        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the AdvancedSearchViewModel class
        /// </summary>
        public AdvancedSearchViewModel()
            scope = Data.GraphManager.Instance.DefaultGraphComponentsInstance.Scope;

            // Setup a listener for the AttributeListUpdated event
            Data.Attributes.GlobalAttributeCollection.GetInstance(this.scope).AttributeListUpdated += new EventHandler <Data.Attributes.AttributeEventArgs>(GlobalAttributeCollection_AttributeListUpdated);

            // Get a list of all the attributes
            Attributes = new ObservableCollection <string>(Data.Attributes.GlobalAttributeCollection.GetInstance(scope).GetAttributes().Where(attribute => attribute.Visible).Select(attribute => attribute.Name));

            // Get a list of all valid operators
            Operators = new ObservableCollection <string>(ExtensionMethods.GetNames(typeof(SearchOperator)));

            // Make sure that we have one criterion and that it is disabled
            // and inactive.
            SearchCriterionViewModel newSearchCriterion = new SearchCriterionViewModel(this)
                IsEnabled = true, IsActive = false


            // Wire up event handlers for the Activated and Deactivated events of
            // the newly created SearchCriterion control
            newSearchCriterion.Activated   += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(SearchCriterion_Activated);
            newSearchCriterion.Deactivated += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(SearchCriterion_Deactivated);
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Deactivated event for any SearchCriterion control.  This event
        /// is fired when a SearchControl is made inactive, which means it should be
        /// removed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The specific SearchCriterion instance that fired the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments for the event</param>
        private void SearchCriterion_Deactivated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SearchCriterionViewModel criterion = sender as SearchCriterionViewModel;

            // Check if we have more than one SearchCriterion controls
            if (SearchCriteria.Count > 1)
                // Remove the SearchCriterion from the collection

                // Remove event handlers
                criterion.Activated   -= new EventHandler <EventArgs>(SearchCriterion_Activated);
                criterion.Deactivated -= new EventHandler <EventArgs>(SearchCriterion_Deactivated);
                // Set the IsActive property to false which will trigger the
                // underlying StoryBoard to disable the input controls.
                criterion.IsActive = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Activated event for any SearchCriterion control.  This event
        /// is fired when a SearchCriterion is made active, which mean that the input
        /// controls should be activated and a new (inactive) control should be created.
        /// However, if a control is not valid, a new control can't be added.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The specific SearchCriterion instance that fired the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments for the event</param>
        private void SearchCriterion_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool addNew = true;
            SearchCriterionViewModel sourceCriterion = sender as SearchCriterionViewModel;

            // Check how many SearchCriterion controls we currently have
            if (SearchCriteria.Count > 1)
                // Loop through all SearchCriterion view models in our list
                foreach (SearchCriterionViewModel criterion in SearchCriteria)
                    // If this criterion control is the one that fired the Activate
                    // event, just skip it
                    if (criterion == sourceCriterion)

                    // Check if the SearchCriterion is currently active
                    if (criterion.IsActive)
                        // Validate the Search Criterion

                        if (!criterion.IsValid)
                            // Set a flag that we don't actually want to create
                            // a new Criterion because this one was invalid.
                            addNew            = false;
                            SelectedCriterion = criterion;

            // Check if we are actually adding a new SearchCritrion control
            if (addNew)
                // Set the IsActive property to true which will trigger the
                // underlying StoryBoard to enable the input controls.
                sourceCriterion.IsActive = true;

                // Make sure that we have one criterion and that it is disabled
                // and inactive.
                SearchCriterionViewModel newSearchCriterion = new SearchCriterionViewModel(this)
                    IsEnabled = true, IsActive = false
                SelectedCriterion = sourceCriterion;

                // Wire up event handlers for the Activated and Deactivated events of
                // the newly created SearchCriterion control
                newSearchCriterion.Activated   += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(SearchCriterion_Activated);
                newSearchCriterion.Deactivated += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(SearchCriterion_Deactivated);
                sourceCriterion.IsActive = false;