/// Creates a clone of this effect
        public object clone()
            AbilityEffect copy = MemberwiseClone() as AbilityEffect;

            if (AnimationAsset != null)
                copy.AnimationAsset =
                    AnimationAsset.clone() as GameAsset <SpriteAnimation>;

        /// Attaches a new instance of this effect
        /// to the passed creature
        public void attach(Creature user, Creature victim)
            AbilityEffect copy = clone() as AbilityEffect;

            copy.User        = user;
            copy.Victim      = victim;
            copy.CurrentTurn = 1;
            copy.IsActive    = true;
            copy.MaxTurns    = user.RNG.Next(TurnsToLast.X, TurnsToLast.Y + 1);
            copy.apply(); // affects are applied once when attached (TODO test)