private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //View Success if (isNumber(tbSwim.Text.Trim())) { string sql = "", err = ""; sql = "select bn.record_seq, ''''||bn.cardnbr as cardnbr, bn.acctnbr, bn.amt, bn.hold_amount,bn.hold_date, bn.release_date, bn.txn_code, bn.transaction_datetime, bn.merchant_desc" + " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card_swim_bnk bn" + " where bn.swim_id = "+tbSwim.Text.Trim()+ " and bn.status = 'Y'"+ " and bn.islg is null"+ " and bn.swim_file is not null"+ " and bn.can_swim = 'Y'"+ " union all"+ " select count(*), null, null, sum(bn.amt), sum(bn.hold_amount), null, null, null, null, null"+ " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card_swim_bnk bn" + " where bn.swim_id = "+tbSwim.Text.Trim()+ " and bn.status = 'Y'"+ " and bn.islg is null"+ " and bn.swim_file is not null"+ " and bn.can_swim = 'Y'"+ " group by bn.swim_id "; frmView a = new frmView(); a.SQL = sql; a.ShowDialog(); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //View Match if (isNumber(tbSwim.Text.Trim())) { string sql = "", err = ""; sql = "select bn.record_seq, ''''||bn.arn as arn, ''''||bn.card_number as card_number, bn.account_number, bn.account_currency, bn.txnamt, bn.txn_currency, bn.billing_amt, bn.billing_currency," + " bn.txn_code, bn.merchant_name, bn.transaction_datetime, bn.autho_status, bn.acqid, bn.reversalyn, bn.autho_reference_number," + " bn.trace_audit_number, bn.terminal_id, bn.processing_date, bn.authorization_number " + " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card_bnk_detail bn" + " where bn.swim_id = " + tbSwim.Text.Trim() + " and bn.autho_status = 1"+ " and bn.status <> 'H'"+ " union all" + " select count(*), null, null, null, null, sum(bn.txnamt), null, sum(bn.billing_amt), null," + " null, null, null, null, null, null, null," + " null, null, null, null " + " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card_bnk_detail bn" + " where bn.swim_id = " + tbSwim.Text.Trim() + " and bn.autho_status = 1" + " and bn.status <> 'H'" + " group by bn.swim_id "; frmView a = new frmView(); a.SQL = sql; a.ShowDialog(); } }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //View release if (isNumber(tbSwimBatch.Text.Trim())) { string sql = "", err = ""; sql = "select aa.swim_id, aa.record_seq, ''''||aa.cardnbr as cardnbr, aa.acctnbr, aa.amt, aa.hold_amount, aa.hold_date, aa.txndesc" + " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card_swimrepeat_bnk aa" + " where aa.batch_id = " + tbSwimBatch.Text.Trim() + " and nvl(aa.islg,'N') ='N'" + " and aa.release_date is not null"+ " union all" + " select count(*), null, null, null, sum(amt), sum(hold_amount), null, null" + " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card_swimrepeat_bnk aa" + " where aa.batch_id = " + tbSwimBatch.Text.Trim() + " and nvl(aa.islg,'N') ='N'" + " and aa.release_date is not null" + " group by aa.batch_id"; frmView a = new frmView(); a.SQL = sql; a.ShowDialog(); } }