static void OnTimeout(int nativeId) { WebGLConnection conn = null; if (!Connections.TryGetValue(nativeId, out conn)) { HTTPManager.Logger.Error("WebGLConnection - OnTimeout", "No WebGL connection found for nativeId: " + nativeId.ToString()); return; } conn.OnTimeout(); }
static void OnError(int nativeId, string error) { WebGLConnection conn = null; if (!Connections.TryGetValue(nativeId, out conn)) { HTTPManager.Logger.Error("WebGLConnection - OnError", "No WebGL connection found for nativeId: " + nativeId.ToString() + " Error: " + error); return; } conn.OnError(error); }
static void OnBufferCallback(int nativeId, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.U1, SizeParamIndex = 2)] byte[] buffer, int length) { WebGLConnection conn = null; if (!Connections.TryGetValue(nativeId, out conn)) { HTTPManager.Logger.Error("WebGLConnection - OnBufferCallback", "No WebGL connection found for nativeId: " + nativeId.ToString()); return; } conn.OnBuffer(buffer); }
static void OnUploadProgress(int nativeId, int uploaded, int total) { HTTPManager.Logger.Information(nativeId + " OnUploadProgress", uploaded.ToString() + " / " + total.ToString()); WebGLConnection conn = null; if (!Connections.TryGetValue(nativeId, out conn)) { HTTPManager.Logger.Error("WebGLConnection - OnUploadProgress", "No WebGL connection found for nativeId: " + nativeId.ToString()); return; } conn.OnUploadProgress(uploaded, total); }
static void OnResponse(int nativeId, int httpStatus, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.U1, SizeParamIndex = 3)] byte[] buffer, int length, int err) { HTTPManager.Logger.Information("WebGLConnection - OnResponse", string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}", nativeId, httpStatus, buffer.Length, length, err)); WebGLConnection conn = null; if (!Connections.TryGetValue(nativeId, out conn)) { HTTPManager.Logger.Error("WebGLConnection - OnResponse", "No WebGL connection found for nativeId: " + nativeId.ToString()); return; } conn.OnResponse(httpStatus, buffer); }
static void OnBufferCallback(int nativeId, IntPtr pBuffer, int length) { WebGLConnection conn = null; if (!Connections.TryGetValue(nativeId, out conn)) { HTTPManager.Logger.Error("WebGLConnection - OnBufferCallback", "No WebGL connection found for nativeId: " + nativeId.ToString()); return; } byte[] buffer = new byte[length]; // Copy data from the 'unmanaged' memory to managed memory. Buffer will be reclaimed by the GC. Marshal.Copy(pBuffer, buffer, 0, length); conn.OnBuffer(buffer); }
static void OnResponse(int nativeId, int httpStatus, IntPtr pBuffer, int length, int err) { HTTPManager.Logger.Information("WebGLConnection - OnResponse", string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3}", nativeId, httpStatus, length, err)); WebGLConnection conn = null; if (!Connections.TryGetValue(nativeId, out conn)) { HTTPManager.Logger.Error("WebGLConnection - OnResponse", "No WebGL connection found for nativeId: " + nativeId.ToString()); return; } byte[] buffer = new byte[length]; // Copy data from the 'unmanaged' memory to managed memory. Buffer will be reclaimed by the GC. Marshal.Copy(pBuffer, buffer, 0, length); conn.OnResponse(httpStatus, buffer); }