            public clsDrainHoles(clsSeal CurrentSeal_In)
                mCurrent_Seal = CurrentSeal_In;

                //....Initialize: Default Values.
                mAnnulus.Ratio_L_H = 2.0F;
                mAngExit           = 35.0F;
        private bool ValidateSealData(clsSeal Seal_In)
            bool pbln = false;

            if (Seal_In.Clearance() < ((clsBearing_Radial_FP)modMain.gProject.Product.Bearing).Clearance())
                pbln = true;

            public clsWireClipHoles(clsSeal CurrentSeal_In)
                mScrew_Spec = new clsScrew(CurrentSeal_In.Unit.System);
                mAngOther   = new Double[mc_COUNT_WIRE_CLIP_HOLES_MAX - 1];

                //....Initialize. Default Values.
                mExists = false;             // true;
                mCount  = 1;
                //mScrew_Spec.D_Desig = "M3";             //PB 23APR12
                //mThreadDia_Desig = "M3";

                mUnit.System = CurrentSeal_In.Unit.System;                      //BG 03JUL13
        //....Class Constructor
        //public clsProduct(clsUnit.eSystem UnitSystem_In, clsBearing.eType Type_In, clsBearing_Radial_FP.eDesign Design_In,
        //                  clsEndConfig.eType [] EndConfigType_In, clsDB DB_In)
        //    mUnit.System = UnitSystem_In;

        //    //Main Component.
        //    //---------------
        //    //
        //    if (Type_In == clsBearing.eType.Radial)
        //    {
        //        if (Design_In == clsBearing_Radial.eDesign.Flexure_Pivot)
        //        {
        //            mBearing = new clsBearing_Radial_FP(UnitSystem_In, Type_In, Design_In, DB_In, this);
        //        }
        //    }

        //    //End Configurations:
        //    //-------------------
        //    //
        //    mEndConfig = new clsEndConfig[2];
        //    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        //    {
        //        if (EndConfigType_In [i]== clsEndConfig.eType.Seal)                                 //....End Seal.
        //        {
        //            mEndConfig[i] = new clsSeal (UnitSystem_In, EndConfigType_In [i], DB_In, this);
        //        }
        //        else if (EndConfigType_In[i] == clsEndConfig.eType.Thrust_Bearing_TL)               //....End TB.
        //        {
        //            mEndConfig[i] = new clsBearing_Thrust_TL (UnitSystem_In, EndConfigType_In [i], DB_In, this);
        //        }
        //    }

        //    //Accessories.
        //    //---------------
        //    //
        //    mAccessories = new clsAccessories();

        public clsProduct(clsUnit.eSystem UnitSystem_In, clsDB DB_In)
            //PB 23JAN13. At the time of instantiation of this object, the Bearing Type & Bearing Design, EndConfig [0,1] Types are
            //....known. Hence, instantiate mBearing & mEndConfig [0,1] using the above info. To be done in the future.

            //  Initialize.
            //  -----------
            //....Unit System.
            mUnit        = new clsUnit();       //....Default unit = English (automatically).
            mUnit.System = UnitSystem_In;

            //mBearing = new clsBearing_Radial_FP(clsUnit.eSystem.English, clsBearing.eType.Radial,
            //                                    clsBearing_Radial.eDesign.Flexure_Pivot, DB_In, this);

            mBearing = new clsBearing_Radial_FP(mUnit.System, clsBearing.eType.Radial,
                                                clsBearing_Radial.eDesign.Flexure_Pivot, DB_In, this);

            //....End Configurations:
            clsEndConfig.eType[] pEndConfig = new clsEndConfig.eType[2];

            for (int i = 0; i < pEndConfig.Length; i++)
                pEndConfig[i] = clsEndConfig.eType.Seal;        //....Default cofigs = [Seal, Seal]
            mEndConfig = new clsEndConfig[2];

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                mEndConfig[i] = new clsSeal(mUnit.System, pEndConfig[i], DB_In, this);

            mAccessories = new clsAccessories();