public static void UpdateEditing(List <Wire> wires) { //dragging a node of some wire if (draggingWire != null) { //cancel dragging if (!PlayerInput.LeftButtonHeld()) { draggingWire = null; selectedNodeIndex = null; } //update dragging else { MapEntity.DisableSelect = true; Submarine sub = null; if (draggingWire.connections[0] != null && draggingWire.connections[0].Item.Submarine != null) { sub = draggingWire.connections[0].Item.Submarine; } if (draggingWire.connections[1] != null && draggingWire.connections[1].Item.Submarine != null) { sub = draggingWire.connections[1].Item.Submarine; } Vector2 nodeWorldPos = GameMain.SubEditorScreen.Cam.ScreenToWorld(PlayerInput.MousePosition) - sub.HiddenSubPosition - sub.Position;// Nodes[(int)selectedNodeIndex]; nodeWorldPos.X = MathUtils.Round(nodeWorldPos.X, Submarine.GridSize.X / 2.0f); nodeWorldPos.Y = MathUtils.Round(nodeWorldPos.Y, Submarine.GridSize.Y / 2.0f); draggingWire.nodes[(int)selectedNodeIndex] = nodeWorldPos; draggingWire.UpdateSections(); MapEntity.SelectEntity(draggingWire.item); } return; } //a wire has been selected -> check if we should start dragging one of the nodes float nodeSelectDist = 10, sectionSelectDist = 5; highlightedNodeIndex = null; if (MapEntity.SelectedList.Count == 1 && MapEntity.SelectedList[0] is Item) { Wire selectedWire = ((Item)MapEntity.SelectedList[0]).GetComponent <Wire>(); if (selectedWire != null) { Vector2 mousePos = GameMain.SubEditorScreen.Cam.ScreenToWorld(PlayerInput.MousePosition); if (selectedWire.item.Submarine != null) { mousePos -= (selectedWire.item.Submarine.Position + selectedWire.item.Submarine.HiddenSubPosition); } //left click while holding ctrl -> check if the cursor is on a wire section, //and add a new node if it is if (PlayerInput.KeyDown(Keys.RightControl) || PlayerInput.KeyDown(Keys.LeftControl)) { if (PlayerInput.LeftButtonClicked()) { float temp = 0.0f; int closestSectionIndex = selectedWire.GetClosestSectionIndex(mousePos, sectionSelectDist, out temp); if (closestSectionIndex > -1) { selectedWire.nodes.Insert(closestSectionIndex + 1, mousePos); selectedWire.UpdateSections(); } } } else { //check if close enough to a node float temp = 0.0f; int closestIndex = selectedWire.GetClosestNodeIndex(mousePos, nodeSelectDist, out temp); if (closestIndex > -1) { highlightedNodeIndex = closestIndex; //start dragging the node if (PlayerInput.LeftButtonHeld()) { draggingWire = selectedWire; selectedNodeIndex = closestIndex; } //remove the node else if (PlayerInput.RightButtonClicked() && closestIndex > 0 && closestIndex < selectedWire.nodes.Count - 1) { selectedWire.nodes.RemoveAt(closestIndex); selectedWire.UpdateSections(); } } } } } //check which wire is highlighted with the cursor Wire highlighted = null; float closestDist = float.PositiveInfinity; foreach (Wire w in wires) { Vector2 mousePos = GameMain.SubEditorScreen.Cam.ScreenToWorld(PlayerInput.MousePosition); if (w.item.Submarine != null) { mousePos -= (w.item.Submarine.Position + w.item.Submarine.HiddenSubPosition); } float dist = 0.0f; int highlightedNode = w.GetClosestNodeIndex(mousePos, highlighted == null ? nodeSelectDist : closestDist, out dist); if (highlightedNode > -1) { if (dist < closestDist) { highlightedNodeIndex = highlightedNode; highlighted = w; closestDist = dist; } } if (w.GetClosestSectionIndex(mousePos, highlighted == null ? sectionSelectDist : closestDist, out dist) > -1) { //prefer nodes over sections if (dist + nodeSelectDist * 0.5f < closestDist) { highlightedNodeIndex = null; highlighted = w; closestDist = dist + nodeSelectDist * 0.5f; } } } if (highlighted != null) { highlighted.item.IsHighlighted = true; if (PlayerInput.LeftButtonClicked()) { MapEntity.DisableSelect = true; MapEntity.SelectEntity(highlighted.item); } } }