static void Main(string[] args) { var config = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json") .Build(); string connString = config.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"); IDbConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connString); var repo = new DapperDepartmentRepository(conn); Console.WriteLine("Write a New Department Name"); var newDepartmentName = Console.ReadLine(); repo.InsertDepartment(newDepartmentName); var departement = repo.GetAllDepartments(); foreach (var dept in departement) { Console.WriteLine(dept.Name); } var productRepo = new DapperProductRepository(conn); var products = productRepo.GetAllProducts(); foreach (var product in products) { Console.WriteLine(product.Name); } Console.WriteLine("Let's Make a new product!"); Console.WriteLine("What's your product's name?"); string newProduct = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What's the products category?"); int newCategoryID = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("And how much is it? "); double newPrice = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); productRepo.CreateProduct(newProduct, newPrice, newCategoryID); Console.WriteLine("Let's update a price!"); Console.WriteLine("What is the product id that needs to be updated?"); int productToBeUpdated = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("What's the new name of this product?"); string productNameToBeUpdated = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("And What is the new price?"); double updatedPriceProd = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { #region Configuration var config = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json") .Build(); string connString = config.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"); //Console.WriteLine(connString); #endregion IDbConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connString); var repo = new DapperDepartmentRepository(conn); //exercise 2 portion: var repo2 = new DapperProductRepository(conn); //bonus 1 update product var repo3 = new DapperProductRepository(conn); //bonus 2 extra delete products var repo4 = new DapperProductRepository(conn); Console.WriteLine("Type a new Department name"); var newDepartment = Console.ReadLine(); repo.InsertDepartment(newDepartment); Console.WriteLine("Type a new Product name"); var newProduct = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What is the price?"); var newPrice = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Give it a category ID"); var newCategoryID = Console.ReadLine(); repo2.CreateProduct(newProduct, double.Parse(newPrice), int.Parse(newCategoryID)); Console.WriteLine("What is the product ID of the item you want to change the name of?"); var productID = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What do you want to change the product name to?"); var updateName = Console.ReadLine(); repo3.UpdateProduct(int.Parse(productID), updateName); Console.WriteLine("What is the product ID you would like to delete?"); var deleteProduct = Console.ReadLine(); repo4.DeleteProduct(int.Parse(deleteProduct)); var departments = repo.GetAllDepartments(); foreach (var dept in departments) { Console.WriteLine(dept.Name); } var products = repo2.GetAllProducts(); foreach (var product in products) { Console.WriteLine(product.Name); Console.WriteLine(product.Price); Console.WriteLine(product.CategoryID); } var products2 = repo3.GetAllProducts(); foreach (var product in products2) { Console.WriteLine(product.Name); } var products3 = repo4.GetAllProducts(); foreach (var product in products3) { Console.WriteLine(product.Name); } }