        private void build()
            this.Title = "New Battlelords Character";
                // page 1 - intro
                Gtk.TextView   tv = new Gtk.TextView();
                Gtk.TextBuffer tb;
                tb = tv.Buffer;
                //tb.Text = MediaManager.GetHtml("intro.html");
                tb.Text = "Welcome to the Battlelords Character Asistant.\n" +
                          "\nThis will guide you thru the initial player character generation. " +
                          "You will be presented with some initial options that can not change " +
                          "once the character is created. " +
                          "\nStep 1" +
                          "\nStep 2" +
                          "\nStep 3" +
                          "\nStep 4" +
                tv.WrapMode = WrapMode.Word;
                tv.Editable = false;

                this.SetPageTitle(tv, "Introduction");
                this.SetPageType(tv, AssistantPageType.Intro);
                this.SetPageComplete(tv, true);
                // page 2 - rolling method
                string method1 = "Percentile dice are rolled and marked down in order of the given visual statistics. " +
                                 "Eight rolls are initially made. The player then makes three additional dice rolls. " +
                                 "He has the option of replacing any three previously rolled statistics with one of these number. " +
                                 "Players may not move rolls around! First roll is Strength, second roll is Manual Dexterity, etc.";
                Gtk.VBox     vb      = new Gtk.VBox();
                Gtk.HBox     hb1     = new Gtk.HBox();
                Gtk.Label    lb1     = new Gtk.Label("Rolling Method");
                string[]     entries = { "Method 1", "Method 2", "Method 3", "Fill In" };
                Gtk.ComboBox cb1     = new Gtk.ComboBox(entries);
                hb1.PackStart(lb1, true, false, 0);
                hb1.PackEnd(cb1, true, false, 0);
                cb1.Active = 0;
                Gtk.HBox        hb2 = new Gtk.HBox();
                Gtk.CheckButton b1  = new Gtk.CheckButton("Max Body Points");
                Gtk.CheckButton b2  = new Gtk.CheckButton("Max Starting Money");
                b1.Active = true;
                b2.Active = true;
                hb2.PackStart(b1, true, false, 1);
                hb2.PackEnd(b2, true, false, 1);
                Gtk.ScrolledWindow sw = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow();
                Gtk.TextView       tv = new Gtk.TextView();
                tv.WrapMode = WrapMode.Word;
                tv.Editable = false;
                Gtk.TextBuffer tb = tv.Buffer;
                tb.Text = method1;
                //vb.PackStart(hb1, false, false, 0);
                vb.PackStart(hb2, false, false, 0);
                //vb.PackEnd(sw, true, true, 0);

                this.SetPageTitle(vb, "Rolling Options");
                this.SetPageType(vb, AssistantPageType.Content);
                this.SetPageComplete(vb, true);
                // page 3 - race
                TreeStore ts = new TreeStore(typeof(string), typeof(string));
                foreach (BattlelordsRace r in this.session.Races)
                    ts.AppendValues(r.Name, r.Name);
                TreeView tv = new TreeView(ts);
                tv.HeadersVisible = true;
                tv.AppendColumn("Battlelords Race", new CellRendererText(), "text", 0);

                this.SetPageTitle(tv, "Select Race");
                this.SetPageType(tv, AssistantPageType.Content);
                this.SetPageComplete(tv, true);
                // page 4 - Basics page

                 * 1 char name
                 * 2 player name
                 * 3 height
                 * 4 weight
                 * 5 body pts
                 * 6 start money
                Gtk.VBox vb2 = new Gtk.VBox();

                Gtk.HBox  hb1 = new Gtk.HBox();
                Gtk.Label lb1 = new Gtk.Label("Player's Name:");
                Gtk.Entry en1 = new Gtk.Entry();
                hb1.PackStart(lb1, false, false, 0);
                hb1.PackStart(new Gtk.HSeparator(), true, false, 0);
                hb1.PackEnd(en1, true, true, 0);

                Gtk.HBox  hb2 = new Gtk.HBox();
                Gtk.Label lb2 = new Gtk.Label("Character's Name:");
                Gtk.Entry en2 = new Gtk.Entry();
                hb2.PackStart(lb2, false, false, 0);
                hb2.PackStart(new Gtk.HSeparator(), true, false, 0);
                hb2.PackEnd(en2, true, true, 0);

                Gtk.HBox  hb3 = new Gtk.HBox();
                Gtk.Label lb3 = new Gtk.Label("Height (ft):");
                Gtk.Entry en3 = new Gtk.Entry();
                en3.Sensitive = false;
                Gtk.Button b3 = new Gtk.Button();
                //b3.Label = "roll";
                b3.TooltipText = "Click here to roll height.";
                b3.Image       = MediaManager.GetImageFromBaseFile("dice.png");
                hb3.PackStart(lb3, false, false, 0);
                hb3.PackStart(new Gtk.HSeparator(), true, false, 0);
                hb3.PackStart(en3, true, true, 0);
                hb3.PackEnd(b3, false, false, 0);

