public static ICollection <BeatmapCharacteristic> ConvertFrom(JToken jChars, string _songId) { var bcList = new List <BeatmapCharacteristic>(); foreach (var jChar in jChars.Children()) { //var newChar = Characteristic.GetOrAddCharacteristic(jChar["name"]?.Value<string>()); var charName = jChar["name"]?.Value <string>(); var charDiffs = new List <CharacteristicDifficulty>(); var newBChar = new BeatmapCharacteristic() { SongId = _songId, CharacteristicName = charName }; foreach (JProperty diff in jChar["difficulties"].Children()) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(diff.First.ToString())) { continue; } var newCharDiff = CharacteristicDifficulty.ConvertFromJson(diff); //newCharDiff.BeatmapCharacteristicId = newBChar.BeatmapCharacteristicId; newCharDiff.BeatmapCharacteristic = newBChar; charDiffs.Add(newCharDiff); } newBChar.CharacteristicDifficulties = charDiffs; bcList.Add(newBChar); } return(bcList); }
public CharacteristicDifficulty(DifficultyCharacteristic diff, string diffName, BeatmapCharacteristic bmChar) { Difficulty = diffName; Duration = diff.duration; Length = diff.length; Bombs = diff.bombs; Notes = diff.notes; Obstacles = diff.obstacles; NoteJumpSpeed = diff.njs; NoteJumpSpeedOffset = diff.njsOffset; BeatmapCharacteristic = bmChar; }
public Song(BeatSaverSong s, IEnumerable <ScoreSaberDifficulty> scoreSaberDifficulties = null) : this() { SongId = s._id; Key = s.key.ToLower(); Name =; Description = s.description; DeletedAt = s.deletedAt; Hash = s.hash.ToUpper(); Uploaded = s.uploaded; Converted = s.converted; DownloadUrl = s.downloadURL; CoverUrl = s.coverURL; SongName = s.metadata.songName; SongSubName = s.metadata.songSubName; SongAuthorName = s.metadata.songAuthorName; LevelAuthorName = s.metadata.levelAuthorName; BeatsPerMinute = s.metadata.bpm; Downloads = s.stats.downloads; Plays = s.stats.plays; DownVotes = s.stats.downVotes; UpVotes = s.stats.upVotes; Heat = s.stats.heat; Rating = s.stats.rating; ScrapedAt = s.ScrapedAt; //SongDifficulties = Difficulty.DictionaryToDifficulties(s.metadata.difficulties). // Select(d => new SongDifficulty() { Difficulty = d, Song = this, SongId = s._id }).ToList(); BeatmapCharacteristics = BeatmapCharacteristic.ConvertFrom(s.metadata.characteristics, this); UploaderRefId =; Uploader = new Uploader() { UploaderId = UploaderRefId, UploaderName = s.uploader.username }; if (scoreSaberDifficulties != null) { ScoreSaberDifficulties = scoreSaberDifficulties.ToList(); } else { ScoreSaberDifficulties = null; // new List<ScoreSaberDifficulty>(); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Song from a Beat Saver song JSON token. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown when the passed JToken doesn't contain the nested metadata, stats, or uploader objects.</exception> /// <param name="jSong"></param> public Song(JToken jSong) { JToken jMetadata = jSong["metadata"]; JToken jCharacteristics = jMetadata["characteristics"]; JToken jStats = jSong["stats"]; JToken jUploader = jSong["uploader"]; if (jMetadata == null || jStats == null || jUploader == null) { var nullTokens = new string[] { jMetadata == null ? "metadata" : string.Empty, jStats == null ? "stats" : string.Empty, jUploader == null ? "uploader" : string.Empty }; throw new ArgumentException($"Unable to parse Song from jSong: {(string.Join(", ", nullTokens.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))))} cannot be null."); } // Root SongId = jSong["_id"]?.Value <string>(); Key = jSong["key"]?.Value <string>(); Name = jSong["name"]?.Value <string>(); Description = jSong["description"]?.Value <string>(); DeletedAt = jSong["deletedAt"]?.Value <DateTime?>(); Hash = jSong["hash"]?.Value <string>().ToUpper(); Uploaded = jSong["uploaded"]?.Value <DateTime?>() ?? DateTime.MinValue; Converted = jSong["converted"]?.Value <string>(); DownloadUrl = jSong["downloadURL"]?.Value <string>(); CoverUrl = jSong["coverURL"]?.Value <string>(); // Metadata //var characteristics = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<string>>(jMetadata["characteristics"]?.ToString());// Change var diffs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, bool> >(jMetadata["difficulties"]?.ToString()); //SongDifficulties = Difficulty.DictionaryToDifficulties(diffs) // .Select(d => new SongDifficulty() { Difficulty = d, Song = this, SongId = SongId }).ToList(); BeatmapCharacteristics = BeatmapCharacteristic.ConvertFrom(jCharacteristics, SongId); SongName = jMetadata["songName"]?.Value <string>(); SongSubName = jMetadata["songSubName"]?.Value <string>(); SongAuthorName = jMetadata["songAuthorName"]?.Value <string>(); LevelAuthorName = jMetadata["levelAuthorName"]?.Value <string>(); BeatsPerMinute = jMetadata["bpm"]?.Value <float>() ?? default(float); //Stats Downloads = jStats["downloads"]?.Value <int>() ?? 0; Plays = jStats["plays"]?.Value <int>() ?? 0; DownVotes = jStats["downVotes"]?.Value <int>() ?? 0; UpVotes = jStats["upVotes"]?.Value <int>() ?? 0; Heat = jStats["heat"]?.Value <double>() ?? 0; Rating = jStats["rating"]?.Value <double>() ?? 0; // Uploader UploaderRefId = jUploader["_id"]?.Value <string>().ToLower(); Uploader = new Uploader() { UploaderId = UploaderRefId, UploaderName = jUploader["username"]?.Value <string>() }; ScrapedAt = jSong["ScrapedAt"]?.Value <DateTime>() ?? DateTime.MinValue; //ScoreSaberDifficulties = s.ScoreSaberInfo.Values.Select(d => new ScoreSaberDifficulty(d)).ToList(), }