public void StartInBoardProGetDataWithPagination(ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper) { #region Login try { //Temprary class //====================================================== //string tempurl = ""; //CrawlingLinkedInPage(tempurl, ref HttpHelper); //====================================================== if (SearchCriteria.AccountType == "RecuiterType") { string pageSourceaAdvanceSearch = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri("")); string referralUrl = string.Empty; if (pageSourceaAdvanceSearch.Contains("csrfToken")) { try { int pagenumberrecruiter = 0; bool IsShowLoggerPagecount = true; int i = 1; int startCount = 0; #region seniorLevel string tempSeniorlevel = string.Empty; if (SearchCriteria.SeniorLevel.Contains(",")) { string[] arrseniorLevel = Regex.Split(SearchCriteria.SeniorLevel, ","); if (arrseniorLevel.Count() > 1) { foreach (string item in arrseniorLevel) { tempSeniorlevel += "&facet.SE=" + item; } } else { tempSeniorlevel = "&facet.SE="; } } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.SeniorLevel)) { tempSeniorlevel = "&facet.SE="; } else { tempSeniorlevel = "&facet.SE=" + SearchCriteria.SeniorLevel; } #endregion #region Function string tempFunction = string.Empty; if (SearchCriteria.Function.Contains(",")) { string[] arrFunction = Regex.Split(SearchCriteria.Function, ","); if (arrFunction.Count() > 1) { foreach (string item in arrFunction) { tempFunction += "&facet.FA=" + item; } } else { tempFunction = "&facet.FA="; } } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.Function)) { tempFunction = "&facet.FA="; } else { tempFunction = "&facet.FA=" + SearchCriteria.Function; } #endregion #region RelationShip string tempRelationShip = string.Empty; if (SearchCriteria.Relationship.Contains(",")) { string[] arrRelationShip = Regex.Split(SearchCriteria.Relationship, ","); if (arrRelationShip.Count() > 1) { foreach (string item in arrRelationShip) { tempRelationShip += "&facet.N=" + item; } } else { tempRelationShip = "&facet.N="; } } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.Relationship)) { tempRelationShip = "&facet.N="; } else { tempRelationShip = "&facet.N=" + SearchCriteria.Relationship; } #endregion #region Language string tempLanguage = string.Empty; if (SearchCriteria.language.Contains(",")) { string[] arrLanguage = Regex.Split(SearchCriteria.language, ","); if (arrLanguage.Count() > 1) { foreach (string item in arrLanguage) { tempLanguage += "&facet.L=" + item; } } else { tempLanguage = "&facet.L="; } } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.language)) { tempLanguage = "&facet.L="; } else { tempLanguage = "&facet.L=" + SearchCriteria.language; } #endregion #region Industry string tempIndustry = string.Empty; if (SearchCriteria.IndustryType.Contains(",")) { string[] arrIndustry = Regex.Split(SearchCriteria.IndustryType, ","); if (arrIndustry.Count() > 1) { foreach (string item in arrIndustry) { tempIndustry += "&facet.L=" + item; } } else { tempIndustry = "&facet.L="; } } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.IndustryType)) { tempIndustry = "&facet.L="; } else { tempIndustry = "&facet.L=" + SearchCriteria.IndustryType; } #endregion #region Year of Experience string tempExperience = string.Empty; if (SearchCriteria.YearOfExperience.Contains(",")) { string[] arrYearOfExperience = Regex.Split(SearchCriteria.YearOfExperience, ","); if (arrYearOfExperience.Count() > 1) { foreach (string item in arrYearOfExperience) { tempExperience += "&facet.TE=" + item; } } else { tempExperience = "&facet.TE="; } } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.YearOfExperience)) { tempExperience = "&facet.TE="; } else { tempExperience = "&facet.TE=" + SearchCriteria.YearOfExperience; } #endregion #region InterestedIN string tempInteresedIn = string.Empty; if (SearchCriteria.InerestedIn.Contains(",")) { string[] arrInterestedIn = Regex.Split(SearchCriteria.InerestedIn, ","); if (arrInterestedIn.Count() > 1) { foreach (string item in arrInterestedIn) { tempInteresedIn += "&facet.P=" + item; } } else { tempInteresedIn = "&facet.P="; } } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.InerestedIn)) { tempInteresedIn = "&facet.P="; } else { tempInteresedIn = "&facet.P=" + SearchCriteria.InerestedIn; } #endregion StartAgain: string recruiterUrl = string.Empty; //"" + Uri.EscapeDataString(SearchCriteria.Keyword) + "&page=" + i + "&start=" + startCount + "&count=25&countryCode=" + SearchCriteria.Country + "&postalCode=" + SearchCriteria.PostalCode + "&radiusMiles=" + SearchCriteria.within + "&jobTitle=" + SearchCriteria.Title + "&jobTitleTimeScope=" + SearchCriteria.TitleValue + "&company=" + SearchCriteria.Company + "&companyTimeScope=" + SearchCriteria.CompanyValue + "&firstName=" + SearchCriteria.FirstName + "&lastName=" + SearchCriteria.LastName + "&facet.TE=" + SearchCriteria.YearOfExperience + "&facet.CS=" + SearchCriteria.CompanySize + "&facet.L=" + SearchCriteria.language + "&facet.I=" + SearchCriteria.IndustryType + "&facet.FG=" + SearchCriteria.Group + "&facet.N=" + SearchCriteria.Relationship + "&facet.FA=" + SearchCriteria.Function + "&facet.SE=" + SearchCriteria.SeniorLevel + "&facet.P=" + SearchCriteria.InerestedIn + "&facet.F=" + SearchCriteria.Fortune1000 + "&facet.DR=" + SearchCriteria.RecentlyJoined + "&origin=ASAS"; //&facet.I=" + SearchCriteria.IndustryType + "&facet.FG=" + SearchCriteria.Group + "&facet.N=" + SearchCriteria.Relationship + "&facet.FA=" + SearchCriteria.Function + "&facet.SE=" + SearchCriteria.SeniorLevel + "&facet.P=" + SearchCriteria.InerestedIn + "&facet.F=" + SearchCriteria.Fortune1000 + "&facet.DR=" + SearchCriteria.RecentlyJoined + " recruiterUrl = "" + Uri.EscapeDataString(SearchCriteria.Keyword) + "&page=" + i + "&start=" + startCount + "&count=25&countryCode=" + SearchCriteria.Country + "&postalCode=" + SearchCriteria.PostalCode + "&radiusMiles=" + SearchCriteria.within + "&jobTitle=" + SearchCriteria.Title + "&jobTitleTimeScope=" + SearchCriteria.TitleValue + "&company=" + SearchCriteria.Company + "&companyTimeScope=" + SearchCriteria.CompanyValue + "&firstName=" + SearchCriteria.FirstName + "&lastName=" + SearchCriteria.LastName + "" + tempExperience + "&facet.CS=" + SearchCriteria.CompanySize + "" + tempLanguage+ "" + tempIndustry + "&facet.FG=" + SearchCriteria.Group + "" + tempRelationShip + "" + tempFunction + "" + tempSeniorlevel + "" + tempInteresedIn + "&facet.F=" + SearchCriteria.Fortune1000 + "&facet.DR=" + SearchCriteria.RecentlyJoined + "&origin=ASAS"; //&facet.I=" + SearchCriteria.IndustryType + "&facet.FG=" + SearchCriteria.Group + "&facet.N=" + SearchCriteria.Relationship + "&facet.FA=" + SearchCriteria.Function + "&facet.SE=" + SearchCriteria.SeniorLevel + "&facet.P=" + SearchCriteria.InerestedIn + "&facet.F=" + SearchCriteria.Fortune1000 + "&facet.DR=" + SearchCriteria.RecentlyJoined + " if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.Keyword)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("keywords=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.Country)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&countryCode=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.PostalCode)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&postalCode=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.within)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&radiusMiles=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.Title)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&jobTitle=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.TitleValue)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&jobTitleTimeScope=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.Company)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&company=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.CompanyValue)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&companyTimeScope=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.FirstName)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&firstName=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.LastName)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