public BPLPlayerViewModel(IEnumerable<League> leagues, Season currentSeason, IEnumerable<PlayerPredictionSummary> predictions, IEnumerable<PlayerPredictionSummary> LastWeekPredictions, Player LoggedInPlayer, Week LastWeek) { LeagueSelections = leagues.ToDictionary((x => x.Name), x => x.Id.ToString()); CurrentSeasonText = string.Format("{0} - {1} to {2}", currentSeason.League.Name, currentSeason.SeasonStarts.ToLongDateString(), currentSeason.SeasonEnd.ToLongDateString()); ThisWeek = currentSeason.GetCurrentWeekSeason(); if (predictions != null) { PredictionsWithOutComes = predictions.Where(x => x.HasOutcome).OrderBy(y=>y.MatchDate); PredictionUpComingMatches = predictions.Where(x => !x.HasOutcome).OrderBy(y => y.MatchDate); ThisWeeksMotWId = ThisWeek != null && ThisWeek.MatchOfTheWeek != null ? ThisWeek.MatchOfTheWeek.Id : 0; } if (LastWeekPredictions != null) { PredictionsOfPreviousWeek = LastWeekPredictions.OrderBy(y => y.MatchDate); LastWeeksMotWId = LastWeek != null && LastWeek.MatchOfTheWeek != null ? LastWeek.MatchOfTheWeek.Id : 0; } //Build Players Table Points = currentSeason.Weeks.WeeksSoFar().Select(w => currentSeason.GetTotalPointsForAPlayersWeek(LoggedInPlayer, w)).ToList(); WeekNames = currentSeason.Weeks.WeeksSoFar().Select(x => x.WeekStarts.Day.ordinalNum() + " " + x.WeekStarts.ToString("MMM")).ToArray(); AllPredictionsConfirmed = ThisWeek != null ? LoggedInPlayer.HasCompletedPredictions(ThisWeek) : true; }
public PlayerDashBoardViewModel(IEnumerable<League> leagues, Season currentSeason, IEnumerable<PlayerPredictionSummary> predictions, IEnumerable<PlayerPredictionSummary> LastWeekPredictions, Player playerProfile, Week LastWeek, Boolean IsViewingMyOwnPage, IQueryable<Notification> repnotifications) { LeagueSelections = leagues.ToDictionary((x => x.Name), x => x.Id.ToString()); CurrentSeasonText = string.Format("{0} - {1} to {2}", currentSeason.League.Name, currentSeason.SeasonStarts.ToLongDateString(), currentSeason.SeasonEnd.ToLongDateString()); ThisWeek = currentSeason.GetCurrentWeekSeason(); IsMyPage = IsViewingMyOwnPage; if (predictions != null) { PredictionsWithOutComes = predictions.Where(x => x.HasOutcome).OrderBy(y=>y.MatchDate); PredictionUpComingMatches = predictions.Where(x => !x.HasOutcome).OrderBy(y => y.MatchDate); ThisWeeksMotWId = ThisWeek != null && ThisWeek.MatchOfTheWeek != null ? ThisWeek.MatchOfTheWeek.Id : 0; } if (LastWeekPredictions != null) { PredictionsOfPreviousWeek = LastWeekPredictions.OrderBy(y => y.MatchDate); LastWeeksMotWId = LastWeek != null && LastWeek.MatchOfTheWeek != null ? LastWeek.MatchOfTheWeek.Id : 0; } //Build Players Table Points = currentSeason.Weeks.WeeksSoFar().Select(w => currentSeason.GetTotalPointsForAPlayersWeek(playerProfile, w)).ToList(); WeekNames = currentSeason.Weeks.WeeksSoFar().Select(x => x.WeekStarts.Day.ordinalNum() + " " + x.WeekStarts.ToString("MMM")).ToArray(); //set up notifications notifications = repnotifications.Take(3); AllPredictionsConfirmed = ThisWeek != null ? playerProfile.HasCompletedPredictions(ThisWeek) : true; }
public PredictionViewModel(Season currentSeason, Player currentLoggedInPlayer, IEnumerable<Comment> Comments) { LoggedInPlayer = currentLoggedInPlayer; Week week = currentSeason.GetCurrentWeekSeason(); CurrentWeekText = string.Format("This Week runs from {0} too {1}, This weeks cutoff for predictions is at {2} on the {3}", week.WeekStarts.ordinalDateShortDay(), week.WeekEnds.ordinalDateShortDay(), week.WeekCutOff.ToString("hh:mm tt"), week.WeekCutOff.ordinalDateShortDay()); ThisWeeksMatches = week.AllMatches().OrderBy(m =>m.MatchDate.Value); MatchOfTheWeek = week.MatchOfTheWeek; var PPs = new Dictionary<Player, IEnumerable<PlayerPrediction>>(); var PlayersWithCompletedPredictions = currentSeason.League.Players.Where(p => p.HasCompletedPredictions(week)); foreach (var p in PlayersWithCompletedPredictions.OrderByDescending(x=>x.CurrentTotalPoints(currentSeason))) { PPs.Add(p, p.GetPredictionsForThisWeek().OrderBy(m => m.Match.MatchDate.Value)); } PlayerPredictions = PPs; //comments CommentModel = new CommentingViewModel(7, week.Id, Comments.AsQueryable(), LoggedInPlayer); }
