        /// <summary>
        /// Permet de retourner la liste des methodes d'evaluation disponibles dans les types fournis.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="types"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IEnumerable <(Type, ExposeClassAttribute, ExposeMethodAttribute, MethodInfo)> GetActions_Impl(BindingFlags bindings, params Type[] types)
            var _result = new List <(Type, ExposeClassAttribute, ExposeMethodAttribute, MethodInfo)>();

            var _types = new ExposedTypes()
                         .Where(c => types.Contains(c.Key))

            foreach (var u in _types)
                var type = u.Key;

                foreach (ExposeClassAttribute attribute in u.Value)
                    if (attribute.Context == Context)
                        var items = MethodDiscovery.GetMethods(type, bindings, returnType, methodSign);

                        foreach (var method in items)
                            var attribute2 = method.GetCustomAttribute <ExposeMethodAttribute>();
                            if (attribute2 != null && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Context) || attribute2.Context == Context))
                                _result.Add((u.Key, attribute, attribute2, method));

        /// <summary>
        /// Permet de retourner la liste des methodes d'evaluation disponibles dans les types fournis.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="types"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IEnumerable <BusinessAction <T> > GetActions_Impl <T>(BindingFlags bindings, params Type[] types)
            var _result = new List <BusinessAction <T> >();

            var _types = new ExposedTypes()
                         .Where(c => types.Contains(c.Key))

            foreach (var u in _types)
                var type = u.Key;

                foreach (ExposeClassAttribute attribute in u.Value)
                    string name = attribute.Name ?? type.Name;

                    var items = MethodDiscovery.GetMethods(type, bindings, returnType, methodSign);

                    foreach (var method in items)
                        RegisterMethodAttribute attribute2 = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(method).OfType <RegisterMethodAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
                        if (attribute2 != null && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Context) || attribute2.Context == Context))
                            _result.Add(new BusinessAction <T>
                                Name     = $"{name}.{attribute2.DisplayName}",
                                Method   = method,
                                Type     = type,
                                RuleName = attribute2.DisplayName,
                                Origin   = $"Assembly {type.AssemblyQualifiedName}",
                                Context  = attribute2.Context,

        /// <summary>
        /// Smarts convert help to create expression with many consideration on source type and target type.
        /// if no converter found yo can create one in custom class decorated '[Bb.ComponentModel.Attributes.ExposeClass(Context = ConstantsCore.Cast)]'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="self">The self.</param>
        /// <param name="targetType">Type of the target.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.InvalidCastException">no adapted method cast found for {argument.Type.Name} -> {targetType.Name}</exception>
        public static Expression SmartConvert(this Expression self, Type targetType)
            var bindings = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public;
            var argument = self;

            if (argument is ConstantExpression c)
                argument = Expression.Constant(Convert.ChangeType(c.Value, targetType));

                var types = new List <Type>()
                MethodInfo convertMethod = null;

                if (targetType.IsAssignableFrom(self.Type))
                    argument = Expression.Convert(self, targetType);

                    if (convertMethod == null) // try to get implicit or explicit opérator
                        convertMethod = MethodDiscovery.GetMethods(argument.Type, bindings, targetType, types).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (convertMethod == null) // try in convert static methods
                        convertMethod = MethodDiscovery.GetMethods(typeof(Convert), bindings, targetType, types).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (convertMethod == null) // try in custom class
                        var _types = TypeDiscovery.Instance.GetTypesWithAttributes <ExposeClassAttribute>(typeof(object), (attr) => attr.Context == ConstantsCore.Cast).ToList();

                        foreach (var item in _types)
                            if ((convertMethod = MethodDiscovery.GetMethods(item, bindings, targetType, types).FirstOrDefault()) != null)

                    if (convertMethod != null)
                        argument = Expression.Call(convertMethod, argument);

                        if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)

                        throw new InvalidCastException($"no adapted method cast found for {argument.Type.Name} -> {targetType.Name}. Please considere use a static class tagged [ExposeClass(Context =Constants.Cast)] with a specialized method to convert.");
