static void Main(string[] args) { //Initializing three primary class instances Client jack = new Client("Jack Vettriano", "Famed Painter", 300, "6716 Princess Gardens, KnightsBridge, London"); Savings_Account savings = new Savings_Account(123456, 500, "Savings Account", .005d); Checking_Account checking = new Checking_Account(11111111, 200000, "Checking Account"); //Functional menu created string openingCommand; string upperOpeningCommand; do { Console.WriteLine("\n1.View Client Information \n2.View Account Balance\n3.Deposit Funds \n4.Withdraw Funds \n5.Exit \n"); openingCommand = Console.ReadLine(); upperOpeningCommand = openingCommand.ToUpper(); //Console.Clear(); I feel that the console looks much "cleaner" after being cleared, but this interfered with the console format required for this assignment //Client Information if (upperOpeningCommand == "VIEW CLIENT INFORMATION") { Console.WriteLine(jack.ViewInfo()); } //View Account Balance else if (upperOpeningCommand == "VIEW ACCOUNT BALANCE") { Console.WriteLine("\n2 \na. Checking Account Balance \nb. Savings Account Balance\n"); string accountBalance = Console.ReadLine(); string upperAccountBalance = accountBalance.ToUpper(); if (upperAccountBalance == "CHECKING ACCOUNT BALANCE") { Console.WriteLine("Your balance is " + checking.GetAccountBalance()); } else if ((upperAccountBalance == "SAVINGS ACCOUNT BALANCE")) { Console.WriteLine("Your balance is " + savings.GetAccountBalance()); } } //Deposit Funds else if (upperOpeningCommand == "DEPOSIT FUNDS") { Console.WriteLine("\n2 \n\na. Savings Account \nb. Checking Account\n"); string depositChoice = Console.ReadLine(); string upperDepositChoice = depositChoice.ToUpper(); if (upperDepositChoice == "SAVINGS ACCOUNT") { savings.Deposit(); Console.WriteLine("The new balance for your savings account is: " + savings.GetAccountBalance()); } else if (upperDepositChoice == "CHECKING ACCOUNT") { checking.Deposit(); Console.WriteLine("The new balance for your checking account is: " + checking.GetAccountBalance()); } } //Withdraw Funds else if (upperOpeningCommand == "WITHDRAW FUNDS") { Console.WriteLine("\n2 \n\na. Savings Account \nb. Checking Account\n"); string withdrawChoice = Console.ReadLine(); string upperWithdrawChoice = withdrawChoice.ToUpper(); if (upperWithdrawChoice == "SAVINGS ACCOUNT") { savings.Withdraw(); Console.WriteLine("The new balance for your savings account is: " + savings.GetAccountBalance()); } else if (upperWithdrawChoice == "CHECKING ACCOUNT") { checking.Withdraw(); Console.WriteLine("The new balance for your checking account is: " + checking.GetAccountBalance()); } } //Exit Program & and invalid command text else { if (upperOpeningCommand == "EXIT") { savings.Exit(); Environment.Exit(0); } else { Console.WriteLine("Please type a valid command"); } } } while (upperOpeningCommand != "EXIT"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello! Welcome to BankWorld. \nWhat would you like to do?"); Savings_Account Savings = new Savings_Account(100, 1000000); Checking_Account Checking = new Checking_Account(100, 500000); Reserve_Account Reserve = new Reserve_Account(100, 100000); int selection = 0; while (selection != 7) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Name: Walter White"); Savings.ShowBalance(); Checking.ShowBalance(); Reserve.ShowBalance(); Console.WriteLine("\t"); Console.WriteLine("1. Deposit into savings \n2. Withdraw from savings \n3. Deposit into checking \n4. Withdraw from checking \n5. Deposit into reserve \n6. Withdraw from reserve. \n7. Leave BankWorld"); selection = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (selection == 1) { Console.WriteLine("How much?"); double depositAction = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Savings.DepositTrans(depositAction); } else if (selection == 2) { Console.WriteLine("How Much?"); double withdrawAction = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Savings.WithdrawTrans(withdrawAction); } else if (selection == 3) { Console.WriteLine("How Much?"); double depositAction = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Checking.DepositTrans(depositAction); } else if (selection == 4) { Console.WriteLine("How much?"); double withdrawAction = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Checking.WithdrawTrans(withdrawAction); } else if (selection == 5) { Console.WriteLine("How Much?"); double depositAction = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Reserve.DepositTrans(depositAction); } else if (selection == 6) { Console.WriteLine("How Much?"); double withdrawAction = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Reserve.WithdrawTrans(withdrawAction); } else if (selection == 7) { Console.WriteLine("Come again soon!"); Environment.Exit(0); } else { Console.WriteLine("Sorry...what? Select a correct action please. \"press enter\""); } if (Savings.Goal >= 100000) { Savings.GoalMessage(); } if (Savings.Minimum <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Your savings is empty!"); Console.ReadLine(); } if (Checking.Overdraft <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry. You overdrafted. I'm gonna have to fine ya."); Checking.WithdrawTrans(50); Console.ReadLine(); } if (Checking.Maximum >= 500000) { Console.WriteLine("What do you do for a living?"); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // login screen Console.WriteLine("Please login by providing your name to determine if you are a member \n of Whatever Bank:"); // instantiating the needed objects Client genericUser = new Client(); genericUser.UserName = Console.ReadLine(); Checking_Account checking1 = new Checking_Account(); Savings_Account savings1 = new Savings_Account(); //Generic Coroporate Bank Welcome Screen Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Whatever Bank!"); bool perpetualMenu = true; // variable necessary for program running until "exit" in do-while loop do { // User Menu Console.WriteLine("Please type in the number of your desired action below. \n"); Console.WriteLine("1. View Client Information"); Console.WriteLine("2. View Account Balance"); Console.WriteLine("3. Deposit Funds"); Console.WriteLine("4. Withdraw Funds"); Console.WriteLine("5. Exit"); int userChoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (userChoice == 5) { perpetualMenu = false; // to make do-while loop run } string accountChoice; // to store input from view account balance, deposit funds, and withdraw funds // View Client Info if (userChoice == 1) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(genericUser.UserName); genericUser.GetInfo(); } // View Account Balance else if (userChoice == 2) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please type in the letter of the account you would like to view:"); Console.WriteLine("a. Checking Account"); Console.WriteLine("b. Savings Account"); accountChoice = Console.ReadLine(); if (accountChoice == "a") { checking1.ViewAccountDetails(); } else if (accountChoice == "b") { savings1.ViewAccountDetails(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Please choose from a valid selection."); } } // Deposit Funds else if (userChoice == 3) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please type in the letter of the account you would like to make a deposit:"); Console.WriteLine("a. Checking Account"); Console.WriteLine("b. Savings Account"); accountChoice = Console.ReadLine(); if (accountChoice == "a") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please type in the amount you would like to deposit:"); checking1.DepositMoney(); } else if (accountChoice == "b") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please type in the amount your would like to deposit:"); savings1.DepositMoney(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Please choose from a valid selection."); } } // View Withdraw Funds else if (userChoice == 4) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please type in the letter of the account you would like to make a withdrawal:"); Console.WriteLine("a. Checking Account"); Console.WriteLine("b. Savings Account"); accountChoice = Console.ReadLine(); if (accountChoice == "a") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please type in the amount you would like to withdraw:"); checking1.WithdrawMoney(); } else if (accountChoice == "b") { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please type in the amount your would like to withdraw:"); savings1.WithdrawMoney(); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please choose from a valid selection."); } // Exit } else if (userChoice == 5) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Thank you for stopping by Whatever Bank!!!"); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please choose from a valid selection."); } }while (perpetualMenu == true); // ends do-while loop for program running until "exit" }