&lastName=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.YearOfExperience)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&facet.TE=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.CompanySize)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&facet.CS=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.language)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&facet.L=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.IndustryType)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&facet.I=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.SeniorLevel)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&facet.SE=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.Function)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&facet.FA=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.Relationship)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&facet.N=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.InerestedIn)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&facet.P=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.Fortune1000)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&facet.F=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.Group)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&facet.FG=", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.RecentlyJoined)) { recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Replace("&facet.DR=", ""); } recruiterUrl = recruiterUrl.Trim(); referralUrl = ""; string pageSourceaAdvanceSearch11 = string.Empty; try { pageSourceaAdvanceSearch11 = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlNewRefre(new Uri(recruiterUrl), referralUrl); } catch { } string strTotalPageNO = string.Empty; if (IsShowLoggerPagecount) { strTotalPageNO = Utils.getBetween(pageSourceaAdvanceSearch11, "total\":", ",").Trim(); try { pagenumberrecruiter = int.Parse(strTotalPageNO); Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Total Results : " + pagenumberrecruiter + " ]"); } catch (Exception) { } pagenumberrecruiter = (pagenumberrecruiter / 25) + 1; if (pagenumberrecruiter == -1) { pagenumberrecruiter = 2; } if (pagenumberrecruiter == 1) { pagenumberrecruiter = 2; } //if (IsShowLoggerPagecount) { if (pagenumberrecruiter >= 1) { _HttpHelper = HttpHelper; if (!Globals.scrapeWithoutGoingToMainProfile) { new Thread(() => { if (SearchCriteria.starter) { string CheckString = string.Empty; finalUrlCollectionForRecruter(CheckString); } }).Start(); } } } } IsShowLoggerPagecount = false; while (i <= pagenumberrecruiter) { if (SearchCriteria.starter) { if (pageSourceaAdvanceSearch11.Contains("memberId")) { try { List<string> PageSerchUrl = GettingAllUrlRecruiterType(pageSourceaAdvanceSearch11); PageSerchUrl.Distinct(); if (PageSerchUrl.Count == 0) { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ On the basis of your Account you can able to see " + RecordURL.Count + " Results ]"); break; } foreach (string item in PageSerchUrl) { if (SearchCriteria.starter) { if (item.Contains("recruiter/profile")) { try { string urlSerch = item; if (urlSerch.Contains("recruiter/profile")) { RecordURL.Add(urlSerch); if (!queRecordUrl.Contains(urlSerch)) { queRecordUrl.Enqueue(urlSerch); } RecordURL = RecordURL.Distinct().ToList(); } try { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + urlSerch + " ]"); } catch { } } catch { } } } } if (i == pagenumberrecruiter) { break; } startCount += 25; ; i++; Thread.Sleep(4000); goto StartAgain; } catch { } } } } #region MyRegion //string searchHistoryId = Utils.getBetween(pageSourceaAdvanceSearch, "searchHistoryId\":", ",").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); // string searchCacheKey = Utils.getBetween(pageSourceaAdvanceSearch, "searchCacheKey\":", ",\"").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); //string linkContext = Utils.getBetween(pageSourceaAdvanceSearch, "linkContext\":", ",\"").