 protected override void AddFields()
     PackStart(lyrics_entry = new TextViewEntry(), true, true, 0);
        protected override void AddFields()
            AddField(this, new TextEntry("CoreTracks", "Composer"),
                     Catalog.GetString("Set all composers to this value"),
                     delegate { return(Catalog.GetString("C_omposer:")); },
                     delegate(EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { ((TextEntry)widget).Text = track.Composer; },
                     delegate(EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { track.Composer = ((TextEntry)widget).Text; }

            AddField(this, new TextEntry("CoreTracks", "Conductor"),
                     Catalog.GetString("Set all conductors to this value"),
                     delegate { return(Catalog.GetString("Con_ductor:")); },
                     delegate(EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { ((TextEntry)widget).Text = track.Conductor; },
                     delegate(EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { track.Conductor = ((TextEntry)widget).Text; }

            HBox box = new HBox();

            box.Spacing = 12;
            PackStart(box, false, false, 0);

            AddField(box, new TextEntry("CoreTracks", "Grouping"),
                     Catalog.GetString("Set all groupings to this value"),
                     delegate { return(Catalog.GetString("_Grouping:")); },
                     delegate(EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { ((TextEntry)widget).Text = track.Grouping; },
                     delegate(EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { track.Grouping = ((TextEntry)widget).Text; }

            SpinButtonEntry bpm_entry = new SpinButtonEntry(0, 999, 1);

            bpm_entry.Digits    = 0;
            bpm_entry.MaxLength = 3;
            bpm_entry.Numeric   = true;
            AddField(box, bpm_entry,
                     Catalog.GetString("Set all beats per minute to this value"),
                     delegate { return(Catalog.GetString("Bea_ts Per Minute:")); },
                     delegate(EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { ((SpinButtonEntry)widget).Value = track.Bpm; },
                     delegate(EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { track.Bpm = ((SpinButtonEntry)widget).ValueAsInt; },
                     FieldOptions.Shrink | FieldOptions.NoSync

            HBox copyright_box = new HBox();

            copyright_box.Spacing = 12;
            PackStart(copyright_box, true, true, 0);

            AddField(copyright_box, new TextEntry("CoreTracks", "Copyright"),
                     Catalog.GetString("Set all copyrights to this value"),
                     delegate { return(Catalog.GetString("Copyrig_ht:")); },
                     delegate(EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { ((TextEntry)widget).Text = track.Copyright; },
                     delegate(EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { track.Copyright = ((TextEntry)widget).Text; }

            AddField(copyright_box, new LicenseEntry(),
                     Catalog.GetString("Set all licenses to this value"),
                     delegate { return(Catalog.GetString("_License URI:")); },
                     delegate(EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { ((LicenseEntry)widget).Value = track.LicenseUri; },
                     delegate(EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { track.LicenseUri = ((LicenseEntry)widget).Value; }

            TextViewEntry comment_entry = new TextViewEntry();

            comment_entry.HscrollbarPolicy  = PolicyType.Automatic;
            comment_entry.TextView.WrapMode = WrapMode.WordChar;
            AddField(this, comment_entry,
                     Catalog.GetString("Set all comments to this value"),
                     delegate { return(Catalog.GetString("Co_mment:")); },
                     delegate(EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { ((TextViewEntry)widget).Text = track.Comment; },
                     delegate(EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { track.Comment = ((TextViewEntry)widget).Text; }
 protected override void AddFields()
     PackStart (lyrics_entry = new TextViewEntry (), true, true, 0);
     lyrics_entry.Show ();
        protected override void AddFields()
            AddField (this, new TextEntry ("CoreTracks", "Composer"),
                Catalog.GetString ("Set all composers to this value"),
                delegate { return Catalog.GetString ("C_omposer:"); },
                delegate (EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { ((TextEntry)widget).Text = track.Composer; },
                delegate (EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) {  track.Composer = ((TextEntry)widget).Text; }

            AddField (this, new TextEntry ("CoreTracks", "Conductor"),
                Catalog.GetString ("Set all conductors to this value"),
                delegate { return Catalog.GetString ("Con_ductor:"); },
                delegate (EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { ((TextEntry)widget).Text = track.Conductor; },
                delegate (EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { track.Conductor = ((TextEntry)widget).Text; }

            HBox box = new HBox ();
            box.Spacing = 12;
            box.Show ();
            PackStart (box, false, false, 0);

            AddField (box, new TextEntry ("CoreTracks", "Grouping"),
                Catalog.GetString ("Set all groupings to this value"),
                delegate { return Catalog.GetString ("_Grouping:"); },
                delegate (EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { ((TextEntry)widget).Text = track.Grouping; },
                delegate (EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { track.Grouping = ((TextEntry)widget).Text; }

            SpinButtonEntry bpm_entry = new SpinButtonEntry (0, 999, 1);
            bpm_entry.Digits = 0;
            bpm_entry.MaxLength = 3;
            bpm_entry.Numeric = true;
            AddField (box, bpm_entry,
                Catalog.GetString ("Set all beats per minute to this value"),
                delegate { return Catalog.GetString ("Bea_ts Per Minute:"); },
                delegate (EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { ((SpinButtonEntry)widget).Value = track.Bpm; },
                delegate (EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { track.Bpm = ((SpinButtonEntry)widget).ValueAsInt; },
                FieldOptions.Shrink | FieldOptions.NoSync

            HBox copyright_box = new HBox ();
            copyright_box.Spacing = 12;
            copyright_box.Show ();
            PackStart (copyright_box, true, true, 0);

            AddField (copyright_box, new TextEntry ("CoreTracks", "Copyright"),
                Catalog.GetString ("Set all copyrights to this value"),
                delegate { return Catalog.GetString ("Copyrig_ht:"); },
                delegate (EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { ((TextEntry)widget).Text = track.Copyright; },
                delegate (EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { track.Copyright = ((TextEntry)widget).Text; }

            AddField (copyright_box, new LicenseEntry (),
                Catalog.GetString ("Set all licenses to this value"),
                delegate { return Catalog.GetString ("_License URI:"); },
                delegate (EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { ((LicenseEntry)widget).Value = track.LicenseUri; },
                delegate (EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { track.LicenseUri = ((LicenseEntry)widget).Value; }

            TextViewEntry comment_entry = new TextViewEntry ();
            comment_entry.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic;
            comment_entry.TextView.WrapMode = WrapMode.WordChar;
            AddField (this, comment_entry,
                Catalog.GetString ("Set all comments to this value"),
                delegate { return Catalog.GetString ("Co_mment:"); },
                delegate (EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { ((TextViewEntry)widget).Text = track.Comment; },
                delegate (EditorTrackInfo track, Widget widget) { track.Comment = ((TextViewEntry)widget).Text; }