private IEnumerable <Thing> FindValidThingsInRange(Map map)
            Room room = parent.GetRoom();

            // Does not block wind, is a plant, not a tree, not any kind of grass and ( harvestable or beauty > 2 )
            IEnumerable <Thing> foundThings = map.listerThings.AllThings.Where <Thing>(t => !t.def.blockWind &&
                                                                                       t.def.plant != null && !t.def.plant.IsTree &&
                                                                                       !t.def.defName.ToLower().Contains("grass") &&
                                                                                       (t.def.plant.Harvestable || t.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Beauty, true) >= 2) &&
                                                                                       t.GetRoom() == room &&
                                                                                       (t as Plant) != null && (t as Plant).Growth > 0.07f);

            if (foundThings == null)
                yield break;

            foreach (Thing t in foundThings)
                if (BeeAndHoneyUtility.IsCellInRadius(t.Position, this.parent.PositionHeld, Props.rangeThings))
                    yield return(t);
        public override void DrawGhost(ThingDef def, IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, Color ghostCol)
            CompProperties_BeeHive comp = def.comps.Where(c => c as CompProperties_BeeHive != null).FirstOrDefault() as CompProperties_BeeHive;

            if (comp == null)
                Log.Warning("Placeworker_ShowBeeRange -- comp is null!");

            //Log.Error("Placeworker_ShowBeeRange -- radius: " + comp.rangeBees.ToString() + " // count of cells: " + BeeAndHoneyUtility.CalculateAllCellsInsideRadius(center, Mathf.RoundToInt(comp.rangeBees)).Count().ToString());
            List <IntVec3> cells = new List <IntVec3>(BeeAndHoneyUtility.CalculateAllCellsInsideRadius(center, Find.CurrentMap, Mathf.RoundToInt(comp.rangeThings)));

            GenDraw.DrawFieldEdges(cells, ghostCol);