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); //referralUrl = "" + Uri.EscapeDataString(searchHistoryId) + "&searchCacheKey=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(searchCacheKey).Replace(",", "%2C") + "&linkContext=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(linkContext) + "&page=1&start=0&count=25"; //pageSourceaAdvanceSearch = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri(referralUrl)); //searchHistoryId = Utils.getBetween(pageSourceaAdvanceSearch, "searchHistoryId\":", ",").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); //searchCacheKey = Utils.getBetween(pageSourceaAdvanceSearch, "searchCacheKey\":", ",\"").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); //linkContext = Utils.getBetween(pageSourceaAdvanceSearch, "linkContext\":", ",\"").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); //int startindex = pageSourceaAdvanceSearch.IndexOf("csrfToken"); //if (startindex > 0) //{ // string start = pageSourceaAdvanceSearch.Substring(startindex); // int endindex = start.IndexOf(">"); // string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); // csrfToken = end.Replace("csrfToken=", "").Replace("\\", "").Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("%3A", ":"); ; //} //string postData = "{\"keywords\":\"hr\",\"locationParams\":{\"countryCode\":\"us\",\"postalCode\":[null]},\"metaParams\":{\"resetFacets\":true,\"reset\":[\"keywords\",\"countryCode\",\"postalCode\",\"company\",\"companyTimeScope\",\"jobTitle\",\"jobTitleTimeScope\",\"notes\",\"projects\",\"reviews\",\"reminders\"],\"origin\":\"GHDS\"},\"pagingParams\":{\"count\":1}}"; //postData = "{\"keywords\":\"hr\",\"locationParams\":{\"countryCode\":\"us\",\"postalCode\":[null]},\"metaParams\":{\"resetFacets\":true,\"reset\":[\"keywords\",\"countryCode\",\"postalCode\",\"company\",\"companyTimeScope\",\"jobTitle\",\"jobTitleTimeScope\",\"notes\",\"projects\",\"reviews\",\"reminders\"],\"origin\":\"GHDS\"},\"pagingParams\":{\"count\":1}}"; //string responsePostData = HttpHelper.postFormDataRefDemo(new Uri(""), postData, referralUrl, csrfToken, "XMLHttpRequest", "", "", ""); //responsePostData = HttpHelper.postFormDataRefDemo(new Uri(""), "", referralUrl, csrfToken, "", "XMLHttpRequest", "", "1"); //string demo = responsePostData; #endregion } catch { } } return; } if (SearchCriteria.starter) { #region Serch string pageSourceaAdvanceSearch = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri("")); NewSearchPage = string.Empty; if (pageSourceaAdvanceSearch.Contains("csrfToken")) { try { int startindex = pageSourceaAdvanceSearch.IndexOf("csrfToken"); if (startindex > 0) { string start = pageSourceaAdvanceSearch.Substring(startindex); int endindex = start.IndexOf(">"); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); csrfToken = end.Replace("csrfToken=", "").Replace("\\", "").Replace("\"", string.Empty); ; } } catch { } } try { if (SearchCriteria.Location == "Y") { SearchCriteria.Country = string.Empty; } //if (NewSearchPage == string.Empty) //{ // string PostDataForPrimiumAccount = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&keepFacets=true&pplSearchOrigin=ADVS&keywords=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(SearchCriteria.Keyword) + "&fname=" + SearchCriteria.FirstName + "&lname=" + SearchCriteria.LastName + "&companyScope=" + SearchCriteria.CompanyValue + "&searchLocationType=" + SearchCriteria.Location + "&countryCode=" + SearchCriteria.Country + "&postalCode=" + SearchCriteria.PostalCode + "&distance=" + SearchCriteria.within + "&title=&company=" + SearchCriteria.Company + "¤tCompany=" + SearchCriteria.CompanyValue + "&school=&I=" + SearchCriteria.IndustryType + "&FG=" + SearchCriteria.Group + "&N=" + SearchCriteria.Relationship + "&L=" + SearchCriteria.language + "&FA=" + SearchCriteria.Function + "&CS=" + SearchCriteria.CompanySize + "&SE=" + SearchCriteria.SeniorLevel + "&P=" + SearchCriteria.InerestedIn + "&TE=" + SearchCriteria.YearOfExperience + "&DR=" + SearchCriteria.RecentlyJoined + "&F=" + SearchCriteria.Fortune1000 + "&sortCriteria=R&viewCriteria=2&%2Fsearch%2Ffpsearch=Search"; // ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), PostDataForPrimiumAccount); //} //else { string GetDataForPrimiumAccount = string.Empty; GetDataForPrimiumAccount = "" + Uri.EscapeDataString(SearchCriteria.Keyword) + "&title=" + SearchCriteria.Title + "&titleScope=" + SearchCriteria.TitleValue + "&firstName=" + SearchCriteria.FirstName + "&lastName=" + SearchCriteria.LastName + "&postalCode=" + SearchCriteria.PostalCode + "&companyScope=" + SearchCriteria.CompanyValue + "&locationType=" + SearchCriteria.Location + "&countryCode=" + SearchCriteria.Country + "&company=" + SearchCriteria.Company + "&distance=" + SearchCriteria.within + "&f_FG=" + SearchCriteria.Group + "&f_L=" + SearchCriteria.language + "&f_N=" + SearchCriteria.Relationship + "&f_G=" + SearchCriteria.LocationArea + "&f_I=" + SearchCriteria.IndustryType + "&f_TE=" + SearchCriteria.YearOfExperience + "&f_FA=" + SearchCriteria.Function + "&f_SE=" + SearchCriteria.SeniorLevel + "&f_P=" + SearchCriteria.InerestedIn + "&f_CS=" + SearchCriteria.CompanySize + "&f_F=" + SearchCriteria.Fortune1000 + "&f_DR=" + SearchCriteria.RecentlyJoined + "&orig=ADVS"; ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri(GetDataForPrimiumAccount)); } } catch { } string facetsOrder = string.Empty; if (PostResponce.Contains("facetsOrder")) { facetsOrder = ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc.Substring(PostResponce.IndexOf("facetsOrder"), 200); string[] Arr3 = facetsOrder.Split('"'); facetsOrder = Arr3[2]; string DecodedCharTest = Uri.UnescapeDataString(facetsOrder); string DecodedEmail = Uri.EscapeDataString(facetsOrder); facetsOrder = DecodedEmail; } #endregion } int pagenumber = 0; string strPageNumber = string.Empty; string[] Arr12 = Regex.Split(ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc, "<li"); foreach (string item in Arr12) { if (SearchCriteria.starter) { #region Loop if (!item.Contains("<!DOCTYPE")) { if (item.Contains("results-summary")) { string data = RemoveAllHtmlTag.StripHTML(item); data = data.Replace("\n", ""); if (data.Contains(">")) { string[] ArrTemp = data.Split('>'); data = ArrTemp[1]; data = data.Replace("results", ""); data = data.Trim(); string[] ArrTemp1 = data.Split(' '); data = ArrTemp1[0].Replace(',', ' ').Trim(); strPageNumber = data.Replace(" ", string.Empty); break; } } } #endregion } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPageNumber)) { try { if (ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc.Contains("resultCount")) { string[] countResultArr = Regex.Split(ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc, "resultCount"); if (countResultArr.Length > 1) { string tempResult = countResultArr[1].Substring(0, countResultArr[1].IndexOf(",")); #region Commented //Regex IdCheck = new Regex("^[0-9]*$"); //string[] tempResultArr = Regex.Split(tempResult, "[^0-9]"); //foreach (string item in tempResultArr) //{ // try // { // if(IdCheck.IsMatch(item)) // { // strPageNumber = item; // break; // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // } //} #endregion if (tempResult.Contains("<strong>")) { strPageNumber = tempResult.Substring(tempResult.IndexOf("<strong>"), tempResult.IndexOf("</strong>", tempResult.IndexOf("<strong>")) - tempResult.IndexOf("<strong>")).Replace("<strong>", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Trim(); } else if (tempResult.Contains(":")) { strPageNumber = tempResult.Replace(":", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty); } } } } catch (Exception) { } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPageNumber)) { try { if (ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc.Contains("results_count_without_keywords_i18n")) { string[] countResultArr = Regex.Split(ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc, "results_count_without_keywords_i18n"); if (countResultArr.Length > 1) { string tempResult = countResultArr[1].Substring(0, countResultArr[1].IndexOf(",")); if (tempResult.Contains("<strong>")) { strPageNumber = tempResult.Substring(tempResult.IndexOf("<strong>"), tempResult.IndexOf("</strong>", tempResult.IndexOf("<strong>")) - tempResult.IndexOf("<strong>")).Replace("<strong>", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Trim(); } else