public static int SendPredictionsReminderEmail(Season season) { var StartTime = DateTime.Now; var thisWeek = season.GetCurrentWeekSeason(); int EmailCount = 0; var PlayersNoPredictions = season.League.Players.Where(x => !x.HasCompletedPredictions(thisWeek)).ToList(); //TODO: this will probably crash at the end/start of a season! foreach (var player in PlayersNoPredictions) { //need to change the week to last week or list of predictions var GetPlayersLastWeek = BuildPlayersLastWeekMatches(season, player); StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder(); body.Append("Dear " + player.Name + "<br />"); body.Append("<p>This is a last minute warning that you have yet to enter some or all of your predictions for this week.</p>"); body.Append(string.Format("<h2>Get your predictions in today by <span style='color:red'>{0}</span>.</h2>", thisWeek.WeekCutOff.ToString("HH:mm"))); body.Append("<h2>To add your predictions <a href=''>Click Here</a></h2>"); body.Append("<br/><br/> Regards <br/><br/>Steve<br/> Boxing Prediction League Admin"); //only send out first 3 if in test mode if (System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["LiveServer"] == "false" && EmailCount >= 3) { //dont send out more then 3 emails in test mode } else { //Send out email and incredment if successful if (Send(body.ToString(), player.User.Email, "*****@*****.**", "Final Reminder - Get your predictions in")) { EmailCount += 1; } } } BuildAndSendAdminEmail("Friday Reminder", EmailCount, StartTime, DateTime.Now); return EmailCount; }
public static int SendNewPredictionsEmail(Season season) { var StartTime = DateTime.Now; var ThisWeek = season.GetCurrentWeekSeason(); //Get league and week matches tables var LeagueTable = BuildLeagueTable(season); var WeekTable = BuildWeekMatches(ThisWeek); //SeasonWeek Name var SeasonText = string.Format("{0}: Season running from {0} to {1}", season.League.Name, season.SeasonStarts.ordinalDateMonth(), season.SeasonEnd.ordinalDateMonth()); var WeekText = string.Format("Weeks cut off date {0} at {1}", ThisWeek.WeekCutOff.ordinalDateMonth(), ThisWeek.WeekCutOff.ToShortTimeString()); int EmailCount = 0; //TODO: this will probably crash at the end/start of a season! foreach (var player in season.GetLivePlayers()) { //need to change the week to last week or list of predictions var GetPlayersLastWeek = BuildPlayersLastWeekMatches(season, player); StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder(); body.Append("Dear " + player.Name + "<br />"); body.Append("<p>Here are your results for the week just gone and the matches for this weeks predictions.</p>"); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LeagueTable)){ body.Append("<h2>League Table <a href=''>View Online</a></h2/>"); body.Append(LeagueTable + "<br/>"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(WeekTable)) { body.Append("<h2>This Weeks Matches <a href=''>Add Prediction</a></h2>"); body.Append(WeekTable + "<br/>"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetPlayersLastWeek)) { //Build their last weeks outcome results table body.Append("<h2>Your Last weeks score <a href=''>View Dashboard</a></h2>"); body.Append(GetPlayersLastWeek + "<br/>"); } //ending of email body.Append("<p>Remember to get your predictions in for the week cut off</p>"); body.Append("<p>You can access your dashboard by clicking <a href=''>here</a></p>"); body.Append("<h3>" + WeekText + "</h3>"); body.Append("<br/><br/> Regards <br/><br/>Steve<br/> Boxing Prediction League Admin"); //only send out first 3 if in test mode if (System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["LiveServer"] == "false" && EmailCount >= 3) { //dont send out more then 3 emails in test mode } else { //Send out email and incredment if successful if (Send(body.ToString(), player.User.Email, "*****@*****.**", string.Format("{0}: Results and the week of {0} matches", season.League.Name, ThisWeek.WeekStarts.ToLongDateString()))) { EmailCount += 1; } } } BuildAndSendAdminEmail("Monday Results and New Predictions", EmailCount, StartTime, DateTime.Now); return EmailCount; }