internal void deposit(Account a, decimal x, int method) { if (method == 1) { a.newActivity(new Activity(DateTime.Now, Type.DEPOSIT, x)); } }
internal void withdraw(Account a, decimal x) { var verification = new VerifyMoney(a, x); if (verification.Approval) { a.newActivity(new Activity(DateTime.Now, Type.WITHDRAWAL, x)); if (verification.Overdrawn) { var activity = new Activity(DateTime.Now, Type.FEE, bankResources.getOverdraftFee()); activity.Description = "Overdraft Fee"; a.newActivity(activity); //a.newRecord(new OverdraftRecord(a)); } } else { /* DECLINE */ a.newActivity(new Activity(DateTime.Now, Type.DECLINE, x)); } }
internal void transferFunds(Account from, Account to, decimal x) { from.newActivity(new Activity(DateTime.Now, Type.TRANSFER, x)); to.newActivity(new Activity(DateTime.Now, Type.TRANSFER_RECEIVE, x)); }
internal void creditAccount(Account a, decimal x) { a.newActivity(new Activity(DateTime.Now, Type.CREDIT, x)); }
internal void start() { List <string[]> lineCollection = new List <string[]>(); holderCollection = new List <Holder>(); string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*.txt"); /* Get file information from directory to array */ foreach (string file in filePaths) { string[] newFile = File.ReadAllLines(file); lineCollection.Add(newFile); } /* Get all customer information from each file */ foreach (string[] l in lineCollection) { Holder holder = new Holder(); holder.setID(long.Parse(l[0])); holder.setPersonDetails(l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4]); holder.setAddress(l[5], l[6], l[7], l[8], l[9]); for (int i = 11; i < l.Length; i++) { var acct_num = l[i]; string[] accountInfoFromFile = File.ReadAllLines(account_directory + acct_num + "acct_file.txt"); /* Get file and open */ if (int.Parse(accountInfoFromFile[1]) == 1) { account = new Checking(); } if (int.Parse(accountInfoFromFile[1]) == 2) { account = new Savings(); } if (int.Parse(accountInfoFromFile[0]) == 0) { account.closeAccount(true); } if (int.Parse(accountInfoFromFile[0]) == 1) { account.closeAccount(false); } account.setAccountNumber(long.Parse(accountInfoFromFile[2])); string[] openDate = accountInfoFromFile[3].Split(','); account.setOpenDate(new DateTime(int.Parse(openDate[0]), int.Parse(openDate[1]), int.Parse(openDate[2]))); for (int z = 6; z < accountInfoFromFile.Length; z++) { string[] activityLine = accountInfoFromFile[z].Split(','); var activity = new Activity(new DateTime(int.Parse(activityLine[0]), int.Parse(activityLine[1]), int.Parse(activityLine[2])), (Type)Enum.Parse(typeof(Type), activityLine[3].ToUpper()), decimal.Parse(activityLine[4])); activity.adjustActivity(Boolean.Parse(activityLine[5])); account.newActivity(activity); } account.addNewAccountHolder(holder); holder.addNewAccount(account); } holderCollection.Add(holder); } }