cursors.Default; } else if (construct.CanBeDrawed() && construct.currentSet == null) // first curve { Complex last = new Complex(construct.bezier.points[construct.bezier.points.Count - 1]); construct.currentSet = new BezierSet(construct.bezier); beziers.Add(construct.currentSet); construct.bezier = new Bezier(); = new List<Complex>(); construct.Add(new Point((int)last.Re, (int)last.Im)); } else if (construct != null && construct.currentSet != null && construct.bezier != null) { var last = construct.currentSet.set.Last(); construct.currentSet.set.Add(construct.bezier); last.ConnectRight(construct.bezier, false); // polacz z pierwszym Complex l = construct.bezier.points[construct.bezier.Degree - 1]; = new List<Complex>(); construct.Add(new Point((int)l.Re, (int)l.Im)); } construct.exit = true; } else { if (construct != null && construct.bezier != null && construct.bezier.points.Count > 1) { beziers.Add(new BezierSet(construct.bezier)); } WorkingMode = Mode.Normal; Cursor = Cursors.Default; } (sender as Panel).Invalidate(); } break; case Mode.AddingNewCurve: if (mos.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { addnew.Add(mos.Location); (sender as Panel).Invalidate(); if (addnew.Ready()) { Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; FormAddCurve ask = new FormAddCurve(); ask.ShowDialog(this); // construct curve with enough control points Bezier b = new Bezier(, ask.Degree - 2); beziers.Add(new BezierSet(b)); // exit adding curve WorkingMode = Mode.Normal; drawingPanel.Invalidate(); } } break; case Mode.Merging: if (mos.Button == MouseButtons.Right) WorkingMode = Mode.Normal; else if (mos.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { var p = FindNearestPoint(mos); if (p != null) { if (normalMode.ptr.i == 0) // jesli zaznaczony byl po lewej { if (normalMode.ptr.bez.ConnectLeft(p.bez, p.i != 0)) // to dopnij z prawej strony z odpowiednim koncem { if (p.bset != normalMode.ptr.bset) { normalMode.ptr.bset.Add(p.bset); beziers.Remove(p.bset); } drawingPanel.Invalidate(); WorkingMode = Mode.Normal; } } else if (normalMode.ptr.i == normalMode.ptr.bez.Degree - 1) { if (normalMode.ptr.bez.ConnectRight(p.bez, p.i != 0)) { if (p.bset != normalMode.ptr.bset) { normalMode.ptr.bset.Add(p.bset); beziers.Remove(p.bset); } drawingPanel.Invalidate(); WorkingMode = Mode.Normal; } } } } break; } }
public Bezier(Bezier b) { Id = IdCounter++; points = new List<Complex>(b.points.ToArray()); }
public void Add(Point p) { pt.Add(new Complex(p.X, p.Y)); if (pt.Count > 1) bezier = new Bezier(pt.ToArray()); }
public bool ConnectRight(Bezier s, bool last = true, bool force = false) { if (s == null || (right != null && force == false)) return false; int nr = last ? s.Degree - 1 : 0; if (last) // tutejszy prawy z tamtym ostatnim [prawym] { if (s.right != null && force == false) return false; right = s; rightNode = nr; s.right = this; s.rightNode = Degree - 1; } else // prawy z lewym { if (s.right != null && force == false) return false; right = s; rightNode = nr; s.left = this; s.leftNode = Degree - 1; } return true; }
public bool ConnectLeft(Bezier s, bool last = false, bool force = false) { if (s == null || (left != null && force == false)) return false; int nr = last ? s.Degree - 1 : 0; if (last) // tutejszy lewy z tamtym ostatnim [prawym] { if (s.right != null && force == false) return false; left = s; leftNode = nr; s.right = this; s.rightNode = 0; //Chaining(0); //Chaining(1); //Chaining(Degree - 1); //Chaining(Degree - 2); } else // lewy z lewym { if (s.left != null && force == false) return false; left = s; leftNode = nr; s.left = this; s.leftNode = 0; //Chaining(0); //Chaining(1); } return true; }
public CurrentPtr(Bezier b, BezierSet s, int index) { bez = b; bset = s; i = index; }
public void Add(Bezier b) { set.Add(b); }
public BezierSet(Bezier b) { set = new List<Bezier>(); set.Add(b); }