private void customizeHosts(HostsProfile hp) { listLocked = true; listView1.Items.Clear(); int i = 1; foreach (Domain d in { ListViewItem a = new ListViewItem(new string[] { i.ToString(), d.useLocalhost.ToString(), d.alsoWWW.ToString(), d.redirectedAddress, d.domainToRedirect }); if (d.isEnabled) { a.BackColor = Color.PaleGreen; a.ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen; a.Checked = true; } else { a.BackColor = Color.White; a.ForeColor = Color.DarkGray; a.Checked = false; } listView1.Items.Add(a); i++; } listLocked = false; }
private void button_copy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HostsProfile hp = getProfileByIndex(listBox_hosts.SelectedIndex); var formCopy = new FormCopy(string.Format("Copy {0} to which file ?", hp.profileName), hp.profileName + "_Copy"); var result = formCopy.ShowDialog(this); if (result == DialogResult.OK && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(formCopy.FileName)) { if (checkForDuplicates(formCopy.FileName)) { MessageBox.Show("Error: '" + formCopy.FileName + "' is already an existing profile name"); } else { HostsProfile newHp = new HostsProfile(); foreach (Domain d in {; } newHp.profileName = formCopy.FileName; newHp.isCurrent = false; profiles.Add(newHp); updateListBox(); //m_HostsProvider.CopyHosts((string)listHosts.SelectedItem, formCopy.FileName); //LogInfo("Copied {0} to {1}\r\n", listHosts.SelectedItem, formCopy.FileName); //RefreshList(); } } }
public static List <HostsProfile> readFromXML(string file) { List <HostsProfile> myProfiles = new List <HostsProfile>(); bool failed = false; if (File.Exists(getSettingsFilepath())) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(getSettingsFilepath()); XmlNode root = doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild; if (root == null) //XML file doestn' contain maze { failed = true; } else { XmlNode fileVersionNode = root.Attributes["version"]; string fileVersion = "unknown"; if (fileVersionNode != null) { fileVersion = fileVersionNode.InnerText; } foreach (XmlNode node in doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) { switch (node.Name) { case "HostsProfile": HostsProfile profile = new HostsProfile((XmlElement)node); myProfiles.Add(profile); break; } } } } else { failed = true; } if (failed) { HostsProfile currentHost = new HostsProfile(); currentHost.isCurrent = true; myProfiles.Add(currentHost); } return(myProfiles); }
private void exportToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog a = new SaveFileDialog(); a.Filter = "Exported Hosts Profiles (*.xml)|*.*"; a.FilterIndex = 1; a.DefaultExt = ".xml"; a.RestoreDirectory = true; if (a.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { HostsProfile.writeToSettingsXML(profiles, a.FileName); } }
private void importToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog a = new OpenFileDialog(); a.Filter = "Exported Hosts Profiles (*.xml)|*.*"; a.FilterIndex = 1; a.RestoreDirectory = true; if (a.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { profiles = HostsProfile.readFromXML(a.FileName); currentHosts = HostsProfile.getCurrentProfile(profiles); selectedProfile = currentHosts; customizeHosts(selectedProfile); updateListBox(); } }
private void setCurrentByIndex(int curID) { int i = 0; foreach (HostsProfile hp in profiles) { if (i == curID) { hp.isCurrent = true; currentHosts = hp; } else { hp.isCurrent = false; } i++; } updateListBox(); }
private void button_delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HostsProfile hp = getProfileByIndex(listBox_hosts.SelectedIndex); //if (e.ClickedItem == btnDelete && listHosts.SelectedItem != null) //{ if (hp.profileName != "Default" && MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Really delete {0} ?", hp.profileName), string.Empty, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { if (hp.isCurrent) { setCurrentByIndex(0); } profiles.RemoveAt(listBox_hosts.SelectedIndex); listBox_hosts.SelectedIndex = 0; //m_HostsProvider.DeleteHosts((string)listHosts.SelectedItem); //LogInfo("Deleted {0}\r\n", listHosts.SelectedItem); //RefreshList(); updateListBox(); } //} }
private void button_new_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var formCopy = new FormCopy("Enter new profile name"); var result = formCopy.ShowDialog(this); if (result == DialogResult.OK && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(formCopy.FileName)) { if (checkForDuplicates(formCopy.FileName)) { MessageBox.Show("Error: '" + formCopy.FileName + "' is already an existing profile name"); } else { HostsProfile newHp = new HostsProfile(); newHp.profileName = formCopy.FileName; newHp.isCurrent = false; profiles.Add(newHp); //m_HostsProvider.CopyHosts((string)listHosts.SelectedItem, formCopy.FileName); //LogInfo("Copied {0} to {1}\r\n", listHosts.SelectedItem, formCopy.FileName); updateListBox(); } } }
public FormMain() { InitializeComponent(); m_HostsProvider = new HostProvider(); quickSwitchToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItemClicked += new ToolStripItemClickedEventHandler(quickSwitchToolStripMenuItem_DropDownItemClicked); Text = string.Format("Hosts Switcher - v.{0}", typeof(FormMain).Assembly.GetName().Version); listLocked = true; if (File.Exists(appSettingsFilePath)) { profiles = HostsProfile.readFromXML(appSettingsFilePath); currentHosts = HostsProfile.getCurrentProfile(profiles); } else { List <HostsProfile> profiles = new List <HostsProfile>(); currentHosts = new HostsProfile(); profiles.Add(currentHosts); HostsProfile.writeToSettingsXML(profiles); } initializeListView(); selectedProfile = currentHosts; customizeHosts(selectedProfile); updateListBox(); listView1.ItemChecked += new ItemCheckedEventHandler(listView_CheckedChanged); listView1.CheckBoxes = true; listView1.SubItemClicked += new ListViewEx.SubItemEventHandler(listView1_SubItemClicked); listView1.SubItemEndEditing += new ListViewEx.SubItemEndEditingEventHandler(listView1_SubItemEndEditing); listView1.DoubleClickActivation = false; }
private void listBox_hosts_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { setCurrentByIndex(listBox_hosts.SelectedIndex); HostsProfile.writeToSettingsXML(profiles); WriteHosts(); }
private void button_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HostsProfile.writeToSettingsXML(profiles); }
private void listBox_hosts_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { selectedProfile = getProfileByIndex(listBox_hosts.SelectedIndex); customizeHosts(selectedProfile); }
private void saveToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HostsProfile.writeToSettingsXML(profiles); }
//private void listHosts_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // if (listHosts.SelectedItem != null) { // m_HostsProvider.ReplaceHosts((string)listHosts.SelectedItem); // lblHosts.Text = (string)listHosts.SelectedItem; // LogInfo("Copied {0} to hosts\r\n", listHosts.SelectedItem); // } //} private void button_use_as_hosts_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { setCurrentByIndex(listBox_hosts.SelectedIndex); HostsProfile.writeToSettingsXML(profiles); WriteHosts(); }