private void btnReturnConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (jJanusGrid1.SelectedRow == null) { return; } _Code = Convert.ToInt32(jJanusGrid1.SelectedRow.Row["Code"]); if (_Code == 0) { JMessages.Information(" از لیست رکوردی را انتخاب کنید ", ""); return; } if (JMessages.Question(" آیا می خواهید تایید برگشت شود ؟ ", "") == DialogResult.Yes) { JWeight tmpWeight = new JWeight(); foreach (DataRow dr in jJanusGrid1.DefaultView.Rows) { tmpWeight.GetData(Convert.ToInt32(dr["Code"])); tmpWeight.verify = false; if (!(tmpWeight.Update())) { JMessages.Error(" ویرایش با خطا مواجه شد ", ""); return; } } JMessages.Information(" ویرایش با موفقیت انجام شد ", ""); btnSearch_Click(null, null); } }
private void btnReg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { JWeight tmp = new JWeight(); tmp.AddBlackList(txtSerial.IntValue); Fill(); }
private void btnback_del_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (jJanusGrid1.SelectedRow == null) { return; } _Code = Convert.ToInt32(jJanusGrid1.SelectedRow.Row["Code"]); if (_Code == 0) { JMessages.Information(" از لیست رکوردی را انتخاب کنید ", ""); return; } if (JMessages.Question(" آیا می خواهید عملیات حذف برگشت شود ؟ ", "") == DialogResult.Yes) { JWeight tmpWeight = new JWeight(_Code); tmpWeight.dele = false; if (tmpWeight.Update()) { JMessages.Information(" ویرایش با موفقیت انجام شد ", ""); btnSearch_Click(null, null); } else { JMessages.Error(" ویرایش با خطا مواجه شد ", ""); } } }
private void btnPrint2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (jJanusGrid1.SelectedRow == null) { return; } JWeight tmpWeight = new JWeight(Convert.ToInt32(jJanusGrid1.SelectedRow.Row["Code"])); tmpWeight.PrintNo = tmpWeight.PrintNo + 1; tmpWeight.Update(); }
private void btnDel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (jJanusGrid1.SelectedRow == null) { JMessages.Error(" لطفا سطری را انتخاب کنید ", ""); return; } JWeight tmp = new JWeight(); tmp.DelBlackList(Convert.ToInt32(jJanusGrid1.SelectedRow.Row["BascoolID"].ToString())); Fill(); }
private void Bedehi() { if ((txtPlak1.Text != "") && (cmbPlak.Text != "") && (txtPlak2.Text != "") && (txtPlak3.Text != "") && (txtPlak1.Text.Length == 2) && (txtPlak2.Text.Length == 3) && (txtPlak3.Text.Length == 2)) { string str = txtPlak1.Text + cmbPlak.Text + txtPlak2.Text + "-" + txtPlak3.Text; lblBedehkari.Text = JWeight.GetBedehi(str, Convert.ToInt32(cmbTruck.SelectedValue.ToString())).ToString(); lblBedehkariName.Text = ""; lblB.Text = ""; if (Convert.ToInt32(lblBedehkari.Text) > 0) { lblB.Text = lblB.Text + " بدهکار به آقای"; } else if (Convert.ToInt32(lblBedehkari.Text) < 0) { lblB.Text = lblB.Text + "طلبکار از آقای "; } if (lblBedehkari.Text != "0") { txtPay.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(_Price) + Convert.ToInt32(lblBedehkari.Text)).ToString(); lblBedehkariName.Text = JWeight.GetBedehiName(str); lblBedehkariName.Text = lblB.Text + lblBedehkariName.Text + " می باشد "; if (lblBedehkariName.Text != "") { if (Convert.ToInt32(lblBedehkari.Text) < 0) { JMessages.Information(" این ماشین " + lblBedehkariName.Text + " ", "طلبکاری"); } else { JMessages.Information(" این ماشین " + lblBedehkariName.Text + " ", "بدهکاری"); } } } if (Convert.ToInt32(lblBedehkari.Text) < 0) { Talab = -1; lblBedehkari.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(lblBedehkari.Text)).ToString(); //* Talab } else { Talab = 1; } //if (ClassLibrary.JPing.Ping("")) //{ // if (JReport.GetBlackList(str).Rows.Count > 0) // JMessages.Error(" این ماشین در لیست سیاه است ", ""); //} } }
