		public static void SerializeUtf8 (XmlSerializer serializer, Stream stream, object o)
			if (serializer == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("serializer");

			if (stream == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("stream");

			if (o == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("o");

			UnclosableStream unclosable_stream = new UnclosableStream (stream);
			BufferedStream buffered_stream = new BufferedStream (unclosable_stream, 8192);

			Stopwatch w = new Stopwatch ();
			w.Start ();
			XmlTextWriter xml_writer = new XmlTextWriter (buffered_stream, Encoding.UTF8);
			xml_writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
			serializer.Serialize (xml_writer, o);

			// This will flush the stream and release the buffer.
			// Normally it also closes the underlying stream,
			// which is why it wraps an UnclosableStream.
			buffered_stream.Dispose ();
			w.Stop ();

			if (Debug)
				Log.Debug (">>> Serialization of {0}: {1}", o.GetType (), w);
		override public void AddToStream (Stream stream, EventTracker tracker)
			if (tracker != null)
				tracker.ExpectingAdded (UriFu.UriToEscapedString (this.Uri));
			// We can't just use a StreamWriter here, since that
			// will close the underlying stream when it gets
			// disposed.
			UnclosableStream unclosable = new UnclosableStream (stream);
			StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter (unclosable);

			foreach (string str in body) 
				writer.WriteLine (str);

			writer.Close ();
		override public void AddToStream (Stream stream, EventTracker tracker)
			if (tracker != null)
				tracker.ExpectingAdded (UriFu.UriToEscapedString (this.Uri));

			UnclosableStream unclosable;
			unclosable = new UnclosableStream (stream);

			ZipOutputStream zip_out;
			zip_out = new ZipOutputStream (unclosable);

			foreach (FileSystemObject fso in Children)
				WriteObjectToZip (zip_out, fso, tracker);
			zip_out.Finish ();
			zip_out.Close ();
        public static void SerializeUtf8(XmlSerializer serializer, Stream stream, object o)
            if (serializer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("serializer");

            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");

            if (o == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("o");

            UnclosableStream unclosable_stream = new UnclosableStream(stream);
            BufferedStream   buffered_stream   = new BufferedStream(unclosable_stream, 8192);

            Stopwatch w = new Stopwatch();

            XmlTextWriter xml_writer = new XmlTextWriter(buffered_stream, Encoding.UTF8);

            xml_writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
            serializer.Serialize(xml_writer, o);

            // This will flush the stream and release the buffer.
            // Normally it also closes the underlying stream,
            // which is why it wraps an UnclosableStream.

            if (Debug)
                Log.Debug(">>> Serialization of {0}: {1}", o.GetType(), w);
		override public void AddToStream (Stream stream, EventTracker tracker)
			if (ChildCount > 1)
				throw new Exception ("Bzip2 file " + Uri + " has " + ChildCount + " children");

			if (tracker != null)
				tracker.ExpectingAdded (UriFu.UriToEscapedString (this.Uri));

			UnclosableStream unclosable;
			unclosable = new UnclosableStream (stream);
			BZip2OutputStream bz2_out;
			bz2_out = new BZip2OutputStream (unclosable);
			MemoryStream memory;
			memory = new MemoryStream ();
			// There should just be one child
			foreach (FileObject file in Children)
				file.AddToStream (memory, tracker);
			bz2_out.Write (memory.ToArray (), 0, (int) memory.Length);
			memory.Close ();

			bz2_out.Close ();
		override public void AddToStream (Stream stream, EventTracker tracker)
			if (tracker != null)
				tracker.ExpectingAdded (UriFu.UriToEscapedString (this.Uri));

			UnclosableStream unclosable;
			unclosable = new UnclosableStream (stream);

			TarOutputStream tar_out;
			tar_out = new TarOutputStream (unclosable);
			foreach (FileSystemObject fso in Children)
				WriteObjectToTar (tar_out, fso, tracker);
			// This calls close on the underlying stream,
			// which is why we wrapped the stream in an
			// UnclosableStream.
			tar_out.Close ();