                Gtk.HBox  hb4 = new Gtk.HBox();
                Gtk.Label lb4 = new Gtk.Label("Weight (lbs):");
                Gtk.Entry en4 = new Gtk.Entry();
                en4.Sensitive = false;
                Gtk.Button b4 = new Gtk.Button();
                //b4.Label = "roll";
                b4.TooltipText = "Click here to roll for weight.";
                b4.Image       = MediaManager.GetImageFromBaseFile("dice.png");
                hb4.PackStart(lb4, false, false, 0);
                hb4.PackStart(new Gtk.HSeparator(), true, false, 0);
                hb4.PackStart(en4, true, true, 0);
                hb4.PackEnd(b4, false, false, 0);

                Gtk.HBox  hb5 = new Gtk.HBox();
                Gtk.Label lb5 = new Gtk.Label("Body Points:");
                Gtk.Entry en5 = new Gtk.Entry();
                en5.Sensitive = false;
                Gtk.Button b5 = new Gtk.Button();
                b5.TooltipText = "Click here to roll for body points.";
                b5.Image       = MediaManager.GetImageFromBaseFile("dice.png");
                hb5.PackStart(lb5, false, false, 0);
                hb5.PackStart(new Gtk.HSeparator(), true, false, 0);
                hb5.PackStart(en5, true, true, 0);
                hb5.PackEnd(b5, false, false, 0);

                Gtk.HBox  hb6 = new Gtk.HBox();
                Gtk.Label lb6 = new Gtk.Label("Starting Money:");
                Gtk.Entry en6 = new Gtk.Entry();
                en6.Sensitive = false;
                Gtk.Button b6 = new Gtk.Button();
                b6.TooltipText = "Click here to roll for starting money.";
                b6.Image       = MediaManager.GetImageFromBaseFile("dice.png");
                hb6.PackStart(lb6, false, false, 0);
                hb6.PackStart(new Gtk.HSeparator(), true, false, 0);
                hb6.PackStart(en6, true, true, 0);
                hb6.PackEnd(b6, false, false, 0);

                vb2.PackStart(hb1, false, false, 0);
                vb2.PackStart(hb2, false, false, 0);
                vb2.PackStart(hb3, false, false, 0);
                vb2.PackStart(hb4, false, false, 0);
                vb2.PackStart(hb5, false, false, 0);
                vb2.PackStart(hb6, false, false, 0);

                this.SetPageTitle(vb2, "Enter Basic Information");
                this.SetPageType(vb2, AssistantPageType.Content);
                this.SetPageComplete(vb2, true);
                // page 5 - vitals
                VBox         vb5 = new VBox();
                Gtk.Notebook nb  = new Gtk.Notebook();
                //Battle.Gui.VitalsControl stvc = new Battle.Gui.VitalsControl(this.session);
                //stvc.Sensitive = false;
                VitalsControl m1vitals   = new VitalsControl(this.session);
                VitalsControl m2vitals   = new VitalsControl(this.session);
                VitalsControl m3vitals   = new VitalsControl(this.session);
                VitalsControl fillvitals = new VitalsControl(this.session);

                m1vitals.Enabled = false;
                m2vitals.Enabled = false;
                m3vitals.Enabled = false;

                nb.AppendPage(m1vitals, new Gtk.Label("Method 1"));
                nb.AppendPage(m2vitals, new Gtk.Label("Method 2"));
                nb.AppendPage(m3vitals, new Gtk.Label("Method 3"));
                nb.AppendPage(fillvitals, new Gtk.Label("Fill In"));

                HButtonBox bb5     = new HButtonBox();
                Button     rollBtn = new Button(Stock.Execute);
                rollBtn.Clicked += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}", sender.GetType().ToString());
                rollBtn.Label = "Roll";
                Button saveBtn = new Button(Stock.Save);
                saveBtn.Label = "Save";
                nb.SwitchPage += delegate(object o, SwitchPageArgs args) {
                    if (args.PageNum == 3)
                        rollBtn.Sensitive = false;
                        rollBtn.Sensitive = true;


                this.SetPageTitle(vb5, "Enter Vitals");
                this.SetPageType(vb5, AssistantPageType.Content);
                this.SetPageComplete(vb5, true);
                // page 6 - secondaries
                Gtk.Label             not_completed_label = new Gtk.Label("not completed");
                Pango.FontDescription d = new Pango.FontDescription();
                d.Style = Pango.Style.Italic;

                this.SetPageTitle(not_completed_label, "Enter Secondary Attributes");
                this.SetPageType(not_completed_label, AssistantPageType.Content);
                this.SetPageComplete(not_completed_label, true);
                // page 7 - fate
                Gtk.Label             not_completed_label = new Gtk.Label("not completed");
                Pango.FontDescription d = new Pango.FontDescription();
                d.Style = Pango.Style.Italic;