private void SetForm() { try { JWeight tmpWeight = new JWeight(_Code); //lsTrucks.SelectedValue = tmpWeight.TruckCode; _Price = Convert.ToInt32(; txtPay.Text = tmpWeight.pay_h.ToString(); //tmpWeight.BascoolCode = tssBascol.Text; //txtDate.Text = tmpWeight.WDate.ToString(); lblDate.Text = tmpWeight.WDate.ToString(); //txtTime.Text = tmpWeight.WTime; lblTime.Text = tmpWeight.WTime; txtPlak1.Text = tmpWeight.PlokNo.Substring(0, 3); txtPlak2.Text = tmpWeight.PlokNo.Substring(0, 3); cmbPlak.Text = tmpWeight.PlokNo.Substring(3, 1); lblWeight.Text = tmpWeight.Weights.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); } }
private void btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { JWeight tmpWeight = new JWeight(); DataTable tmpdt; try { tmpdt = JWeights.GetLastDataTable(); if ((tmpdt != null) && (tmpdt.Rows.Count > 0)) { tmpWeight.GetData(Convert.ToInt32(tmpdt.Rows[0]["Code"])); if (tmpWeight.verify == true) { JMessages.Error(" این تورین تایید مالی شده و قابل تغییر نمی باشد ", ""); return; } tmpWeight.pay_h = Convert.ToInt32(txtPay.Text); if (tmpWeight.Update()) { JMessages.Information(" ویرایش با موفقیت انجام شد ", ""); } else { JMessages.Error(" خطا در ویرایش ", ""); } } else { JMessages.Error(" رکوردی با این کاربری پیدا نشد ", ""); } } catch (Exception ex) { JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); } }
private void GetPlak() { if ((txtPlak1.Text != "") && (cmbPlak.Text != "") && (txtPlak2.Text != "") && (txtPlak3.Text != "") && (txtPlak1.Text.Length == 2) && (txtPlak2.Text.Length == 3) && (txtPlak3.Text.Length == 2)) { string str = txtPlak1.Text + cmbPlak.Text + txtPlak2.Text + "-" + txtPlak3.Text; int TruckNo = JWeight.GetPlak(str); if (TruckNo.ToString() != "0") { //this.label4.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; //this.cmbTruck.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; cmbTruck.SelectedValue = TruckNo; } else { cmbTruck.SelectedValue = -1; //this.label4.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; //this.cmbTruck.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } //lsTrucks.SelectedValue = TruckNo; //else // cmbPlak.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } }
public bool Transfer() { if (!(CreateConnectionServer())) { JMessages.Error(" ارتباط با بانک اصلی برقرار نمی شود ", ""); return(false); } if (!(ClassLibrary.JPing.Ping(""))) { JMessages.Error(" ارتباط با بانک اصلی برقرار نمی شود ", ""); return(false); } ClassLibrary.JDataBase MyDB = new JDataBase(_Config); ClassLibrary.JDataBase CurrentDB = new JDataBase(); try { if (CurrentDB.DataBaseName == MyDB.DataBaseName)//"ERP_Sepad") { JMessages.Error(" بانک جاری با بانک اصلی یکی است امکان انتقال اطلاعات نیست ", ""); return(false); } string StrPlok = ""; //int Count = 0; //ماشین ها پلاک CurrentDB.setQuery(@"select distinct PlokNo,TruckCode from BascolWeights "); foreach (DataRow dr4 in CurrentDB.Query_DataTable().Rows) //+ @"' And TruckCode = " + dr4["TruckCode"] { StrPlok = @" declare @Count int select @Count=(Select COUNT(*) From BascolPlakTruck where plokno = N'" + dr4["PlokNo"].ToString().Trim() + @"') select @Count if (@Count = 0) INSERT INTO BascolPlakTruck Values('" + dr4["PlokNo"].ToString().Trim() + "'," + dr4["TruckCode"] + @")"; //Count++; //if (Count == 10) //{ // //MyDB.CommandTimeout = 5; // MyDB.setQuery(StrPlok); // MyDB.Query_Execute(); // StrPlok = ""; // Count = 0; //} MyDB.CommandTimeout = 2; MyDB.setQuery(StrPlok); MyDB.Query_Execute(); } MyDB.beginTransaction("MainDB"); CurrentDB.beginTransaction("CurrentDB"); DataTable _DtAccess = JWeights.GetData(); JWeight tmpWeight = new JWeight(); foreach (DataRow dr in _DtAccess.Rows) { tmpWeight.TruckCode = Convert.ToInt32(dr["TruckCode"]); tmpWeight.UserPostCode = Convert.ToInt32(dr["UserPostCode"]); tmpWeight.PersonCode = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PersonCode"]); = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Pay"]); tmpWeight.pay_h = Convert.ToInt32(dr["pay_h"]); tmpWeight.BascoolCode = Convert.ToInt32(dr["BascoolCode"]); tmpWeight.WDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["WDate"]); tmpWeight.WTime = dr["WTime"].ToString(); tmpWeight.PlokNo = dr["PlokNo"].ToString(); tmpWeight.Weights = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Weights"]); tmpWeight.Duty = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Duty"]); //( / (100 + _Duty + _Tax)) * _Tax; tmpWeight.Tax = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Tax"]); //( / (100 + _Duty + _Tax)) * _Duty; tmpWeight.hamrahno = Convert.ToInt32(dr["hamrahNo"]); tmpWeight.ProductCode = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ProductCode"]); tmpWeight.BascoolID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["BascoolID"]); tmpWeight.FullW = Convert.ToInt32(dr["FullW"]); tmpWeight.PrintNo = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PrintNo"]); //tmpWeight.dele = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["dele"]); //tmpWeight.verify = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["verify"]); if (tmpWeight.Insert(MyDB) > 0) { if (!(tmpWeight.DeleteTransfer(Convert.ToInt32(dr["Code"]), CurrentDB))) { MyDB.Rollback("MainDB"); CurrentDB.Rollback("CurrentDB"); JMessages.Error(" خطا در همگام سازی ", ""); return(false); } } else { MyDB.Rollback("MainDB"); CurrentDB.Rollback("CurrentDB"); JMessages.Error(" خطا در همگام سازی ", ""); return(false); } } _DtAccess = JEmptyWeight.GetDataTable(-1); JEmptyWeight tmpEmptyWeight = new JEmptyWeight(); foreach (DataRow dr in _DtAccess.Rows) { tmpEmptyWeight.Code = 0; tmpEmptyWeight.BascoolNo = Convert.ToInt32(dr["BascoolNo"]); tmpEmptyWeight.WeightID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["WeightID"]); tmpEmptyWeight.EmptyBascoolNo = Convert.ToInt32(dr["EmptyBascoolNo"]); tmpEmptyWeight.WeightSerial = Convert.ToInt32(dr["WeightSerial"]); tmpEmptyWeight.DateWeight = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["DateWeight"]); tmpEmptyWeight.EmptyWeight = Convert.ToInt32(dr["EmptyWeight"]); tmpEmptyWeight.EmptyID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["EmptyID"]); if (tmpEmptyWeight.Insert(MyDB) > 0) { tmpEmptyWeight.Code = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Code"]); if (!(tmpEmptyWeight.Delete(CurrentDB))) { MyDB.Rollback("MainDB"); CurrentDB.Rollback("CurrentDB"); JMessages.Error(" خطا در همگام سازی ", ""); return(false); } } else { MyDB.Rollback("MainDB"); CurrentDB.Rollback("CurrentDB"); JMessages.Error(" خطا در همگام سازی ", ""); return(false); } } if (MyDB.Commit()) { if (CurrentDB.Commit()) { } else { MyDB.Rollback("MainDB"); CurrentDB.Rollback("CurrentDB"); JMessages.Error(" خطا در همگام سازی ", ""); return(false); } } else { MyDB.Rollback("MainDB"); CurrentDB.Rollback("CurrentDB"); JMessages.Error(" خطا در همگام سازی ", ""); return(false); } // باسکول CurrentDB.setQuery(@" delete From Bascols "); CurrentDB.Query_Execute(); //if (CurrentDB.Query_Execute() > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr1 in JReport.GetBascols(0, MyDB).Rows) { //MyDB.setQuery(@" Insert Into Bascols Values(" + dr1["Code"] + ",'" + dr1["Location"] + "'," + dr1["Capacity"] + ",'" + dr1["BDesc"] + "'," + dr1["Active"]+ ")"); CurrentDB.setQuery(@" Insert Into Bascols