        public Bullet(TankBase firer, Vector2 firedFrom, Bearing b, float bulletv)
            position = new Vector2(firedFrom.X, firedFrom.Y);
            bearing = b;
            parentTank = firer;

            exploding = false;

            if (bearing == Bearing.NORTH) this.velocity = new Vector2(0, -bulletv);
            else if (bearing == Bearing.SOUTH) this.velocity = new Vector2(0, bulletv);
            else if (bearing == Bearing.EAST) this.velocity = new Vector2(bulletv,0);
            else if (bearing == Bearing.WEST) this.velocity = new Vector2(-bulletv,0);
 public void addTank(TankBase newTank)
        // GET any tank that collides with the given rectangle AND is not == self
        public bool tankCollisionWithTank(Rectangle collisionMask, TankBase self)
            foreach (TankBase other in controlledTanks)
                if (self == other) continue;
                if (other.spawnState != SpawnState.SPAWNED) continue;

                Rectangle otherMask = other.getCollisionMask();
                if (collisionMask.Intersects(otherMask)) return true;
            return false;