public async Task ExecuteAsync(CreateGameCommand command)

            Game createdGame = await _gameCommandRepository.AddAsync(game =>
                game.StartDate = command.Start;
                game.TeamA     = command.TeamA;
                game.TeamB     = command.TeamB;
                game.Type      = command.Type;
                game.Group     = command.Group;

            await _eventPublisher.PublishAsync(new GameChangedEvent { Game = createdGame });
        private static void Validate(CreateGameCommand command)
            // See also UpdateGameCommandHandler.
            // This code is duplicated. Once you have to change it, consider to refactor and put onto domain.
            if (command.Start.ToUniversalTime() < DateTimeOffset.UtcNow)
                throw new ValidationException("The start of the game must not be in the past.");

            if (command.Type == GameType.Group)
                if (!command.TeamA.HasValue)
                    throw new ValidationException("TeamA must not be null for a group game.");

                if (!command.TeamB.HasValue)
                    throw new ValidationException("TeamB must not be null for a group game.");