Values(" + dr1["Code"] + ",NULL," + dr1["Capacity"] + ",'" + dr1["BDesc"] + "',NULL)"); if (CurrentDB.Query_Execute() <= 0) { return(false); } } } // محصول CurrentDB.setQuery(@" delete From Subdefine Where bCode=901"); CurrentDB.Query_Execute(); //if (CurrentDB.Query_Execute() > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr3 in JProductss.GetDataTable(MyDB).Rows) { CurrentDB.setQuery(@" Insert Into Subdefine Values(" + dr3["Code"] + ",901,'" + dr3["Name"] + "',0,NULL)"); if (CurrentDB.Query_Execute() <= 0) { return(false); } } } // ماشینها CurrentDB.setQuery(@" delete From BascolTruck "); CurrentDB.Query_Execute(); //if (CurrentDB.Query_Execute() > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr2 in JTruck.GetDataTransfer(MyDB).Rows) { CurrentDB.setQuery(@"INSERT INTO BascolTruck Values(" + dr2["Code"] + ",'" + dr2["Name"] + "'," + dr2["Price"] + ",'" + Convert.ToDateTime(dr2["StartDate"]).ToShortDateString() + "' ,'" + Convert.ToDateTime(dr2["EndDate"]).ToShortDateString() + "','" + dr2["Shortcut"].ToString().Trim() + "')"); if (CurrentDB.Query_Execute() <= 0) { return(false); } } } //ماشین ها پلاک CurrentDB.setQuery(@" Select Max(Code) From BascolPlakTruck "); int MaxCode = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentDB.Query_ExecutSacler()); //if (CurrentDB.Query_Execute() > 0) //{ MyDB.setQuery(@"select Code,PlokNo,TruckCode from BascolPlakTruck Where Code > " + MaxCode); foreach (DataRow dr4 in MyDB.Query_DataTable().Rows) { CurrentDB.setQuery("INSERT INTO BascolPlakTruck Values( " + dr4["Code"] + ",'" + dr4["PlokNo"] + "'," + dr4["TruckCode"] + ")"); if (CurrentDB.Query_Execute() <= 0) { return(false); } } CurrentDB.setQuery(@"delete from BascolPlakTruck Where Code in (select B.Code from BascolPlakTruck A inner join BascolPlakTruck B on A.PlokNo=B.PlokNo And A.Code > B.Code)"); CurrentDB.Query_Execute(); //return false; //} // لیست سیاه //CurrentDB.setQuery(@" delete From BascoolBlackList "); //if (CurrentDB.Query_Execute() > 0) //{ // MyDB.setQuery("select * from BascoolBlackList "); // foreach (DataRow dr5 in MyDB.Query_DataTable().Rows) // { // CurrentDB.setQuery(@" Insert Into BascoolBlackList Values(" + dr5["Code"] + ")"); // if (CurrentDB.Query_Execute() <= 0) // return false; // } //} // //CurrentDB.setQuery(@" delete From BascolTaxFormula "); //if (CurrentDB.Query_Execute() > 0) //{ // MyDB.setQuery(@"Select top 1 Duty From BascolTaxFormula "); // _Duty = Convert.ToDecimal(MyDB.Query_ExecutSacler()); // MyDB.setQuery(@"Select top 1 Tax From BascolTaxFormula "); // _Tax = Convert.ToDecimal(MyDB.Query_ExecutSacler()); // CurrentDB.setQuery(@"INSERT INTO BascolTaxFormula values(" + _Duty + "," + _Tax + ")"); // if (CurrentDB.Query_Execute() <= 0) // return false; //} return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); MyDB.Rollback("MainDB"); CurrentDB.Rollback("CurrentDB"); return(false); } finally { MyDB.Dispose(); CurrentDB.Dispose(); } }
public bool TransferAccess() { try { if (CreateConnectionServer()) { JMessages.Error(" ارتباط با بانک اصلی برقرار نمی شود ", ""); return(false); } ClassLibrary.JDataBase MyDB = new JDataBase(_Config); //ClassLibrary.JOLeDbDataBase MyDB = new ClassLibrary.JOLeDbDataBase(); JWeights tmpWeights = new JWeights(); //MyDB.setQuery(@"Select * From Weight"); DataTable _DtAccess = tmpWeights.GetDataTable(); DataTable _DtSQL; foreach (DataRow dr in _DtAccess.Rows) { JWeight tmpWeight = new JWeight(); tmpWeight.TruckCode = Convert.ToInt32(dr["TruckNo"]); tmpWeight.UserPostCode = Convert.ToInt32(dr["UserPostCode"]); tmpWeight.PersonCode = Convert.ToInt32(dr["UserNo"]); = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Pay"]); tmpWeight.pay_h = Convert.ToInt32(dr["pay_h"]); tmpWeight.BascoolCode = Convert.ToInt32(dr["BascoolCode"]); tmpWeight.WDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["WDate"]); tmpWeight.WTime = dr["WTime"].ToString(); tmpWeight.PlokNo = dr["PlokNo"].ToString(); tmpWeight.Weights = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Weights"]); tmpWeight.Duty = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Duty"]); //( / (100 + _Duty + _Tax)) * _Tax; tmpWeight.Tax = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Tax"]); //( / (100 + _Duty + _Tax)) * _Duty; tmpWeight.hamrahno = Convert.ToInt32(dr["hamrahNo"]); tmpWeight.ProductCode = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ProductNo"]); if (tmpWeight.Insert(MyDB) > 0) { tmpWeight.Delete(tmpWeight.Code); MyDB.setQuery(@"Delete From Weight Where id = " + dr["Code"]); if (MyDB.Query_Execute() <= 0) { JMessages.Error(" خطا در همگام سازی ", ""); return(false); } } } MyDB.setQuery(@"SELECT ID, WeightSerial, BascoolNo, DateWeight, EmptyWeight, WeightID FROM EmptyTruck"); _DtAccess = MyDB.Query_DataTable(); foreach (DataRow dr in _DtAccess.Rows) { JEmptyWeight tmpEmptyWeight = new JEmptyWeight(); tmpEmptyWeight.BascoolNo = Convert.ToInt32(dr["BascoolNo"]); tmpEmptyWeight.WeightID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["WeightID"]); tmpEmptyWeight.EmptyBascoolNo = Convert.ToInt32(dr["EmptyBascoolNo"]); tmpEmptyWeight.WeightSerial = Convert.ToInt32(dr["WeightSerial"]); tmpEmptyWeight.DateWeight = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["DateWeight"]); tmpEmptyWeight.EmptyWeight = Convert.ToInt32(dr["EmptyWeight"]); tmpEmptyWeight.EmptyID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["EmptyID"]); if (tmpEmptyWeight.Insert() > 0) { MyDB.setQuery(@"Delete From Weight Where id = " + dr["Code"]); if (MyDB.Query_Execute() <= 0) { JMessages.Error(" خطا در همگام سازی ", ""); return(false); } } } // باسکول MyDB.setQuery(@" delete From Bascools "); if (MyDB.Query_Execute() > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr1 in JReport.GetBascols(0).Rows) { MyDB.setQuery(@" Insert Into Bascools (" + dr1["Code"] + ",'" + dr1["Location"] + "'," + dr1["Capacity"] + ",'" + dr1["BDesc"] + "'," + dr1["Active"]); if (MyDB.Query_Execute() <= 0) { return(false); } } } // محصول MyDB.setQuery(@" delete From Product "); if (MyDB.Query_Execute() > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr3 in JProductss.GetDataTable().Rows) { MyDB.setQuery(@" Insert Into Product (" + dr3["Code"] + ",'" + dr3["Name"] + "'"); if (MyDB.Query_Execute() <= 0) { return(false); } } } // ماشینها MyDB.setQuery(@" delete From Truck "); if (MyDB.Query_Execute() > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr2 in JTruck.GetDataTable(0).Rows) { MyDB.setQuery(@"INSERT INTO Truck(TruckId,Name,wp)values(" + dr2["Code"] + ",'" + dr2["Name"] + "'," + dr2["Price"] + ")"); if (MyDB.Query_Execute() <= 0) { return(false); } } } // MyDB.setQuery(@" delete From TaxFormula "); if (MyDB.Query_Execute() > 0) { //GetTaxDuty(); //MyDB.setQuery(@"INSERT INTO (Duty, Tax) values(" + _Duty + "," + _Tax + ")"); if (MyDB.Query_Execute() <= 0) { return(false); } } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); return(false); } }
