//Deletes specified Creditor public static void Delete(Creditors creditor) { using (var context = new bankEntities()) { var result = context.Creditors.Where(x => x.IBAN == creditor.IBAN && x.name == creditor.name).First(); context.Creditors.Remove(result); context.SaveChanges(); } }
//Changes the data of specified Creditor public static void Update(Creditors creditor) { using (var context = new bankEntities()) { var result = context.Creditors.Where(x => x.IBAN == creditor.IBAN && x.name == creditor.name).First(); result.lend = creditor.lend; result.endDate = creditor.endDate; result.interest = creditor.interest; context.SaveChanges(); } }
//Changes the data of specified Debtor public static void Update(Debtors debtor) { using (var context = new bankEntities()) { var result = context.Debtors.Where(x => x.IBAN == debtor.IBAN && x.name == debtor.name).First(); result.debt = debtor.debt; result.endDate = debtor.endDate; result.interest = debtor.interest; context.SaveChanges(); } }
//Checks if the username and password of the user escist in the database public static bool CheckAccount(string username, string password, ref string name, ref int id) { using (var context = new bankEntities()) { var users = from user in context.bankers select new { user.username, user.password }; Dictionary <string, string> Users = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var user in users) { Users.Add(user.username, user.password); } if (Users.ContainsKey(username)) { if (Users[username] == password) { var named = from user in context.bankers where (user.username == username) select new { user.name, user.id }; foreach (var a in named) { id = a.id; name = a.name; } return(true); } else { return(false); } } else { return(false); } } }
//Returns a dictionary with the name and id of the current banker user public static Dictionary <string, int> GetBankers() { Dictionary <string, int> bankers = new Dictionary <string, int>(); using (var context = new bankEntities()) { var users = from user in context.bankers select new { user.name, user.id }; foreach (var banker in users) { bankers.Add(banker.name, banker.id); } return(bankers); } }
//Creates new object from class Debtor and adding it to the database public static bool CreateDebtor(string IBAN, string name, double debt, DateTime end, double interest, int banker_id) { using (bankEntities a = new bankEntities()) { var all = from debtor in a.Debtors where (debtor.IBAN == IBAN) select new { debtor.Id }; if (all.Count() == 0) { a.Debtors.Add(new Debtors(IBAN, name, debt, end, interest, banker_id)); a.SaveChanges(); return(true); } else { return(false); } } }
//Returns list of the Creditors of the current banker user public static List <Creditors> GetCreditors(int id) { using (var context = new bankEntities()) { var a = from creditor in context.Creditors where (creditor.banker_id == id) select new { creditor.IBAN, creditor.name, creditor.lend, creditor.endDate, creditor.interest, creditor.guarantee, creditor.banker_id }; List <Creditors> creditors = new List <Creditors>(); foreach (var creditor in a) { creditors.Add(new Creditors(creditor.IBAN, creditor.name, creditor.lend, creditor.endDate, creditor.interest, creditor.banker_id)); } return(creditors); } }
//Returns list of the Dabtors of the current banker user public static List <Debtors> GetDebtors(int id) { using (var context = new bankEntities()) { var a = from debtor in context.Debtors where (debtor.banker_id == id) select new { debtor.IBAN, debtor.name, debtor.debt, debtor.endDate, debtor.interest, debtor.installment, debtor.banker_id }; List <Debtors> debtors = new List <Debtors>(); foreach (var debtor in a) { debtors.Add(new Debtors(debtor.IBAN, debtor.name, debtor.debt, debtor.endDate, debtor.interest, debtor.banker_id)); } return(debtors); } }