// Token: 0x06000053 RID: 83 RVA: 0x00009990 File Offset: 0x00007B90 private void CreateAccountsForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.checkBoxRandomName.Checked = true; try { this.isUltimate = HttpHelper.PostUrl("http://www.betternikebot.com/bnb/isUltimate.php", "pkey={0}".With(new object[] { Form1.SerialCode }), null, 10, "", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", null, true).ParseToBool(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Message.Show(MessageBoxIcon.Hand, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK); this.isUltimate = false; } if (!this.isUltimate) { this.numericUpDownNumberOfAccounts.Maximum = 5m; } bool flag = false; if (!this.isUltimate) { try { flag = !CreateAccounts.CheckStatus(); } catch (Exception) { } } if (flag) { DialogResult dialogResult = "Regular users can only create 5 accounts per day. Please check back tomorrow. Would you like to learn more?".Show(MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk, "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { Process.Start("http://www.betternikebot.com/important-update-regarding-nike-account-creator/"); } this.buttonStart.Enabled = false; } }
// Token: 0x06000049 RID: 73 RVA: 0x00008578 File Offset: 0x00006778 public static void Create(CreateAccountsForm frm) { Logger.Log("Starting account creation...", true, true); bool disableMobile = frm.disableMobile; Account.NikeAccount[] array = new Account.NikeAccount[frm.count]; try { string text = frm.email.Split(new char[] { '@' }).FirstOrDefault <string>(); string text2 = "@" + frm.email.Split(new char[] { '@' }).LastOrDefault <string>(); string text3 = frm.name.Split(new char[] { ' ' }).First <string>(); string text4 = frm.name.Split(new char[] { ' ' }).Last <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { array[i] = new Account.NikeAccount { EmailAddress = string.Concat(new object[] { text, frm.disablePlusSign ? "" : "+", RandomHelper.RandomInt(10, 99), RandomHelper.RandomInt(10, 99), text2 }), Password = frm.pass, FirstName = (frm.randomName ? Names.NextName : text3), LastName = (frm.randomName ? Names.NextSurname : text4), DateTime_0 = RandomHelper.RandomDate(new DateTime(1980, 1, 1), new DateTime(1994, 1, 1)), Id = i }; array[i].ScreenName = string.Concat(new object[] { array[i].FirstName, array[i].LastName, RandomHelper.RandomInt(10, 99), RandomHelper.RandomInt(10, 99) }); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log("Error initializing account creation!. {0}".With(new object[] { ex.Message }), true, true); return; } ConcurrentList <Account.NikeAccount> successAccounts = new ConcurrentList <Account.NikeAccount>(null); string pid = "462"; Http http = new Http(); NameValueCollection nameValueCollection = QueryHelper.New(); if (!disableMobile) { nameValueCollection["action"] = "login"; nameValueCollection["token"] = frm.smsApiKey; nameValueCollection["username"] = frm.smsEmail; try { HttpResponse httpResponse = http.Post("http://www.getsmscode.com/do.php", null, nameValueCollection); if (!httpResponse.Text.Contains(frm.smsEmail)) { throw new Exception(httpResponse.Text.Split(new char[] { '|' }).Last <string>()); } } catch (Exception ex2) { Logger.Log("Error connecting to sms verifications service. " + ex2.Message, true, true); return; } try { nameValueCollection = QueryHelper.New(); nameValueCollection["action"] = "mobilelist"; nameValueCollection["token"] = frm.smsApiKey; nameValueCollection["username"] = frm.smsEmail; HttpResponse httpResponse2 = http.Post("http://www.getsmscode.com/do.php", null, nameValueCollection); IEnumerable <string> enumerable = from s in httpResponse2.Text.Split(new char[] { ',' }) select s.Split(new char[] { '|' }).First <string>() into s where !s.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() select s; foreach (string value in enumerable) { try { nameValueCollection = QueryHelper.New(); nameValueCollection["action"] = "addblack"; nameValueCollection["mobile"] = value; nameValueCollection["pid"] = pid; nameValueCollection["token"] = frm.smsApiKey; nameValueCollection["username"] = frm.smsEmail; http.Post("http://www.getsmscode.com/do.php", null, nameValueCollection); } catch (Exception) { } } } catch (Exception) { } } int maxThreads = 1; new ThreadHelper <Account.NikeAccount>(array, delegate(Account.NikeAccount a) { string nextObject = Form1.ProxyEnumeration.GetNextObject(); Http http = new Http { Proxy = nextObject }; NameValueCollection nameValueCollection2 = QueryHelper.New(); try { if (!CreateAccounts.CheckStatus() && !frm.isUltimate) { throw new Exception("Regular users can only create 5 accounts per day. Please check back