//dele,verify,pay,Duty,Tax, private void btnPrint2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (jJanusGrid1.DataSource == null) { JMessages.Error(" ابتدا دکمه جستجو را بزنید ", ""); return; } if (jJanusGrid1.SelectedRow == null) { JMessages.Error(" لطفا سطری را انتخاب کنید ", ""); return; } _Code = Convert.ToInt32(jJanusGrid1.SelectedRow.Row["Code"].ToString()); DataTable dt = JWeights.GetDataTableAll(_Code, true); string State = "این برگه المثنی" + " قبض شماره " + dt.Rows[0]["BascoolID"].ToString() + " مورخ " + dt.Rows[0]["WDate"].ToString() + "ساعت" + dt.Rows[0]["WTime"].ToString().Trim() + "می باشد"; JWeight tmpWeight = new JWeight(); tmpWeight.TruckCode = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["TruckCode"].ToString()); tmpWeight.UserPostCode = JMainFrame.CurrentPostCode; tmpWeight.PersonCode = JMainFrame.CurrentPersonCode; = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["pay"].ToString()); tmpWeight.pay_h = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["pay"].ToString()); tmpWeight.BascoolCode = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["BascoolCode"].ToString()); tmpWeight.PlokNo = dt.Rows[0]["P1"].ToString() + dt.Rows[0]["P2"].ToString() + dt.Rows[0]["P3"].ToString() + dt.Rows[0]["P4"].ToString(); tmpWeight.Weights = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["Weights"].ToString()); //tmpWeight.Duty = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["Duty"].ToString()); //tmpWeight.Tax = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["Tax"].ToString()); JTransferData tmpT = new JTransferData(); tmpT.GetTaxDuty(); tmpWeight.Duty = ( / (100 + tmpT._Duty + tmpT._Tax)) * tmpT._Duty; tmpWeight.Tax = ( / (100 + tmpT._Duty + tmpT._Tax)) * tmpT._Tax; tmpWeight.hamrahno = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["hamrahno"].ToString()); tmpWeight.ProductCode = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["ProductCode"].ToString()); tmpWeight.PrintNo = 2; string Min = ""; if (DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString().Length == 1) { Min = "0" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString(); } else { Min = DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString(); } string Hour = ""; if (DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString().Length == 1) { Hour = "0" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString(); } else { Hour = DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString(); } tmpWeight.WTime = Hour + ":" + Min; tmpWeight.BascoolID = JWeights.GetCounter(); tmpWeight.WDate = DateTime.Now; JTransferData tmpJTransferData = new JTransferData(); JDataBase dbMain = tmpJTransferData.CreateConMainServer(false); if (tmpWeight.Insert() > 0)//dbMain { dt = JWeights.GetDataTableAll(tmpWeight.Code, false); } dt.Columns.Add("State"); dt.Columns.Add("StateHamrah"); dt.Rows[0]["State"] = State; if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["HamrahNO"]) != 0) { dt.Rows[0]["StateHamrah"] = dt.Rows[0]["HamrahNO"] + " تعداد همراه "; } else { dt.Rows[0]["StateHamrah"] = ""; } if (dt != null) { //JDynamicReportForm DRF = new JDynamicReportForm(JReportDesignCodes.Bascool.GetHashCode()); JDynamicReports DRF = new JDynamicReports(JReportDesignCodes.BillGoods.GetHashCode()); DRF.Add(dt); //DRF.ShowDialog(); DRF.Print("چاپ قبض", false, false); } try { dbMain.setQuery("Update BascolWeights set PrintNo=PrintNo+1 Where Code=" + _Code); dbMain.Query_Execute(); } catch (Exception ex) { JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); } finally { dbMain.Dispose(); } }
