/// <summary>
        /// THe most challenging function. This calculates the probability for changing to each state, and the time left before changing.
        /// It takes into account the fact that some states have been half in on state and half in another during it's wait.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bayesNode">The node we are calculating the probability for.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private BayesNode calculateNextProb(BayesNode bayesNode)
            if (!isCurrentlyChangeable(bayesNode))
                return bayesNode;
            if(bayesNode.VariableName == "lightning")
            //I dunno... something default. Assuming default prob is 1.0/n
            double[] probsSum = new double[bayesNode.States.Count];
            for(uint i=0; i!=probsSum.Length; ++i)
                    probsSum[i] = 1/(probsSum.Length-1);
            probsSum[bayesNode.ObservedValue] = 1.0;

            int count = 1;
            double[] avgProb = new double[bayesNode.States.Count];

            foreach (BayesEdge be in getNodesInfluences(bayesNode.VariableName).Values)
                //The duration is stored as the negative sum, at the x,x index for state x.
                string influencersState;
                if (be.CIMs.ContainsKey(influencersState = be.NodeA.States[(int)be.NodeA.ObservedValue]))
                    for (int i = 0; i != probsSum.Length; ++i)
                        probsSum[i] += be.CIMs[influencersState][bayesNode.ObservedValue][i];

            for (int i = 0; i != probsSum.Length; ++i)
                avgProb[i] = probsSum[i]/count;
            double time = avgProb[bayesNode.ObservedValue];

            //this if statement is merely for initialization from what I remember.
            if (bayesNode.timeLeft == 0)
                bayesNode.timeLeft = time;
                bayesNode.nextVarProbs = avgProb;
                //this assumes timeLeft is being updated somewhere else.
                //This is the amount of time left ratio. So the new state only affects the var as much as it should.
                double modifier = bayesNode.timeLeft / (bayesNode.nextVarProbs[bayesNode.ObservedValue]);
                //Apply modifier to probs
                for(int i=0; i!=avgProb.Length; ++i)
                    avgProb[i] *= modifier;

                //get new probs. Generally they shouldn't change much. Ie. if only 2 variables effect the node,
                //then it may change a lot, but if 10 variables effect the node it will change very little (1/10).
                for (int i = 0; i != avgProb.Length; ++i)
                    bayesNode.nextVarProbs[i] = (bayesNode.nextVarProbs[i] + avgProb[i]) / 2;

                bayesNode.nextVarProbs[bayesNode.ObservedValue] = (bayesNode.timeLeft = bayesNode.nextVarProbs.Sum() - bayesNode.nextVarProbs[bayesNode.ObservedValue]);

                return bayesNode;
        private BayesNode linearlyInfer(BayesNode bayesNode)
            Random r = new Random();

            //Normalized dice roll.             // -1, because we disclude the current state. We are CHANGING states.
            double diceRoll = r.NextDouble() * (bayesNode.nextVarProbs.Sum() - 1);
            double currentSum = 0.0;
            for (uint i = 0; i != bayesNode.nextVarProbs.Length; ++i)
                if(i != bayesNode.ObservedValue) //discluding the time element.
                    if (diceRoll <= (currentSum += bayesNode.nextVarProbs[i]))
                        bayesNode.ObservedValue = i;    //set the new state.

            return bayesNode;
 /// <summary>
 /// checks to see if the node can change under the current circumstances.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="n">the node in question.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool isCurrentlyChangeable(BayesNode n)
     foreach (BayesEdge be in getNodesInfluences(n.VariableName).Values)
         if (be.CIMs.ContainsKey(be.NodeA.States[(int)be.NodeA.ObservedValue]))
             return true;
     return false;