tomorrow. http://www.betternikebot.com/important-update-regarding-nike-account-creator/"); } Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); bool flag = false; while (!flag) { if (stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMinutes > 5.0) { IL_AF2: throw new Exception("Cannot get cookies. Please try again in an hour..."); } Logger.Log("Account #" + a.Id + ": Waiting for cookies for account creation...", true, true); List <Cookie> cookies = LoginBrowser.GetCookies(http.Proxy); foreach (Cookie cookie in cookies) { try { if (cookie.Value.Contains(",")) { cookie.Value = cookie.Value.UrlEncode(Encoding.UTF8); } flag = true; http.Cookies.Add(cookie); } catch (Exception) { } } } http.Cookies.GetAllCookies(); if (!disableMobile) { try { Logger.Log("Account #" + a.Id + ": Getting mobile number...", true, true); nameValueCollection2 = QueryHelper.New(); nameValueCollection2["action"] = "getmobile"; nameValueCollection2["pid"] = pid; nameValueCollection2["token"] = frm.smsApiKey; nameValueCollection2["username"] = frm.smsEmail; HttpResponse httpResponse3 = http.Post("http://www.getsmscode.com/do.php", null, nameValueCollection2); if (!httpResponse3.Text.RegexIsMatch("[0-9]+")) { throw new Exception(httpResponse3.Text); } a.Phone = httpResponse3.Text.Substring(2); } catch (Exception ex3) { Logger.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Account #", a.Id, ": Error getting mobile number. ", ex3.Message }), true, true); return; } } Logger.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Account #", a.Id, ": Using ", a.Phone.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() ? "" : ("mobile number " + a.Phone + " and "), "email ", a.EmailAddress, " to signup..." }), true, true); WebUtilities.SetLocaleChinaCookies(http); string[] args = new string[] { a.EmailAddress, NikeUrls.NikeLangLocale, a.Phone, a.Password, a.FirstName, a.LastName, a.DateTime_0.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), NikeUrls.NikeCountryCode }; string postData = "{{\"username\": \"{0}\", \"locale\": \"{1}\", \"receiveEmail\": true, \"registrationSiteId\": \"nikedotcom\", \"mobileNumber\": \"{2}\", \"account\": {{\"passwordSettings\": {{\"password\": \"{3}\", \"passwordConfirm\": \"{3}\"}}, \"email\": \"{0}\"}}, \"welcomeEmailTemplate\": \"TSD_PROF_COMM_WELCOME_V1.0\", \"firstName\": \"{4}\", \"gender\": \"male\", \"lastName\": \"{5}\", \"dateOfBirth\": \"{6}\", \"country\": \"{7}\"}}".With(args); JObject jobject = JObject.Parse("{\r\n \"account\": {\r\n \"email\": \"[email protected]\",\r\n \"passwordSettings\": {\r\n \"password\": \"Welcome55\",\r\n \"passwordConfirm\": \"Welcome55\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"locale\": \"en_US\",\r\n \"welcomeEmailTemplate\": \"TSD_PROF_MS_WELC_T0_GENERIC_V1.0\",\r\n \"registrationSiteId\": \"snkrsios\",\r\n \"username\": \"[email protected]\",\r\n \"firstName\": \"Nasa\",\r\n \"lastName\": \"Isro\",\r\n \"dateOfBirth\": \"1989-04-04\",\r\n \"country\": \"US\",\r\n \"gender\": \"M\",\r\n \"receiveEmail\": false\r\n}"); jobject["username"] = (jobject["account"]["email"] = a.EmailAddress); jobject["account"]["passwordSettings"]["password"] = a.Password; jobject["account"]["passwordSettings"]["passwordConfirm"] = a.Password; jobject["locale"] = NikeUrls.NikeLangLocale; jobject["firstName"] = a.FirstName; jobject["lastName"] = a.LastName; jobject["dateOfBirth"] = a.DateTime_0.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); jobject["country"] = NikeUrls.NikeCountryCode; postData = jobject.ToString(Formatting.None, new JsonConverter[0]); string url = "https://unite.nike.com/join?{0}&uxid=com.nike.commerce.snkrs.web&locale=zh_CN&backendEnvironment=identity&browser=Google%20Inc.&os=undefined&mobile=false&native=false&visit=1&visitor=".With(new object[] { WebSnkrs.VersionString }) + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); url = "https://s3.nikecdn.com/join?{0}&uxid=com.nike.commerce.snkrs.ios&locale={1}&backendEnvironment=identity&browser=Apple%20Computer%2C%20Inc.&os=undefined&mobile=true&native=true&visit=1&visitor={2}".With(new object[] { WebSnkrs.VersionString, NikeUrls.NikeLangLocale, Guid.NewGuid() }).ToString(); try { http.Post(url, WebSnkrs.MobileLoginUrl, postData, "text/plain"); } catch (WebException ex4) { string message = ex4.Message; try { WebResponse response = ex4.Response; using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) { message = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } } catch (Exception) { } throw new Exception(message); } Logger.Log("Account #" + a.Id + ": Account created... Logging in now... ", true, true); string str = ""; try { str = WebSnkrs.PerformLogin(new