//public bool InsertAccess() //{ // ClassLibrary.JOLeDbDataBase MyDB = new ClassLibrary.JOLeDbDataBase(); // try // { // string txtplok = txtPlak1.Text + cmbPlak.Text + txtPlak2.Text + "-" + txtPlak3.Text; // MyDB.setQuery(@"INSERT INTO Weight (WDate,WTime,Plokno,UserNo,ProductNo,Weights,TruckNo,PrintNo,hamrahno,pay_h, BascoolNo,UserPostCode,Pay) VALUES ('" + // txtDate.Date + "','" + txtTime.Text + "','" + txtplok + "'," + JMainFrame.CurrentPersonCode + "," + cmbProduct.SelectedValue.ToString() + "," + // lblWeight.Text + "," + lsTrucks.SelectedValue.ToString() + ",1," + txtHamrah.Text + "," + (Convert.ToInt32(txtPay.Text)+ Convert.ToInt32(lblBedehkari.Text)).ToString() // + "," + lblBascolNum.Text + "," + JMainFrame.CurrentPostCode + "," + _Price+ ")"); // if (MyDB.Query_Execute() > 0) // { // Print(); // btnClear_Click(null, null); // JMessages.Error(" با موفقیت ثبت شد ", ""); // return true; // } // else // { // JMessages.Error(" با موفقیت ثبت نشد ", ""); // return false; // } // } // finally // { // MyDB.Dispose(); // } //} private void btnSabt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { #region CheckData if (Convert.ToInt32(cmbTruck.SelectedValue) == -1) { JMessages.Error(" ماشین را وارد کنید ", ""); cmbTruck.Focus(); return; } if (txtPay.Text == "") { JMessages.Error(" قیمت را وارد کنید ", ""); txtPay.Focus(); return; } if ((txtPlak1.Text == "") || (txtPlak1.Text.Length < 2)) { JMessages.Error(" شماره پلاک را وارد کنید ", ""); txtPlak1.Focus(); return; } if ((txtPlak2.Text == "") || (txtPlak2.Text.Length < 3)) { JMessages.Error(" شماره پلاک را وارد کنید ", ""); txtPlak2.Focus(); return; } if ((txtPlak3.Text == "") || (txtPlak3.Text.Length < 2)) { JMessages.Error(" شماره پلاک را وارد کنید ", ""); txtPlak2.Focus(); return; } if (cmbPlak.Text == "") { JMessages.Error(" شماره پلاک را وارد کنید ", ""); txtPlak2.Focus(); return; } if (lblBascolNum.Text == "0") { JMessages.Error(" شماره باسکول وجود ندارد در قسمت تنظیمات شماره باسکول را تنظیم کنید ", ""); return; } if (lblWeight.Text == "0") { JMessages.Error(" توزینی روی باسکول وجود ندارد ", ""); return; } #endregion string txtplok = txtPlak1.Text + cmbPlak.Text + txtPlak2.Text + "-" + txtPlak3.Text; JWeight tmpWeight = new JWeight(); //tmpWeight.TruckCode = Convert.ToInt32(lsTrucks.SelectedValue.ToString()); tmpWeight.TruckCode = Convert.ToInt32(cmbTruck.SelectedValue.ToString()); tmpWeight.UserPostCode = JMainFrame.CurrentPostCode; tmpWeight.PersonCode = JMainFrame.CurrentPersonCode; = _Price;//Convert.ToInt32(txtPay.Text); tmpWeight.pay_h = Convert.ToInt32(txtPay.Text); tmpWeight.BascoolCode = Convert.ToInt32(lblBascolNum.Text); //tmpWeight.WDate = txtDate.Date; tmpWeight.WDate = DateTime.Now; tmpWeight.WTime = lblTime.Text; tmpWeight.PlokNo = txtplok; tmpWeight.Weights = Convert.ToInt32(lblWeight.Text); tmpWeight.Duty = ( / (100 + _Duty + _Tax)) * _Duty; tmpWeight.Tax = ( / (100 + _Duty + _Tax)) * _Tax; if (txtHamrah.Text == "") { txtHamrah.Text = "0"; } tmpWeight.hamrahno = Convert.ToInt32(txtHamrah.Text); tmpWeight.ProductCode = Convert.ToInt32(cmbProduct.SelectedValue.ToString()); tmpWeight.PrintNo = 1; if (_Counter == 0) { tmpWeight.BascoolID = JWeights.GetCounter(); } else { tmpWeight.BascoolID = _Counter; } if (tmpWeight.BascoolID == 0) { JMessages.Error(" خطا در شماره سریال قبض ", ""); return; } if ((JSystem.Nodes.DataTable.Rows.Count > 0) && ((JSystem.Nodes.DataTable.Rows.Count % 5) == 0) && (FlagKhales)) { Transfer(false); lblWeight.Visible = false; lblWeight.Visible = true; } _Code = tmpWeight.Insert(); if (_Code > 0) { //InsertAccess(); txtPlak1.Text = ""; Print(); //if (JSystem.Nodes.DefaultView.Rows.Count > 20) // btnHamgam_Click(null,null); Clear(); txtPlak1.Focus(); } else { JMessages.Error(" با موفقیت ثبت نشد ", ""); } } catch (Exception ex) { JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); JMessages.Error(" با موفقیت ثبت نشد ", ""); } }