                this.SetPageTitle(not_completed_label, "Determine Fate");
                this.SetPageType(not_completed_label, AssistantPageType.Content);
                this.SetPageComplete(not_completed_label, true);
                // page 8 - social
                Gtk.Label             not_completed_label = new Gtk.Label("not completed");
                Pango.FontDescription d = new Pango.FontDescription();
                d.Style = Pango.Style.Italic;

                this.SetPageTitle(not_completed_label, "Social Status");
                this.SetPageType(not_completed_label, AssistantPageType.Content);
                this.SetPageComplete(not_completed_label, true);
                // page 9 - skills
                Gtk.Label             not_completed_label = new Gtk.Label("not completed");
                Pango.FontDescription d = new Pango.FontDescription();
                d.Style = Pango.Style.Italic;

                this.SetPageTitle(not_completed_label, "Choose Initial Skills");
                this.SetPageType(not_completed_label, AssistantPageType.Content);
                this.SetPageComplete(not_completed_label, true);
                // page 10 - matrixes
                Gtk.Label             not_completed_label = new Gtk.Label("not completed");
                Pango.FontDescription d = new Pango.FontDescription();
                d.Style = Pango.Style.Italic;

                this.SetPageTitle(not_completed_label, "Choose Initial Matrixes");
                this.SetPageType(not_completed_label, AssistantPageType.Content);
                this.SetPageComplete(not_completed_label, true);
                // page 11 - confirm
                TextView   tv11 = new TextView();
                TextBuffer b11  = tv11.Buffer;
                b11.Text      = "Confirm this new character.";
                tv11.Editable = false;
                this.SetPageTitle(tv11, "Confirm New Character");
                this.SetPageType(tv11, AssistantPageType.Confirm);
                this.SetPageComplete(tv11, true);
            this.Close  += HandleHandleClose;
            this.Cancel += HandleHandleCancel;
        private void build()
            this.vbox1    = new Gtk.VBox();
            this.toolbar1 = new Gtk.Toolbar();
            this.toolbar1.ToolbarStyle      = ToolbarStyle.BothHoriz;
            this.new_toolbutton             = new ToolButton(Stock.New);
            this.new_toolbutton.IsImportant = true;
            this.new_toolbutton.Label       = "New Character";
            this.new_toolbutton.Clicked    += HandleNew_toolbuttonhandleClicked;
            this.pref_toolbutton             = new ToolButton(Stock.Preferences);
            this.pref_toolbutton.IsImportant = true;
            this.pref_toolbutton.Label       = "Preferences";
            this.pref_toolbutton.Clicked    += HandlePref_toolbuttonhandleClicked;
            this.quit_toolbutton             = new ToolButton(Stock.Quit);
            this.quit_toolbutton.IsImportant = true;
            this.quit_toolbutton.Label       = "Quit";
            this.quit_toolbutton.Clicked    += HandleQuit_toolbuttonhandleClicked;
            this.about_toolbutton             = new ToolButton(Stock.About);
            this.about_toolbutton.IsImportant = true;
            this.about_toolbutton.Label       = "About";
            this.about_toolbutton.Clicked    += HandleAbout_toolbuttonhandleClicked;
            SeparatorToolItem sti = new SeparatorToolItem();

            sti.Draw   = false;
            sti.Expand = true;
            this.statusbar1 = new Gtk.Statusbar();
            this.image1     = new Image(MediaManager.GetPixbufFromBaseFile("BLLogo.jpg").ScaleSimple(296, 149, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear));
            Gtk.VBox vbox2 = new Gtk.VBox();

            Gtk.ScrolledWindow sw1 = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow();
            TreeStore          ts1 = new TreeStore(typeof(string), typeof(string));

            ts1.AppendValues("Player Characters", DateTime.Now.ToString());
            ts1.AppendValues("Non-Player Characters", DateTime.Now.ToString());
            ts1.AppendValues("Database", DateTime.Now.ToString());
            TreeView tv1 = new TreeView();

            tv1.Model          = ts1;
            tv1.HeadersVisible = true;
            tv1.AppendColumn("Source", new CellRendererText(), "text", 0);
            tv1.AppendColumn("Last Update", new CellRendererText(), "text", 1);

            vbox2.PackStart(this.image1, false, true, 0);
            vbox2.PackEnd(sw1, true, true, 0);
            this.vbox1.PackStart(this.toolbar1, false, true, 0);
            this.vbox1.PackStart(vbox2, true, true, 0);
            this.vbox1.PackStart(this.statusbar1, false, true, 0);
            //this.SetSizeRequest(640, Screen.Height - 100);
            this.SetSizeRequest(480, 640);
            this.Icon = Battle.Gui.MediaManager.GetPixbufFromBaseFile("LSIMMS.png");
            this.statusbar1.Push(0, string.Format("{0} started @ {1}",