Account(a.EmailAddress, a.Password, "RANDOM", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", null, false) { Http = new Http(http) }); } catch (WebException ex5) { string message2 = ex5.Message; try { WebResponse response2 = ex5.Response; using (StreamReader streamReader2 = new StreamReader(response2.GetResponseStream())) { message2 = streamReader2.ReadToEnd(); } } catch (Exception) { } throw new Exception(message2); } if (disableMobile) { Logger.Log("Account #" + a.Id + ": New account created! {0}\t{1}".With(new object[] { a.EmailAddress, a.Password }), true, true); successAccounts.Add(a); CreateAccounts.ReportSuccess(); } else { Logger.Log("Account #" + a.Id + ": Submitting phone number... ", true, true); try { url = "https://idn.nike.com/idn/phone/+86" + a.Phone; http.Request("PUT", url, "https://www.nike.com/cn/zh_cn/p/settings", "", null, new string[] { "Origin: https://www.nike.com", "Content-Locale: zh_CN", "Authorization: Bearer " + str }, true, http.TimeOut); } catch (WebException ex6) { string message3 = ex6.Message; try { WebResponse response3 = ex6.Response; using (StreamReader streamReader3 = new StreamReader(response3.GetResponseStream())) { message3 = streamReader3.ReadToEnd(); } } catch (Exception) { } throw new Exception(message3); } Logger.Log("Account #" + a.Id + ": Waiting for sms... ", true, true); Stopwatch stopwatch2 = Stopwatch.StartNew(); string text5 = ""; while (stopwatch2.Elapsed.TotalSeconds <= 60.0) { Thread.Sleep(7000); try { Logger.Log("Account #" + a.Id + ": Getting list of sms...", true, true); nameValueCollection2 = QueryHelper.New(); nameValueCollection2["action"] = "getsms"; nameValueCollection2["mobile"] = "86" + a.Phone; nameValueCollection2["pid"] = pid; nameValueCollection2["token"] = frm.smsApiKey; nameValueCollection2["username"] = frm.smsEmail; HttpResponse httpResponse4 = http.Post("http://www.getsmscode.com/do.php", null, nameValueCollection2); if (httpResponse4.Text.Contains("NIKE")) { text5 = httpResponse4.Text.RegexMatch("[0-9]{4,}").Value; break; } Logger.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Account #", a.Id, ": ", httpResponse4 }), true, true); } catch (Exception ex7) { Logger.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Account #", a.Id, ": Error getting list of sms... ", ex7.Message }), true, true); } } if (text5.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { try { nameValueCollection2 = QueryHelper.New(); nameValueCollection2["action"] = "addblack"; nameValueCollection2["mobile"] = "86" + a.Phone; nameValueCollection2["pid"] = pid; nameValueCollection2["token"] = frm.smsApiKey; nameValueCollection2["username"] = frm.smsEmail; http.Post("http://www.getsmscode.com/do.php", null, nameValueCollection2); } catch (Exception) { } throw new Exception("Did not receive sms in time..."); } Logger.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Account #", a.Id, ": Submitting verification code ", text5 }), true, true); try { url = "https://idn.nike.com/idn/phone/" + text5; http.Post(url, null, "", null, new string[] { "Authorization: Bearer " + str }); Logger.Log("Account #" + a.Id + ": New account created! {0}\t{1}".With(new object[] { a.EmailAddress, a.Password }), true, true); successAccounts.Add(a); CreateAccounts.ReportSuccess(); } catch (WebException ex8) { string message4 = ex8.Message; try { WebResponse response4 = ex8.Response; using (StreamReader streamReader4 = new StreamReader(response4.GetResponseStream())) { message4 = streamReader4.ReadToEnd(); } } catch (Exception) { } throw new Exception(message4); } try { nameValueCollection2 = QueryHelper.New(); nameValueCollection2["action"] = "addblack"; nameValueCollection2["mobile"] = "86" + a.Phone; nameValueCollection2["pid"] = pid; nameValueCollection2["token"] = frm.smsApiKey; nameValueCollection2["username"] = frm.smsEmail; http.Post("http://www.getsmscode.com/do.php", null, nameValueCollection2); goto IL_AFD; } catch (Exception) { goto IL_AFD; } goto IL_AF2; IL_AFD:; } } catch (Exception ex9) { Logger.Log("Account #" + a.Id + ": Account creation failed! Email: {1} {0}".With(new object[] { ex9.Message, a.EmailAddress }), true, true); } }, maxThreads).Start(); if (successAccounts.List.IsAny <Account.NikeAccount>()) { Logger.Log("Account creation finished... created {0} accounts successfuly...".With(new object[] { successAccounts.Count }), true, true); Logger.Log("Created accounts have been added above. Please export the accounts if you wish to.".With(new object[] { successAccounts.Count }), true, true); Form1.DefaultForm.InvokeAction(delegate { Form1.DefaultForm.ImportAccounts((from a in successAccounts.List select "{0}\t{1}\tRANDOM".With(new object[] { a.EmailAddress, a.Password })).ToArray <string>()); }); } }