if (tempResult.Contains(":")) { strPageNumber = tempResult.Replace(":", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty); } } } } catch (Exception) { } } string logtag = string.Empty; try { pagenumber = int.Parse(strPageNumber); Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Total Results : " + pagenumber + " ]"); } catch (Exception) { } pagenumber = (pagenumber / 10) + 1; if (pagenumber == -1) { pagenumber = 2; } if (pagenumber == 1) { pagenumber = 2; } string GetResponce = string.Empty; string GetRequestURL = string.Empty; if (pagenumber >= 1) { _HttpHelper = HttpHelper; if (!Globals.scrapeWithoutGoingToMainProfile) { new Thread(() => { if (SearchCriteria.starter) { string CheckString = string.Empty; finalUrlCollection(CheckString); } }).Start(); } for (int i = 1; i <= pagenumber; i++) { if (SearchCriteria.starter) { #region loop if (ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc.Contains("Account Type:</span> Basic")) { try { PostRequestURL = ""; PostdataForPagination = "keywords=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(SearchCriteria.Keyword) + "&title=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(SearchCriteria.Title) + "&fname=" + SearchCriteria.FirstName + "&lname=" + SearchCriteria.LastName + "&searchLocationType=" + SearchCriteria.Location + "&f_FG=" + SearchCriteria.Group + "&companyScope=" + SearchCriteria.CompanyValue + "&countryCode=" + SearchCriteria.Country + "&company=" + SearchCriteria.Company + "&viewCriteria=1&sortCriteria=R&facetsOrder=CC%2CN%2CG%2CI%2CPC%2CED%2CL%2CFG%2CTE%2CFA%2CSE%2CP%2CCS%2CF%2CDR&page_num=" + i + "&openFacets=N%2CCC%2CG"; PostResponce = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(PostRequestURL), PostdataForPagination); //Temporosy code for client //GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("DateTime :- " + DateTime.Now + " :: Pagesource 3 >>>> " + PostResponce, Globals.Path_InBoardProGetDataPagesource); } catch { } } else if (ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc.Contains("Account Type:</span> Executive")) { try { PostRequestURL = ""; PostdataForPagination = "keywords=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(SearchCriteria.Keyword) + "&title=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(SearchCriteria.Title) + "&fname=" + SearchCriteria.FirstName + "&lname=" + SearchCriteria.LastName + "&searchLocationType=" + SearchCriteria.Location + "&f_FG=" + SearchCriteria.Group + "&companyScope=" + SearchCriteria.CompanyValue + "&countryCode=" + SearchCriteria.Country + "&keepFacets=keepFacets&I=" + SearchCriteria.IndustryType + "&SE=" + SearchCriteria.SeniorLevel + "&pplSearchOrigin=ADVS&viewCriteria=2&sortCriteria=R&facetsOrder=N%2CCC%2CI%2CPC%2CED%2CL%2CFG%2CTE%2CFA%2CSE%2CP%2CCS%2CF%2CDR%2CG&page_num=" + i + "&openFacets=N%2CCC%2CI"; PostResponce = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(PostRequestURL), PostdataForPagination); //Temporosy code for client //GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("DateTime :- " + DateTime.Now + " :: Pagesource 3 >>>> " + PostResponce, Globals.Path_InBoardProGetDataPagesource); } catch { } } else if (ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc.Contains("openAdvancedForm=true")) { PostRequestURL = ""; PostdataForPagination = "keywords=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(SearchCriteria.Keyword) + "&title=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(SearchCriteria.Title) + "&titleScope=" + SearchCriteria.TitleValue + "&firstName=" + SearchCriteria.FirstName + "&lastName=" + SearchCriteria.LastName + "&postalCode=" + SearchCriteria.PostalCode + "&openAdvancedForm=true&companyScope=" + SearchCriteria.CompanyValue + "&locationType=" + SearchCriteria.Location + "&f_FG=" + SearchCriteria.Group + "&countryCode=" + SearchCriteria.Country + "&company=" + SearchCriteria.Company + "&distance=" + SearchCriteria.within + "&f_N=" + SearchCriteria.Relationship + "&f_G=" + SearchCriteria.LocationArea + "&f_I=" + SearchCriteria.IndustryType + "&f_TE=" + SearchCriteria.YearOfExperience + "&f_FA=" + SearchCriteria.Function + "&f_SE=" + SearchCriteria.SeniorLevel + "&f_P=" + SearchCriteria.InerestedIn + "&f_CS=" + SearchCriteria.CompanySize + "&f_F=" + SearchCriteria.Fortune1000 + "&f_DR=" + SearchCriteria.RecentlyJoined + "&orig=ADVS&page_num=" + i + ""; PostResponce = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(PostRequestURL), PostdataForPagination); //Temporosy code for client GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("DateTime :- " + DateTime.Now + " :: Pagesource 4 >>>> " + PostResponce, Globals.Path_InBoardProGetDataPagesource); } else { try { PostRequestURL = ""; PostdataForPagination = "keywords=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(SearchCriteria.Keyword) + "&title=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(SearchCriteria.Title) + "&fname=" + SearchCriteria.FirstName + "&lname=" + SearchCriteria.LastName + "&searchLocationType=" + SearchCriteria.Location + "&f_FG=" + SearchCriteria.Group + "&countryCode=" + SearchCriteria.Country + "&viewCriteria=1&sortCriteria=R&facetsOrder=CC%2CN%2CG%2CI%2CPC%2CED%2CL%2CFG%2CTE%2CFA%2CSE%2CP%2CCS%2CF%2CDR&page_num=" + i + "&openFacets=N%2CCC%2CG"; PostResponce = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(PostRequestURL), PostdataForPagination); } catch { } } if (PostResponce.Contains("/profile/view?id")) { if (Globals.scrapeWithoutGoingToMainProfile) { if (i > 10) { if(PostResponce.Contains("Upgrade your account to see more results")) { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Search result limit reached. ]"); Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ PROCESS COMPLETE ]"); return; } } else { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Crawling search result page number : " + i + " ]"); CrawlingProfileDataFromSearchPage(PostResponce, ref HttpHelper); } } else { List<string> PageSerchUrl = GettingAllUrl(PostResponce); PageSerchUrl.Distinct(); if (PageSerchUrl.Count == 0) { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ On the basis of your Account you can able to see " + RecordURL.Count + " Results ]"); break; } foreach (string item in PageSerchUrl) { if (SearchCriteria.starter) { if (item.Contains("pp_profile_photo_link") || item.Contains("vsrp_people_res_name") || item.Contains("profile/view?")) { try { string urlSerch = item; if (urlSerch.Contains("vsrp_people_res_name")) { RecordURL.Add(urlSerch); if (!queRecordUrl.Contains(urlSerch)) { queRecordUrl.Enqueue(urlSerch); } RecordURL = RecordURL.Distinct().ToList(); } try { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + urlSerch + " ]"); } catch { } } catch { } } } } } } else if (!PostResponce.Contains("pp_profile_name_link") && PostResponce.Contains("Custom views are no longer supported. Please select either Basic or Expanded view")) { break; } #endregion } } } #region For Else else { if (!Globals.scrapeWithoutGoingToMainProfile) { if (SearchCriteria.starter) { #region loop if (ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc.Contains("/profile/view?id")) { List<string> PageSerchUrl = ChilkatBasedRegex.GettingAllUrls(ResponseWallPostForPremiumAcc, "profile/view?id"); if (PageSerchUrl.Count == 0) { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ On the basis of your Account or Your Input you can able to see " + RecordURL.Count + " Results ]"); } foreach (string item in PageSerchUrl) { if (SearchCriteria.starter) { if (item.Contains("pp_profile_name_link")) { string urlSerch = "" + item; Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + urlSerch + " ]"); RecordURL.Add(urlSerch); queRecordUrl.Enqueue(urlSerch); } } } } #endregion } } } if (strPageNumber != string.Empty) { if (strPageNumber != "0") { Log("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ No Of Results Found >>> " + strPageNumber + " ]"); } } RecordURL.Distinct(); //if (SearchCriteria.starter) //{ // finalUrlCollection(ref HttpHelper); // //new Thread(() => // //{ // // test(); // //}).Start(); //} } #endregion catch { } #endregion }