public FmThongTinSanPham(SanPham sp = null, SanPhamController spc = null) { InitializeComponent(); dtgvHinhAnh.AutoGenerateColumns = false; dtgvChiTietSanPham.AutoGenerateColumns = false; //set primary context if (spc != null) SPCtr = spc; else SPCtr = new SanPhamController(); HSXCtr = new HangSXController(this.SPCtr._db); MSCtr = new MauSacController(this.SPCtr._db); HACtr = new HinhAnhController(this.SPCtr._db); SPCTCtr = new SanPham_ChiTietController(this.SPCtr._db); MSCtr.timkiem(); LoadCb_HangSX(); if (sp == null) { this.sp = new SanPham(SPCtr._db); this.Text = "Thêm Mới Sản Phẩm"; } else { this.sp = sp; this.sp._set_context(SPCtr._db); EditMode = true; ThongTinFormSanPham = this.sp; LoadDTGV_HinhAnh(); LoadDTGV_ChiTietSP(); } }
public ActionResult Index(int id=0) { HangSXController ctr_hangsx = new HangSXController(); SanPhamController ctr = new SanPhamController(); SanPham obj = ctr.get_by_id(id); if (obj == null) { return RedirectToAction("Index","FrontHome"); } ViewBag.sanpham = obj; return View(); }
public ActionResult Index(int page=1) { //controller SanPhamController ctr=new SanPhamController(); HangSXController ctr_hangsx = new HangSXController(); //varibles int gia_from = TextLibrary.ToInt(_timkiem_sanpham["gia_from"]); int gia_to = TextLibrary.ToInt(_timkiem_sanpham["gia_to"]); Boolean order_desc = TextLibrary.ToBoolean(_timkiem_sanpham["order_desc"]); int max_item_per_page= TextLibrary.ToInt(_timkiem_sanpham["max_item_per_page"]); int hang_sx_id = TextLibrary.ToInt(_timkiem_sanpham["hangsx_id"]); HangSX hangsx = ctr_hangsx.get_by_id( hang_sx_id ); //pagination PaginationLibrary pagination = new PaginationLibrary(); pagination.set_current_page(page); pagination.set_max_item_per_page( max_item_per_page ); pagination.set_total_item( ctr.timkiem_count( "", "", _timkiem_sanpham["ten"], "", gia_from, gia_to, hangsx, "1" ) ); pagination.update(); //View data ViewBag.SanPham_List = ctr.timkiem( "", "", _timkiem_sanpham["ten"], "", gia_from, gia_to, hangsx, "1", _timkiem_sanpham["order_by"], order_desc, pagination.start_point, pagination.max_item_per_page ); ViewBag.pagination = pagination; return View(); }
/* * Hiển thị danh sách sản phẩm theo hãng SX có phân trang * Có nút Add to Cart => redirect đến trang Sản phẩm chi tiết để chọn * SL và màu sắc cần đặt */ public ActionResult Index(int hangsx_id=0, int page=1) { SanPhamController ctr = new SanPhamController(); HangSXController ctr_hangsx = new HangSXController(); HangSX hangsx = ctr_hangsx.get_by_id(hangsx_id); //check if (hangsx==null || { return RedirectToAction("Index","FrontHome"); } //pagination int max_item_per_page=4;//will get from setting //pagination PaginationLibrary pg = new PaginationLibrary(); pg.set_current_page(page); pg.set_max_item_per_page(max_item_per_page); pg.set_total_item( ctr.timkiem_count( "", "", "", "", 0, 0, hangsx, "1") ); pg.update(); ViewBag.SanPham_List = ctr.timkiem( "", "", "", "", -1, -1, hangsx, "1", _timkiem_sanpham["order_by"], TextLibrary.ToBoolean(_timkiem_sanpham["order_desc"]) ,pg.start_point, max_item_per_page); ViewBag.pagination = pg; ViewBag.hangsx = hangsx; return View(); }
public SanPham() { _ctr = new SanPhamController(); this._Init(); }
public SanPham(DTDDDbContext context) { _ctr = new SanPhamController(context); this._Init(); }
public Boolean set_default(int id) { //get hinhanh obj HinhAnh obj = this.get_by_id(id); if (obj == null || obj.sanpham == null) { return false; } //get sanpham obj SanPhamController ctr_sanpham=new SanPhamController(this._db); SanPham sanpham = ctr_sanpham.get_by_id(; //get all hinhanh belong to this sanpham List<HinhAnh> hinhanh_list = this._db.ds_hinhanh.Where(x => ==; //set all to non-default foreach (HinhAnh item in hinhanh_list) { item.macdinh = false; //set to default if ( == { item.macdinh = true; } } this._db.SaveChanges(); return true; }